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Bampton lectures. See Inge, W: R. Bancroft, F: The life of William H. Seward. 2v. O. 2 pors. 1100p. g. t. $5.99. Harper. Bancroft, G: A plea for the constitution of the U. S. A., wounded in the house of its guardians. O. 16p. pa. 5c. '98. Reform Club. Bancroft. Hubert Howe. The new Pacific.

O. 5-738p. map. $2.50. '99. Bancroft Co., N.Y. Bancroft, W: H: Shining pathways and other poems. D. 8-187p. net $1. '99.


Bandaging, Manual of. Leonard, C. H: $1.50. Illus. Med. Journal.

Bandanna ballads. Weeden, H. $1. Doubleday. Bandello, Matteo. Certain tragical discourses of Bandello; tr. into English by Geffraie Fenton, anno. 1657; with introd. by Rob. Langton Douglas. 2v. D. 273; 272p. net $10. (Tudor translations.) '98. imp. Scribner. Bandit of Syracuse. Cobb, S., Jr. $1; pa. 50c. Bonner.

Bangs, J: Kendrick. The dreamers: a club: being a more or less faithful account of the literary exercises of the first regular meeting of that organization; reported by J: Kendrick Bangs; il. by E: Penfield. D. 8-247p. $1.25. '99. Harper.


Cobwebs from a library corner: verses. 98p. 50c. (Little books of lasting charm.) '99. Harper.

-Coffee and repartee, and The Idiot. D. 230p. 51 il. $1. '99. Harper.

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The enchanted typewriter; il. by Peter Newell. D. 6-171p. $1.25. '99. Harper.

Ghosts I have met, and some others; il. by Newell. Frost, and Richards. S. 10-191p. $1.25. '98. Harper.

Peeps at people: being certain papers from the writings of Anne Warrington Witherup; coll. by J: Kendrick Bangs; with il. by E: Penfield. D. 7-185p. pl. $1.25. '98. Harper. Contents: Nansen, Mr. Hall Caine, Emperor William. Mr. Alfred Austin, Andrew Lang, Zola. Sir Henry Irving. Ian Maclaren, Rudyard Kipling. Henryk Sienkiewicz, General Weyler. Bangs, L. Bolton, and Hardaway, W. A., eds. An American text-book of genito-urinary diseases, syphilis and diseases of the skin. Q. 1229p. il. net $7; sh. or hf. mor. net $8. '98. Saunders.

Banister. H: C. Interludes: seven lectures delivered between the years 1891 and 1897; coll. and ed. by Stewart Macpherson. D. 6229p. por. $2. '98. Macmillan.


Helpful papers for harmony students. 136p. pa. 75c. '98. imp. Scribner. Banker of Bankersville. Thompson, M.$1.Street. Bankers' encyclopedia. v. 7. Williams, C. R.. comp. $6; annual subs. 2 ed. $10. Bankers' Encyclopedia Co.

Bank-note redemption. Monetary commission. pa. 5c. Reform Club.

Bankruptcy. See United States, Supreme court Bankruptcy, Law of, Treatise on. Lowell, J: and Ja. A. sh. net $6. Little.

Bankruptcy act, approved July 1, 1898. pa. 25c. Johnson.

Banks, C: E. Sword and cross, and other poems. D. $1.25. '99. Rand.

Same. D. 311p. 1 il. 50e. '99. Street.

and Cook, G: Cram. In Hampton Roads. a dramatic romance. D. 6-288p. il. $1.25. '99. Rand.

Banks. Edgar J. Jonah in fact and fancy; with introd. by Lyman Abbott. D. 194p. il 75c. '99. Ketcham.

An effort to separate the story of Jonah from the essential truths of Christianity. The author discusses the historic Jonah, the objections to accepting the whole truth of the story, the source and composition of the book, and its interpretation. He answers effectually the arguments for a literal acceptance of the story.

Banks, J: S. A manual of Christian doctrine; 1st Amer, fr. 4th. Eng. ed.: ed. with introd. and additions by J: J. Tigert. D. 391p. $1.50. '98. Barbee.

Banks, L: Albert. Immortal songs of camp and field: the story of their inspiration together with striking anecdotes connected with their history. . 298p. por. pl. $3. '98. Burrows.

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Anecdotes and morals; a volume of illustrations from current life. D. 46-417p. $1.50. '98. Funk.

Chats with young Christians. D. 92p. 40c. '99. F. M. Barton, Cleveland, O.

Christ and his friends. D. 390p. g. t. $1.50. '98. Funk.

The Christian gentleman: a series of addresses to young men. D. 123p. 75c. '98. Funk.

Fisherman and his friends. D. 365p. g. t. $1.50. '98. Funk.

The great sinners of the Bible. D. 329p. g. t. $1.50. '99. Eaton.

Heroic personalities. D. 237p. $1. '98. Eaton.

Immortal hymns and their story: the narrative of the conception and striking experiences of blessing attending the use of the world's greatest hymns. 2d ed. O. 313p. il. por. $3. '98. Burrows.

-John and his friends: a series of revival sermons. D. 8-289p. $1.50. '99. Funk.

My young man: a series of addresses to young men. D. 3-123p. 75c. '99. Funk.

- Paul and his friends: a series of revival sermons. D. 347p. $1.50. '98. Funk.

The unexpected Christ: a series of evange listic sermons. D. 328p. $1.50. '98. Ketcham. A year's prayer-meeting talks. D. 8-289p. $1. 99. Funk.

Some of the chapters are: The characteristics of a good church member; The unused diplomas of life; The worship. of the heart: The kind of holiness pleasing to God; The imperishable man within; The good and the bad worldliness; The evolution of the shirk: How not to want everything; The special value of average people; How to make the Bible a personal book; etc. The talks are brief, forcible, and thoroughly practical. Banks.

See also Money.

Bank-note redemption. Indianapolis Convention Monetary commission. pa. 5c. Reform Club.

Bank notes and branch banking. Breckenridge, R. M. pa. 5c. Reform Club. Bankers' encyclopedia.

Williams, C. R..

comp. $6; annual subs. 2 ed. $10. Bankers' Encyclopedia Co.

Banking and currency.

Reform Club.

Gage, L. J. pa. 5c.

Banking systems of the world. Handy, W:

M. $1. Popular Pub. Co.

Garnett, C: H.

Banks and bank officers. Work on. Magee. H. W. sh. $4. C: W. Palm. Banks of issue in Illinois. pa. 5c. Reform Club. Clearing house of New York City. King, M.. ed. pa. 25c. M. King.

Early banks of issue in Wisconsin. Root, L. C. pa. 25c. Reform Club.

Farmer's interest in the banking question. Root, L: C. pa. 5c. Reform Club.

Federal clearing houses. Gilman, T. net $1. Houghton.

Graded banking system. Gilman, T. net $1. Houghton.

History of state banking in Maryland. Bryan, A. C. pa. $1. Hopkins.

Imperial bank of Germany. Root, L. C. pa. 5c. Reform Club.

Laws regulating the

investment of bank funds. Rollins, M., comp. lea. $2.50. M. Rollins & Co.

Banks. Continued.

Methods and machinery of practical banking. Patten. C. B. hf. lea. net $5. Bradford Rhodes & Co.

National banks. See Pratt's digest. National banks of principal banking centers

of the U. S., Reports of. Evening Post. pa. 10. Evening Post.

Principles of banking currency. Conant, C: A. pa. 5c. Reform Club.

Relation of postal savings banks to commercial banks. Hamilton, Ja. H. pa. 15c. A. A. of P. & S. S.

Report of banking and currency committee. June 15, 1898. pa. 5c. Reform Club. Savings bank percentages, 1899. Osgood, R. C., and Harwood, P. L., comps. pa. $2. Osgood-Harwood Press.

Southern farmer and banking reform. Hammond, M. B. pa. 5c. Reform Club. State bank of Indiana. Harding, W: F. pa.

5c. Reform Club.

Banner, Bertha. Household sewing with home dressmaking. D. 157p. 90c. (Domestic science manuals.) '98. Longmans. Banner of the Jew. Lazarus, E. pa. 10c. Critic. Banners of the Christian faith. Ingram, A. F. W. $1.50. Young, E.

Banville, Theodore de, Gringoire, And L'Eté de la St. Martin, by Ludovic Halévy and Meilhac, H: T. 138p. 36c. (Ca Ira ser. modern plays.) '98. Allyn. Baptist Church.

American Baptist year-book, 1899. Walker, J. G., ed. pa. 25c. Am. Bapt. Pub .Soc. Autobiography of Charles H.Spurgeon. $3.50. Revell.

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Arthur. R. S. $1.50. Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc. First Baptist Church of Philadelphia. Keen, W: W., ed. $3; hf. mor. $5. Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc.

History of the Baptist churches of the United States. Newman, A. H. $1.75. Am.

Bap. Pub. Soc. History of the Baptists in the middle states. Vedder, H: C. $1.25. Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc.

Little Baptist. Martin, J. M. 75c. Baptist
Book Concern.

Reminiscences of Baptists in New York.
Hausell. G: H. $1. Am. Bapt. Pub.
Svenska baptisternas historia. Hall, A. G.
$2; hf. mor. $2.50. A. G. Hall.
Swedish Baptists in Sweden and America,
History of. Schroeder, G. W. $1. G. W.

Baralt, Luis A. The harmonic method for learning Spanish. D. 32-227p. il. $1.25. '99. Appleton.

Barbara. Jerome, J. K. pa. 15c. Penn. Barbara Villiers. Del Mar, A. 75c. Cambridge Encycl. Co.

Barbarian and other stories. Mendum, B. 25e; pa. 10c. Neely.

Barbara's heritage. Hoyt, D. L. $1.50. Wilde. Barbe. Waitman. Going to college; with the opinions of fifty leading college presidents and educators. S. 104p. n.p. 99. The Elbert & Richardson Co., Cin.. O. Barber, Edwin Atlee. Anglo-American pottery; old English china with American views:

a manual for collectors. O. 161-14p. il. net $2.50. '99. The Clay-Worker, West Chester, Pa.

Barber, Elmer D. Osteopathy complete. O. 7-566p. il. $10. '98. Hudson.

Barber, J: W., and others. Bible lookingglass; rev. and rearranged. In 5 parts, with an introd. by Bishop Fallows. O. 536p. $2; hf. mor. $2.50; mor. $3.75. '98. J. P. Nichols & Co., Naperville, Ill.

Barber, T: W., C. E. Engineers' sketchbook: mechanical movements, devices, appliances. contrivances, and details employed in the design and construction of machinery for every purpose classified and arranged for reference for the use of engineers, mechanical draughtsmen, managers, mechanics, inventors, patent agents, etc. 3d ed. rev. and enl. O. 335p. 2603 il. $4. '98. Spon.

Barbour, A. Maynard. Told in the Rockies: a pen picture of the west. D. 4-335p. $1. '98. Rand. Barbour, Ralph H: The half-back: a story of school, football, and golf; il. by B. West Clinedinst. D. 5-267p. $1.50. '99. Appleton. Barclay, E. J. Linotype operator's companion. S. 64p. $1. '98. E. J. Barclay, Cincinnati, O.

Barcus, Ja. S., ed. Public service: comprising the outline maps of political divisions; names, official titles, and remuneration of officers and heads of departments in national, state and municipal service within the state of New York; tabulations and statements of important data concerning party organizations, campaigns, elections, and various other public interests. O. 631p. $5. '98. Globe Pub. Co., N. Y.

Bardeen, C: W: Outlines of sentence-making. D. 187p. 60c. '99. Bardeen.

Authors birthdays, 2d ser.; cont. exercises for the celebration of the birthdays of Bayard Taylor, Lowell, Howells, Motley, Emerson, Saxe, Thoreau, E. S. Phelps-Ward, Parkman, Cable, Aldrich, J. C. Harris. S. 3-459p. $1; pa. 50c. '99. Bardeen.

Commissioner Hume: a story of New York schools. S. 210p. $1.25; pa. 50c. (Standard teachers' lib.) '99. Bardeen.

Some problems of school management: an address before the educational council of Onondaga. O. 16p. 25c. '99. Bardeen.

Teaching as a business; four addresses. S. 154p. $1. '98. Bardeen.

Bareis, Mrs. G: F. See Mayer, F., jt. auth. Bargain (The) theory of wages. Davidson, J: $1.50. Putnam.

Barham. R. H. (T: Ingoldsby, pseud.) The Ingoldsby legends; or, Mirth and marvels; with introd. by F. J. Simmons; il. by Arthur Rackham. O. 17-638p. 100 black and white il. 12 col. pl. g.t. $2.25. '98. Macmillan. Barker, D. Wilson. A manual of elementary seamanship. D. il. $2. (Griffin nautical ser. no. 5.) '97. Lippincott.

Barker, G: F:, tr. and ed. Röntgen rays; memoirs by Röntgen, Stokes, and J. J. Thomson. O. 7-76p. net 60c. (Harper's scien tific memoirs, v.3.) '99. Harper; sold to Am. Bk. Co.

Contents: A new kind of rays, by W. C Röntgen; Further observations on the prop erties of the X-rays; On the nature of the Röntgen rays, by Sir G. G. Stokes; A theory of connection between cathode and Röntgen rays, by J. J. Thomson.

Barker, J: Marshall. History of Ohio Methodism. D. 448p. $1.50. '98. Curts. Barker. Laura Cooke. Society silhouettes: a collection of short stories. D. 256p. $1. '98. Helman.

Barbara's emancipation; Keeping up appearances; A search for sensations; The senator's wooing; The touch of nature; A twentieth century romance.

Barker, Lewellys F. The nervous system and its constituent neurones; designed for the use of practitioners of medicine and of students of medicine and psychology. O. 1150p. il. 2 col. pl. $5. '99. Appleton.

Barlow, Dr. C. Daydreams of a doctor. O. 251p. $1.25. '98. Paul.

Barlow, Jane. A creel of Irish stories. D. 5-320p. $1.25. '98. Dodd.

Contents: The keys of the chest; A deserted child; An account settled; M'Neills' tigersheep; The snakes and Norah; Three pint measures; The surree at Mahon's; The shortest way; The stay-at-homes; A proud woman. Barlow, Walter Sydney Lazarus-. Manual of general pathology: for students and practitioners. O. 795p. net $5. '98. Blakiston. Barlows, M. Arthur. First voyage to Roanoke, 1584; with historical and bibliographical notes by E. D. Mead. S. 20p. pa. 5c. (Old South leaflets, no. 92.) '98. Dir. O. S. W-. Barmby, Cuthbert. James Cope, U. S. district attorney: his remarkable confessions; il. by Powell Chase. D. 329p. $1.50. '99. Amsterdam.

Barn stormers. Williamson, H. 75c. Stokes. Barnard, P. Mordaunt. Clement of Alexandria's biblical text. O. 19-64p. net $1.25. (Texts and studies, contributions to biblical and patristic lit.. v.5, no.5.) '99. Macmillan. Barnato, Barnett Isaacs: a memoir. Raymond, H. $2. Dutton. Barnebogen. Revsdal, O. bds. 15c. Free Church Bk. Concern. Barnes, A.. Maria. Tatong, the little slave; a story of Korea. D. 2-252p. il. $1 '99. Presb. Com.

The ferry maid of the Chattahoochee: a story for girls; il. by Ida Waugh. D. 343p. $1.25. '99. Penn.

Barnes, C: Reid. Plant life: considered with special reference to form and function. D. 428p. il. $1.12. '98. Holt.

Barnes, Irene H. Behind the pardah: the story of C. E. Z. M. S. work in India; with preface by Rev. T. A. Gurney. D. 264p. il. $1.50. '98. Crowell.

Barnes, J. The darkey phrenologist: a nigger absurdity in one act. Dick's American ed.

S. 11p. pa. 15c. '99. Dick. Barnes, Ja. Drake and his yeomen: a true accounting of the character and adventures of Sir Francis Drake as told by Sir Matthew Maunsell, his friend and follower; wherein also is set forth much of the narrator's private history; il. by Carlton T. Chapman. O. 13-415p. pl. $2. '99. Macmillan.

David G. Farragut. T. 140p. 75c. (Beacon biographies.) '99. Small.

The hero of Erie, Oliver Hazard Perry. D. 7-167p. il. $1. (Young heroes of our navy ser.) '98. Appleton.

ed. and comp. Ships and sailors: being a collection of songs of the sea as sung by the men who sail it; il. in col. and black and white by Rufus F. Zogbaum. F. ob. g.t. $6; bds. $5. '98. Stokes.

Barnes, Martha McCulloch. For grace and pleasure: marches, dances, games, and motions, with songs for primary schools. D. 37p. il. bds. 35e. '99. Bradley.

Barnes's Historical ser. See Steele, J. D. Barnes's national vertical penmanship. A and B. per dozen. 75c. '98. Am. Bk. Co. Barnett, Edith A. A champion in the seventies. D. 365p. $1.50. '98. Stone. Barnett, Percy Arthur. Common sense in education and teaching: an introduction to practice. D. 7-321p. $1.50. '99. Longmans. Teaching and school organization: a manual of practice with especial reference to secondary instruction. O. 438p. $2. '99. Long


Barney, E: Truth unveiled. 2d ed. D. 176p. $1. '98. E: Barney, Lorin, Cal. On mental healing.

Barney, J. G., comp. Whist essence. lea, 75c.; pa. 25c. '98. Williams and W. Barnum, Albert W. Stray leaves (Poems.) 0. pa. 50c. '98. imp. Barnum, Mott & Barnum, Chicago.

Barnum, Rev. S: W. Vocabulary of English rhymes, arranged on a new plan. 2d ed. S. 787p. net $2. '99. T: R. Barnum, New Haven, Conn.

Barometrical determination of heights. Cordeiro, J. B. lea. $1. Spon.

Barr, Mrs. Amelia Edith Huddleston. Maids, wives and bachelors. D. 4-323p. $1.25. '98. Dodd.


The beads of Tasma; new issue. D. pa. 25c. (Palmetto lib., no. 28.) '98. Dillingham. I, thou, and the other one; a love story. D. 3-354p. $1.25. '99. Dodd.

Trinity bells: a story of old New York; with 16 .full-page il by C. M. Relyea. D. 7-278p. $1.50. 99. Taylor.

- Was it right to forgive? a domestic romance. D. 294p. $1.50. '99. Stone.

Barr, J: H. Kinematics of machinery: a brief treatise on constrained motions of machine elements. O. 5-247p. 213 figures. $2.50. '99. Wiley.

Barr, Robert. (Luke Sharp, pseud.) Jennie Baxter, journalist. D. 4-337p. il. $1.25. '99. Stokes.

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From whose bourne; il. by Frank M. Gregor 25c. '99. Stokes.

In a steamer chair; new ed. D. bds. 50c. '99. Stokes.

The strong arm: a romance of Mozelle. D. 336p. $1.25. '99. Stokes.

Tekla: a romance of love and war. D. 6437p. $1.25. '98. Stokes.

Same. D. 6-437p. pa. 50c. (Standard ser. of novels.) '99. Claflin.

The unchanging East; or Travels and troubles in the Orient. 2v. S. ea. 256p. il. with full page pl. from photo. g.t. $3; 34 mor. $7. '99. Page.

Barr, W: Arthur. Classified civil service in the post-office: a compendium of rules, regulations, points of practice, and legal decisions in connection with the civil service law. as applied to the classified post-office service of the U. S. D. nar. 6-91p. por. pa. 25c. 99. W: A. Barr, 37 Huchins Bldg., Wash., D. C. Barr, W: M. Boilers and furnaces: considered in their relation to steam engineering. O. 405p. il. $3. (Steam engineering ser.. v. 1.) '98. Florence Co.. Phila Barrack-room ballads. See Kipling, R. Barraud, Clement W: Lays of the knights. O. 8-164p. $1.50. '99. Longmans. Barrett, Elmer E., comp. Illustrative cases on the law of real property. O. 257p. pa. net $2. '98. West.

Cases on bills and notes. O. 36p. pa. 50c. '98. West.

Barrett. Frank. Was she justified? O. g.t. $1.50. '98. Amsterdam.

Barrett, Jay Amos. Nebraska and the nation. 2d ed. rev. and enl. D. 279p. 80c. '98. Miller, J. H..

Barrett, J: Admiral George Dewey: a sketch of the man. S. 13-280p. pors. pl. $1.25. '99. Harper.

Barrett, W. A. See Stainer, Sir J: Barrett. W. C. Oral pathology and practice: a text-book for the use of students in dental colleges, and a handbook for dental prac titioners. Q. 239p. $2.50. '98. S. S. White, Phila.

Barrett. Wilson, and Barron, Elwyn. My lady's honour: a romance. D. 350p. il. $1.50. '99. Page.

In old New York: a historical romance. D. 410p. il. front. $1.50. '99. Page.

and Hichens, Rob. (S.) The daughters of Babylon: a novel. D. 3-324p. front. $1.50. 99. Lippincott.

Barrie. Ja.M. The little minister; new ed. D. pa. 25c. '99. Claflin.


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Same; il. by photographs from life of Maude Adams, Robert Edeson, and other members of the company, by Sarony, and also by ils. from original drawings by W. J. Kennedy. O. 12-454p. pors. Popular ed. $1; Sarony ed. $1.50; Green room ed. $2; Kirriemuir ed. 2v. $3. '99. Caldwell.

Same: new Maude Adams ed.; with il. by Ernest Haskell, and Allen Gilbert. O. $1.50. 99. Russell.

Same; il. with thirty-two page drawings by C. Allan Gilbert, and photo. taken for the book. Maude Adams. ed. D. por. vel. bxd. $2.50. '98. Russell.

Jess. D. 6-148p. il. 50c. (Young of heart ser. 98. Estes.

Lady's shoe; new ed. S. 3-77p. g.t. 50c; lea. $1. 98. Brentano's.

My lady Nicotine; new ed. with 150 il. from original drawings by Maurice B. Prendergast. $1.50. 4 lea. $4. '99. Page. Barringer, Dan Moreau. Description of minerals of commercial value: a practical reference-book for the miner, prospector, and business man, or any person who may be interested in the extraction or treatment of the various metallic or non-metallic minerals, and for students either in field-work or in the laboratory. O. ob. 168p. mor. $2.50. '98. Wiley,

Barrington, Rev. A. H. Anti-christian cults: an attempt to show that spiritualism, theosophy, and Christian science are devoid of supernatural powers and are contrary to the Christian religion. S. 172p. net 50c. Young. Ch.


Barrington, Boyd C. The Magna Charta and other great charters of England; with an historical treatise and copious explanatory notes. D. 342p. $3. '99. W: J. Campbell. Phil. Barrington, R. I., History of. Bicknell, T: W. net $5. Gregory's Book Store.

Barron. Elwyn. Manders: a tale of Paris; il. by T. Spicer Simson. D. 4-328-1p. pl. $1.50. 99. Page.

See Barrett. W.. jt. auth.

Barrow. A. Songs of praise and practical life. S. 234p. leatherette. 50c. '99. Walter Cash, Marceline. Mo.

Barrow. E. N. The king's rivals. D. 2-365p. front. $1.25. '98. Longmans.

An historical novel of the time of Charles II. Barrows, J: H:, D. D. A world-pilgrimage. Barrows, Mary Eleanor, ed. O. 4-479p. il. $2. '98. McClurg.

The Christian conquest of Asia: studies and personal observation of Oriental religions: being the Morse lectures of 1898. D. 17-258p. $1.50. '99. Scribner.

Contents: Beginning at Jerusalem; or, Christianity and Judaism; The cross and the crescent in Asia; Observations of popular Hinduism; Philosophical Hinduism; Some difficulties in the Hindu mind in regard to Christianity; Christianity and Buddhism; Confucianism and the awakening of China; Success of Asiatic missions-America's sponsibility to the Orient. Barrows, S: J. The isles and shrines of Greece. O. 389p. $2. '98. Roberts. Sold to Little.


Barrud. Rev. C. W.. S. J. The lay of the knights. O. $1.50. '98. Longmans. Barry. Miss Etheldred Breeze. Little Tong's mission: il. by the author. D. 5-89p. 50c. (Young of heart ser.) '99. Estes.

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Barrys. (The). Bullock, S. F. $1.25. Doubleday.

Barsy, Madame Carlotta de. The gates of the future thrown open: dreams and omens from the ancient manuscripts of Nostradamus, Albertus Magnus, and other famous sorcerers; rendered into modern English. D. il. 75c; pa. 25c. '99. Laird.

Bart, pseud. (C. L. Bartholomew.) Cartoons of the Spanish-American war; with dates of important events; from the Minneapolis Journal. O. unp. pa. 25c. (Library of Journal Extras.) '99. Journal Ptg. Co., Minneapolis. Bartholomew, C. L. See Bart, pseud. Bartholomew, E. F. The relation of psychology to music. D. 300p. $2. '99. F. E. Peterson, Augustana Conservatory, Rock Island, Ill. Bartholomew, H. E. Henry George; or, The coming revolution. D. 154p. pa. 25c. '98. H. E. Bartholomew, Bath, Penn. Bartholomew, J: G. The citizen's atlas of the world; with a descriptive gazetteer and geographical statistics. F. maps, plans. $10. 99. imp. Scribner.

Bartholyns, A. O'D. The legend of the Christmas rose. Q. il. $1.25. '99. Amsterdam. Bartlett, A. D. Wild animals in captivity: being an account of the habits, food, manage ment, and treatment of the beasts and birds at the "Zoo," with reminiscences and anecdotes, by A. D. Bartlett; comp. and ed. by E: Bartlett. O. 373p. il. $3. '99. imp. Scrib

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Bartlett, C: H:, and Lyon, R: Hill. Salle in the valley of the St. Joseph: an historical fragment. D. 125p. 20 il. por. maps. $1.25. '99. Tribune Co.. South Bend, Ind. Bartlett, J. Vernon. The apostolic age. D. net $2. (Ten epochs of church history.) '99. Scribner.

Bartlett. Vanda Wathen-. Heart's desire: a novel; with a cover design by J. P. Pemberton. D. 2-329p. $1.50. '99. Lane.

Bartlett, W: H. Facts I ought to know about the government of my country. S. 50c; flex. lea. $1. '98. Crowell.

Bartley, Bryan C. Marine engineeer's record book: engines. D. limp. lea. $2. '98. Spon. Bartley. Elias Hudson. Text-book of medi cal and pharmaceutical chemistry: 5th ed. rev. and inl. with glossary and complete index. D. 17-738p. il. net $3; sh. net $3.50. '98. Blakiston.

Manual of clinical chemistry. D. 150p. 33 il. net $1. '99. Blakiston. Bartley, Jos. Dana, ed. Hymns and tunes selected from "In excelsis:" for supplementary use in the home, Sunday School social and praise meeting, and for the choir and congregation. O. 78p. pa. 15c. '98. Century.

Barton, C. Josephine. Healing thoughts. 2d ed. O. 107p. pa. 50c. '98. A. P. Barton, Kansas City, Mo.


Barton, Clara Harlowe. The red cross: history of this remarkable international movement in the interest of humanity. O. 684p. 100 pl. $2.75; $3.50; hf. mor. or Eng. buckram, $4.50; mor. $5.50. '98. American National Red Cross, 58 William St., N. Y. Barton, Robert T. Pleading and practice in the courts of chancery. 2d ed. rev. and enl. 2v. O. 90-678; 22-679-1496p. sh $12. '99. J. P. Bell, Lynchburg, Va.

Barton, W: Eleazar. The story of a pumpkin pie; told in verses by W: E. Barton, and in pictures by A. M. Willard. O. 3-50p. il. 75c. '98. Pilgrim Press.

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A hero in homespun: a tale of the loyal South. D. 412p. il. $1.50. '98. Lamson; sold to Pilgrim Press.

The psalms and their story: a study of the Psalms as related to Old Testament history; with a preliminary study of Hebrew poetry and music. 2v.: v.1, From the Exodus; v.2, From the Exile to the Advent. D. 12-249; 9267p. $2.50. '98. Pilgrim Press.

When Boston braved the king: a story of tea-party times. D. 314p. $1.50. 99. Wilde. Bartsch, F: R. Constructive work: a sequence of lessons in paper and cardboard. O. 115p. il. col. pl. 75c. '99. Normal School Pub. House, 6901 Stewart Av., Chicago. Industrial and commercial geography. 88p. 30c; bds. 20c. '98. Chicago Normal School Pub. House.


Baruch, Simon, M. D. The principles and practice of hydrotherapy, a guide to the application of water in disease; for students and practitioners of medicine. O. 443p. il. net $4. '98. Wood.

Barus, Carl, tr. and ed. The law of gases. D. 110p. 75c. (Harper's scientific memoirs.) '99, Harper. Sold to Am. Bk. Co.

Barwise, Sidney, M. D. Purification of sewage: a brief account of the scientific principles of sewage purification and their practical application. D. 12-150p. il. $2. '99. Van Nostrand.

Barzilla, Jacob. She beats the devil. S. 12330p. il. 50c; pa. 25c. '98. C: W. Palm Co., Los Angeles, Cal.

Bascom, J: Growth of nationality in the United States. D. $1.50. '99. Putnam. Bases of design. Crane, W. net $6. Macmillan.

Basford, J. Lendall. Seven seventy seven sensations. 112p. 50c. '98. Alliance Pub. Bashford, Herbert. Songs from Puget Sea. D. 3-149p. $1. (Western ser. of readers, v.3.) '98. Whitaker & R.

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Nature stories of the northwest. D. 149p. hf. lea. net 50c. '98. Whitaker & R. Bashful earthquake. Herford, O. $1.25. Scrib


Bashore, Harvey B., M. D. Outlines of rural hygiene, for physicians, students, and sanitarians; with an app. on the normal distribution of chlorine, by H. E. Smith. O. 4-84p. il. net. 75c. '98. Davis.

Basil Lyndhurst. Carey, R. N. $1. Macmillan. Basis of early christian theism. Cole, L. T. pa. net 50c. Macmillan. Baskervill, W: Malone. Southern writers series. S. pa. '98. Pub. House M. E. Ch. Contents: Charles Egbert Craddock; 48p. net 10c. George W. Cable; 57p. net 10c. Sidney Lanier; 162p. net 30c. Irwin Russell; 40p. net 10c. Joel Chandler Harris; 80p. net 10c. Maurice Thompson, 48p. net 10c.

and Harrison, James A. Anglo-Saxon prose reader for beginners in oldest English; with grammar, notes and vocab. D. 5-176p. net $1.20. 98. Barnes.

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Handy Anglo-Saxon Dictionary; with grammar and list of irregular verbs. O. 318p. hf. lea. net $2.40. '98. Barnes.

Outline of Anglo-Saxon grammar. O. 66p. net 60c. '98. Barnes.

Baskerville, Prof. C: School chemistry. D. 159p. il 60c. '99. Johnson, B. F.

Baskett, Jas. Newton. At you-all's house; a Missouri story; with an introd. by Hamilton Mabie. D. 11-346p. g. t. $1.50. '98. Macmillan.

The story of the fishes. D. 12-297p. net 65c. (Appleton's home-reading books.) '99. Apple


Basquin, Olin H. See Crew, H:

Bass, Florence. Lessons for beginners in reading. 116p. il. bds. 25c. '98. Heath. Bassett, H. W. See Starr, F.

Bassett, J: Spencer. Anti-slavery leaders of North Carolina. O. 74p. pa. 50c. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science. Ser. 16, no. 6.) '98. Hopkins. Contents: The home of the anti-slavery sentiment; Hinton Rowan Helper; Benjamin Sherwood Hedrick; Daniel Reaves Goodloe; Eli Washington Caruthers; Lunsford Lane. Slavery in the state of North Carolina. 111p. pa. 75c. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in historical and political science, ser. 17, no. 7-8.) '99. Hopkins.


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Bate, Percy H. The English pre-Raphaelite painters: their associates and successors. 16-126p. 91 il. g. t. $12. '99. Macmillan. Bateman, Rev. G. C., and Bennett, R.A.R. The book of aquaria; being a practical guide to the construction, arrangement of freshwater and marine aquaria; cont. full information as to the plants, weeds, fish, mollusks. insects, etc; how and where to obtain them: and how to keep them in health. Pt. 1. Freshwater aquaria; by G. C. Bateman. Pt. 2. Marine aquaria: by R. A. R. Bennett. D. 12-450p. $2.25. '99. imp. Scribner. Bateman, May. The altar of life; a novel. D. 5-299p. $i; pa. 50c. (Lippincott's select novels.) '99. Lippincott.

Bater, Claude H., M. A. Brewing calculations, guaging and tabulation, formulae. tables; memoranda for brewers, and excise officers surveying breweries. Sf. 340p. g. il. roan 60c. '98. Spon.

Bates. Arlo. The Puritans. D. 4-524p. $1.50. '98. Houghton.

Under the beach tree: poems. S. 123p. $1.50. 99. Houghton.

A wheel of fire. D. 75c. (Scribner's popular ser. of copyright novels). '99. Scribner. See Putnam, E.

Bates, C: Austin. Short talks on advertising. S. 3-211p. il. $1; pa. 25c. '98. C. A. Bates, N. Y.

Bates, Fanny B., comp. Between the lights. Thoughts for the quiet hour. D. 441p. $1. '98. Crowell.

Bates. Frank Amasa. (Matasiso) Stories of lake, field and forest; being rambles of a sportsman-naturalist told round the campfire. S. 2-165p. il. $1. '99. F. A. Bates, So. Braintree, Mass.

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