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we are willing to become any thing for the honor of his name. How far we have been successful in obtaining a part of what we have stated to be our views, the Lord alone is able to decide.If we look upon our own performance, we are forced to cry cut, "Lord be merciful to us unprofitable servants!" But whenever we contemplate what the Lord has done for us, in the course of twenty years, we have great reason to exult in his mercles, and to ascribe honor to his name. He has not only protected and preserved us, but increased and blessed us abundantly. Since the beginning of the revolution, now ten years ago, and still more since the beginning of the war, eight years ago, our Society as a body, and many individuals belonging to the same, came frequently into great distress and danger. Last year, but especially this


our centre, the town of Basil, has been threatened with destruction: however, hitherto the Lord has helped us; nor will he lay any burden on our shoulders, but what he will enable us to bear; therefore, praising him for the past, and trusting for the rest, we surrender ourselves wholly up to him. You, dear brethren, will join us in supplieting his compassion, as long as this time of trouble shall continue to affect us; nor at any time refuse us an interest in

your prayers. We now beg leave to submit to your inspection a list of the places where we have formed conections.

The main body of our Society resides in Switzerland and Germany, and, as has been mentioned, Basil constitutes our centre, whence a committee of seven

members, and a secretary, direct the whole concern. The secretary receives all the letters, accounts, and materials for our publications. Twice a month we meet, when the session always lasts three hours; during which extracts of letters are read, queries discussed, and all that refers in any wise to the welfare of our Society, or the accomplishment of our views, is settled. Every session is opened and concluded with prayer; and we can say in truth, that we never separate without having enjoyed a blessing for our hearts, or received a piece of information highly interesting for the kingdom of God. Occurrences of consequence often occasion an extraordinary meeting of the committee. Every member has his own department assigned to him; those among us that belong to the clergy, care for that part of our affairs which requires learning and Theological knowledge; whilst the rest, chiefly merchants, manage the external concerns. The secretary's business is to carry on the correspondence, and to prepare manuscripts for the press, or to forward our publications according to direction; but so that he constantly acts under the control of the members of the committee. Of these we beg leave to name one; namely, our venerable friend Henry Brenner, a person eighty years old, and who for upwards of forty years has consecrated his time and his property to the service of our adorable Lord; who keeps an open purse and house for all real children of God; and still continues to promote the interests of our Society, as well as the welfare of his fellow-creatures at

large, without relaxation. Be- | formed several provincial Sociesides the members of our com- ties, much on the same plan as mittee, there are in and about our central. One of the most Basil upwards of one hundred considerable, is at Stutgard, the associates and friends; and a- capital of the dukedom of Wurmong them eight ministers, ali temberg; upwards of fifty plaof whom can produce from their ces being connected with it. In congregations living proofs of general, it may be said, that their ministry; and who preach there is a great work of God in redemption, through the blood that country, where, ever since of Jesus. In and about Basil, the reformation of Luther, able as also in other cantons, there instruments have been raised up are also flourishing branches of by the Lord, to maintain the the church of Christ, that stand truth of the gospel; and to this in a blessed connection with very day, there are upwards of the United Brethren; and are 100 gospel-preachers scattered cared for by Brethren from the over that neighborhood: some larger congregations in Ger- of whom spread the truth, not merely in their own parishes, but influence the public at large, by the productions of their very able pens. In consequence of this happy constellation of faithful witnesses, there are yet many thousands in those parts who can put their seal to the truth, and actually confess that Jesus is the Lord, to the glory of God the Father. In some parishes there are little flocks of 100, 200, and 300 united souls, that meet with a view to encourage each other to proceed in the paths of peace and eternal glory; and much might be said on this head, if we durst indulge in what might seem prolixity.


To the central Society at Basil, are attached subordinate flocks and individuals at Bern, Zurich, Schaffhousen, St. Gall, Winterthur, Arau, Zofingen, Wiedlisbach, and other inferior places in Switzerland. We also are acquainted with a good man at Lucerne (a Romish canton) where, it seems, there remains a quiet but living seed of Christians, from the time when, in the beginning of the last century, the rage of Popish priests bro't a witness of the Lord to the stake. We are also connected with an excellent servant of Christ in the country of the Grisons, though we are sorry to have been deprived of late of the blessings to be derived from our fellowship with him, by the troubles of the war. So much we know, that for the last fifty years past, there has been a considerable number of truly evangelical souls in the Grisons; and a part of their ministers unite cordially with the annual Ministers' Conference at Herrnbut.

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D. Urlsperger, formerly of Ausburg, now of Oettingen, whom twenty years ago the Lord called to be a peculiar instrument in his hands, and who is to be considered as the founder of our Society, for the good of which, he undertook éven a journey to London, is still alive, and blessedly employed in the work of the Lord. On his journey, to London, he formed in your metropolis a In Germany there Lave been Society headed by the Rev.

Mr. Lampert, minister of the German chapel at the Savoy; which, however, by the early death of the latter, seems to have lost its consistency.

Another Society, less numerous, but remarkable on account of its several excellent members, is at Nurenberg: this is the source of several subordinate flocks in Franconia. Amongst its constituents are two men so richly endowed with gracious gifts, that we cannot be sufficiently grateful for such a present from the hand of the Lord. One of them assists us with most valuable manuscripts, full of scriptural knowledge, and enriched by the results of an uncommon experience; every word, as it were, breathing power and love. Being by trade a merchant, he travels twice a year into the Austrian provinces, as far as Transylvania, and never returns without having scattered his presents all over the country through which he passes schools and churches, as well as individuals, partake of his bounty. He makes it his business to distribute godly books; and will enter the meanest hut, on the road, to speak the word of salvation to great and small. Though happy in this course of well-doing, he wishes for more ample means to extend his usefulness still farther.

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poser of the Antichristian spirit, being of their number.

A fourth Society rose gradually in Saxony, where Luther's reformation began, which poured so great a light over the world. Dresden is the focus of our connections there. In that country there is still a great number of people of all ranks, from the minister in the cabinet down to the day-labourer, who are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but think it their duty to profess him in word, and walk before a wicked generation.

A fifth connection we have at Elberfeld and Dusseldorf. At the latter place there is a company of young mechanics, that have agreed to put by every week a trifle of their savings, with a view to assist in supporting the glorious Missionary


A sixth Society centres at Osnabruck.

A seventh at Wernigerode, which for a long time has been favored particularly, with being governed by an illustrious and truly pious family; in consequence of which, much good is to be met with among all classes of people in that little county.

In the Prussian dominions, where light and darkness are stronger contrasted than any where else in Germany, we have six provincial Societies, viz.

A third provincial Society ex- 1st, At Berlin, where the ists at Frankfort on the Main, in number of real children of God, connection with Wetzlar, Gies- among different denominations, sen, Krentznach, Marburg, &c. amounts to one thousand at Several ministers, known as au- least. 2d, At Breslau, in Silethors, are among the associates: sia. 3d, At Prenslau, in Pomone of the most celebrated wri-erania; where the Spirit of the ters of the day, Professor Yung, Lord has imparted to a common of Marburg, a bold confessor of taylor great gifts for the edificaJesus, and the most popular op- tion of many. 4th, At Biele


We only mention the central places; to which it is to be understood many more belong.


feld, in the county of Ravens- bersdof, in Upper Lusatia, writes berg. 5th, At Leer, in East in a letter of March 16, 1798, as Friesland, where a respectable follows:-" From a principle of number of gospel ministers have charity and compassion, I have joined us. made it my study, for these several years, to trace the good to be met with in the Roman Catholic Church, which I am Since Joseph II. (of immortal the better enabled to do, as I memory) gave more religious border upon Bohemia. Is it liberty to the Protestants in the possible that so respectable a Austrian dominions (till then society of men, redeemed by greatly oppressed) several hund- and baptized into Jesus' death, red Protestant Congregations should be quite void of light, have been settled throughout grace, and experience of the Austria, Carinthia, Styria, Hun- love of Christ? God forbid ! gary, and Transylvania; and Though their distinguishing those that existed previously, doctrines, resting merely on the have been greatly increased. authority of Councils, running Through the good providence of contrary to holy writ, admit of God, many truly converted men no coalition of churches, yet I from our parts, some ministers, find individuals extremely susothers people of the lowest rank, ceptible of the teaching of the but full of the Holy Spirit, have Holy Spirit. There are amongst been sent to those places, but them bishops and priests of clear chiefly to Inner Austria; by discernment in gospel matters; the labours of whom a fire of there are laymen, especially in faith and love has been kindled, the lower ranks of society, which continues to blaze unpar- whose thoughts hinge chiefly alleled to this day. To these upon Jesus Christ and his atonecongregations the Lord has ment. They have prayers and chiefly directed our attention; hymns, that one cannot possibly and partly by means of our above read without feeling a tender mentioned brother in the mer- love to our Saviour kindling in cantile line, we have been ena- our breast. Their expressions bled to furnish them with mon- betray frequently a heart absorey and books, such as Hymn-bed in the love of Christ, and books, Bibles, New Testaments: baptized into one spirit with him. thousands of which, together | His blood-bought grace is conwith our own publications, have been sent thither. Concerning Hungary and Transylvania, we are enabled to boast of several worthy friends among the Protestant ministers there; and, no doubt, much more good is there to be found than we can possi-holy water. Ever since they bly be aware of at such a distance. In Bohemia we have no acquaintance; but our friend, the Rev. Mr. Heinrich, of Rei

sidered by them as being of infinite more value than the celebration of Mass; sinners' tears better than oral confession; and the humble appropriation of his death, beyond comparison, superior to the sprinkling with

have been permitted, and in certain instances encouraged, to read the Bible, which some of their own ministers have desired

them to do, a more reasonable worship is gaining the upperhand with them; and their belief is less surcharged with superstition. The zeal, respect, and devotion displayed in their places of worship, suggest a charitable hope, that our Saviour has a greater portion in their affections than at the first thought we are willing to admit. This is confirmed by those biographies, appearing from time to time, of Roman Catholics converted, and joining Protestant communities. Why are we to suppose that these instances of grace, operating on their minds, stand quite single? If my ideas on this subject are mistaken, they are at least charitable and harmless."-Thus far this interesting letter, the tenor of which agrees perfectly with the observations of several of our friends in Roman Catholic countries.

We shall add a few words concerning those little branches of our Society that are in France, Denmark, Prussia properly so called, and Sweden,

Strasburg, in Alsace, is the only place in France where we have a few brethren and friends. Among them stands foremost a merchant, whom God has blessed with the goods of this world, which he liberally spends in the cause of God, by printing, distributing, and circulating tracts of a good tendency, from which he has the happiness to learn many awakenings have taken their origin: and the seed thus falling into a good ground, has been productive, in many instances, of excellent fruits. Though at present aged, and at the verge of eternity, yet he will rather deny himself many a

comfort, than forego the pleasure of benefiting his fellow-men. We cannot express what a hearty share this good man, who is our crown and our joy, has taken in your Missionary attempts. If God spares his life a few years longer, then he may be a most convenient medium to disperse religious tracts over


At any rate, his reward will be great beyond the grave. Of our old friend Duvernoi, late superintendant of Montbeillard, we have spoken on another occasion.

In Holland, we have a little flock at Amsterdam, few in number, but abundant in child-like grace; they have lately got acquainted with the Missionary Society at Rotterdam: a connection from which we predict great blessings to arise.

In Denmark, we have brethren at Altona and Flensburg, by whose means we are favoured with valuable accounts from other parts of the Danish dominions. Although the leaven of false philosophy continus to work, yet there are still worthies ready to oppose its progress, not only by word, but, which often proves more efficacious, by their walk and conversation also. Among these we reckon the Right Rev. Bishop Ball, at Copenhagen, whom a Society, consisting of many thousand members throughout Denmark, has honored with a medal coined in his name.

The same Society, in a printed address to the Danish Clergy use very energetic language, by way of reproving the more and more prevailing custom of wrest ing the true sense of the word of God into Socinian errors, and denying the Lord who bought us In a letter, they mention tha

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