The county of De Soto two Representa tives. : The county of Franklin one Representa tive. The county of Greene one Representative. The county of Hancock one Representative. The county of Hinds four Representatives. The county of Holmes two Representatives. The county of Itawamba three Representa tives. The county of Jackson one Representative. The county of Jasper one Representative. The county of Jefferson one Representative. The county of Jones one Representative. The county of Kemper two Representa tives. The county of Lafayette two Representatives. The county of Lauderdale two Representatives. The county of Lawrence two Representatives. The county of Leake one Representative. The county of Lowndes three Representa tives. - The county of Madison two Representatives. The county of Marion one Representative. The county of Marshall four Representa tives. The county of Monroe two Representatives. The county of Neshoba one Representative. The county of Newton one Representative. The county of Noxubee two Representa tives. The county of Octibbeha one Representative... The county of Perry one Representative. The county of Pike two Representatives. The county of Ponola one Representative. The county of Pontotoc two Representa tives. The county of Rankin two Representatives. The county of Scott one Representative. The county of Simpson one Representative. The county of Smith one Representative. The county of Tallahatchie one Representa tive. The county of Tippah four Representatives. The county of Tishemingo three Represen tatives. The county of Tunica one Representative. The county of Warren one Representative. The county of Washington one Representative. The city of Vicksburgh one Representative. The county of Warren and the city of Vicksburg together one Representative. The county of Wilkinson two Representatives. The county of Winston two Representatives. The county of Wayne one Representative. The county of Yallabusha three Representa tives. The county of Yazoo two Representatives. : The counties of Lawrence and Marion one The counties of Rankin and Simson one The counties of Jasper, Newton, De Soto and Smith one Senator. The counties of Perry, Green, Jackson, Harrison and Hancock one Senator. The counties of Covington, Jones, Wayne and Clark one Senator. The county of Copiah one Senator. The counties of Leake, Attala and Neshoba one Senator, The counties of Kemper and Lauderdale one Senator. The counties of Noxubee and Winston one The counties of Octibbeha and Chickasaw one Senator. The county of Lowndes one Senator. Senator. The county of Tishemingo one Senator. The county of Marshall one Senator. The county of Yallobusha one Senator. Senator. The county of Hinds one Senator. The county of Warren one Senator. The counties of Ponola and Tallahatchie one Senator. The county of Lafayette one Senator. Senator. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts coming within the meaning and purview of this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 6th, 1841. CHAPTER 13. AN ACT concerning Attornies at Law, and their paying over money. pay over SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That if any penalty for attorney or counsellor at law, within this state, failure to shall fail or neglect to pay over to the plaintiff, money or his lawful agent, any money collected by him, whenever the same is demanded, such attorney or counsellor at law shall, in addition to the penalty now prescribed by law, upon a conviction thereof, be fined and imprisoned, at the discretion of the court, and be stricken from the rolls, and thereafter not permitted to practice law in this state. Approved, February 5th, 1841. Keeper to give bond and take oath, security in the sum of one thousand dollars faithfully to discharge the duties of said office, and shall, moreover, take and subscribe an oath before some one authorized to administer the same, that he will faithfully discharge the duties of said office. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That imKeeper to mediately at the close of this and each sestake charge sion of the legislature, it shall be the duty of ary, etc. of the keeper of the Capitol to take charge of all the stationary belonging to the state; and it shall be his further duty to receive and take charge of all stationary and other articles purchased by the auditor of public accounts for the use of the legislature, and shall receipt and be held accountable for the same. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the Attorney attorney general be, and he is hereby authoemploy as- rized to employ assistant counsel in all ca general to sistant counsel. salary $750 ses where the state may be a party and in his opinion the interest of the state shall require; except in such cases as are otherwise provided for by law. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That the Keeper's keeper of the Capitol shall receive for his per annum. services the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum to be paid quarterly, out of the treasury, on the warrants of the auditor of public accounts. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That in case of death, resignation, or removal from office of said keeper, it shall be the duty of the state treasurer to appoint a keeper, to fill the vacancy thus occurring. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the architect to make a |