3. Field health services.-These include programs in sanitation, health education, nutrition, maternal and child health, school health, tuberculosis and other communicable disease control, medical social service, public health nursing, and oral health. The services are provided through health centers, clinics, and other field units operated directly by the Service, as well as through contractual arrangements with State and local health organizations. A supplemental appropriation is anticipated for 1965. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) 90 Under existing legislation, 1965.-An increase of $238 thousand is required in the Indian Health Activities to 1965 appropriation. finance wage board costs that were not included in the CONSTRUCTION OF INDIAN HEALTH FACILITIES For construction, major repair, improvement, and equipment of health and related auxiliary facilities, including quarters for personnel; preparation of plans, specifications, and drawings; acquisition of sites; purchase and erection of portable buildings; purchase of trailers; and provision of domestic and community sanitation facilities for Indians, as authorized by section 7 of the Act of August 5, 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2004a); [$8,335,000] $9,088,000, to remain available until expended. (42 U.S.C. 2001, 2004a; 25 U.S.C. 13, 465; 42 U.S.C. 248; Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1965.) 1 Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $4,263 thousand; 1964, $8,175 thousand; 1965, $6,601 thousand; 1966, $3,265 thousand. 1. Hospitals and clinics.-Funds are included for the construction of a general medical and surgical hospital at Belcourt, N. Dak., a school health center at Fort Wingate, N. Mex., and health stations at Kaibeto, Ariz., and Lower Greasewood, Ariz. 2. Personnel quarters.-Funds for the construction of seven permanent housing units are included. 3. Alterations.-Funds are included for construction or planning at seven locations. 4. Construction of Indian sanitation facilities.-Pursuant to Public Law 86-121, approved July 31, 1959, funds are included for 35 sanitation projects and for provision of sanitation facilities to serve Federal housing programs for Indians in the continental United States and the State of Alaska. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars)—Continued Identification code 1964 actual ALLOCATION TO BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 11.3 Personnel compensation: Positions other 12.0 Personnel benefits.. 21.0 Travel and transportation of persons... 22.0 Transportation of things... 23.0 Rent, communications, and utilities. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) ༤༤ 423 496 515 14 18 25.1 Other services.. 24.0 Printing and reproduction... 23.0 Rent, communications, and utilities – 31.0 Equipment... 26.0 Supplies and materials. 32.0 Lands and structures.. ALLOCATION TO BUREAU OF PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE-Continued General and special funds-Continued ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS, PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Appropriations contained in this Act, available for salaries and expenses, shall be available for services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a). Appropriations contained in this Act available for salaries and expenses shall be available for uniforms or allowances therefor as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2131). Appropriations contained in this Act available for salaries and expenses shall be available for expenses of attendance at meetings which are concerned with the functions or activities for which the appropriation is made or which will contribute to improved conduct, supervision, or management of those functions or activities. (Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1965.) NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH The National Institutes of Health constitutes the primary research arm of the Public Health Service. It is made up of the following nine individual institutes, each with responsibility for a particular disease category: National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Mental Health, National Heart Institute, National Institute of Dental Research, National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness. There are also three There are also three program divisions, the Division of Biologics Standards, the Division of Research Facilities and Resources, and the Division of Computer Research and Technology. Operations of the Institutes and Divisions are divided between grant programs largely for support of research and for training of individuals and activities performed directly or through contracts by the Service. A portion of the funds from each of the operating appropriations is pooled through a management fund to provide central services for all Institutes. A distribution of obligations for the National Institutes of Health by major activity follows (in thousands of dollars): Institute together with an explanation of any unique activities. Grants Research.-Grants are made to institutions and to individuals to undertake research projects in the medical and biological sciences. Grants are awarded by the Surgeon General on the basis of merit after review and recommendation by scientifically competent study groups and the appropriate national advisory council. Fellowships.-Grants are made to individuals in order to increase the research manpower in the medical sciences. There are several different types of awards such as predoctoral, postdoctoral, special, research career awards, and foreign research fellowships, each designed to develop research talent. Fellowships are reviewed by specialty boards and advisory councils and are awarded on the basis of merit. Training.-Grants are made to institutions to develop or support training programs in the medical sciences and to individual trainees to enable them to undertake special training at an institution of their choice. Awards are made to both graduates and undergraduates. Both institutional and individual grants are awarded by the Surgeon General on the basis of merit after review by an appropriate advisory council. State control programs.-Funds are provided to States and Territories on a formula basis for strengthening State and local clinical and educational services in mental health areas. Direct operations-Research.-The National Institutes of Health conduct research activities largely within the framework of the various specific Institutes, directed to the disease categories represented thereby. Collaborative studies. Categorical research programs are conducted by investigators in collaboration with other Federal institutions and non-Federal institutions through direct operations or contracts in Bethesda and in dispersed geographical locations. Professional and technical assistance.-Professional guidance and leadership in mental health activities are provided to States and other interested organizations in the knowledge and application of research findings through the provision of consultative services, demonstrations, training, field studies, and investigations of improved methodology. Review and approval of grants.-Applications for research grants, fellowships, and training grants are reviewed for merit by panels of private professional and lay persons distinguished in the field of medical science. Staff of the National Institutes of Health provide the administrative support and executive direction for the national advisory councils and study sections. The Office of International Research, the Division of Research Facilities and Resources, and the Division of Computer Research and Technology are financed from the appropriation General research and services. There is an appropriation for each of the other nine Institutes and for the Division of Biologics Standards which is responsible for the Public Health regulations pertaining to control and preparation of biological products and conduct of related research. GENERAL RESEARCH AND SERVICES, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH For the activities of the National Institutes of Health, not otherwise provided for, including research fellowships and grants for research projects and training grants pursuant to section 301 of the Act; and grants of therapeutic and chemical substances for demonstrations and research; [$164,759,000] $58,719,000: Provided, That funds advanced to the National Institutes of Health management fund from appropriations included in this Act shall be available for purchase of not to exceed [twelve] eleven passenger motor vehicles, of which ten shall be for replacement only; and not to exceed $2,500 for entertainment of visiting scientists when specifically approved by the Surgeon General: Provided further, That all appropriations made to the Public Health Service in this Act, and available for research or training projects, may be expended pursuant to contracts made on a cost or other basis for supplies and services, including indemnification of contractors to the extent and subject to the limitations provided in title 10, United States Code, section 2354, except that approval and certification required thereby shall be by the Surgeon General: Provided further, That not to exceed five per centum of this or any other appropriation in this Act for the National Institutes of Health may be transferred by the Surgeon General to any other such appropriation in this Act. (Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Appropriation Act, 1965.) Note. Includes $947 thousand for activities previously carried under the following titles (in thousands of dollars): "Biologics standards". "National Institute of Child Health and Human Development". "National Cancer Institute" 10 4 237 131 126 48 156 129 106 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $144 thousand; 1965, $77 thousand; 1966, $650 thousand. Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $3,997 thousand (1964 adjustments, $17 thousand); 1964, $3,884 thousand; 1965, $3,884 thousand; 1966, $3,884 thousand. The appropriation for general research and services finances the Office of International Research which administers the international centers for medical research and training grants, the NIH special foreign currency program, the visiting scientists program, the international postdoctoral fellowships program, and the international research associate program; the Division of Research Facilities and Resources which is responsible for administering general research support grants, general clinical research centers, special resource centers, primate centers, and health research facilities; and the Division of Computer Research and Technology which plans and conducts research, developmental, and demonstration programs in mathematical and other computer related sciences. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) Identification code 09-20-0348-0-1-651 Resources: Change in selected resources 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $24 thousand; 1965, $25 thousand; 1966, $41 thousand. 1. Grants-(a) Research.-Approximately 2,027 grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 1,849 in 1965 and 1,885 in 1964. (b) Fellowships.-Approximately 2,071 awards will be supported in 1966 as compared to 1,837 in 1965 and 1,650 in 1964. (c) Training.-Approximately 682 graduate training grants will be supported in 1966 as compared to 690 in 1965 and 671 in 1964. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) Identification code Obligations affecting expenditures. 4,283 4,969 6.4 09-20-0399-0-1-651 72 Obligated balance, start of year... 731 1.6 -1.6 |