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Collect, to assemble by observa-
Collection, corollary, consequence
Collied, black, smutted with coal
Collier, formerly a term of the
highest reproach
Colour, pretence
Colourable, specious

Colours, appearances, deceits
Colt, to fool, to trick

Co-mart, a joint bargain
Combinate, betrothed
Combine, to bind

Combined, bound by agreement
Comforting, aiding

Commence, to give a beginning
Commended, committed

Commission, authority, power

Commodity, interest, profit

Commonty, a comedy
Compact, made up of
Companion, fellow
Company, companion


Comparative, a dealer in compa-
Compare, comparison
Compassed, round
Compassionate, plaintive [ciates
Competitors, confederates or asso-
Complements, accomplishments
Complexion, humour
Comply, to compliment

| Control, to confute

Convent, to serve or agree
Convented, cited, summoned
Conversation, familiar inter-
course, conduct, behaviour
Converse, interchange
Conversion, change of condition
Convertite, convert
Convey, to perform slight of
hand, to manage artfully
Conveyance, theft, fraud [convict
Convince, to overpower, subdue,
Convicted, overpowered, baffled
Convive, to feast

Cope, to encounter, to engage
Cope, covering
Copped, rising to a cop, or head
Copy, theme

Coragio, an exclamation of en-
Corinthian, a wencher

Corky, dry, withered, husky
Corners, by-places
Corollary, surplus

Coronet, a crown

Corrigible, corrected

Costard, the head

Cote, to overtake.

Curiosity, finical delicacy, scru-
pulousness or captiousness
Curious, scrupulous

Curled, ostentatiously dressed
Currents, occurrences

Cursed, under the influence of a

Curst, petulant, crabbed, shrewd.
ish or mischievous, severe,
harsh, vehemently angry
Curstness, ill-humour
Curtail, a cur of little value
Curtal, a docked horse
Curtle-ax, or cutlace, a broad-
[tard or pie

Custard-coffin, the crust of a cus-
Customer, a common woman
Cut, a horse

Cyprus, a transparent stuff


Daff or doff, to do off, to put
Dally, to play or trifle

Damn, condemn

[nary Danger, reach or control

Coster-monger, meanly, merce- Dank, wet, rotten


[garded Danskers, natives of Denmark Coted, quoted, observed, or re- Dare, to challenge or incite

Cotsale, Cotswood in Gloucester- Dark-house, a house made gloomy
Covered, hollow

[shire by discontent

Count, to make account, to rec- Darkling, in the dark
kon upon



[man Darraign, to arrange, put in orCount Confect, a specious noble- Daub, to disguise Countenance, false appearance, Daubery, falsehood and imposi[trait Day-bed, a couch Counterfeit, a likeness, a por- Day-light, broad-day Counterpoints, counterpanes County, count, earl

Cower, to sink by bending the
[large tub

[tion Cowl-staff, a staff for carrying a Compose, to come to a composi-Coy, to soothe or stroke Composition, contract or bargain, Coyed, condescended unwillingly

consistency, concordancy
Composture, composition, com-
Comptible, submissive
Con, to know

Coystril, a coward cock, a mean
or drunken fellow

[post Cozier, a tailor or botcher
[thought Crab, a wild apple

Conceit, fanciful conception, Crack, dissolution

[lution Cranks, windings
Crants, chants


Day-woman, dairy-maid
Dear, best, important, dire
Dearn, lonely, solitary
Death-tokens, spots appearing on
those infected by the plague
D boshed, debauched
Decay, misfortunes
Deceivable, deceptious
Deck, to cover, a pack

[to last

Decline, to run through from first
Declined, the fallen
Deem, opinion, surmise

Defeatures, features, change of
features for the worse
Defence, art of fencing
Defend, to forbid
Defensible, furnishing the means
Defiance, refusal [of defence
Deformed, deforming
Deftly, dexterously, with adroit-
Defy, to refuse, to distain [ness
Degrees, steps
Delay, to let slip
Demerits, merits
Demise, to grant
Demurely, solemnly
Denay, denial

Concent, connected harmony in Crack, a boy or child, a boy-child Defeat, destruction
Conclusion, determination, reso-
Conclusions, experiments
Concupy, concupiscence.
Condition, temper, character,
qualities, vocations or inclina-
Condolement, sorrow [tions
Conduct, conductor
Coney-catched, deceived, cheated
Coney-catcher, a cheat, or sharper
Confession, profession
Conject, conjecture
Conjecture, suspicion [to consume
Confound, to destroy, to expend,
Confounded, worn or wasted
Consent, to agree
Consent, conspiracy, will, assent,
Consigned, sealed [united voice
Consist, to stand upon
Consort, company

Consort, to keep company with
Constancy, consistency, stability
Constant, firm, determined
Constantly, certainly, without

Contemptible, contemptuous
Continent, the thing which con-
Continents, banks of rivers [tains
Continuate, uninterrupted
Contraction, marriage contract
Contrarious, different

Contrive, to spend and wear out

Crare, a small trading vessel
Craven, a degenerate, dispirited
Craven, mean, cowardly, to make
Create, compounded, or made up
Credent, creditable, credible
Credit, account, information, cre-
Credit, a great light set upon a
Cressive, increasing
Crest, the top, the height
Crestless, those who have no right
[bent, hollow
Crisp, curling, winding, curled,
Critic, cynic
Critical, censorious

to arms


Crone, an old worn-out woman
Crosses, money stamped with a
Crom, to exult over
Crow-keeper, a scare-crow
Crown, to conclude
Crowned, dignified, adorned
Crownet, last purpose
Cry, a troop or pack

Cue, in stage cant, the last words
of the preceding speech
Cuisses, armour for the thighs
Cullion, a despicable fellow
Cunning, sagacity, knowledge
Curb, to bend or truckle

Denied, disbelieved or contemned
Denier, the twelfth part of a
French sou

Denotements, indications or dis-
Deny, to refuse


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[blocks in formation]

Die, gaming

Diet, regimen

Diet, to oblige to fast

Diffused, extravagant, irregular

Digress, to deviate from the right
Digression, transgression
Dint, impression

Direction, judgment, skill
Disable, to undervalue
Disappointed, unprepared
Disclose, to hatch

Discontenting, discontented
Discontents, malcontents
Discourse, reason
Disdained, disdainful

Disease, uneasiness, discontent
Diseases, sayings

Disgrace, hardship, injury
Dislimns, unpaints, obliterates
Dispark, to destroy a park
Disponge, discharge as a sponge
Dispose, to make terms. to settle

Disposition, frame
Disputable, disputatious
Dispute, to talk over
Dissemble, to gloss over
Dissembling, putting dissimilar
things together.
Distaste, to corrupt, to change

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Dout, to do out, extinguish
Dowle, a feather
Down-gyved, hanging down like
what confines the fetters round
the ancles
Drab, whoring
Draught, the jakes
Drann, embowelled, exonerated
Dread, epithet applied to kings
Drew, assembled
Dribbling, a term of contempt
Drive, to fly with impetuosity
Drollery, a show performed by
Drugs, drudges
Drumble, to act lazily and stupidly
Dry, thirsty
[to me
Ducdame, duc ad me, bring him



Eager, sour, sharp, harsh Eanlings, lambs just dropt Ear, to plough


Easy, slight, inconsiderable
Eche, to eke out
Ecstasy, alienation of mind, mad-
Effects, affects, or affections, ac-
tions, deeds effected
Eftest, deftest, readiest
Egypt, a gipsy

Eld, old time, or persons Element, initiation, previous practice

Embossed, inclosed, swollen, puffy
Embowelled, exhausted
Embraced, indulged in
Eminence, high honours
Empery, dominion, sovereign
Emulation, rivalry, envy, factious
Emulous, jealous of higher autho-
Encave, to hide

Enfeoff, to invest with possession
Engine, instrument of war, mili-
tary machine, the rack
Engross, to fatten, to pamper
Engrossments, accumulations
Enkindle, to stimulate
Enmew, to coop up

Extremes, extravagance of conduct, extremities

Eyases, young nestlings

Eyas musket, infant lilliputian Eye, a small shade of colour Eyliads, glances, looks. See OeiEyne, eyes fliads


Face, to carry a foolish appear.


Faced, turned up with facings
Facinorous, wicked
Fact, guilt
Factious, active

Faculties, medicinal virtues, of-
fice, exercise of power
Fadge, to suit or fit
Fading, the burthen of a song
Fain, fond

Fair, beauty, complexion, fairness
Fair-betrothed, fairly contracted,
honourably affianced
Faith, fidelity
Faithful, not an infidel
Faithfully, fervently
Faitors, traitors, rascals
Fall, to let fall, to drop
Fall, an ebb

False, to make false

Ensconce, to protect as with a fort Falsely, dishonestly, treacherous

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Enseamed, greasy
Enshield, shielded
Entertain, to retain in service
Entertainment, the pay of
army, admission to office
Entreatments, the objects of
Envy, hatred or malice [treaty
Ephesian, a cant term for a toper
Equipage, stolen goods
Erewhile, just now
Erring, wandering
Escoted, paid

Esil, a river so called, or vinegar
Esperance, the motto of the Percy
Espials, spies

Essential, existent, real
Estimate, price

Estimation, conjecture
Eterne, eternal

[equal, fellow

Even, calm, equitable, temperate,
Even, to act up to
Examined, questioned, doubted
Excrement, the beard
Excrements, the hair, nails, fea-
thers of birds, &c.
Execute, to employ, to put to use
Execution, employment or exer-
Executors, executioners [cise
Exempt, excluded [confession
Exercise, exhortation, lecture, or
Exhale, hale or lug out
Exhibition, allowance
Exigent, end
Exorcist, a person who can raise
Expect, expectation
Expedient, expeditious
Expiate, fully completed
Expostulate, to inquire or discuss
Erposture, exposure
Express, to reveal
Expulsed, expelled



Dudgeon, the handle of a dagger Ersufflicate, contemptible, abo-
Due, to endue, to deck, to grace Extend, to seize
Dull, melancholy, gentle, sooth-Extent, in law, violence in general
[ble Extern, outward

Dull, to render callous, insensiDullard, a person stupidly unconcerned

Dump, a mournful elegy
Dup, to do up, to lift up

Extirped, rooted out Extracting, that which draws away from every thing but its own object Extravagant, wandering

Fancy-free, exempt from the
Fang, to seize or gripe
Fanged, possessed of fangs
Fans, ancient

Fantastical, creatures of fancy
Fap, drunk

Far, extensively
Farced, stuffed


Fashions, farcens or farcy
Fast, determined, fixed
Fat, dull
Fate, an action predetermined by
Favour, countenance, features,
indulgence, pardon, appearance
Fear, the object of fear, danger
Fear, to intimidate
Feared, frightened
Fearful, timorous, formidable
Feat, ready, dexterous
Feat, an exploit

Feated, formed, made neat Feature, beauty in general, cast and make of the face

Federary, a confederate
Fee-grief, a peculiar sorrow
Feeder, an eater, a servant
Feere, or Pheere, a companion, a
Feet, footing
Fell, skin

Fell-feats, savage practices
Fellow, companion

Fence, the art of, or skill in de-
Feodary, an accomplice, a con-
Fester, to corrupt
Festinately, hastily

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Fives, a distemper in horses Flap-dragon, a small inflammable substance, which topers swallow in a glass of wine Flap-jacks, pan-cakes Flask, a soldier's powder-horn Flatness, lowness, depth


Flaw, sudden violent gust of wind
Flayed, stripped
Flecked, spotted, dappled, streak-
Fleet, to float
Fleeting, inconstant
Fleshment, first act of military
[of a hound
Flered, having the flews or chaps
Flickering, fluttering like the
motion of a flame
Flight, a sort of shooting
Flourish, ornament
Flote, wave

Flush, mature, ripe

Foeman, an enemy in war

Foin, to thrust in fencing
Foizon, plenty
Folly, depravity of mind
Fond, foolish, or prized by folly
Fonder, more weak or foolish
Fondly, foolishly [head of a fool
Focls zanies, baubles with the
Foot-cloth, a housing covering the
body of the horse, and almost
reaching to the ground
For, for that, since, because
Forbid, under interdiction
Force, power

Force, to enforce, to urge
Force, to stuff

Forced, false
Fordid, destroyed

Fordo, to undo, to destroy
Foredone, overcome
Forfended, prohibited, forbidden
Foreign, employed in foreign em-
Forepast, already had [bassies
Fore-slow, to be dilatory, to loiter
Forestall, to prevent by anticipa-


Forgetive, inventive, imaginative
Forked, horned
Formal, not out of form, regular,
sensible, in form, in shape
Former, foremost

Forspent, wasted, exhausted
Forspoke, contradicted, spoken
Forthcoming, in custody [against
Forwearied, worn out
Foul, homely, not fair
Fox, a cant word for a sword
Forship, mean, cunning
Frampold, peevish, fretful, or
Frank, a sty
Franklin, a little gentleman or
Free, artless, free from art, ge-
Fret, the stop of a musical in-
strument, which regulates the
vibration of the string

Gouts, drops

Friend, a lover, a term applica- | Gourds, a species of dice
ble to both sexes, a paramour
Friend, friendship
Friend, to befriend
Frippery, a

Grace, acceptableness, favour
Grace, to bless, to make happy
shop where old Gracious, graceful, lovely
Grained, furrowed, like the grain
of wood, died in grain or in-
Gramercy, grand mercy, great
Grange, the farm-house of a mo-
nastery; a lone house
Gratillity, gratuity

clothes were sold
Frize, a cloth made in Wales
From, in opposition to
Fronted, opposed
Frontier, forehead
Frontlet, a forehead cloth
Frush, to break or bruise
Frustrate, frustrated
Fulfilling, filling till there be no
Full, complete [room for more
Fullams, loaded dice
Fullest, most complete and per-
Fumiter, fumitory
Furnished, dressed



Gabardine, a loose felt cloak
Gad, a pointed instrument
Gain-giving, misgiving
Gainsay, to unsay, deny, contra-
Gait, way or steps
Galliard, an ancient dance
Galliasses, a species of galleys
Gallowglasses, heavy armed foot
Gallow, to scare or frighten
Gallymanfry, a medley
Game, sport, jest [a wanton
Gamester, a frolicksome person,
Gaping, shouting or roaring
Garboils, commotion, stir
Garish, gaudy, showy

Garner, to treasure up

Gasted, frightened
Gandy, a festival day
Gands, baubles, toys
Gaze, attention

Gear, a general word for things
Geck, a fool
[or matters
General, generality
General, compendious
Generation, children
Generosity, high birth
Generous, most noble

Gentility, urbanity

Gratulate, gratifying, acceptable
Grave, to entomb

Graves, or greaves, armour for
Greasily, grossly [the legs
Greek, a bawd, or pander
Green, unripe, not fully formed
Greenly, awkwardly, unskilfully
Greets, pleases

Grief, pain, grievances
Griefs, grievances, wrongs


Grievances, sorrows, sorrowful af
Grieve, to lament for
Grise, a step
Grossly, palpably

Groundlings, the frequenters of the pit in the playhouse Growing, accruing

Guard, defence

Guard, to fringe or 1 ce
Guarded, ornamented
Guards, badges of dignity
Guerdon, reward
Guerdoned, rewarded
Guiled, treacherous
Guinea-hen, a prostitute

Gules, red, a term in heraldry
Gulf, the swallow, the throat
Gun-stones, cannon-balls

Gurnet, a fish resembling a piper
Gust, taste, rashness
Gyve, to catch, to shackle
Gyves, shackles


Hack, to become cheap and vul.
Haggard, a species of hawk [gar
Haggard, wild

Gentle, noble, high-minded, be- Hair, complexion or character

longing to gentry

Gentry, complaisance
German, akin

Germins, seeds begun to sprout
Gest, a stage or journey
Gib, a cat
Gifts, endowments
Giglot, a wanton wench [or 2s.
Gilder, a coin valued at 1s. 6d.
Gilt, gilding, golden inoney
Gimmall, a ring or engine
Ging, a gang
Gird, a sarcasm or gibe, emotion
Gleek, to joke or scoff, to beguile
Glimmering, faintly illuminated
by the stars

Gloze, to expound, to comment
Glut, to englut or swallow up
Gnarled, knotted

Happily, accidentally, fortunately
Happy, accomplished
Hardiment, bravery, stoutness
Harlocks, wild mustard
Harlot, a cheat

Harp, to touch on a passion
Harrow, to conquer, to subdue
Harry, to use roughly, to harass
Having, estate or fortune, pro-

motion, allowance of expense Haviour, behaviour Haught, haughty Haughty, high, elevated Haunt, company [school Hay, a term in the fencingHead, the source, the fountain Head, body of forces Heart, the most valuable or preHeat, heated [cious part Heat, violence of resentment Heavy, slow Hebenon, henbane

Good-deed, indeed, in very deed Good-den, good evening Good-life, of a moral or jovial turn Good jer, gougere, morbus galli-Hefted, heaved Gorbellied, fat and corpulent [cus Hefts, heavings [prison Gossips, tattling women who at- Hell, an obscure dungeon in a tend lyings-in Helmed, steered through Gossomer, the white cobweb-like Hence, henceforward exhalations that fly about in Henchman, a page of honour hot sunny weather Hent, seized or taken possession Government, evenness of temper, Hereby, as it may happen decency of manners Hermits, beadsmen


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Ill-nurtured, ill-educated

Inkhorn-mate, a book-mate

Inkle, a kind of tape, crewell or Labras, lips worsted


Laced mutton, a


woman of the (or page Lackeying, moving like a lackey Lag, the meanest persons

Lances, lance-men

Land-damn, to destroy in some

Lands, landing-places

Lapsed, time suffered to slip

Large, licentious


Lass-lorn, forsaken of his mis

Latch, to lay hold of


disposi-Latched, or letched, licked over Late, lately

Inland, civilized, not rustic
Insane, that which makes insane
Insconce, to fortify
Insculped, engraven
Inseparate, inseparable
Instance, example, proof
Instances, motives
Insuit, solicitation
Intend, to pretend
Intending, regarding
Intendment, intention or
Intenible, incapable of retaining
Intention, eagerness of desire
Intentively, with full attention
Interessed, interested
Intergatories, interrogatories
Intermission, pause, intervening
[be cut
Intrenchant, that which cannot
Intrinse, intrinsicate
Invention, imagination
Inwardness, intimacy, confidence
Iron, clad in armour
Irregulous, lawless, licentious
Issues, consequences, conclusions
Heration, citation, or recitation


Images, children, representatives Jack, a term of contempt

Imaginary, produced by the Jack-a-lent, a puppet thrown at


power of imagination
Imbare, to lay open or display to
Immanity, barbarity, savageness
Immediacy, close connection
Imp, to supply
Imp, progeny
Impair, unsuitable
Impartial, sometimes used for
Impamned, wagered and staked
Impeach, to bring into question
Impeachment, reproach or impu-
tation, hinderance
Imperious, imperial
Imperseverant, perseverant
Impeticos, to impetticoat or im-
Importance, importunacy [pocket
Importance, the thing imported
Importing, implying, denoting
Impose, injunction, command
Impositions, commands [ceivable
Impossible, incredible or incon-
Impress, to compel to serve
Impress, a device or motto
Impugn, to oppose, to controvert
Incapable, unintelligent [colour
Incarnardine, to stain of a red
Incensed, incited, suggested
Inclining, compliant
Inclip, to embrace
Include, to shut up, to conclude
Inclusive, enclosed

Incony, or kony, fine, delicate
Incorrect, ill-regulated
Increase, produce

Indent, to bargain and article
Index, something preparatory
Indifferent, sometimes for differ-
Indite, to convict [ent, impartial

in Lent

Jack guardant, a jack in office Jaded, treated with contempt,


Lated, belated, benighted
Latten, thin as a lath
Lavoltas, a kind of dances
Laund, lawn

Lay, a wager
Leaguer, the camp
Leasing, lying

Leather-coats, a species of apple
Leave, to part with, to give away
Leech, a physician

Leer, feature, complexion
Leet, court-leet, or court of the

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Leman, lover, mistress
Lenten, short and spare
L'envoy, moral, or conclusion of
Let, to hinder
[a poem
Let be, to desist
Lethe, death

Lewd, ignorant, idle, wicked
pen-Lewdly, wickedly

Jar, the noise made by the
dulum of a clock
Jauncing, jaunting
Jesses, straps of leather by which
the hawk is held on the fist
Jest, to play a part in a mask
Jet, to strut

Jovial, belonging to Jove
Journal, daily
Jump, to agree with, to put into
Jump, hazard, to venture at
Jump, just

Justicer, justice, judge
Jut, to encroach
Jutty, to project
Juvenal, a young man


Kam, awry, crooked
Keech, a solid lump or mass
Keel, to cool
Keep, to restrain, to dwell, to
Keisar, Cæsar

Kernes, light-armed Irish fool
Key, the key for tuning, a tun-
Kicksy-wicksy, a wife
Kiln-hole, a place into which
coals are put under a sove
Kind, nature, species
Kindless, unnatural
Kindly, naturally
Kindly, kindred

Libbard, or lubbar, a leopard Liberal, licentious or gross in [language Liberty, libertinism

License, an appearance of licen tiousness

Lie, to reside, to be imprisoned
Liefest, dearest

Lieger, an ambassador at a fo-
[reign court
Lifter, a thief
Light o' love, a dance tune
Lightly, commonly, in ordinary
Lightness, levity

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Likeness, specious or seeming
Liking, condition of body

Limbeck, a vessel used in distil-
Limbo, a place supposed to be in
the neighbourhood of hell
Lime, bird-lime

Lime, to cement [with bird-lime
Limed, entangled or caught, as
Limit, appointed time [derly
Limited, appointed, regular, or
Limits, estimates, calculations
Line, genealogy
Lined, delineated
Link, a torch of pitch

Linstock, the staff to which the
match is fixed when ordnance.
List, the bound or limit [is fired
Lither, flexible, yielding
Little, miniature

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Mace, a sceptre
Mad, wild, inconstant
Made, enriched

Magnificent, glorying, boasting
Magnifico, a chief man or grandee
at Venice

Mailed, wrapped up, covered with
Main-top, top of the mainmast
Make, to bar, to shut
Makest, dost

Meed, merit, desert, excellence
Meet, a match

Meiny, people, domestics
Memories, memorials,


Memorized, made memorable
Memory, memorial
Mephistophilus, the name of
spirit or familiar
Mercatante, a merchant
Mere, exact, entire, absolute
Mered, mere
Mermaid, siren

Messes, degrees about court
Metal, temper

Metaphysical, supernatural
Mete-yard, measuring-yard
Memed, confined

Muffler, a kind of dress for the lower part of the face

Muliters, muleteers

Mulled, softened and dispirited
Multiplied, multitudinous
Multiplying, multiplied

Multitudinous, full of multitudes
Mummy, the balsamic liquor of
Mundane, worldly

a Mure, a wall

Micher, a truant, a lurking thief
Miching, playing truant, skulking
Mien, countenance
Mince, to walk with affected de-
Minding, calling to remembrance,
Mineral, a mine [of contempt
Minnow, a small river fish, a term
Minstrelsy, office of minstrel
Misconceived, misconceivers
Miscreate, ill-begotten, illegiti-
Misdoubt, to suspect
Miser, a miserable creature
Misery, avarice

Misprised, mistaken



Misprising, despising, or under-
Missives, messengers
Mistaken, misrepresented
Mistempered, angry
Misthink, to think ill
Mistress, the jack in bowling
Mobled, or mabled, veiled, grossly

Mode, the form or state of things
Model, image, representatire,



Modern, trite, common, meanly
Modesty, moderation [pretty
Module, model, pattern
Moe, or mowe, to make mouths
Malkin, a scullion, a coarse wench Moiety, a portion
Mall, Mrs. alias Mary Frith, or Mollification, pacification, soften-
Moll Cutpurse
Mome, a dull stupid blockhead
Mallecho, mischief
Momentany, momentary [sary
Mammering, hesitating
Month's mind, a popish anniver-
Mammets, puppets
Mood, anger, resentment, manner
Mammock, to cut in pieces
Moody, melancholy
Man, to tame a hawk
Moon-calf, an inanimate shapeless
Manacle, a handcuff
Moonish, variable
Manage, conduct, administration Mope, to appear stupid
Mandrake, a root supposed to Moral, secret meaning [morris
have the shape of a man
Morisco, Moor or Moorish, or
Mankind, masculine [confines Morris-pike, Moorish pike
Marches, the borders, limits, or Mortal, murderous, fatal [fatally
Marchpane, a species of sweet-Mortal-staring, that which stares


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Mortified, ascetic, religious

Most, greatest

Motion, a kind of puppet-show
Motion, divinitory agitation
Motion, desires

Motions, indignation

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Murky, dark

Murrain, a plague in cattle
Muse, to admire, to wonder
Must, a scramble

Mutine, to rise in mutiny
Mutines, mutineers


Napkin, handkerchief
Napless, threadbare
Native, formed by nature
Nature, natural parent
Nay-word, a watch-word or by-
Neat, finical
Neb or nib, the mouth
Neeld, needle
Neif, fist

Nephew, a grandson or any lineal
Nether-stocks, stockings
Newness, innovation
Newt, the eft

Next, nearest

Nice, silly, trifling

Nick, reckoning or count
Nick, to set a mark of folly on
Nighted, made dark as night
Night-rule, frolic of the night
Nine men's morris, a game
Nobility, distinction, eminence
Nobless, nobleness
Noddy, fool, a game at cards
Noise, music

Nonce, on purpose, for the turn
Nook-shotten, that which shoots
into capes
Northern-man, vir borealis, a
Note, notice, information, remark
Novice, a youth

Novum, some game at dice
Nourish, to nurse
Nowl, a head
Nurture, education
Nuthook, a thief

Obligations, bonds [tion to
Observed, paid respective atten-
Observing, religiously attentive
Obsequious, serious, as at funeral
obsequies, careful of
Obsequiously, funereally
Obstacle, obstinate

Occupation, men occupied in bu
Occurrents, incidents [siness
Oe, a circle [eye. See Eyliads
Oeiliad, a cast or glance of the
O'erdied, died too much

O'er-looked, slighted

O'er-parted, having too consider-
able a part

O'er-raught, over-reached
O'er-wrested, wrested beyond the
Of, through
Offering, the assailant
Office, service

[apartments Offices, culinary or servants

[blocks in formation]
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