NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY SALARIES AND EXPENSES General and special funds: media. land Average number of all employees. 112 115 115 serve Average GS grade... 7.8 7.7 Average GS salary. $7,523 $7,949 Average salary of ungraded positions. $5,240 $5,240 7.7 $8,023 $5,240 187 For necessary expenses of the National Agricultural Library, [$1,547,000] $1,865,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for employment pursuant to the second sentence of section 706(a) of the Organic Act of 1944 (5 U.S.C. 574), and not to exceed $35,000 shall be available for employment under section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a). (5 U.S.C. 83, 511-512, 514, 516, 552a; Department of Agriculture and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1965.) Program and Financing (in thousands of dollars) 10 Financing: 16 Comparative transfer to other accounts.... Identification code 05-76-3996-0-4-355 1964 actual 1965 1966 estimate estimate Program by activities: New obligational authority.. 1. Review, preparation, and distribution of 11 2. Area redevelopment program, Com merce. 44 Proposed supplemental due to civilian pay 52 Financing: 10 Total obligations. 11 Receipts and reimbursements from: 70 Receipts and other offsets (items 11-17)... 99 14 Non-Federal sources Administrative budget accounts. -7 -11 -12 72 Obligated balance, start of year... 107 New obligational authority 74 Obligated balance, end of year.. -114 77 Adjustments in expired accounts.. -5 Relation of obligations to expenditures: 70 Receipts and other offsets (items 11-17)-- 39 -39 13 33 12 91 Expenditures from civilian pay in -33 -12 crease supplemental__ 71 Obligations affecting expenditures.... 90 Expenditures..... 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $10 thousand; 1965, $20 thousand; 1966, $19 thousand. Selected resources as of June 30, are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $31 thousand; (1964 adjustments-$4 thousand): 1964, $48 thousand; 1965, $48 thousand; 1966, $48 thousand. The National Agricultural Library, cooperating jointly with the two other national libraries the Library of Congress and the National Library of Medicine-provides coverage and servicing of worldwide publications in the agricultural, chemical, and biological sciences. It serves the research, extension, regulatory, and other programs of the Department and State agricultural agencies. It contains approximately 1,229,000 volumes, probably the most extensive agricultural collection in existence. Since the Library's primary purpose is to 12 provide for research needs, substantive publications in the animal sciences, plant sciences, agricultural chemistry, agricultural engineering, soils, forestry, agricultural products, home economics, world sociology, agricultural economics and agricultural statistics are acquired and preserved. Publications are regularly acquired from more than fifty countries on subjects ranging from apiculture to zootomy. In addition, printed information of agricultural societies, organizations, cooperatives, and general material in the field of agriculture are collected and made available for use. NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY-Con. General and special funds-Continued SALARIES AND EXPENSES-Continued Information contained in the agricultural literature is disseminated through bibliographies, loans, photocopies and reference services to agricultural colleges and universities, research institutions, Government agencies, agricultural associations, industry, individual scientists, farmers, and the general public in every part of the world. During 1964, 17,236 volumes and 229,649 separate issues of periodicals were added to the collection by purchase, gift, and exchange. An additional 3,626 volumes of previously unbound material were also added during the year. During the same period 251,748 loans of books and periodicals were made and 111,789 reference questions answered. The increase proposed for 1966 would be used to expand coverage and to continue mechanization of the Bibliography of Agriculture, and to acquire, catalog, and service essential scientific publications. 1 Unpaid undelivered orders are as follows: 1963, $0; 1964, $279 thousand; 1965, $24 thousand; 1966, $4,661 thousand. Present facilities are adequate to house less than half of the 1,229,000 volumes in the National Agricultural Library collection. New library facilities will enable the National Agricultural Library to properly preserve its collection and provide complete efficient services to the Nation's scientists. Funds for the preparation of plans, specifications and drawings for new facilities were appropriated in fiscal year 1964. These plans are currently scheduled for completion in June, 1965. The proposed increase would be used to construct a new and adequate library building at Beltsville, Md. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) Identification code 05-84-0300-0-1-355 Personnel compensation: 11.1 Permanent positions... 976 1,158 11.3 Positions other than permanent.. 11 10 11.4 Special personal service payments. 12 10 11.5 Other personnel compensation.. 3 1 31.0 Equipment..... 1 10 81 69 90 5 Expenditures excluding pay increase supplemental 2,203 2,628 1 91 Expenditures from civilian pay in 4 crease supplemental_ 20 1 10 10 90 90 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $41 thousand; 1965, $20 thousand; 1966 $25 thousand. The Office of Management Services provides consolidated management support services to 17 agencies and offices of the Department. It was established by Secretary's Memorandum No. 1529, dated January 29, 1963, to provide greater economy and effectiveness in the rendering of management service through improved utilization of manpower and management techniques; increased specialization of professional skills; and more extensive use of time-saving equipment. The consolidated management support functions include budget and finance, personnel and related programs, administrative services, and information work. The organization structure of OMS is based upon these functions with operating divisions providing the services for the following agencies and offices: Office of the Secretary, Office of Budget and Finance, Office of Hearing Examiners, Office of Management Appraisal and Systems Develop Expenditures from civilian pay increase supplemental.. 210 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION General and special funds: SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and for general administration of the Department of Agriculture, including expenses of the National Agricultural Advisory Commission; repairs and alterations; and other miscellaneous supplies and expenses not otherwise provided for and necessary for the practical and efficient work of the Department of Agriculture, [$3,314,000] $3,848,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be reimbursed from applicable appropriations for travel expenses incident to the holding of hearings as required by the Administrative Procedures Act (5 U.S.C. 1001): Provided further, That not to exceed $2,500 of this amount shall be available for official reception and representation expenses, not otherwise provided for, as determined by the Secretary. (U.S.C. 511-517; secs. 511-512-establishing the Department of Agriculture, which was implemented by the Act of July 24, 1919 (5 U.S.C. 563-564), apply to all appropriation items of the Department which are not based upon specific legislative authority either incorporated in the language of the item or cited immediately thereunder; 5 U.S.C. 520a, 542-1, 543b, 1001, 2131; 78 Stat. 252-253; Department of Agriculture and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1965.) 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $74 thousand; 1965, $20 the 1966, $20 thousand. Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered 1963. $38 thousand (1964 adjustments, $8 thousand); 1964, $12 thousand $12 thousand; 1966, $12 thousand. General administration covers the overall planı coordination, and administration of the Departm programs. Also included are certain services on a de] mentwide basis. departmental budgetary and financial managen 2. Budgetary and financial administration.-This co policies and procedures are promulgated, and prog financial, and related implications. and legislative proposals are evaluated for budge 3. General operations. These embrace departm policies and procedures for real and personal prop and supply and records management activities. Depart- Intragovernmental funds: mentwide central services of post office, telephone, tele 1990 graph, reproduction, and supply are furnished. 4. Management appraisal and systems development.This covers the coordination and direction of the development of new and improved management techniques, acquisition and utilization of data processing equipment, development of methods of measuring, the effectiveness of program operations, and the application of operations research techniques to the administrative, program, and scientific activities of the Department. 5. Personnel administration.-Departmental policies and procedures are promulgated for the personnel management program. The operational phases of this program have been substantially delegated to the agencies. A systematic review is conducted to insure unification thereof and to measure its effectiveness in serving the agencies' personnel management requirements. 6. Regulatory hearings and decisions.-The hearing examiners hold hearings in connection with the prescribing of new regulations and orders and on disciplinary complaints filed by the Department or on petitions filed by private parties asking relief from some action of the Department. Final administrative decisions in regulatory proceedings are rendered by the judicial officer. "Agriculture Decisions" is published monthly. 7. National Agricultural Advisory Commission.-Provision is made for the payment of necessary expenses incident to periodic meetings of the National Agricultural Advisory Commission. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) WORKING CAPITAL FUND, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE |