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Many thanks to you and the Commission for giving the National Association of
Counties the opportunity to testify before your hearings on age discrimination.
As you know, the prepared questions were based on our discussions with your

We assumed that the Attorney General would be speaking on discrimination in the provision of legal services. You will recall it developed that his concern was weatherization.

Since I had not indicated a specific question on the legal aspect and since I recognized your time frame, I did not open that area for discussion. However, as I was leaving, I met Eileen Bradley and shared with her my concern that this area of discrimination needed to be highlighted. She quite agreed.

Our experience, particularly in Somerset County but also across the nation, has been that indeed discrimination in the provision of legal services does exist. In our own instances, we contract with the Somerset-Sussex Legal Services Division for a variety of services including individual case services, public relations, outreach, preparation of a "Know your Rights" booklet and opportunities for review and comment on legislation and/or regulations affecting senior citizens. Within three months of the signing of that contract, our seniors were being put on waiting lists regardless of the severity of their problems.

Participation by the legal services unit in our outreach program (which includes ways of spreading the word regarding legal rights) was infrequent at best. No counselling or referral by telephone was provided if the senior did not meet income guidelines.


Dr. Arthur S. Flemming


October 14, 1977

The "Know your Rights" booklet was never developed. In discussion of this failure, we received comments such as "old people are too hard to make understand," "they are deaf and they are difficult," "their problems are not as important as those of the families, etc."

I share this information with you because of my concern about what appears to be real discrimination.

If I can provide any additional material for you or your staff, please let me know.

Again, it was a pleasure to be with you.


cc: Ms. Eileen Bradley

Sincerely yours,


Doris W. Dealaman

Freeholder - Deputy Director

Whatever your problem might be it helps to have someone to talk to. If we can't give you the answers, we'll direct you to someone who can. Your service worker is trained to help you. Your service worker will listen to your problems and try to help you work them out. Please don't hesitate to call or write. We are here to help. There is a service worker for every area. If you don't know who your service worker is, call the office, tell them your address, and ask to speak to your service worker.

who is your



[blocks in formation]

This agency is responsible for sending you a check each month and we also have the responsibility to provide you with a number of other services. For this reason we have a service unit and there is a special worker who is available in your area to help provide these services. There are also many people who are not eligible for a money payment but who do qualify for certain services.



Call or write your service worker if
you have problems and can't seem to
work them out. They might include
such things as:


[blocks in formation]


* Services will be provided to the limit of our funding.

[blocks in formation]

Enclosed is the written statement for the record of the public
hearings on the Age Discrimination Study, held in Washington on
September 26, 1977.

We appreciate the opportunity to have participated in the hearing
and the stimulation this has given some of our State Public
Affairs Chairwomen. In response to the phone conversation I
had with Ann Sablonsky of the study staff on September 19th,
we sent a memo of inquiry to about 15 of our more experienced
chairwomen to update our information in the national office.
The written statement has been delayed to incorporate some of
the later information.

Problems of the aging have been included among the ten program
priorities of our organization for many years. For this bien-
nium our national board in June ordered the current priorities
adopted by the National Convention in March and placed Aging
among the top four, to receive special attention of a national
task force.

Please call on us if we can be of further assistance.


Koratty O. Landay

Dorothy 0. Lasday
Volunteer Coordinator
State Public Affairs


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