Average GS salary.. $7,024 $7,484 $7,559 $5,133 $5,142 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act with respect to child health and human development, [$42,696,000 $53,524,000. (42 U.S.C. 289d; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1965.) Note-Excludes $9 thousand for activities transferred in the estimates as follows: "Communicable disease activities." $5 thousand; "General research and services, National Institutes of Health," $4 thousand. The amounts obligated in 1964 and 1965 are shown in the schedule as comparative transfers. Excludes $7 thousand for activities transferred in the estimates to "Commu nity health practice and research." Program and Financing (in thousands of dollars) 1965 1966 estimate estimate 38,906 48,225 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $51 thousand; 1965, $162 thousand: 1966, $221 thousand. 2 Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $0; 1964, $164 thousand; 1965, $164 thousand; 1966, $164 thousand. 1. Grants (a) Research.-Approximately 1,261 grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 1,010 in 1965 and 811 in 1964. In addition, funds are provided for general research support grants and scientific evaluation grants. (b) Fellowships. Approximately 193 postdoctoral and special fellowships will be supported in 1966 as compared to 136 in 1965 and 87 in 1964. Also some 115 career award and career development fellowships will be supported in 1966 as compared to 79 in 1965 and 68 in 1964. (c) Training.-Approximately 116 training grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 102 in 1965 and 72 in 1964. 2. Direct operations-(a) Research.-Funds are provided in order to add greater balance to the fundamental work initiated in 1965 in such areas as reproduction, embryology, teratology, and mental retardation. (b) Collaborative studies.-Funds are provided for integrated programs with other research organizations dealing in pharmacologic studies of the embryo and fetus, bioengineering problems, aging research, and longitudinal 1,632 1,912 growth and development. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) 23,719 Total, grants 30,762 38,081 1,917 2,600 3,707 3,513 5,544 6,437 29,149 937 (c) Training activities... 60 1,937 (e) Program direction.. (d) Review and approval of grants... To enable the Surgeon General, upon the recommendations of the National Advisory Cancer Council, to make grants-in-aid for research and training projects relating to cancer; and to otherwise carry out the provisions of title IV, part A, of the Act; [$140,011,000 $149,968,000: Provided, That funds may be expended pursuant to contracts for studies of viruses, leukemia and allied diseases, subject to the limitations provided in title 10, United States Code, section 2353, except that determination, approval, and certification required thereby shall be by the Surgeon General. _ [Provided, That amounts appropriated under this head in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1961, for plans and specifications for a research facility for the National Cancer Institute shall remain available until June 30, 1965] (42 U.S.C. 281-286; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1965.) Note.-Includes $10,000 thousand for activities previously carried under "Special Cancer Research." Excludes $299 thousand for activities transferred in the estimates as follows (in thousands of dollars): 5 237 131,350 148,764 149,968 251-9,701 131,601 139,063 149,968 73,631 63,589 83,662 -63,589-83,662-101,143 -4,789 136,853 118,990 132,487 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $813 thousand; 1965, $1,657 thousand; 1966, $1,741 thousand. 2 Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $28.602 thousand (1964 adjustments, $118 thousand): 1964, $33.390 thousand: 1965, $33,390 thousand; 1966, $33,390 thousand. 1. Grants (a) Research.-Approximately 1,511 grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 1,507 in 1965 and 1,531 in 1964. In addition, funds are provided for general research support grants and clinical research centers, and the special cancer virus research program. (b) Fellowships.-Approximately 237 postdoctoral and special fellowships will be supported in 1966 as compared to 185 in 1965 and 171 in 1964. Also some 101 career "National Institute of Child Health and Human Development" (77 Stat. 237). -1,146 43 Appropriation (adjusted)...... 143,179 140,011 149,968 Proposed transfers due to pay increases to "National Institute of Mental Health".. -341 "National Heart Institute". -72 "National Institute of Dental Research" -107 Total obligations, Veterans Adminis- 2. Direct operations-(a) Research.-Research is conducted in biochemistry, biology, biometry, epidemiology, 99.0 chemotherapy, endocrinology, environmental cancer, pathology, physiology, radiation, and surgery. (b) Collaborative studies.-Field studies, investigations, and contracts with public and private organizations and universities are supported for the acquisition, development, and application of new knowledge pertinent to the prevention, control, and treatment of cancer. Included under this activity also are funds for the special cancervirus research program which provides for developing new leads in the areas of viruses, leukemia, and allied diseases. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Total number of permanent positions.. Average GS salary. Average salary of ungraded positions.... ALLOCATION TO VETERANS ADMINIS TRATION 21.0 Travel and transportation of persons 455 537 550 22.0 Transportation of things.... 23.0 Rent, communications, and utilities. 24.0 Printing and reproduction... 25.1 Other services.. Project contracts. 693 44,169 25.3 Payment to "National Institutes of Health management fund". 26.0 Supplies and materials.. 31.0 Equipment... 772 41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions.... 70,692 9.818 10,326 10,685 [SPECIAL CANCER RESEARCH] [For special studies of viruses, leukemia and allied diseases, $10,000,000: Provided, That these funds may be expended pursuant to contracts made to the extent authorized, and subject to the limitations provided, in title 10, United States Code, section 2353, except that determination, approval, and certification required thereby shall be by the Surgeon General.] (Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1965.) Note. Estimate of $10 million for activities previously carried under this title has been transferred in the estimates to "National Cancer Institute." obligated in 1965 is shown in the schedule as a comparative transfer. Program and Financing (in thousands of dollars) The amount Special cancer-virus research program. This program provides for the acceleration and intensification of research for developing new leads in the areas of viruses, leukemia, and allied diseases. The program will be implemented through the use of grants, direct operations, and contracts and will involve studies in man and animals closely associated with man, in causation and treatment of leukemia and allied diseases, and in laboratories and in the field through epidemiologic approaches. (In 1966 funds for this program are carried in the appropriation National Cancer Institute.) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH For expenses necessary for carrying out the provisions of sections 301, 302, 303, 311, 312, and 314(c) of the Act with respect to mental diseases, [$187,932,000 and, to the extent not otherwise provided, of the Community Mental Health Centers Act (42 U.S.C. 2681-2687), $208,969,000. (Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1965.) Note. Excludes $164 thousand for activities transferred in the estimate follows (in thousands of dollars): "General research and services, National Institutes of Health". "National Institute of Dental Research". The amounts obligated in 1964 and 1965 are shown in the schedule as parative transfers. Program and Financing (in thousands of dollars) as 131 33 com 1965 1966 estimate estimate 84,790 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $804 thousand; 1965, $554 thousand; 1966, $660 thousand. Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $2.873 thousand (1964 adjustments, -$46 thousand); 1964, $2,838 thousand; 1965, $2,838 thousand; 1966, $2,838 thousand. 1. Grants (a) Research.-In the regular programs approximately 1,549 grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 1,494 in 1965 and 1,424 in 1964. In the hospital improvement projects program approximately 236 grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 160 in 1965 and 79 in 1964. This activity also provides funds for general research support grants and clinical research centers. (b) Fellowships.-Approximately 886 fellowship awards will be made in 1966 as compared to 943 in 1965 and 971 in 1964. (c) Training.-Approximately 1,979 grants will be awarded in 1966 for 8,837 trainee stipends as compared to 1,777 grants for 7,704 trainee stipends in 1965 and 1,665 grants for 6,787 trainee stipends in 1964. (d) State control programs.-Grants are made to States and territories on a formula basis. These grants help to 83,231 plan, establish and improve statewide mental health and mental retardation programs. 75,683 (a) Research.... (b) Fellowships.. 63,510 (c) Training.. 67,023 (d) State control programs.. 10,858 (c) Training activities.. 911 (d) Professional and technical assist ance... 2. Direct operations (a) Research.-Laboratory and clinical research is conducted in neurobiology, neurochemistry, neurophysiology, psychology, neuropsychiatric studies, socioenvironmental studies, and neuropharmacology (including narcotics and barbiturate addiction). (b) Collaborative studies. The programs in this activity are concerned with biometry, psychopharmacology, special program development, and a community demonstration unit. These programs collaborate in research efforts with 25,834 State and local mental health programs, and extend communication of research knowledge to the States. 864 188,109 208,969 170,990 188,109 208,969 (c) Training activities.-This activity supports a program to train psychiatrists for careers in the Public Health Service. (d) Professional and technical assistance. The programs in this activity assist States in developing and expanding State and local mental health programs through consultation and field studies and demonstrations. In188,273 208,969 cluded in this activity is the central administration of the Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963. 136 164 5,187 176,312 Permanent positions.... 11.5 Other personnel compensation... 78 8 78 8 86 25.1 Other services... 26.0 Supplies and materials.. 86 6 NATIONAL HEART INSTITUTE For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to carry out the purposes of the National Heart Act, [$124,824,000] $131,612000: Provided, That amounts appropriated under this head in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1962, for plans and specifications for a gerontological research building and appurtenant facilities for the National Heart Institute shall remain available until June 30, 1965]. (42 U.S.C. 287; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1965.) Note.-Excludes $179 thousand for activities transferred in the estimates as follows (in thousands of dollars): Identification code 09-20-0372-0-1-651 Total number of permanent positions. Average GS grade... Average number of all employees... Full-time equivalent of other positions.. Average GS salary. $7,024 7.3 $7,484 7.3 $7,559 Program by activities: 1. Grants: (a) Research. (b) Fellowships.. (c) Training... Total, grants. Total number of permanent positions.. (b) Collaborative studies. (c) Training activities.. Average salary of ungraded positions.. (d) Review and approval of grants. 261 2,358 $5,104 $5.133 $5,142 (e) Program direction.. |