Quorum to siness. and style of the Holly Springs Library and Debating Society, and by that name they and their successors may hold, purchase, or receive, by donation, subscription, legacy, or otherwise, any estate, real, personal, or mixed, to the amount of ten thousand dollars, and may sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of the same for the use and benefit of said society; and by the said name they and their successors, in their corporate capacity, shall be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all actions, suits, plaints, or matters whatsoever, either in law or equity, and do all other acts and things which are incident to bodies corporate and politic, not repugnant to the constitution and laws of this, or of the United States. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That a majority of the above named persons and their associates shall constitute a quorum to transbu act business, and upon the first meeting of such majority they shall proceed to elect from their number a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer, whose duties and term of office shall be prescribed, as may be determined upon by a majority of the members of said society: and a majority of said members shall have power to make all necessary by-laws for the government and management of the affairs of said society. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, January 25th, 1841. INDEX. AGRICULTURE, act for the encouragement of, 147-152 AMITE COUNTY, William Dale Lodge incorpo- rated, act to secure the collection of monies for the benefit of ed- APPROPRIATIONS, act in relation to, ARCHITECT, salary of, to draw a plan of State Seminary, ASSESSORS, duty of, - See Revenue. 238 192 266 96-105 110 113 53 to prepare assessment roll, 53 to value property of non-residents, 54 to complete assessment roll by first of July, to make three copies of assessment roll, - 55 to certify to successor, to receive five per cent. for services, 56 to be fined and imprisoned for violation of duty, 56 to take oath and give bond, 57 to submit assessment roll to board of police for correction, 58 to assess bank stock, - 70 to demand immediate payment of auctioneer, or other ven- to keep names of persons in a book, AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, act con- cerning, - to be governed by assessment roll corrected by board of to make out list of insolvencies and transmit to colectors, to bring action against defaulting tax collectors, - to furnish governor with a list of defaulting tax collectors, to transmit assessment rolls, to countersign certificate of acknowledgment, to preserve certificates when cancelled, to cancel warrants, to issue certificate to holder of warrant, to furnish governor with an account of warrants redeemed, 58 61 64 67 73 75 76 76 76 76 76 authorized to cancel sales of lots in town of Jackson, 284 BANK STOCK, to be taxed, - 52 stock how to be assessed, 55 cashiers of, to state to assessors amount of stock paid in, 70 71 BOARDS OF POLICE, to keep a book of maps of townships, 55 to correct assessment rolls, 57 clerk of, to make out triplicate copies of assessment roll, - 58 act to authorize depreciated bank paper to be sold at auc- tion by 122 board of police of Lowndes county, 200-201 act to change the time of sessions of in Carrol county, 257 BOWIE KNIVES, to be taxed, 52 BRIDGES, an act to protect public bridges from in- jury, 125-126 BROKERS, act in relation to, 117 must procure license, 117 BROOKS, OLIVER C. act for relief of, 213-214 BRYANT JOSEPH, authorized to build a toll bridge, 194-196 BUCKNER, R. H. resolution in relation, 160 BUCKNER, JANE name changed, 201-202 to grant writs of injunction ne exeat. &c. 123 cation, act authorizing certain powers to be exercised by in va- may appoint receivers, when not dissolve injunction, may hold court for nine weeks, may restore property to owner, 134 135 135 135 136 136 award of damages by to be five per cent., 137 CHANCERY, COURT OF,-Duty of Clerk, 83 penalty of clerk for neglect of duty, clerk to make out final record, 85 costs to be paid into county treasury, 86 decree to operate as a lien, 93 bill in to be filed to quiet land titles, legal titles to be divested by filing bill in, 122 sale under decree in, may be for cash or upon credit, 124 judges of to grant writs of injunction, ne exeat, &c., 123 sale under decree in may be for cash, 124 judges of to grant injunctions, 137 CLOCKS, to be taxed, - 53 CLAIBORNE COUNTY, act incorporating the town of Port Gibson repealed, CONVEYANCES, act to amend act in relation to COLUMBUS FIRE COMPANY incorporated, incorporated in, COPIAH COUNTY, act in relation to school section, school lands in COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, (See public buildings,) COMMERCIAL BANK OF NATCHEZ, act in re- 265 132 132 133-134 246-247 248 260 280 110 lation to, 242-243 COMMERCIAL AND RAIL ROAD BANK OF 207-209 COMMERCE, HERNANDO AND EASTPORT DEBTORS, property of, exempt from sale, - 113 may hold 160 acres, including dwelling, 113 - 114 town property exempt, town property may be divided, act to prevent unnecessary charges against, criminal to tear down advertisement, publication may be made at request of defendant, |