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Table of CFR Titles and Chapters

Title 1-General Provisions

I Administrative Committee of the Federal Register

Appendix A-Guide to record retention requirements
Appendix B-List of acts requiring publication in the Federal


Appendix C-Guide to Federal Register Finding Aids

Title 2-The Congress

Chapter I-Parallel Tables of Statutory Authorities and Rules

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IV Codified Text of Selected Presidential Documents

V Executive Office of the President

Title 4-Accounts

I General Accounting Office

II Federal Claims Collection Standards (General Accounting Office-Department of Justice)

III Standards for Waiver of Claims for Erroneous Payment of Pay (General Accounting Office)

Title 5-Administrative Personnel

I Civil Service Commission

III Bureau of the Budget

IV Civil Service Commission (Equal Employment Opportunity)

V International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board

VI Department of Defense

VII Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

VIII National Capital Transportation Agency

IX Appalachian Regional Commission

X National Capital Housing Authority

XI United States Soldiers' Home

XII District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency

Title 6-[Reserved]


SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Agriculture
SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Agriculture
I Consumer and Marketing Service (Standards, Inspections, Mar-

keting Practices), Department of Agriculture

II Consumer and Marketing Service (Consumer Food Programs),
Department of Agriculture

III Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture

IV Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture
VI Soil Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture
VII Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (Agricultural

Adjustment), Department of Agriculture

VIII Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (Sugar), Department of Agriculture

IX Consumer and Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), Department of Agriculture X Consumer and Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Milk), Department of Agriculture

XI Consumer and Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Miscellaneous Commodities), Department of Agriculture

XII Statistical Reporting Service (Agricultural Statistics), Department of Agriculture

XIV Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture
XV Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture
XVI Consumer and Marketing Service (Food Stamp Program), De-

partment of Agriculture

XVII Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agriculture
XVIII Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture
XXI International Agricultural Development Service, Department of


XXIV Board of Contract Appeals, Department of Agriculture


Title 8-Aliens and Nationality

I Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice

Office of Alien Property, Department of Justice

Title 9-Animals and Animal Products

I Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture

II Packers and Stockyards Administration, Department of Agri


III Consumer and Marketing Service (Meat Inspection), Department of Agriculture

Title 10-Atomic Energy

I Atomic Energy Commission

Title 11-[Reserved]


I Bureau of the Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the

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Title 14-Aeronautics and Space

I Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation

Civil Aeronautics Board

III National Transportation Safety Board

V National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Title 15-Commerce and Foreign Trade

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Commerce

SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign


I Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce

II National Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce
III Bureau of International Commerce, Department of Commerce
IV Foreign-Trade Zones Board

VI Business and Defense Services Administration, Department of


VII Office of State Technical Services, Department of Commerce VIII Office of Business Economics, Department of Commerce

IX Environmental Science Services Administration, Department of Commerce

X Office of Foreign Direct Investments, Department of Commerce Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations


Title 16-Commercial Practices

I Federal Trade Commission

Title 17-Commodity and Securities Exchanges

I Commodity Exchange Authority (Including Commodity Ex

change Commission), Department of Agriculturė

II Securities and Exchange Commission


Title 18-Conservation of Power and Water Resources

I Federal Power Commission

II Tennessee Valley Authority III

Delaware River Basin Commission

IV Office of Water Resources Research, Department of the Interior V Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Department of

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I Bureau of Employees' Compensation, Department of Labor II Railroad Retirement Board

III Social Security Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

IV Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, Department of Labor

V Bureau of Employment Security, Department of Labor

Title 21-Food and Drugs

I Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

II Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Department of Justice

Title 22-Foreign Relations

I Department of State

II Agency for International Development, Department of State

III Peace Corps

IV International Joint Commission, United States and Canada

V United States Information Agency

VI United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

Title 23-Highways

I Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Transportation
II National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation

Title 24-Housing and Housing Credit

SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and

Urban Development

SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Housing and Housing


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