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Years before

453 The number of the tribunes of the people of Rome increased from five to ten.

452 The two books of Chronicles supposed to have been written at this time by Ezra,

451 Creation of the decemviri at Rome, and compilation of the laws of the twelve tables.

431 The Peloponnesian war begins, which lasted twenty-seven years. 430 The history of the Old Testament ends about this time. 403 Lysander takes Athens.-Government of the thirty tyrants 401 Persecution and death of Socrates.

385 Rome taken by the Gauls under Brennus.

385 War of the allies against Athens.

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Philip of Macedon takes Amphipolis, Pydna, and Potida. 356 Alexander the Great born at Pella, in Macedonia.

The temple of Diana, at Ephesus, burnt by Erostratus.
The Phocian or sacred war begins in Greece.

343 Syracuse taken by Timoleon, and Dionysius the tyrant banished: 338 Battle of Cheronca gained by Philip over the Athenians and Thebans.

335 Alexander chosen generalissimo by the states of Greece. Decius devotes himself for his country.

334 Alexander the Great dies at Babylon.

320 Ptolemy carries 100,000 Jews captive into Egypt. 285 The astronomical æra of Dionysius of Alexandria.

277 The translation of the Septuagint made by order of Ptolemy Philadelphus. (Blair, 284.)

266 Silver money is coined at Rome for the first time.

264 The first Punic war begins.-The Chronicle of Paros composed. 260 First naval victory obtained by the Romans under the consul


240 Comedies are first acted at Rome.

235 The temple of Janus shut for the first time since the reign of


216 Battle of Cannæ, in which the Romans are totally defeated by


196 The battle of Zama, and end of the second Punic war.

190 The Romans enter Asia, and defeat Antigonus at Magnesia. 173 War between the Romans and Perseus king of Macedon.

170 Antiochus Epiphanes takes and plunders Jerusalem.

169 Terence's comedies performed at Rome.

167 Perseus defeated by Paulus Emilius, and brought prisoner to Rome. End of the kingdom of Macedon.

166 Judas Maccabeus drives the Syrians out of Judea.

149 The third Punic war begins.

146 Corinth taken by the consul Mummius.

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Carthage taken and destroyed by the Romans.

135 The history of the Apocrypha ends.

Years before


88 Civil war between Marius and Sylla. Sylla takes possession of Rome.

82 Sylla perpetual dictator.-His horrible proscription. 80 Julus Cæsar makes his first campaign.

72 Lucullus repeatedly defeats Mithridates, and reduces Pontus to a Roman province.

70 Crassus and Pompey chosen consuls at Rome.

62 Cataline's conspiracy quelled at Rome by Cicero.
59 The first triumvirate: Pompey, Crassus, and Cæsar.
5+ Cæsar lands in Britain.

49 Cæsar passes the Rubicon, and marches to Rome.
48 Battle of Pharsalia, in which Pompey is defeated.
The Alexandrian library burnt.

44 Julius Cæsar killed in the Senate-house.

43 Second triumvirate: Octavius, Mark Antony and Lepidus. 42 Battle of Philippi, in which Brutus and Cassius are defeated. 31 Battle of Actium, and end of the Roman Commonwealth.

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Octavius emperor.

30 Death of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Alexandria taken by


27 Octavius receives the title of Augustus.

17 Augustus revives the secular games.

8 Census at Rome, when the number of the citizens was found to be 4,233,000.

4 JESUS CHRIST is born 4 years before the commercement of the vulgar æra.


Years after


9 The Roman legions, under Varus, cut to pieces in Germany. Ovid the poet banished to Pontus.

14 Tiberius emperor.

Tiberius banishes the Jews from Rome.

26 John the Baptist preaches in Judea the coming of the Messiah. 31 Sejanus disgraced and put to death by Tiberius.

33 Jesus Christ is crucified.

35 The conversion of St. Paul.

39 St. Matthew writes his Gospel. 42 Claudius emperor.


his expedition into Britain.

44 St. Mark writes his Gospel.

48 Messalina put to death by Claudius, who marries Agrippina,

the mother of Nero.

51 Caractacus, the Britsh king, is carried prisoner to Rome. 59 Nero puts to death his mother Agrippina.

A. D.

61 The Britons, under queen Boadicea, defeat the Romans. 64 The first persecution of the Christians raised by Nero.

67 Massacre of the Jews by Florus, at Cesarea, Ptolemais and Alexandria.

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-St. Peter and St. Paul put to death.

Josephus, the Jewish historian, governor of Galilee.

70 Jerusalem taken and destroyed by Titus.

79 Herculaneum and Pompeii destroyed by an eruption of Ve


80 Conquests of Agricola in Britain.

95 Dreadful persecution of the Christians at Rome and in the pro




107 Trajan's victories in Asia.

118 A irian emperor.

120 Adrian's wall built across the island of Britain.

137 Adrian rebuilds Jerusalem by the name of Ælia Capitolina. 138 Antoninus Pius emperor.

141 The heresies of the Ophites, Cainites, Sethians, &c. appeared. 15 Justin Martyr publishes his apology for the Christians.. 161 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, and Lucius Verus, emperors. 171 Death of Verus. Marcus Aurelius sole emperor.

180 Commodus emperor.

189 The Saracens defeat the Romans.-This people for the first time mentioned in history.

193 Pertinax emperor.-Didius Julianus purchases the empire. Pescennius Niger declared emperor in the east.

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208 Severus, with his sons Caracalla and Geta, in Britain. 209 The Caledonians repulsed, and a wall built by Severus between the rivers Forth and Clyde

226 The Persians totally defeated by Alexander Severus.

235 Maximinus assassinates Alexander Severus, and is proclaimed


241 The Franks were first mentioned in history.

253 The Goths, Burgundians, &c. make an irruption into Mœsia and


261 Sapor, the Persian, takes Antioch, Tarsus, and Cesarea. 284 Dioclesian emperor.

Aug. 29, or Sept. 17, the Dioclesian æra commenced.

A. D.

292 Partition of the empire between two Emperors and two Cæsars. 295 Alexandria in Egypt taken by Dioclesian.



301 Resignation of Dioclesian and Maximian.

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Galerius and Constantius emperors.

306 Constantine emperor.-Stops the persecution of the Christians. assembles the first general council of Nice, where


the doctrines of Arius are condemned.

329 The seat of empire removed to Constantinople.

337 Death of Constantine.-The empire divided among his three


357 The Germans defeated by Julian, at Strasburg.

361 Julian emperor.-Abjures Christianity, and is elected pontifex


363 Jovian emperor.

383 The Huns over-run Mesopotamia.


They are defeated by the

392 Theodosius emperor of the east and west.

395 Arcadius emperor of the east, and Honorius of the west. The Huns invade the eastern provinces.



---Alaric, the Goth, ravages Italy.

410 Rome sacked and burnt by Alaric.-Death of Alaric. 411 The Vandals settled in Spain.

416 The Pelagian heresy condemned by the bishops of Africa. 420 Pharamond, first king of the Franks, supposed to have begun

his reign.

426. The Romans withdraw the legions from Britain. 428 The Franks defeated by Etius the Roman general. 435 Publication of the Theodosian code.

449 Merovæus king of the Franks.

450 Marcian emperor of the east.

--Attila the Hun, called the Scourge of God, ravages Germany

and France.

451 The Saxons arrive in Britain under the command of Hengist and Horsa.

452 Foundation of the city of Venice.

455 Rome taken and plundered by Genseric the Vandal.

468 Euric, king of the Visigoths, drives the Romans out of Spain. 470 Ella, the Saxon, takes possession of the kingdom of Sussex. 471 Ælla defeats all the British princes.

472 Great eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which was seen from Con


476 Rome taken by Odoacer king of the Heruli.

A. D.

476 Extinction of the Western Empire.

481 Clovis king of the Franks.

488 Theodoric, the Ostrogoth, entirely defeats Odoacer, and is acknowledged king of Italy by the emperor Zeno.

497 Clovis and the Franks converted to Christianity. 499 Alliance between Clovis and Theodoric the Great.



508 Clovis defeated by Theodoric the Great in the battle of Arles. 510 Paris is made the capital of the kingdom of the Franks.

511 Death of Clovis; the kingdom divided between his four sons. 515 Arthur, king of the Britons, supposed to have begun his reign. 516 The computation of time by the Christian æra is introduced by Dionysius the Monk.

529 Belisarius, general of Justinian, defeats the Persians.

--The books of the civil law published by Justinian.

537 Belisarius subdues the Ostrogoths in Italy, and takes Rome. refuses to accept the crown of Italy.


543 Totila, the Goth, recovers Italy from the Romans.


takes and plunders Rome.

551 The manufacture of silk introduced into Europe.

576 Narses, recalled from Italy, invites the Lombards to take

session of the country.

568 Italy conquered by the Lombards.

571 Birth of Mahomet, the false prophet.


580 The Latin tongue ceased to be spoken in Italy about this time, 597 Augustine, the monk, converts the Saxons to Christianity.




602 Phocas emperor.-Acknowledges the supremacy of the 607 The temple of the Pantheon, at Rome, dedicated to God, the Virgin, and all the saints.

609 The Jews of Antioch massacre the Christians. 616 Jerusalem taken by the Persians, under Cosroes II.

622 Æra of the Hegira, or flight of Mahomet from Mecca to Medina. 632 Death of Mahomet.-Abubekir succeeds him as caliph of the Saracens.

636 Jerusalem taken by Omar and the Saracens, who keep possession of it 463 years.

640 The library of Alexandria, founded by Ptolemy Philadelphus, is burnt by the Saracens.

645 Otman succeeds Omar in the caliphate.

653 The Saracens take Rhodes.

654 Childeric II. king of Austrasia.

685 The Britons, totally subdued by the Saxons, retreat into Wales and Cornwall.

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