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Section 2. Zoning Proposals and Timing of Zoning Changes


The zoning districts to be established within the project area shall be those which:

(1) Most nearly correspond to land uses established by the Urban Renewal Plan.

(2) Provide, as nearly as is possible, zoning regulations corresponding to the regulations, controls, or restrictions established in the Plan in connection with project-acquired property.

(3) Provide adequate protection to the project area.

The boundaries of proposed zoning districts shall be delineated in the form in which they will be considered for official adoption. All proposals shall be acceptable to the local planning agency.


Zoning changes shall be timed to:

(1) Facilitate sound execution of the project.

(2) Avoid piecemeal rezoning.

(3) Avoid increases in the value of land to be acquired.

Clearance Projects

When the urban renewal treatment proposed for a project area is entirely or primarily clearance, with less than 15 percent of the net project area designated for conservation, zoning changes shall be scheduled for adoption as soon as practicable after acquisition of the property involved, and prior to the time that project-acquired property is turned over to a redeveloper under a sales or lease contract.

Conservation or Reconditioning Projects

When the urban renewal treatment proposed for a project area is entirely or primarily conservation or reconditioning, with only incidental clearance, zoning changes shall be scheduled for adoption as soon as practicable after execution of the Contract for Loan and Grant, and prior to completion of the property surveys which identify deficiencies requiring correction.

Combination Projects

When the urban renewal treatment proposed for a project area includes substantial amounts of both clearance and conservation, zoning changes shall be scheduled on the basis of factors affecting the particular project, and the probable effects of zoning changes on land acquisition and local attitudes.

When clearance and conservation areas are clearly defined, it may be desirable to schedule zoning changes in two phases. The first phase would schedule early rezoning in the conservation areas to demonstrate the locality's firm intent to follow through and support the conservation activity. The second phase would schedule rezoning in the clearance areas after acquisition of the property involved.


Zoning outside the project area shall be adequate for the protection of the project area and the neighborhood or district of which it is a part.


Section 1. Introduction

The Urban Renewal Plan must meet the requirements of Federal, State, and local law. Whenever the requirements of State or local law conflict with the requirements set forth in this Chapter, the LPA shall so advise the HHFA Regional Office.

Under Section 105 (a) of Title I, the Urban Renewal Plan must be approved by the governing body of the locality, with findings that: (1) The Federal financial aid to be provided is necessary to carry out the project in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan. (2) The Urban Renewal Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the renewal of the urban renewal area by private enterprise.

(3) The Urban Renewal Plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole.

(4) The Urban Renewal Plan gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan.

Under Section 106 (g) of Title I, an Urban Renewal Plan approved by the governing body of the locality on or after September 23, 1959, which permits new construction of hotels or other housing for transient use in the redevelopment of project land, will not be approved by HHFA unless the governing body of the locality has determined, as a result of a competent independent analysis of the local supply of transient housing, that there exists in the area a need for additional units of such housing (see Sections 10-4-3 and 14-2-2).

This requirement applies in any case where the Urban Renewal Plan ca be construed to permit new construction of transient housing accommodations on any land that may be made available by the project for redevelopment.


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Section 2. Outline and Preparation of Urban Renewal Plan

The Urban Renewal Plan must be clearly identifiable as a separate and complete document.

The following chart outlines HHFA requirements for the content and preparation of the Urban Renewal Plan. The first column lists all the elements which must be included in the Plan. If the LPA is required to include any other items for compliance with State or local law or for other reasons, it may do so, but the order of the items listed should not be changed. The second column lists the type of information required in the preparation of each element of the Plan.

The Outline of Plan shown in the first column of the chart represents the minimum content of the Plan as determined by HHFA within the discretionary authority given in Section 110(b) (2) of Title I.

The Plan must be complete in all respects. It is advisable that the Plan be developed in no greater extent or detail than is necessary to meet the requirements set forth in the chart and the requirements of State and local law. All maps which are a part of the Plan, except the boundary map (B1), may be diagrammatic only. Illustrative site plans prepared during project planning may be made a part of the Plan when they are either (1) required by State or local law, or (2) an essential part of design controls or objectives included in the Plan. In either case, their applicability with respect to the Plan shall be clearly stated. The Plan shall not contain any provisions restricting the occupancy or use of any part of the project area on the basis of race, color, creed, or national origin.

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