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12548 Hall (Asaph). Zones of Stars, observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the Meridian Transit Instrument in the years 1846, 1847, 1848, and 1849. By Prof. Reuel Keith, U. S. N., and others.



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4to. Washington, 1872. (Washington Observations for 1870. Appendix IV.) Zones of Stars, observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory with the Meridian Circle in the years 1847, 1848, and 1849. By Prof. James Major, U. S. N.; Lieut. F. Maynard, U. S. N.; Lieut. W. B. Muro, U. S. N.

4to. Washington, 1873. (Washington Observations for 1871. Appendix I.) Observations of Double Stars, made at the United States Naval Observatory. 4to. Washington, 1881. and Harkness (Wm.). Reports on Observations on Encke's Comet during its return in 1871.

4to. Pamphlet. Washington, 1872. (Washington Observations for 1870. Appendix II.)

12552 Harkness (Wm.). Report on the Difference of Longitude between Washington and St. Louis.

4to. Pamphlet. Washington, 1872.

(Washington Observations for 1870. Appendix I.)

12553 Harvard College. Annals of the Astronomical Ob servatory of,

Vol. 1. Parts 1 & 2. 4to. Cambridge, 1856.

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2. Part 2.

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Catalogue of 618 Stars observed at the Astronomical
Observatory of Harvard College, 1871-75.

4to. Pamphlet. Cambridge, 1880.

12554 Holden (Edward S.). On the proper motion of the Trifid Nebula.




8vo. Pamphlet. 1877.

Note on a Relation between the Colors and Magnitudes of the Components of Binary Stars. 8vo. Pamphlet of 3 leaves.



On some of the Hypothesis, recently proposed, that the intrinsic brilliancy of the Fixed Stars is the same for each star. 8vo. Pamphlet.

Investigation of the Objective and Micrometers of the Twenty-six inch Equatorial constructed by Alvan Clark & Sons.

4to. Pamphlet. Washington, 1881. (Washington Observations for 1877. Appendix I.)

12558 Holden (Edward S.). The Multiple Star 748.
4to. Pamphlet. Washington, 1881.
(Washington Observations for 1877. Appendix II.)

12559 Lamont (J.). Observationes Astronomicae in Specula
Regia Monachiensi.
4to. Monachii, 1847.
12560 Margetts's Longitude Tables for correcting the Effect
of Parallax and Refraction. Folio. London, 1794.
12561 Memorie dell' osservatorio del Collegio Romano.
Vol. II, 1860-1863.

4to. Roma, 1863.

12562 Mendoza y Rios. Colleccion completa de Tablas. 4to. Madrid, 1850. 12563 Mittlere Oerter für 1873.0 von 539 Sternen und Scheinbare Oerter für das Jahr 1873 von 529 Sternen des Verzeichnisses I. und II. From 1873 to 1878 inclu6 8vo. pamphlets. Berlin, 1873–77. 12564 Nautical Almanac for 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1872–77.



12565 Naval Observatory.

See Report of the Commission, No. 12035.

12566 Newcomb (Simon). Investigation of the Orbit of Uranus. With General Tables of its motion.






See Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, vol.


The Uranian and Neptunian Systems, investigated with the 26-inch Equatorial of the United States Naval Observatory.

(Washington Observations for 1873, Appendix I.)
Researches on the motion of the Moon.
(Washington Observations for 1875, Appendix II.)

On the Right Ascensions on the Equatorial Fundamental Stars, and the corrections necessary to reduce the Right Ascensions of different Catalogues to a Mean Homogeneous System.

(Washington Observations for 1870, Appendix III.) Investigation of Corrections to Hansen's Tables of the Moon; with Tables for their application. 4to. Pamphlet. Washington, 1876. Catalogue of 1098 Standard Clock and Zodiacal


12572 Nicolai-Hauptsternwarte.

and 1866.

4to. Jahresbericht, 1865

8vo. Pamphlet. St. Petersburg, 1866.

12573 Nobile (A.). Differenza di Longitudine fra gli osser

vatorii di Napoli E Palermo.

4to. Pamphlet. Napoli, 1874.

12574 Peirce (Prof. Benjamin). Tables of the Moon.

4to. (2 copies.) Washington, 1853.

12575 Pickering (Edward C.). Variable Stars of Short 8vo. Pamphlet. Cambridge, 1881.


12576 Reports of the Astronomer to the Marine Committee Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 1869 and 1872. 2 8vo. pamphlets. Liverpool, 1869–73.

12577 Report of the Superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory for the year 1878.

8vo. Pamphlet. Washington, 1879. 12578 Stansbury (Daniel). Tables to facilitate the necessary Calculations in Nautical Astronomy.

4to. New York, 1821.

12579 Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris for finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea. Published by order of the Commissioners of Longitude. 2d Edition corrected and improved.

8vo. Pamphlet. London, 1781. 12580 Washburn Observatory of the University of Wiscon son, Contributions from the,

No. 1. Foolscap Pamphlet,

12581 Washington Observations.

See Astronomical Observations, Nos. 12538, 12539. 12582 Yarnall (Prof. M.). Catalogue of Stars, observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory during the years 1845 to 1871. 4to. (2 copies.) Washington, 1873. (Washington Observations for 1871, Appendix III.) Catalogue of Stars, observed at the U. S. Naval Observatory during the years 1845 to 1877. 2d Edition, revised and stereotyped.


4to. Washington, 1878.


12584 Académie des Sciences. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences.

(Vols. 80 to 93.)

14 vols. 4to. Paris, 1875-81.

For preceding vols., see No. 5463.

Table Générale des Comptes rendus des Séances de
l'Académie des Sciences. (Tomes 1 à 61. 1835 à
2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1853-70.

12585 Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1874,

1875, 1876, 1877.

Edited by Spencer F. Baird.

4 vols. Post 8vo. New York, 1875–78.

12586 Argentine Republic at the Philadelphia Centennial
Exhibition. See Philadelphia, No. 12617.

12587 Bernstein (Julius). The Five Senses of Man.
12mo. New York, 1876.

(International Scientific Series.)

12588 Brazil at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876. See Philadelphia, No. 12617.

12589 British Section at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876.
See Philadelphia, No. 12617.

12590 British Association. See Reports, No. 12626.
12591 Centennial Exhibition. See Philadelphia, No. 12617.
12592 Cooper Union. The 18th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd An-
nual Reports of the Trustees of the Cooper Union for
the Advancement of Science and Art.

4 8vo. Pamphlets. New York, 1877–81.

12593 Exhibition, Centennial. See Philadelphia, No. 12617. 12594 Freycinet (Charles de). Traité d' Assainissement Industriel. See Freycinet, No. 12173.

12595 Germany at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876. See Philadelphia, No. 12617.

12596 Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Science. First Series. Dana Estes, Editor.

8vo. Boston,

12597 Half-Hours with Modern Scientists. Lectures and
Essays by Wallace, Roscoe, Huggins, Lockyer,
Young, Mayer, and Rood. Being Nos. VI-X of the
University Series. 2d Series.

12mo. New Haven, 1873.

12598 Hardwicke's Science-Gossip for 1872.

J. E. Taylor.

Edited by

Large 8vo. New York, 1873.

12599 Helmholtz (H.). Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. Translated by E. Atkinson. 1st and 2d Series. 2 vols. 8vo. New York and London, 1873–81. 12600 Hudson (Frederic). Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872.

Svo. New York, 1873.

12601 Illustrated Library of Wonders.

12mo. New York, 1876.

Mountain Adventures in various parts of the World.
For preceding volumes of the series see No. 5556,

12602 International Exhibition, 1876.

See Philadelphia, No. 12617.

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12603 International Scientific Series.
1. Tyndall's Form of Water.

2. Bagehot's Physics and Politics.
3. Foods. By Dr. Edward Smith.
4. Body and Mind. By Alexander Bain.

5. The Study of Sociology. By Herbert Spencer.
6. The New Chemistry. By Josiah P. Cooke, Jr.
7. The Conservation of Energy. By Balfour Steward.
8. Animal Locomotion. By J. Bell Pettigrew.
9. Responsibility in Mental Disease. By Henry

10. The Science of Law. By Prof. Sheldon Amos.
11. Animal Mechanism. By Prof. C. J. Marey.
12. History of the Conflict between Religion and
Science. By John W. Draper.

13. The Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism. By
Oscar Schmidt.

14. The Chemistry of Light and Photography. By Dr. Hermann Vogel.

15. Fungi: their Nature and Uses. By M. C. Cooke. 16. Life and Growth of Language. By William Dwight Whitney.

17. Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. By W. Stanley Jevons.

18. The Nature of Light. By Dr. Eugene Lommel.
19. Animal Parasites and Messmates. By P. J.
Van Beneden.

20. On Fermentation. By P. Schützenberger.
21. The Five Senses of Man. By Julius Bernstein.
22. The Theory of Sound. By Prof. Pietro Blaserna.
23. Studies in Spectrum Analysis. By J. Norman

24. Growth of the Steam-Engine. By Robert H.


25. Education as a Science. By Alexander Bain,


26. Modern Chromatics.
27. The Human Species.
28. The Crayfish. By T.
29. The Atomic Theory.
34. The Sun. By C. A.

12604 Jevons (W. Stanley).
Treatise on Logic and

By Ogden N. Rood.
By A. de Quatrefages.
H. Huxley.
By Ad. Wurtz.
Young, Ph.D., LL.D.
The Principles of Science: A
Scientific Methode.

2 vols. 8vo. London, 1874.

12605 Journal de l'École Polytechnique. 44-49 Cahiers.

6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1874-81.

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