31.0 Equipment....... Object Classification (in thousands of dollars)—Continued For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, of the [Office of Rural Areas Development] Rural Community Development Service in providing leadership, coordination, liaison, and reiated services in the rural areas development activities of the Department, [$124,000] $750,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for field employment pursuant to the second sentence of section 706(a) of the Organic Act of 1944 (5 U.S.C. 574), and not to exceed $3,000 shall be available for employment under section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a). (Department of Agriculture and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1965.) Program and Financing (in thousands of dollars) 99.0 Total obligations..... Total number of permanent positions..... Includes capital outlays as follows: 1964, $0; 1965, $0; 1966, $10 thousand. Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $16 thousand; 1964, $1 thousand; 1965, $1 thousand; 1966, $1 thousand. The Service will provide leadership, coordination, liaison, and related services in the Rural community development activities of the Department of Agriculture. It will utilize the resources of Department agencies in assisting State, Federal, local, private, community, and farm organizations and individuals working for the improvement of economic conditions in rural communities. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) Identification code 11.4 Special personal service payments............ 14 05-64-0800-0-1-355 291 306 263 23 21.0 Travel and transportation of persons.. 43 3233 20 53 5 6 15 9 39 24.0 Printing and reproduction... 10 8 95 25.1 Other services.. 4 25.2 Services of other agencies. 25.2 Services of other agencies. 26.0 Supplies and materials. 1 6881 99.0 31.0 Equipment..... Total obligations.. 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $7 thousand; 1965, $7 thousand; 1966. $7 thousand. The Office serves as the audit and investigative arm of the Secretary of Agriculture and performs all audit and investigative activities of the Department. The Office of the Inspector General assures the Secretary of completely independent and objective selection of departmental activities to be audited; critical reviews and examination of the Department's programs and activities; and factual, unbiased reporting of the results of these audits and investigations. In so doing the Office effectively complied with; and insures corrective action assures that existing laws, policies and programs are where necessary. It also coordinates internal audit and investigative activities of the Department with the various investigative agencies of the executive and legislative branches of the Government. Increases are provided in the budget to strengthen the audit and 185 1964 1965 1966 actual estimate estimate Personnel compensation: 70 Receipts and other offsets (items 11-17)... 3,679 4,039 263 4,229 11.1 Permanent positions... 71 11.3 Positions other than permanent.. 29 11.5 Other personnel compensation.. 72 Obligated balance, start of year.. 260 25 74 Obligated balance, end of year.. -164 -146 -150 Total personnel compensation... 77 6,933 Adjustments in expired accounts. -6 12.0 Personal benefits.... 506 570 21.0 Travel and transportation of persons_ 2,110 Expenditures excluding pay increase 22.0 Transportation of things.... supplemental... 14 4,212 91 23.0 Rent, communications, and utilities. Expenditures from civilian pay in 161 24.0 Printing and reproduction.. crease supplemental. 19 25.1 Other services.. 40 25.2 Services of other agencies. 26.0 Supplies and materials.. 49 31.0 Equipment.. 2920 49 120 1 Includes capital outlay as follows: 1964, $13 thousand; 1965, $15 thousand; 1966, $12 thousand. 2 Selected resources as of June 30 are as follows: Unpaid undelivered orders, 1963, $23 thousand (1964 adjustments, -$6 thousand); 1964, $5 thousand; 1965, $5 thousand; 1966, $5 thousand. The Office serves as legal counsel for the Secretary of Agriculture and performs all legal work for the Department. It represents the Department in administrative proceedings for the promulgation of rules and regulations having the force and effect of law and in quasi-judicial hearings held in connection with the administration of Department programs. The Office also represents the Secretary in proceedings before the Interstate Commerce Commission dealing with rates and practices relating to appeals to the courts from the decisions of the Commisthe transportation of agricultural commodities and in sion. It examines titles to lands to be acquired by the Department or accepted as security for loans, and disposes of claims arising out of the Department activities. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) 3.176 3,485 3.633 11.3 Positions other than permanent. 24 11.5 Other personnel compensation.. 3 12.0 Personnel benefits.... 234 21.0 Travel and transportation of persons. 88 22.0 Transportation of things.... 1 23.0 Rent, communications, and utilities. 24.0 Printing and reproduction.... 25.1 Other services.. 25.2 Services of other agencies. 26.0 Supplies and materials.. 31.0 Equipment..... 53 11 18 29 33 37 842238 58 14 12 33 50 16 Comparative transfers to other accounts... 25 Unobligated balance lapsing---- New obligational authority. 34 43 ALLOTMENTS RECEIVED FROM OTHER ACCOUNTS Note.-Obligations incurred under allotments from other accounts are included in the schedule of the parent appropriations as follows: Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, "Expenses." Farmers Home Administration, "Emergency credit revolving fund." OFFICE OF INFORMATION General and special funds: SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Office of Information for the dissemination of agricultural information and the coordination of informational work and programs authorized by Congress in the Department, [$1,648,000] $1,689,000, of which total appropriation not to exceed $537,000 may be used for farmers' bulletins, which shall be adapted to the interests of the people of the different sections of the country, an equal proportion of four-fifths of which shall be available to be delivered to or sent out under the addressed franks furnished by the Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress, as they shall direct (7 U.S.C. 417), and not less than two hundred and thirty-two thousand two hundred and fifty copies for the use of the Senate and House of Representatives of part 2 of the annual report of the Secretary (known as the Yearbook of Agriculture) as authorized by section 73 of the Act of January 12, 1895 (44 Ú.S.C. 241): Provided, That in the preparation of motion pictures or exhibits by the Department, this appropriation shall be available for employment pursuant to the second sentence of section 706(a) of the Organic Act of 1944 (5 U.S.C. 574), and not to exceed $10,000 shall be available for employment under section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a). (5 U.S.C. 511-512; Department of Agriculture and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1965.) Program and Financing (in thousands of dollars) The Office has responsibility for the information work of the entire Department. Its major objective is to report to farmers, agricultural, and closely related groups, and to the public the Department's research, action, regulatory, and other programs, using all information media. This work is carried on in close cooperation with the landgrant institutions and with private industries which serve agriculture. Workload depends upon Department program demands, direct requests, and legislative require ments. 1. Publications review and distribution.-The Department's printed publications are reviewed, published, and distributed. Processed publications are reviewed. Publications include farmers' bulletins, leaflets, periodicals, scientific, research, and marketing publications, and agricultural statistics. 2. Review and distribution of current agricultural information.-The Department's widespread activities require extensive preparation of information material for press, radio, and television use, as well as for specific agricultural outlets and the general public. Over 4,000 periodic crop, price, and market reports and press releases are issued annually. Digests, newsletters, special articles, and other editorial services are made available to press associations, farm and general publications, trade publications, daily newspapers, and encyclopedic annuals. Radio is used to reach farmers locally through single stations, and to Films, broadcast nationally through the major networks. television packages, and other services are prepared for the use of land-grant institutions, television farm broadcasters and TV networks. Information campaigns involving activities of cross-agency interest are developed using all media. The Yearbook of Agriculture is published by the Office and distributed by the Members of Congress. 3. Review, preparation and distribution of visual agricultural information.-Motion pictures for the Department and nonprofit organizations associated with agriculture, produced on a reimbursable basis under the Department's working capital fund, are distributed through nearly 70 cooperating State film libraries. Still photographs, illustrations, graphics, and exhibits are similarly produced for use in explaining and reporting on Department programs. News and general-type photographs of Department programs and activities are available to news media from a centralized library. Object Classification (in thousands of dollars) 05-76-0200-0-1-355 |