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86 (H. B. 466) AN ACT to appropriate $856.11, $803.29 of which was principal and $52.82 the interest, on amount borrowed from Mr. Dero Saunders, of Starkville, Mississippi, to pay the exchange on the $600,000.00 borrowed from Kidder, Peabody & Co., in 1912____.

87 (H. B. 20) AN ACT to appropriate balance of interest due on loan of $600,000.00 for the year 1913...




88 (H. B. 215) AN ACT to make an appropriation to pay the Security State Bank of Starkville, Mississippi, a loan made the Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College for the purpose of building concrete walks. - - - 89 (H. B. 53) AN ACT appropriating the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) out of any money in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated to pay J. H. Seems for damage caused his land in the year 1908 on account of overflow of water by the breaking of a dam upon the property of the State of Mississippi upon which the East Mississippi insane hospital is located 75 90 (S. B. 97) AN ACT for the relief of S. N. Henderson, a confederate veteran of Chickasaw county, Mississippi..

91 (H. B. 477) AN ACT to pay the Citizens National Bank, Louisville, Ky., $46.34 interest on Mississippi bonds...

92 (H. B. 554) AN ACT to appropriate money to reimburse M. A. Brown, land commissioner, for money expended by him for telephone and clerical service in his office...

93 (S. B. 68) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to pay J. M. Vardaman, of Jackson, Mississippi, for legal services rendered the State in testing the constitutionality of chapter 5, laws of 1912, under employment of State superintendent of education..........

94 (S. B. 307) AN ACT to donate to H. G. Cooper, ex-sheriff of Webster county, four hundred and thirty-nine dollars and thirty-three cents ($439.33) for taxes overpaid..

95 (S. B. 241) AN ACT to donate to Mrs. S. McCormick the sum of thirty
($30.00) dollars on account of services rendered the State by her late

96 (H. B. 478) AN ACT donating the sum of $333.33 to Mrs. Mary D. Greaves,
widow of the late John Madison Greaves, a member of this House...___
97 (H. B. 379) AN ACT to appropriate money to pay interest due R. C. Weir
for 1910 on thirty-four (34) bonds of the State of Mississippi, authorized
to be issued by act of the legislature passed during the special session of

98 (H. B. 879) AN ACT to make a special appropriation to pay the Tucker
Printing House of Jackson, Mississippi, the sum of $38.50, for printing done
by the department of archives and history in 1911

99 (H. B. 889) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $52.92 for the purpose of paying the Mobile and Ohio railroad company for the transportation of fortytwo men, company H, second infantry, Mississippi national guard, from Macon, Mississippi, to Meridian, Mississippi, and return on transporation request M. 598 issued June 18, 1909..

100 (H. B. 460) AN ACT to appropriate $5,500.00 to repay Mr. Dero Saunders, of Starkville, Mississippi, for the amount borrowed for the support of the



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department of archives and history for the year 1913, and also the sum of $348.09 interest thereon, making a total of $5,848.09


101 (H. B. 473) AN ACT to appropriate $360.00 to Geo. S. Dodds, for sevrices as special judge of the circuit court of Harrison county in 1911. 102 (H. B. 496) AN ACT making an appropriation to pay special judges for services rendered.

103 (H. B. 334) AN ACT to appropriate $2,020.00 to pay special judges and chancellors for services rendered during the years 1912 and 1913.

104 (H. B. 204) AN ACT to appropriate money to pay the deficiencies in the appropriations made by chapter 1, laws of 1912, for the salaries of chancellors for the years 1912 and 1913. and for the salaries of circuit judges for the year 1913.

105 (S. B. 498) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of ten dollars to pay Hon. G. G. Lyle for one day's services rendered as special chancellor at Brookhaven, in April, 1913; and to appropriate $20.00 to pay Hon. W. H. Cook for services rendered as special chancellor in July, 1913; and to appropriate $40.00 to pay Hon. Thomas L. Lamb for services as special chancellor in I 1913; said sums to be paid out of any money in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated...

106 (S. B. 604) AN ACT to appropriate the sum of $84,375.00 to pay interest on the bonded indebtedness of the State authorized by the legislature of 1914 to the amount of $1,250,000.00 for the first eighteen months after the issuance of said bonds.

107 (S. B. 380) AN ACT authorizing the issuance of State bonds for se purpose of liquidating the floating debt of the State of Mississippi, to pay permanent improvements, the increase in the common school fund and increase of pensions for confederate soldiers...

108 (H. B. 887) AN ACT to raise revenue to carry on the State government of Mississippi for the years 1914 and 1915_

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109 (H. B. 589) AN ACT to amend sections 3849 of the code of 1906 as amended by chapter 73, laws of 1908, chapter 95, laws of 1910, and chapter 92, laws of 1912, so as to provide a better schedule for the taxation of peddlers. 88 110 (H. B. 591) AN ACT placing a privilege tax on automatic weighing machines and gum slot machines, automatic musical instruments, stamp machines, and all other vending amchines...

111 (H. B. 356) AN ACT to amend section 1 of chapter 91, acts 1912, creating privilege taxes on firms, persons, or corporations engaged in the business

of cleaning, pressing or dyeing



112 (S. B. 496) AN ACT to impose a privilege tax on all persons, firms or corporations doing a money-loaning business in this State, where the rate of interest charged exceeds the rate of twenty per centum per annum, and to repeal chapter 90 of the code of 1906 entitled "loans on personal property" 91 113 (H. B. 882) AN ACT to require tax collectors to make final settlements of privilege taxes.

114 (H. B. 883) AN ACT to amend section 3894 of the code of 1906 so as to change the manner of collecting certain privilege taxes.




115 (H. B. 812) AN ACT to amend section 3493, 3494, 3495 and 3497 of the Mississippi code of 1906, so as to change the license fee to be paid by persons, factories and shippers engaged in fishing, taking, canning, or shipping oysters taken from the waters in this State..

116 (H. B. 359) AN ACT to amend section 4 of chapter 101 of the laws of 1912, entitled "An act providing for the levy and collection of a tax on incomes, by striking out the words "and less" in the fourth line.... 117 (S. B. 234) AN ACT to raise revenue by making valid and of binding effect all contracts made prior to the passage of this act and which are or were null and void, or voidable, under previous or existing laws because of the non-payment of privilege taxes so in default, by paying all privilege taxes with two hundred per centum damages thereon, within ninety days after the passage of this act

118 (H. B. 384) AN ACT to amend section 3421 of chapter 99 of the code of 1906, entitled "revenue; the assessment.".

119 (H. B. 38) AN ACT to authorize the governor to refund to the State treasury certain moneys of the storm relief fund of 1913...

120 (H. B. 881) AN ACT to levy a privilege tax on motor vehicles and motor cycles for using the public roads and to provide for the registration of motor vehicles and motor cycles---

121 (H. B. 811) AN ACT to amend section 3499 of the Mississippi code of 1906, so as to provide for the disposition of moneys collected by the payment of taxes and issuance of licenses for fishing oysters under the provisions of chapter 102 of said code....

122 (H. B. 880) AN ACT to provide a better system of certification and accounting for amendments in assessments made by the board of supervisors__

123 (H. B. 90) AN ACT to repeal House Bill No. 778, chapter 106 of the laws of Mississippi, 1912, entitled "An act placing a privilege tax on all transfers of realty".

124 (S. B. 48) AN ACT establishing a banking department for the State of Mississippi, creating a board of bank commissioners, prescribing their qualifications, duties and compensation, providing for the election of State bank examiners, prescribing their qualifications, duties and compensation, defining what shall constitute a bank and banking business in the State of Mississippi, fixing the capital required to do a banking business, and providing for the examination, regulation and control of banks and banking business conducted by corporations, other than national banks and postal savings banks and fixing the assessment for the revenues of the department, fixing qualifications and liability of officers, stockholders and directors of banking corporations; fixing the qualifications and liability of persons, firms and corporations in the banking business; providing for the payment of deposits to minors and other persons under disability and on joint account; prohibiting banking except under the provisions of this act; providing for the liquidation of banks and the distribution of the assets thereof; providing for giving publicity to deposits more than five


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years old; and prescribing penalties for the breach of any of the provisions thereof, and to provide a system for guaranteeing deposits, and for other purposes, without expense to the State..


.. 107

125 (S. B. 404) AN ACT to amend section 263 of the code of Mississippi of 1906 so as to authorize banks heretofore incorporated and banks hereafter to be incorporated, having a paid-up capital of twenty-five thousand dollars and more, to exercise the powers and authorities of trust companies in certain


126 (S. B. 601) AN ACT to authorize the establishment of local and regional banks under the authority of the United States government and to exempt from taxation bonds of such banks bearing six per cent interest or less.-



127 (H. B. 5) AN ACT regulating the shipment of intoxicating liquor into this State or between points within the State; regulating the delivery of such liquor; providing for the filing of statements with the clerk of the circuit court showing such shipments, and providing that certified copies of each statement may be used as evidence and for the fees to such clerk for making such copies; prescribing penalties for violation of the provisions of this act; and conferring jurisdiction for the trial of violations of this act upon the courts of the county from or to which such shipments may be made; and regulating the procedure in relation thereto; providing that if any part of this act be declared unconstitutional, the remaining part shall be valid 143 128 (H. B. 502) AN ACT to prohibit the giving of intoxicating liquors to any minor under the age of eighteen years.

129 (H. B. 296) AN ACT to regulate the practice of professional nursing in the State of Mississippi, to create a board of nurses' examiners, to require the examination and registration of those desiring to practice in this State as registered nurses, or licensed attendants and to provide for the punishment of offenders against this act...




130 (H. B. 137) AN ACT regulating the practice of veterinary surgery, medicine and dentistry in the State of Mississippi.... 131 (H. B. 177) AN ACT to provide for the assurance and registration of land titles...

132 (H. B. 526) AN ACT providing for the establishment of stations for the crushing of limestone, authorizing the use of convict labor for same, and supplying the product to farmers at actual cost.

133 (H. B. 244) AN ACT to require the owners of cattle, horses, mules, hogs, sheep, jacks, jennets or goats, or anything of the fowl species dying on his premises, and which fact may be known to him to bury or burn the same, and making it a misdemeanor for the failure so to do, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof..




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134 (H. B. 616) AN ACT amending section 5065 of the Mississippi code of 1906. fixing a standard of weights and measures


135 (H. B. 362) AN ACT to confer on the railroad commission concurrent jurisdiction with municipal authorities in cities and towns to supervise street railroads and to regulate interurban electric railway lines, and to require joint fares, transfers, etc., in proper cases, and for other purposes 179


136 (H. B. 638) AN ACT authorizing the sale of the homestead when the husband or wife is under disability of insanity, or otherwise non compos mentis, without the signature of the one under such disability to the conveyance, or other incumbrance____

137 (H. B. 758) AN ACT to prohibit an evasion of the law exempting from taxation money loaned at a rate of interest not greater than six per centum per annum and notes and evidences of indebtedness bearing a rate of interest not greater than six per centum per annum and to provide a penalty for such evasion...

138 (H. B. 13) AN ACT to prohibit persons, companies, associations, partnerships, manufacturing companies and railroad companies or any other person, from paying their employes in trade checks and then discounting the same, and for preventing any merchant, trade establishment, corporation or any other persons from discounting any trade checks, coupons or other written instruments issued for the payment of labor, fixing penalties for violating the same..





139 (H. B. 59) AN ACT empowering cities, of 20,000 inhabitants or over operating under commission government laws which were formerly under the code chapter on municipalities, to issue bonds for street improvements 182 140 (H. B. 363) AN ACT to provide for the better supervision of common carriers in the State and for the better enforcement of the orders of the Mississippi railroad commission by providing for the appointment of a rate expert and fixing his compensation_

141 (S. B. 443) AN ACT to require the board of trustees of certain institutions to purchase supplies by competitive bids, except in cases of emergency and except when purchases do not exceed twenty-five dollars.... 142 (S. B. 287) AN ACT to authorize boards of supervisors, boards of school trustees and boards of mayor and aldermen to pay all just claims against their respective counties, schools or municipalities, where purchases were made in violation of chapter 123 of the acts of 1912...

143 (S. B. 201) AN ACT making it a misdemeanor to drive or otherwise insert metallic substances of any kind in saw timber with intent to annoy, harass or damage the owner of same, or any other person; and making the same a felony where injury to another person results from such act, and manslaughter where death is the direct consequence of such act...----144 (S. B. 251) AN ACT providing that there shall be no property in cocaine kept or offered for sale in violation of the law; authorizing cocaine kept or offered for sale in violation of the law to be seized and destroyed; providing how claims to cocaine and appliances may be made and tried; and how property seized shall be destroyed__






145 (S. B. 269) AN ACT to provide that the State in trial of cases of unlawful selling or keeping of cocaine, may introduce proof of more than one offense 188 146 (S. B. 186) AN ACT exempting from execution, levy or attachment all money not exceeding $10,000.00 received on any judgment recovered for personal injuries..

147 (H. B. 349) AN ACT to provide for the issuance of bonds for municipal corporations for the construction or purchase of public utilities, and for


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