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responsive to the interests of the people both in par-
ticular localities and throughout the United States;

(2) that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
was established pursuant to the Public Broadcasting
Act of 1967 (Public Law 90-129) under the District
of Columbia Nonprofit Corporation Act in order to fa-
cilitate the development of educational radio and tele-
vision broadcasting and to afford maximum protection

to such broadcasting from extraneous interference and

(3) that the achievement of the goals of the Public
Broadcasting Act of 1967 will require significant finan-
cial support from local, State, and Federal Governments
as well as from the private sector; and

(4) that financial support from the Federal Gov-
ernment should be made available in such manner as
will avoid extraneous interference and control of the
broadcasting, and programing functions of public broad-
casting, stimulate greater support from other sources
and enable the establishment of financial stability while
insuring that the Congress will fulfill its responsibility

to supervise the proper utilization of Federal funds.

SEC. 3. (a) Section 396 (k) of the Communications

24 Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 396 (k)) is amended to read as
25 follows:



“(k) (1) (A) There is authorized to be appropriated

2 to the Public Broadcasting Fund (established by paragraph 3 (3)) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1973, and for 4 each fiscal year thereafter, an amount equal to twice the 5 amount by which non-Federal public broadcasting support 6 for the second fiscal year preceding such fiscal year exceeds 7 $50,000,000; except that the amount so appropriated may 8 not exceed $60,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 9 1973, $80,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, 10 $100,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, 11 $120,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, and 12 $140,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1977. "(B) The amount of non-Federal public broadcasting 14 support for a fiscal year shall be certified by the Corpora15 tion to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 16 within one hundred and eighty days after the close of such 17 fiscal year. The Comptroller General may audit the pro18 cedures used to determine the amount of such support.


19 "(2) For purposes of this subsection

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"(A) Non-Federal public broadcasting support for

a fiscal year is the aggregate amount of—

"(i) donations, gifts, and contributions of money or other property received during such fiscal

year by public broadcasting recipients from any

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persons other than States, political subdivisions thereof, or educational institutions, and

"(ii) money or other property received by public broadcasting recipients from States and political subdivisions thereof and educational institu

tions (except in connection with the sale of property, or rendition of services, which are not related to the provision of educational television programs), in determining the amount of non-Federal public broadcasting support, any money or property received by a public broadcasting recipient from the United States or from another public broadcasting recipient shall be excluded, and any property received shall be valued at fair market value.

"(B) The term 'public broadcasting recipient'


"(i) the Corporation,

"(ii) a noncommercial educational broadcast station, or

"(iii) any person (including an agency of a State or a political subdivision thereof) the princi

pal activity of which is providing programs or services to noncommercial educational stations and which

is exempt from Federal income taxation by reason





of section 501 (c) (3) or is an agency of a State or

political subdivision thereof.

"(3) (A) There is created on the books of the Treasury

4 of the United States a special fund to be known as the Public 5 Broadcasting Fund. The Public Broadcasting Fund shall

6 consist of such amounts as may be appropriated to such fund

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7 in accordance with paragraph (1) or otherwise deposited

8 in such fund in accordance with law.


"(B) All moneys received into the Public Broadcast10 ing Fund shall be paid to the Corporation at the commence11 ment of each fiscal year to be used solely for the expenses 12 of the Corporation and shall be available therefor until 13 expended.


"(C) The Secretary of the Treasury shall report to the 15 Congress not later than the 31st day of December of each 16 year on the income, disbursements, and status of the Public 17 Broadcasting Fund during the preceding fiscal year."

18 (b) The amendments made by subsection (a) of this 19 section shall apply with respect to fiscal years ending after 20 June 30, 1972.


H. R. 12808


FEBRUARY 1, 1972

Mr. BROWN of Ohio introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce


To amend the Communications Act of 1934 by authorizing general support grants to defray the ordinary operating costs of noncommercial educational radio and television broadcast stations and by establishing the long-range financing of public broadcast programing through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in a manner consistent with the original intent of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That this Act may be cited as the "Public Broadcasting Act

4 of 1972".

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