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CHAP. in Christ Jesus concerning you. the coming of our Lord Jesus CHAP. 'Quench not the spirit. Under-Christ. He who called you may be relied upon for a performance 24 of his promise. Brethren, pray for us. I charge you, by the Lord, that 27 this letter be read to all the holy brethren. The favour of our Lord 28 Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.


20 value not prophesying. Prove all 21 things; hold fast the best. Ab22 stain from all appearance of evil. Now, may the God of peace Apostolic make you altogether holy and tion and may your spirit, and life, and body, conclusion. be kept entire, and blameless unto







AUL, and Sylvanus, and Timothy, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ: favour 2 be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ.



flaming fire, executing vengeance on them who know not God, and obey not the gospel of our Lord Je- 8 sus Christ. These will suffer a 9 sentence of long-lasting ruin, before the presence of the Lord and his glorious power, when he is We ought to thank God always come to be glorified by his saints, Their for- for you, brethren, as it is fit, be- and to be admired on that day by 10 titude a cause your faith thriveth, and the every believer of our testimony, subject of grateful relove of every one of you towards which was established among you joicing; each other encreaseth. So that we by proof. For which * purpose in- 11 4 ourselves glory in you among the deed we are always praying on your churches of God, on account of behalf, that our God would count your patience and trust, under all you worthy of this calling, and the wrongs and distresses which ye fully execute with power all the 5 endure; a proof of the just ap-gracious pleasure of his goodness, pointment of God, in vouchsafing and your work of faith that the 12 unto you that kingdom of God, for name of our Lord Jesus Christ which ye may be glorified by you, and ye by Now God will be just in recom-bim, according to the favour of our persecutors pensing affliction to those who af- God and of our Lord Jesus Christ. will be se- fict you, and to you that are afflictnished. ed, rest with us at the manifesta7 tion of our Lord Jesus Christ from heaven, with his mighty angels, in

verely pu


can even suffer.

1 By an abuse of its gifts.

The exercise of the powers and duties of a prophet, of which teaching was a chief


This epistle was written from the same place, a..d in the same year as the former was. The design of it is to correct a misunderstanding of some part of his first epistle, and




Now, we entreat you, brethren, CHAP, concerning this coming of our Lord,and our assembling unto him, that ye be not easily moved from

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>ns them ainst be

CHAP, your judgment, nor troubled by
any pretended declaration of the
cau spirit, nor by any expression, nor
by any
letter as from us, as if the
deceiv- day of the Lord were at hand. Let
no one deceive you by any means:
3 for that day will not come, unless
there come a falling away first, and
the man of sin,the son of mischief,
4 be displayed; who opposeth and
raiseth himself up above every one
that calleth himself a god, or de-
mandeth reverence; so as to place
himself in the 2 temple of God, as a
god, declaring himself to be a
5 god. Do ye not remember that
when I was yet with you, I told you
these things.


sin must pear be





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quests their prayers.

And now ye know what hin- Finally, brethren! pray for us, CHAP. he man dereth; so that he will display that the doctrine of the Lord may himself in his proper time; though have free course, and gain glory, He rere the indeed this mystery of wickedness even as with and that ye may ming of is showing itself already; but he be delivered from unstable and who now hindereth must be re-wicked men ; for all are not steady 8 moved, and then this wicked to the faith. But the Lord may be 3 person will be displayed; whom relied on that he will establish the Lord Jesus will consume with and keep you from evil. And we 4 the breath of his mouth, and will have this confidence in the Lord destroy with the manifestation of concerning you, that ye both do, 9 his presence: even him whose ap- and will do, the things which we pearance is according to the opera- command you. And may the 5 tion of Satan, with all imposture Lord direct your hearts unto the of miracles, and of signs and won-love of God, and unto an 'endu10 ders; and with all iniquitous de- rance of Christ. ceit among those that are prepared Now, we charge you, brethren! 6 for destruction; because they re- in the name of our Lord Jesus Charges ceived not the love of the truth that Christ, to keep yourselves from 11 they might be saved. And for this every brother who walketh disorder- company cause, God will permit to prevailly, and not according to the doc- of the among them a mighty working of trine which he received from us. idle, &c. 12 error; so that all will be con- For ye know that ye ought to imi-7 demned who believe not the truth, tate us; and we were not disorder- g but have pleasure in iniquity. ly among you, neither did we live at any man's cost, but worked with labour and weariness, night and


But we ought always to thank
God on your behalf, brethren, be-

them to

avoid the

1 Above magistrates, kings,and emperors.
The Christian church.

3 Ostentatiously displaying, not only a
spiritual, but a temporal power.

♦ He means the Roman empire


6 With fraud and delusion, such as might be expected from the greatest adversaries of Christ.

7 An endurance of such afflictions as your

The Bishop of Rome, and his suc- Christian profession exposes you to.


And ye, brethren, be not




CHAP. day, that we might not be bur-f thensome to any of you: not be-in well-doing. And if any one disobey our orders in this letter, mark 13 that man, nor keep company with and tomak him that he may be ashamed. Yet disobeyed do not regard him as an enemy, his orders, but admonish him as a brother.

9 cause we have no authority, but to make ourselves a pattern to you 10 for your imitation. For indeed whilst we were with you, we gave you this charge, that if any one were not willing to work, neither I should he eat. For we hear that some among you walk disorderly, doing no business of their own, but prying into the business of 12 others. Now we charge such, and entreat them by our Lord Jesus Christ, that they labour, and cat their own bread in peace.

those who

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AUL, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the appointment of Address to God our Saviour, and Christ Jesus, Timothy who is our hope, to Timothy, my 2 true son in the faith; favour, mercy, and peace be to thee from God our Father, and Christ Jesus our Lord.




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Now, the end of this charge to CHAP. thee is love out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith Design of unfeigned: from all which some the charge having erred, have turned aside to is going to vain talk, desiring to be teachers of give him. the law, yet not understanding 7 what they say, nor concerning what they strongly affirm.


As I besought thee to remain at A former Ephesus, when I went into Mace- But we know that the law is 8 request re- donia, that thou mightest charge good, if we use it suitably to its Use of the some not to teach other doctrines, purpose; knowing this, that the 4 nor give heed to fables and endless law is not made for a righteous 9 genealogies, which occasion dis-man, but for the lawless and disoputes, rather than that godly edify-bedient, for the ungodly and for ing which is by faith, so I now be- sinners, for the unholy and impure; for murderers of fathers, and mur

seech thee.


1 It appears from the Acts of the Apostles, and several passages in the Epistles of Paul, that Timothy was a young man of most excellent qualities, and almost constantly the companion of the apostle. This first epistle to him was written, A. D. 56, from some place in Macedonia. The design of it was to instruct Timothy with respect to the superintendance and manage

ment of the church of Ephesus; what ought
to be the qualifications of those who were to
be appointed ministers; how false teachers
should be withstood, erroneous notions re-
futed, and perfect order and harmony re-

Whom I converted to Christianity.
Which arises from belief in the gospel.


CHAP. derers of mothers, for murderers of mankind, for fornicators, for those 10 who defile themselves with men, for manstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to the wholesome doctrine of that glorious 11 gospel of the holy God, which has been committed to my trust, 12 And I am thankful to Christ Jeour Lord, who giveth me ide to Je. Strength, for counting me faithful, s Christ. and putting me into the ministry; 13 who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and an injurious person: but I obtained mercy, because I acted ignorantly through unbe14 lief: and the favour of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with that faith and love which are by

Expresses sus is grati




Christ Jesus.


These are true words, and worsign of thy to be received by all, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am a chief 16 sinner. However, for his cause I obtained mercy, that in me a chief sinner, Jesus Christ might show forth great long-suffering, for an example to those who should hereafter believe on him to everlasting 17 life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and

ever. Amen.

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ought to be

I exhort therefore, first of all, that CHAP. supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings, be made For whom for all persons; for kings, and for prayers all that are in high station; that we made. may lead a quiet and peaceable life 2 with all godliness, and becoming behaviour; for this is good and ac- 3 ceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who willeth all men to be 4 saved, and in order to that to come to the knowledge of the truth.



For there is one God, the same 5 both of Jews and Gentiles, and one Gospel inmediator also between God and tended for men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, a 6 doctrine to be declared upon due evidence in its proper time; of7 which I have been appointed a preacher and an apostle (I speak the truth, I speak not falsely,) an instructor of the Gentiles in the true faith.

to behave,

I will therefore that men pray in 8 every place, lifting up holy hands, How wowithout anger and disputing. In men ought like manner, that women also adorn themselves in decent apparel, with 9 modesty and sobermindedness; not so much with plaited hair, or gold or pearls, or costly array, as (what be- 10 This charge I commit unto thee, cometh women professing the worson of son Timothy, according to the ship of God) with good works. Let 11 ch he prophecies which went before the woman learn in silence, with eeds to concerning thee, that by them thou all subjection; but I suffer not the 12 mightest war a good warfare, hold-woman to teach or to usurp authoing faith and a good conscience, rity over the man, but command which some having put away have her to remain in silence: for Adam 13 20 made shipwreck as to their faith; was formed. first, and Eve afterof whom are Hymeneus and Alex-wards; and Adam was not deceiv- 14


charge 2




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"A ransom is a price paid for the deliver ance of a captive; and the great end ofChrist's life, and his dying in the cause of truth, was to persuade all men to renounce the slavery of sin and folly.

7 Unless she was under an immediate im pulse of the spirit. See 1 Cor. xi, 5.



CHAP. ed, but became a transgressor I write these things unto thee, CHAP, hoping to come unto thee shortly: but if I delay, that thou mayest Reason of know how thou oughtest to behave writing this epistle thyself as a pillar and support of

through the error of the woman. 15 Notwithstanding, their offspring will be saved, if they continue in faith and love, and sanctify with CHAP. sobermindedness. This is a doc-the truth in the house of God, which 15 III. trine worthy of belief.

tions of



Qualifica- If a man wish for the office of a superintendant, he desireth an ministers honourable employment. A superand superintendant then must be blameless, a husband of one wife, sober, of a sound mind, orderly, hospitable, 3 ready to teach; not riotous, no striker, but mild; not contentious; 4 not covetous; ruling his own family well, and having his children in 5 subjection with all decorum; (for if a man know not how to rule his own family, how can he take care 6 of the church of God?) not a new convert, lest he be puffed up with vanity, and fall under the reproach 7 of the accuser. Moreover, he must have a good testimony from those who are yet unconverted; lest he fall into reproach, and the snare of the accuser.



is the church of the living God. And the mystery of the true reli- 16 gion is confessedly great. He who was manifested in the flesh, was justified by the spirit, seen by angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, after he had been taken up into glory.




of latter

Now, the spirit saith expressly, CHAP that in latter times some will fall away from the faith, giving heed to Apostacy deceitful spirits, and doctrines, con- times. cerning demons, through the hypocrisy of those who speak falsehoods, 2 whose conscience is seared with an hot iron; giving commands about 3 abstinence from marriage, and from meats, which God created to be partaken of, with thanksgiving, by those who believe and know the truth; for every creature of God is 4 good, and nothing is to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving, for it is made clean, or fit for food, 5 by divine appointment, and by prayer.

warn his

S In like manner, the deacons must Deacons. be grave, not' double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of 9 base gain; holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience; Lay these things before the bre- 6 10 and let these first be proved, then thren, and be a good minister of Timothy let them use the office of deacon, Jesus Christ, nourished up in the charged 11 being found irreproachable. doctrines of the faith, and those brethren like manner, the women, deaconess-good instructions with which thou of it. es, must be grave, not slanderers, art acquainted. But reject profane 7 12 sober, faithful in all things. Let and old women's fables, and exerthe deacons be husbands, each of cise thyself to godliness; for bodily 8 one wife, ruling their children and exercise is profitable for a short 13 their own families well; for those time only, but godliness is profitable who perform the office of a deacon for ever, having a promise not only well procure for themselves an of the present life, but of that also honourable station, and acquire which is to come. great freedom of speech in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

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These are true words, and wor-9 thy to be received by all; for on 10

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