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will take all the rest of the water out at Bridge Canyon dam and use it in Arizona instead of allowing it to run down extensibly for California, but in reality to be used in Mexico.

The CHAIRMAN. Begging your pardon, I just want to ask one thing

Senator SHORTRIDGE. I have just one further question I understand your figures to show that the United States, including these various points named, would use-need to use-some 6,000,000–

Mr. MAXWELL (interposing). Six million acre-feet; yes, sir; as provided in the Fall-Davis report, plus the additional supply of 1,000,000 acre-feet for Los Angeles.

Senator SHORTRIDGE. Six million acre-feet, and that the dam at Boulder Canyon would develop and permit to run, so to speak, to waste, about 10,000,000.

Mr. MAXWELL. According to the figures in Senate Document 142, and according to the figures on page 192 of Water Supply Paper 395, there would still remain 10,000,000 acre-feet, averaged annually over twenty years, to go to Mexico.

Senator SHORTRIDGE. Yes.

Mr. MAXWELL. According to the figures of Mr. La Rue, in his latest report, on a diagram opposite page 40, it would be 8,000,000 acre-feet, because he reduces the total flow from 16,000,000 to 14,000,000 acre-feet but that is at Glen Canyon and the 16,000,000 is at the Laguna dam.

Senator ODDIE. You spoke of faith and guesswork in some of the figures that have been given here. Have you found any faith and guesswork in Mr. La Rue's report?

Mr. MAXWELL. No; I was not speaking of Mr. La Rue's report. Senator ODDIE. But have you found any "faith and guesswork" in Mr. La Rue's report?

Mr. MAXWELL. No, sir; I have not, and I regard Mr. La Rue's report as one of the most accurate and complete reports we have on the Colorado River up to the present time.

Senator ODDIE. I think it has been shown to the committee by Mr. La Rue himself and by others, that there is considerable "faith and guesswork" in his report.

Senator SHORTRIDGE. Faith will move mountains.

Mr. MAXWELL. Let me make that clear. Mr. La Rue proposes dams and asks that an investigation as to bedrock be made to determine whether or not those dams are practical. I do not call that faith or guesswork, but when I stood here last December and said we are going to take this water out at Spencer Canyon "Senator ASHURST (interposing). Bridge Canyon.


Mr. MAXWELL (continuing). We did not know much about Bridge Canyon at that time. The references in my brief filed before the Federal Power Commission are all to Spencer Canyon. It constantly refers to Spencer Canyon-it should have been Bridge Canyon, because Bridge Canyon is only 91⁄2 miles up the river, and the bed of the river at Bridge Canyon is 100 feet higher than at Spencer Canyon.

Senator PITTMAN. Have you any other plan to keep this water away from Mexico except the one you have mentioned?

Mr. MAXWELL. There is no other plan; no other plan can be devised.

Senator PITTMAN. If this is a nonfeasible, undesirable, objectionable or impracticable plan, there is no other?

Mr. MAXWELL. I deny that by any human possibility it can be impracticable or any of the other adjectives you have applied. Senator PITTMAN. I just wanted to know if you had any other


Mr. MAXWELL. There is no other method.

Senator SHORTRIDGE. I do not want you to think, and I say this from my long acquaintance and my great respect for you, and please do not think I have indulged in levity or tried to make merry over a serious problem. My first duty is to California, but I am not overlooking the rights of other States. If it is thought, finally, that by the development of the river, we can develop and insure all of the water needed by each and all of the States, as of the present, or looking far into the future, then, of course, as Christian men, we are not to be concerned or disturbed if other people can make use of the


Mr. MAXWELL. That depends a good deal Senator

Senator SHORTRIDGE. Well, as for me believing simply

Mr. MAXWELL (continuing). That is just it

Senator SHORTRIDGE (continuing). Well, I just want to be understood

Mr. MAXWELL. I thought you were through.

Senator SHORTRIDGE. I generally and ultimately make myself understood.

Mr. MAXWELL. I try to.

Senator SHORTRIDGE. I say that if by a proper and wise' and economic development of the river we can make, we can satisfy all the present and future demands of our own countrymen, we are not going to try and deprive any other people of some of the gift of God in the form of the waters of the earth.

Mr. MAXWELL. But when we can reclaim land in the United States at a total cost of less than $100 an acre, for the cost of all dams and main line canal and charge nothing against the land, or pay the entire cost of the works with the power development

Senator SHORTRIDGE. Certainly.

Mr. MAXWELL. We are not going to allow water to go to Mexican land which inevitably will be used to reclaim land that will be sold to Asiatic colonists.

Senator SHORTRIDGE. That is another proposition. I am opposed to that, and we are all opposed to that.

Mr. MAXWELL. You are providing for them by giving them the


Senator SHORTRIDGE. That opens up a great field for intelligent and civilized men to consider.

Mr. MAXWELL. Well, if the Boulder Canyon Dam is built, and 6,000,000 acre-feet is used in the United States, then 10,000,000 acrefeet of water is coming down the river annually to go into Mexico

Senator SHORTRIDGE (interposing). I do not want to limit this now to any particular plan or scheme, but in view of some things that have been said it occurs to me to be proper to put this question, that if by a proper and wise use of the waters in that river we can 72578-26-PT 6-16

satisfy all the people of our own country now living and in the long stretch of centuries to come, we certainly should not try to deprive any other people of the use of that God-given gift.

Mr. MAXWELL. Yes, but Senator, you must keep in mind that the Colorado River is an American and not a Mexican River and here is a perfectly practicable plan proposed for irrigating 3,000,000 acres of land in Arizona. If that plan is not carried out, 300,000 acres is all that the State of Arizona can get irrigated out of the river——

Senator SHORTRIDGE. My question is so broad I would include the irrigating of every foot of land in Arizona.

Mr. MAXWELL. Then there is no water left for Mexico.

Senator SHORTRIDGE. In Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, California, my own dear State-I say if we could arrange all that, you will not stand against some other people using what we do not need?

Mr. MAXWELL. But we can not arrange for that, Senator, unless we do not take the water in the United States. If we take the water in our own country there is not water enough for Mexico.

The CHAIRMAN. Have you finished your statement?

Mr. MAXWELL. Yes. I would like to ask that this map, which I have referred to in my statement to-day, be inserted in the record, Mr. Chairman. It is entitled "Arizona High Line Canal-flood control, reclamation power, State of Arizona."

The CHAIRMAN. Very well, that may be included.

Mr. MAXWELL. Also opposite page 63 of the Senate Document No. 142, Sixty-seventh Congress, second session, there is a map showing the irrigable areas in the United States and the irrigable areas in Mexico, of which the Public Printer undoubtedly has the plate, and I respectfully request that that be put in the record here. The irrigable areas shown on this map in Mexico could be irrigated in no other way than from the Colorado River.

The CHAIRMAN. The secretary of the committee will make a note of that, and we will endeavor to have it inserted.

Mr. MAXWELL. I will also ask to insert, as part of my testimony an estimate of cost on the Glen Canyon dam, the Bridge Canyon dam, and the other works necessary to utilize the water in Arizona.

The CHAIRMAN. By whom? Who makes up the estimate?

Mr. MAXWELL. Mr. George W. Sturtevant, the engineer who made the Arizona State Survey referred to in my brief before the Federal Power Commission as the Sturtevant-Stam Survey. The report on that survey is on pages 171 to 177 of the volume entitled, "Information presented to the Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation, House of Representatives, sixth-eighth Congress, first Session, in connection with H. R. 2903, by Mr. Swing."

The CHAIRMAN (interposing). Does he appear in the record; is there anything in the record from him?

Mr. MAXWELL. No; this is entirely new.

The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman, the author of this report, is he an engineer of note?

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