and 2,201 in 1964. In addition, funds are provided for general research support grants, and clinical research centers. (b) Fellowships.-Approximately 484 awards will be supported in 1966 as compared to 486 in 1965, and 459 in 1964. (c) Training. Funds for 1966 will provide assistance to 107 schools of medicine, osteopathy, and public health for support of undergraduate training. Funds will also provide for 247 grants for graduate research and clinica training including 1,131 traineeships. Comparable schools grants, and traineeships were 106, 257, and 1,178 in 1968 and 104, 248, and 1,137 in 1964. 2. Direct operations (a) Research.-Laboratory and clinical research is conducted to aid in the understanding of the cardiovascular system and its diseases, with em phasis in therapeutic agents, diagnostic instrumentation surgery, and clinical medicine. (b) Collaborative studies. This activity conducts and supports epidemiological, geographical pathology, biometrics research, and clinical trial studies to seek knowl edge of the causes and prevention of cardiovascular dis ease. Causal factors are sought both by intensive study of "natural experiments" in population groups and by experimental modification of suspected factors by dietary drug, or other measures. (c) Training activities.-Inservice training is provided for positions requiring unique combinations of cardiovascular training and experience. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) Identification code "Foreign quarantine activities". -98 09-20-0372-0-1-651 "Indian health activities". -737 "Salaries and expenses, Office of the Surgeon General". "Salaries and expenses, Office of the 11.1 Permanent positions... Surgeon General" (42 U.S.C. 226)__ 11.3 -15 "National Institute of Child Health and Human Development" (77 Stat. 237) 11.5 Positions other than permanent....... 23 Other personnel compensation.. 39 21.0 Travel and transportation of persons.. 253 282 311 7 23.0 Rent, communications, and utilities. 10 24.0 Printing and reproduction.. 21 275 25.1 Other services... 1,018 1,082 60 "National Cancer Institute". 72 Project contracts.. 830 621 1,50 25.3 Payment to "National Institutes of Health management fund”. 26.0 Supplies and materials.... 943 1,140 1,32 31.0 Equipment......... 634 310 40 41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions.... 101,048 108,303 113,45 131,612 117,551 125,455 131,612 57,279 42,724 58,969 -42,724-58,969-71,691 -24 -24 -3,076 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $634 thousand; 1965, $310 thousand; 1966, $404 thousand. 2 Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid, undelivered orders, 1963. $129 thousand (1964 adjustments, -$34 thousand); 1964. $1.490 thousand; 1965, $1,490 thousand; 1966, $1,490 thousand. 1. Grants-(a) Research.-Approximately 2,054 grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 2,061 in 1965, 76 730 735 3 25 35 74 706 733 7. 7.3 7.1 $7,484 in 1965 and 372 grants in 1964. In addition, funds are provided for general research support grants. (b) Fellowships.-Approximately 134 fellowships will be supported in 1966 as compared to 124 in 1965 and 135 in 1964. (c) Training. It is estimated that 101 grants will be awarded in 1966 to schools to train 500 individuals for academic teaching and research careers in the various fields of dental science, as compared to 90 grants for 460 individuals in 1965 and 89 grants for 425 individuals in 1964. 2. Direct operations (a) Research.-Research is conducted in the fields of dental caries, periodontal diseases, growth and development, oral surgery, microbiology, histology, pathology, biochemistry, epidemiology, and biometry. (b) Collaborative studies. The programs in this activity are concerned with field studies, investigations, and contracts with public and private organizations for the accumulation, development and application of new information related to oral health. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) 8,854 1,358 4,241 9,296 10,008 Identification code (a) Research.. (b) Collaborative studies__ (c) Review and approval of grants.. (d) Program direction.... Personnel compensation: Permanent positions... Positions other than permanent.. 26 28 5,475 11.5 Other personnel compensation......... resources 2 496 12.0 Personnel benefits......... 21.0 Travel and transportation of 23.0 Rent, communications, and utilities.. 25.1 Other services.. 189 Project contracts. 25.3 Payment to "National Institutes of 26.0 Supplies and materials.. 287 288 31.0 Equipment.... 41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions.......... 41 Transferred to "National Institute of Child Health and Human Development" (77 Stat. 237)... -523 345 Total obligations............ 95.0 Quarters and subsistence charges.. -7 Appropriation (adjusted). 46 Proposed transfer from: "National Cancer Institute" due to pay in creases... (c) Training. During 1966 it is estimated that 317 grants will be awarded to accredited schools for the improvement of instruction. This compares to 313 and 311 grants in 1965 and 1964 respectively. 2. Direct operations-(a) Research.-Clinical and laboratory research is conducted in the fields of arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders, as well as studies in the major disciplines including pharmacology, toxicology, physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, chemistry, pathology, endocrinology, physical biology, molecular biology, and chemical biology. (b) Collaborative studies.-Collaborative studies are conducted cooperatively and under contract with individuals and institutions; also conducted are comprehensive programs in scientific communications, including preparation of abstracts on specific areas of research interests; broad programs in epidemiology, biometry, and geographic medicine and genetics. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) 1,468 1,510 1,602 (d) Program direction.. 277 305 311 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $476 thousand; 1965, $592 thousand: 1966, $750 thousand. Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $744 thousand: (1964 adjustments, -$27 thousand); 1964, $755 thousand; 1965, $755 thousand; 1966, $755 thousand. 1. Grants (a) Research.-Approximately 3,180 grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 3,100 in 1965, and 2,936 in 1964. In addition, funds are provided for general research support grants and clinical research centers. (b) Fellowships.-Approximately 477 fellowships will be supported in 1966 as compared to 405 in 1965 and 321 in 1964. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES the purposes of the Act relating to allergy and infectious diseases, For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to carry out [$69,847,000] $74,987,000, of which $350,000 shall be available for payment to the Gorgas Memorial Institute for maintenance and operation of the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory. (42 U.S.C. 289a; 22 U.S.C. 278; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1965.) Note.-Excludes $173 thousand for activities transferred in the estimates as follows (in thousands of dollars): "Communicable disease activities". "General research and services, National Institutes of Health" "National Institute of Dental Research". 20 129 24 The amounts obligated in 1964 and 1965 are shown in the schedule as comparative transfers. Excludes $7 thousand for activities transferred in the estimates to "Community health practice and research." Total number of permanent positions.. Full-time equivalent of other positions.. 647 662 677 24 24 24 Average number of all employees.. 594 605 614 7.3 Average GS grade. 7.1 7.3 Average GS salary. $7,024 $7,484 $7,559 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $167 thousand; 1965, $309 thousand; 1966, $396 thousand. Selected resources as of June 30 as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $4.243 thousand: (1964 adjustments, $20 thousand); 1964, $5,231 thousand; 1965, $5,231 thousand; 1966, $5,231 thousand. 1. Grants (a) Research.-Funds available for 1966 will support approximately 1,360 grants. This compares to 1,291 grants in 1965, and 1,430 in 1964. In addition, funds are provided for general research support grants, clinical research centers, and the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory. (b) Fellowships.-An estimated 254 awards will be made in 1966 for postdoctoral, special and research career fellowships. This compares to 232 awards in 1965 and 267 in 1964. (c) Training.-Funds for 1966 will provide approximately 181 grants to train individuals in allergy and immunology, tropical medicine, infectious diseases, parasitology, mycology and rickettsiology. This compares to 176 grants in 1965 and 162 in 1964. 2. Direct operations (a) Research.-Laboratory, field and clinical research is conducted in the broad fields of NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES AND BLINDNESS For expenses necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act relating to neurology and blindness, [$87,821,000] $92,153,000. (42 U.S.C. 289 a-c; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1965.) Note.-Excludes $138 thousand for activities transferred in the estimates as follows (in thousands of dollars): 106 32 "General research and services, National Institutes of Health". The amounts obligated in 1964 and 1965 are shown in the schedule as comparative transfers. Excludes $9 thousand for activities transferred in the estimates to "Community health practice and research." Program and Financing (in thousands of dollars) 750-100-65--30 (c) Training. Approximately 240 graduate training grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 243 in 1965 and 235 in 1964. These grants are made to training institutions to establish and improve programs to train teachers and clinical investigators in neurology, ophthalmology, and otology. Approximately 229 traineeships will be awarded to individuals for specialized postgraduate training in 1966 as compared to 239 in 1965 and 236 in 1964. 2. Direct operations (a) Research.-Research is being conducted on disorders of the brain, and spinal cord and peripheral nerves, such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, apoplexy, and Parkinson's disease; on neuromuscular disorders, such as muscular dystrophy; and on visual and other sensory disorders, such as glaucoma, uveitis, cataract, and hearing impairments. (b) Collaborative studies.-These studies include the coordination and central service activities for the collaborative project on cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and other neurological and sensory disorders of childhood; the perinatal physiology studies using primates; and epidemiological, biometric, and international studies relating to cerebrovascular disease, speech and hearing disorders, and other disorders affecting the central nervous system. (c) Training activities. Support is given for inservice training of qualified staff members in subjects related to neurological and other sensory disorders. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) New obligational authority.. Personnel compensation: 11.1 46 Appropriation (adjusted).... Proposed transfer from "National 84,443 Permanent positions... Cancer Institute," due to pay in 11.5 Other personnel compensation.... Positions other than permanent.... Total personnel compensation. 21.0 Travel and transportation of persons. 22.0 Transportation of things... ... ... ... ... 459 497 513 337 62 47 47 190 146 146 35 32 32 763 Project contracts. 25.3 -3,283 26.0 31.0 Equipment.. Supplies and materials.. Payment to "National Institutes of Health management fund". 1,012 1,217 1.490 80,496 76,610 83,208 41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions.. 42.0 Insurance claims and indemnities.. 376 452 455 67,897 73,147 76,700 1 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964. $397 thousand; 1965, $452 thousand: 1966, $455 thousand. 2 Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders1963, $1.219 thousand (1964 adjustment, $23 thousand): 1964, $1,568 thousand; 1965, $1,568 thousand; 1966, $1,568 thousand. 1. Grants (a) Research.-Approximately 1,605 grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 1,602 in 1965 and 1,574 in 1964. In addition, funds are provided for general research support grants and clinical research center grants. (b) Fellowships.-Approximately 155 fellowships will be supported in 1966 as compared to 151 in 1965 and 149 in 1964. 92,168 -14 -15 87,951 92,153 Personnel Summary 732 696 716 43 42 43 708 690 695 7.3 7.1 7.3 $7,024 $7,484 $7,559 Average salary of ungraded positions. $5,104 $5,133 $5,142 |