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among the Greeks. The same form was retained at Cyrene for some generations without any diminution of the royal authority. But after the great addition to the numbers of the colony, made, as we have mentioned, in the reign of the founder's grandson, the second Battus, the people seem to have become dissatisfied with the existing institutions. This disposition, perhaps, found no opportunity of manifesting itself with effect under his successor, Arcesilaus II., who was involved in a domestic quarrel, which occasioned a revolt of his Libyan subjects, from whom he suffered a disastrous defeat, and he was soon after murdered by one of his brothers. His son and heir, Battus III., was lame, and this defect afforded an occasion or pretext for a great political change, the need of which must have been generally felt before. The Delphic oracle was consulted on the means of remedying the disorder of the state, and un-it formed the original Dorian Hexapolis. We der its sanction a citizen of Mantinea, named Demonax, pointed out, no doubt, by his previous reputation, was invited to assume the office of mediator-in other words, to frame a new constitution. He began by determining the respective rights of the old and the new colonists, and distributed them into three tribes, of which the descendants of the original settlers formed the first, probably with some peculiar privileges. He then proceeded to deprive the king of all his substantial prerogatives, leaving him only the ensigns of royalty, a domain, and certain priestly offices. This part of the work of Demonax, indeed, was destroyed in the following reign by a counter-revolution, effected with the aid of foreign auxiliaries, and the government then became, in fact, a tyranny; but this accidental result does not affect the case, as an example of a general tendency, and of the mode of its operation.

an opportunity for political deliberation when. occasion called for it. With regard to the Eolians, however, it is not certain that they possessed even such a centre of union; and it is on the ground of analogy only, and not on direct evidence, that they have been supposed to have held annual assemblies near a temple of Apollo, the seat of an ancient oracle, at Grynium.* The fact is left rather suspicious by the silence of Herodotus, who mentions the periodical meetings of the Dorians and Ionians. Those of the Dorians took place near the temple of Apollo, who derived his epithet from the T'iopian headland, where it stood: games were celebrated within the sacred precincts, and the victors were enjoined to dedicate their prizes, bronze tripods, to the god. It was the breach of this ordinance which caused the separation of Halicarnassus from the five cities, which with may hence infer how slight the connexion must have been. The meetings of the Ionians were held in a spot at the northern foot of Mount Mycale, called, from its destination-that of receiving the whole Ionian body—Panionium, and consecrated to the national god Poseidon. In them, too, the religious or festive object was almost exclusively predominant. Yet it would appear that in early times there was among the Ionians a tendency of disposition and of circumstances towards a closer union than subsisted among either their northern or their southern neighbours. All the Ionian cities, except Samos, were ruled, as we have seen, by princes of the house of Codrus, and this was made an indispensable condition of admission into the confederacy. But there is also some ground for believing that the eldest prince of this house enjoyed a supremacy over the rest. Strabo relates, on the authority of Pherecydes, that Ephesus was anciently the capital of Ionia, as the seat of Androclus, who was considered as the common leader of all the Ionian settlers; and he mentions that, even in his own day, there were at Ephesus descendants of the ancient kings, who were distinguished by certain ensigns of royalty, and exercised some sacred functions which were originally attached to it. No great stress, indeed, can be laid on this fact; for similar vestiges may have been long preserved in the other Ionian cities, and have disappeared only when the privileged line became

The Greek colonies which covered so large a part of the coast of Asia Minor, though comprising a great number of tribes very distantly related to each other, were distributed, as we have seen, into three principal masses, each bearing a name indicating a supposed unity of descent. The Ionians, moreover, recognised Athens as a common parent-a relation which could not be claimed in so strict a sense either by Thebes with regard to the Æolians, or by Argos or Sparta with regard to the Dorians. In each case, however, the feeling or the assumption of a national affinity was strengthen-extinct. But the active interference of Androed by an unbroken geographical connexion; and it might have seemed an almost inevitable consequence of such proximity of origin and position, that even if the three main divisions were kept apart from one another, each in itself should have formed a compact political body. But causes similar to those which kept the European Greeks asunder, operated here to the same effect; and at the time of the migration,ly insulated; and Miletus in particular, even if there was no power in the neighbourhood of the new colonies formidable enough to suggest the thought of a permanent combination of their forces. In fact, it does not appear that any political union, properly so called, was ever established even among the cities of the same name; the nearest approach to one consisted in periodical meetings, founded simply with a religious object, for the celebration of festivals in honour of a tutelary god, but which afforded

clus in the affairs of other Ionian cities may be allowed strongly to confirm this statement of Pherecydes; and when we find him dislodging the Epidaurians from Samos, and afterward protecting Priene against the Carians-the enterprise which cost him his life-he may seem to be acting as chief of the whole body. But undoubtedly the Ionian cities were soon complete

Neleus was really the younger brother, would not have long borne the superiority of Ephesus, which it soon greatly surpassed in wealth and power. No provision was made either for defence against foreign enemies, or for the maintenance of internal tranquillity: there was no common treasure, nor tribunal, nor magistrate, nor laws. Yet it may have been very early, though the time is uncertain, that the Lycians

* Strabo, xiii., p. 622. Paus., 1, 21, 7.

set an example of the manner in which the ad- | the limits of the Grecian world, and opening an vantages of a close federal union might be rec- intercourse between its most distant regions. onciled with mutual independence. They dis- How far political changes were connected with tributed their twenty-three cities into three the prime spring of that wonderful activity classes the cities of the first rank possessed which was displayed by the Asiatic Greeks, each three votes, those of the second two, those more especially the Ionians, in the seventh and of the lowest one, and each contributed to a sixth centuries before our era, can only be concommon fund in proportion to its weight in the jectured. It seems probable that the fall of the common council. This was held, not in any ancient aristocracies which succeeded the hefixed place, so as to raise one city to the rank roic monarchy, and the emulation between a of a capital, but in one appointed for the time growing commonalty and an oligarchy which by common consent. A supreme magistrate grounded its political claims solely on superior and other officers were here elected, and a court wealth, were conditions without which the Iowas instituted for the decision of all disputes nian genius would not have found room to exthat might arise between members of the con- pand itself so freely. On the other hand, the federacy, the cities contributing, in proportion inferior degree in which the Dorians and Eoto their rank, to fill the places in the national lians were animated with the spirit of commerjudicature and magistracy. In the same as- cial adventure may have been owing to their semblies were discussed all questions relating political institutions not less than to a differto peace and war, and the general interests of ence in their national character. It is, howevthe united states. Had the Greeks on the west- er, certain, that in the two centuries just menern coast of Asia adopted similar institutions, tioned, the progress of mercantile industry and their history, and even that of the mother-coun- maritime discovery was coupled with the cultitry, might have been very different from what it vation of the nobler arts and the opening of became. new intellectual fields, in a degree to which history affords no parallel before the beginning of the latest period of European civilization.

But whatever ill effects may be attributed to their want of union, it does not seem immediately to have checked the growth or to have Among the secondary impulses which fordiminished the prosperity of the several cities. warded this progress, one may be thought to They may, perhaps, have shot up the more vig- have proceeded from the mother-country. Thuorously and luxuriantly from the absence of all cydides fixes the beginning of the seventh cenrestraint. This advantage undoubtedly also re- tury B.C. as the epoch of a considerable imsulted from the abolition of the monarchical provement in the art of shipbuilding, which was form of government, which probably took place first adopted in Corinth, and was imparted by a everywhere within a few generations after the Corinthian named Ameinocles to the Samians. first settlement, though the good was balanced It seems to have been after this epoch, yet not by great evils. From the scanty fragments re- much later, that the Milesians began to plant a maining of the internal history of the Asiatic series of colonies on the eastern coast of the colonies, it may be collected that they passed Propontis, though Cyzicus, the most important through the various stages of which we have of them, is referred to an earlier origin.* The given an outline in a preceding chapter, and that rivalry of the Phocæans, who founded Lampsathey suffered much from intestine discord. cus on the same coast, and that of the MegariThus it is related that Miletus, after the over- ans, who occupied the most advantageous posithrow of a tyrannical dynasty, was split into tions on the European shore, may have urged two factions, designated by names which seem them to push forward into a wider field of ento indicate an oligarchy and a commonalty.* terprise, and to explore the coasts of the longThe former gained the ascendant, but was dreaded sea, which was supposed to have been forced to take extraordinary precautions to pre- traversed many centuries before by the Argoserve it. Again we read of a struggle between nauts, but seems to have been now first opened the wealthy citizens and the commonalty, ac- for ordinary navigation by the Milesians. To companied with the most horrible excesses of them is attributed the glory of having changed cruelty on both sides. It is uncertain wheth- its name from the Inhospitable to the Hospitaer this is the period to which Herodotus refers ble, the Euxine; and it was to the struggles when he speaks of a civil war which lasted for which they had to maintain with the barbarous two generations at Miletus, and reduced it to hordes on its coasts that they owed their once great distress, and was at length terminated by proverbial reputation for valour.† Here they the mediation of the Parians, who seem to have planted the greater part of their numerous colcommitted the government to those landown-onies, which, according to Pliny, amounted to ers who had shown the greatest moderation, or had kept aloof from the contest of the parties.‡ These convulsions took place within the same period in which Miletus rose to the summit of her greatness as a maritime state, and in which her colonies and her commerce were extending

Plut., Qu. Gr., 32, IIλovris (IIλovris ?) and Xeipoμáxa. The oligarchs held their councils on shipboard.

Athen., xii., 524, from Heraclides Ponticus. Here the commonalty bears the name Tipyes-that of the remnant of the ancient Teucrians in the Troas. Strabo, xiii., p. 589. Herod, vii., 43. Athen., vi., 256.-They are a rustic population, and crush the children of their adversaries to death on their threshing-floors: the opposite party revenges itself by burning them alive with their children.

+ Herod., v., 28.

no less than eighty, and, according to Strabo, lay almost exclusively on the Propontis and the Euxine. These colonies, unlike most of those hitherto mentioned, were undoubtedly founded

*Eusebius gives two dates, B.C. 756 and B.C. 675. Mr. Clinton, F. H., 1, a, 756 and 675, supposes the first to belong to a Milesian, the second to a Megarian colony, mentioned by Lydus, De Mag., iii., 70, where, however, unless we adopt the conjecture olkioavres, it may be doubted whether there is sufficient authority for saying that Cyzicus was founded by the Megarians. The planting of other Milesian colonies in the neighbourhood, which took place nearly at the same time, as Abydos, Priapus, and Proconnesus, seems to render it probable that Miletus had at least a share in the second settlement of Cyzicus.

† Πάλαι ποτ' ἦσαν ἄλκιμοι Μιλήσιοι. Athen. xii., 26.

with a distinct view to commercial advantages, | B.C., they gained access to Etruria, and, as apand probably remained for a time in close con- pears from the story of Demaratus, were soon nexion with the parent city. And there is followed by the Corinthians. Herodotus also some ground for believing that during the same seems to ascribe the still more important disperiod, Miletus was regarded as the common covery of Iberia and Tartessus-the delta of the protectress of the Greek settlers in this region. Guadalquivir-to the Phocæans. But perhaps Hence perhaps the parental title, a valued dis- he may only mean that their example encourtinction, may in some instances have been trans-aged other adventurers, who finally outstripped ferred to her, and her fecundity may have been them. For in the thirty-fifth Olympiad a fortuexaggerated at the expense of some of the oth-nate Samian, named Colæus, reached Tarteser cities which established colonies on the same sus, and found, as Herodotus says, a virgin coast. Thus Strabo attributes to Miletus the mart, from which he carried home the most foundation of the Pontic Heraclea, the most profitable cargo ever imported by a Greek merwestern of the Greek colonies on the Asiatic chant. But if the Samian led the way, the Phoside of the Euxine; and adds that the settlers cæans did not long remain behind; and they acreduced the Mariandynians, the ancient inhabi- quired so great favour with the Tartessian king tants, to a state of bondage exactly resembling Arganthonius, that he is said to have invited that of the Spartan Helots. But this very fact the whole people to leave Ionia, and settle in strongly confirms the testimony of other writers, his dominions. The Rhodians appear very earwho describe Heraclea as a Megarian colony,*ly to have pursued the same direction, though in which we may expect to find Dorian institu- we must reject as a fabulous legend the statetions. The earliest Milesian settlement seems ment that they visited the coasts of Spain many to have been planted much farther eastward; years before the Olympiads, and even settled in for Sinope, though its history is involved in the Balearic isles soon after their return from great obscurity, has apparently the best claim Troy. But there is no reason to doubt that to this precedence. It became, in its turn, the they founded Parthenope, perhaps in conjuncmother of several flourishing cities. Amisus, tion with the Cumaans, as its later name, Neon the same coast, is also assigned to the Mile-apolis, was derived from a new colony of Chalsians by Strabo, on the authority of Theopom-cidians and Athenians. Hence we may the pus, but perhaps with no better ground than more readily believe that they established themHeraclea; other authors ascribe it to the Pho-selves at Rhode or Rhodos (Rosas, in Catalocæans, and fix the epoch of its foundation fournia) before the Phocæans had gained a footing years previous to that of Heraclea. Yet it is on the neighbouring coast at Emporiæ (Ampunot absolutely certain that the southern side of rias), and we may even suspect that the Rhone the Euxine was the earliest occupied by the (Rhodanus) was named after them. If so, they Greek colonists; and it is possible that before must here also have preceded the Phocæans, they had circumnavigated that great projection who about 600 B.C. founded their most celebraof the Asiatic coast which terminates towards ted colony, Massilia, perhaps on Ligurian ground, the north in Cape Carambis, they may have where they maintained themselves with the aid been carried across to the Tauric Chersonesus, of the Celtic tribes, whose good-will they gainwhich became in later times one of the princi-ed and requited by diffusing among them the pal granaries of Greece, and the seat of a pow-arts of civilized life, and Grecian usages and erful state.

letters. Miletus, however, did not neglect the The Euxine had already lost a part of its ter- commerce of the West; her fleeces, which rors before any Greek navigator ventured to ex- were of singular fineness, supplied the luxury plore the recesses of the Adriatic, or to launch of Sybaris with clothes, carpets, and tapestry, out beyond Sicily into the western seas. The and became the occasion of so close an alliance Phocæans had the glory of opening these new between the two cities, that the Milesians distracks of commerce, in which, however, they played their grief for the fall of Sybaris by a pubwere soon followed by bold and active rivals.lic mourning. In the Adriatic they were probably attracted to Nearly at the same time that the Phocæans the mouth of the Po by the lucrative traffic in were making their first excursions in the west amber, for which this river-which at length of the Mediterranean, the country from which, was identified with the fabulous Eridanus, the according to general belief, Greece had in anscene of the fall of Phaethon, over which his cient times received the germs of her arts, resisters dropped their glittering tears)-had long ligion, and civility, but which had long been been a real channel. The date of their first ad- jealously closed against foreign settlers, was venture in the Adriatic cannot be precisely fix-thrown open for permanent and friendly intered; but it was probably not later than the beginning of their voyages to the western coasts of Italy, where, early in the seventh century

course to the Greeks. About 650 B.C., a band composed of Ionians and Carians chanced, in the course of a piratical expedition, to land on the coast of Egypt, and were induced by great ofScymnus, Fr., 230. Baotians also took part in it. + Scymnus, Fr., 210, speaks of a Milesian, named Am-fers to enter into the service of Psammetichus, brun, as the first founder after the mythical times, or, at who established himself on the throne by their least, as having been cut off, before he had accomplished aid. He not only rewarded them with a grant his undertaking, by the Cimmerians. While this people was overrunning Asia, in the reign of the Lydian king Ar- of lands on the Nile, but gave all their countrymen free access to his dominions;* and, to pro

dys, between 678 and 629 B.C., a new colony seems to have been founded with better success by Milesian exiles. According to some accounts, they were headed by a Coan named Critias or Critines. Steph. B., Ziván. Eustath. on Dionys., p. 772.

# Scymnus, 181. Not forty years, as is stated both by Raoul Rochette (Col. Gr.. iii., p. 334) and by Mueller (Orehom., p. 291). Hyginus, F., 154.

*This account of the matter in Herod., ii., 154, is no doubt substantially correct, and yet it may not be a sufficient ground for rejecting the date assigned by Eusebius to the foundation of Naucratis, which, according to him, was founded by Milesians, Ol. vi., 4, confirmed by the story in Athenæus, xv, c. 18.

mote their commerce with his subjects, consign- | found employment at home in the arts by which ed a number of Egyptian boys to their care, to their private and public life was cheered and be instructed in the Greek language, so as to adorned. Among the cities of Greece perhaps form a permanent class of interpreters. His Corinth alone can be compared to them. There successors adhered to the same policy; and the overthrow of the Bacchiads was attributed thus Greeks of various classes were drawn to to their luxury, which probably formed a conEgypt, in the pursuit of knowledge as well as of trast to the plainness and frugality that prevailgain. Of the impression produced on an inquis-ed in the other Dorian states. But though the itive and intelligent Greek by the sight of this Dorian character and institutions were adverse wonderful land, which even by its ruins, and in to luxury, they did not exclude the highest deits lowest state of degradation, has never ceased gree of magnificence in works either consecrato inspire astonishment and awe, we are able ted to the gods, or designed for the service of to judge from the testimony of Herodotus. Even the state. And hence even where, as at Sparif the effects of the intercourse between the two ta, the Dorian freemen were not permitted themnations had been limited to those of a purely selves to cultivate any of the arts, artists of vamaterial traffic, they would have been incalcu- rious kinds were well received, and found abunlably great, because to this traffic Greek litera-dant employment; and schools of art occur ture was indebted for one of the most important more frequently in Dorian than in Ionian cities. outward conditions of its development-a cheap The first steps in the arts of drawing, of paintand commodious material for writing, which ing, of moulding figures in clay, were commonwas supplied by the Egyptian papyrus; but, un-ly attributed to the Corinthians, who, as they doubtedly, these effects did not terminate here, though it is difficult to estimate them, and the opinions of learned men are divided as to their nature and extent.

afterward gave their name to one of the three orders of architecture, made the earliest improvement in the form of the Doric temple.* But Sicyon disputed the honour of some of these Though we have not yet brought the political inventions with Corinth, and was more celebranistory of the Asiatic colonies down to the pe- ted than her wealthier neighbour for her school riod at which we dropped that of the mother- of sculpture. Those of Argos and Lacedæmon, country, just before the beginning of the great of Rhodes and Crete, and, above all, of Ægina, struggle between Greece and Asia, as the pres- were fruitful and renowned, while that of Athent seems to be the most suitable place for ta- | ens, though it boasted Dædalus as its founder, king a view of the progress of art and literature, and transmitted his art in an uninterrupted sucwhich was so intimately connected with the cession of families, seems to have been barren rise of those colonies, we shall not scruple, for in great works, as it was in illustrious names. the sake of continuity, to trace it down to the But the Ionians were not behind-hand either in Persian war. the richness of their productions or in the glory of new inventions. They began early to vie with one another in the magnitude and splen

We have seen that several arts, subservient either to the enjoyment of the great and affluent, or to the uses of religion, had been cultiva-dour of their sacred buildings, and, consequent ted by the Greeks before the time of Homer ly, in all the arts which served to adorn them. with a considerable degree of activity and suc- The temple of Heré at Samos, the largest of all cess, and it may easily be conceived that their that Herodotus had seen, appears to have been progress kept pace with the advance of public begun in the eighth century B.C., or early in the and private prosperity. The increase of wealth seventh. It was built in the Doric style, which and refinement appears to have been much more soon after generally gave way in the Asiatic rapid in the Asiatic colonies, particularly in Io- temples to the lighter Ionic. Its architect, Rhonia, than among the Greeks of the mother-coun- cus, a native of the island, was the father of try, where it was not equally favoured by na- Theodorus, who was equally celebrated as the ture, and was long checked by the troubles builder of the Lemnian labyrinth, and the author which followed the Dorian conquest. The Io- of several memorable inventions. The most nian cities were probably, at an early period, dis- important was the art of casting metal statues, tinguished by a degree of luxury before unknown which before had been formed of pieces wrought to the Greeks, and hence Lycurgus is said to with the hammer, and nailed together. Theodohave visited them in order to observe the con- rus exerted his ingenuity in overcoming the diftrast between their magnificence and the Cre-ficulties presented by the nature of the ground, tan simplicity. The same fact is indicated by the legend that the daughter of Neleus, the founder, was seduced by one of the barbarians,t and is, most probably, the ground of the picture which Homer has drawn of the Phæacians, in whom it is scarcely possible to avoid recognizing his Ionian countrymen. About the beginning of the Olympiads, the fall of Magnesia on the Mæander was ascribed by poets of the same century to the prevalence of effeminate habits.‡ We have seen, however, that the Ionians did not abandon themselves to indolence, and the active spirit which led them to pursue their commercial adventures into unknown regions,


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in laying the foundation of the great temple of Artemis at Ephesus. It would seem, too, that the art of painting had made considerable progress in Ionia, while it was in its first rudiments at Corinth, if we may believe the account that a picture of Bularchus was purchased at a high price in the eighth century by the Lydian king Candaules,‡ and can reconcile this fact with the Corinthian tradition, that the earliest essays in colouring were made by Cleophantus, at the time of the overthrow of the Bacchiads.

*See Boeckh on Pindar, O. xiii., p. 214.

+ Diog. L., ii., 103. He suggested the use of charcoal for this purpose.

Plin., N. H., vii., 39; xxxv., 34. It represented the destruction of Magnesia on the Meander, probably that which it suffered from the Cimmerian tribe, the Treres, about Ol. xviii. Candaules is said to have paid its weight in gold. Plin., Nat. Hist., xxxv., 5. He, or another artist of the

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It will not be expected that we should enter | er, of the evidence which the Homeric poems afinto the history of the fine arts in their various ford, to elevate our conceptions of the earlier branches, or that we should fill our pages with state of Greek art, descriptions have been left the names of the masters, and with the accounts to us of several elaborate works, which, though preserved by the ancients of their works. Our their date cannot, perhaps, be precisely ascerobject is only to point out the connexion be- tained, appear to belong to the period precetween the progress of these arts, and that which ding the opening of a regular intercourse with the Greeks made during the same period in oth- Egypt, and would prove that the Greeks cannot er spheres of intellectual exertion. And for have been much indebted to the Egyptians duthis purpose it will be sufficient to observe the ring this period for instruments or processes of manner in which one art-the most important, art. A tenth of the profits made by Colæus in as an indication of the genius of the people, of his voyage, which we have already mentioned, all those which were occupied with the creation to Tartessus, was dedicated, probably not long of visible forms-which, to avoid the reference after, to Heré, in the shape of a huge vessel of to the nature of its materials implied in the brass, adorned with figures of griffons round its word sculpture, is better termed statuary, rose border, and supported by three colossal statwithin this period nearly to the summit of its ues.* The magnificent coffer of cedar-wood, perfection. We have already, in our view of covered with groups of figures, some of the the Homeric age, had occasion to notice a very same wood, others of ivory, others of gold, which difficult question relating to the origin of this was consecrated at Olympia by the Cypselids, art-the uncertainty whether it sprang up, and was said to be the very same in which the inwas gradually formed in Greece, or was intro- fant Cypselus had been concealed from the duced from the East in a stage of comparative search of the Bacchiads, and if so, had been, no maturity, at which it remained for centuries, doubt, long one of the family treasures. The fixed by the control of religion. It happens, by colossal throne of Apollo at Amycle, which was a singular coincidence, that the epoch at which constructed for the Spartans by a company of the Greeks opened or renewed their intercourse artists from Magnesia on the Mæander, and with Egypt was also that in which statuary was richly adorned with sculptures, seems with was on the point of breaking through its ancient great probability to be referred to the eighth cenrestraints and of entering on a new career, in tury B.C., in which, after Magnesia had been which it arrived, within little more than anoth-destroyed by the Cimmerians, these artists may er century, at its highest point of attainable ex- have taken refuge, and sought employment in cellence. It is not surprising that two facts Greece.‡ which in time came so nearly together, should It seems, at all events, certain that there have been thought to be related to each other were other causes which operated much more as cause and effect. And hence it may seem efficaciously than the intercourse with Egypt, a probable opinion that the Greek artists, as to urge the rapid progress of statuary in the soon as they were able to visit Egypt, were in- century preceding the Persian wars. Among structed by the Egyptians in various technical these causes might be mentioned the preferprocesses which had been long familiar to them, ence which was generally given to brass and but hitherto unknown to the Greeks, and that, marble over the ancient material, wood, which by this fortunate assistance, Greek art advanced henceforth, when employed, was commonly at once from a degree of extreme rudeness to overlaid with more precious substances, as the same level which it had attained in Egypt ivory and gold. This change arose in part out through the persevering labour of numberless of the invention of Theodorus, which gave a generations. There is a celebrated story which new command over the metals. The use of has been thought to confirm this opinion: that marble for statues is said to have been introthe Samian Theodorus, and his brother Tele- duced in the fiftieth Olympiad by two Cretan cles, having studied in Egypt, on their return artists named Dipænus and Scyllis, but was, made a statue of Apollo, in such exact conform- probably, most promoted by the closer alliance ity to the rules which they had learned, that the with architecture into which statuary began to one half, which Telecles executed at Samos, be brought, and by the increased sumptuoustallied with the other, on which his brother had ness of the temples, in which, as in that of been employed during the same time at Ephe- Delphi, when rebuilt by the Alcmæonids, marsus, as exactly as if the whole had been the ble frequently took the place of ordinary stone. work of one artist. But if the truth of this sto- It may, however, be conceived, that the techry was certain, the inference would lose all its nical rules taught by the Egyptians had first force, if, as there are strong reasons for believ-enabled the Greeks to treat the harder material ing, the two brothers flourished in the eighth with ease and freedom. But this substitution, century B.C.; and we should then be driven though an important step, did not of necessity to a supposition which the language of Herodo-involve any change of style, and would not of tus seems directly to contradict, that Egypt had been visited by Greek artists before the reign of Psammetichus. Independently, howevsame name, was said to have followed Demaratus into


* Diodor., i., 98. On the age of the brothers, see Thiersch, Epoch., p. 181, not. 94. On the story itself, p. 51, not. 42.

It is not clear how Thiersch, who maintains the probability of the story, gets rid of this difficulty, since he seems to admit (p. 27, n. 15) that the ancient intercourse which he believes to have existed between Greece and Egypt was suspended between the time of Homer and the reign of Psammetichus.

itself have prevented the art from remaining stationary at the stage to which it had been carried by the Egyptians themselves. A cause which it experienced in the range of its subof still greater efficacy was the enlargement jects, and the consequent multiplicity of its prothe interior of the temples, and no more were ductions. As long as statues were confined to

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