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Gate; land at Frogs Neck; Skirmish at the White Plains. Forts Washington and Lee taken, and the whole of York and reduced. Ferfeys overrun. Rhode Island reduced. [*145


General conduct of European powers with respect to the American troubles. France. Military preparations. Count de St. Germain placed at the bead of the war department. Mufquetaires reduced. Mr. Necker placed at the bead of the Finances. Spain. Extraordinary military preparations. Difpute with Portugal. Improvements. Difoveries in the Southern Ocean. New Academy. Vienna. Torture abolifted. Toleration enlarged. Bobemia pealants on the royal demefnes freed from their former ftate of villainage. Attempt to open a trade with the Eaft Indies. Rufia. Endeavours to people the uncultivated parts of the Empire. Grand Duchefs dies. Grand Duke marries the Princess of Wirtemberg. Porte. Bafora taken by the Perfians. Northern kingdoms. Holland.



Births for the year 1776.


Principal promotions.








Heads of an act passed on the 23d of May, 1776, being the left day of the laft feffion of parliament, for the relief of Infolvent Debtors. Remarkable address of the prefent Governors and Directors of the poor of the parish of Saint Andrew Holborn above the Bars, and Saint George the Martyr, united, to the inhabitants of the said parish. Some account of the public trials made by David Hartley, Efq; to evince the efficacy of a new, cheap, and easy method, invented by him, for preferving houfes, ships, &c. from fire; with the proceedings of the Lord Mayor, &c. of London, relative thereto. Supplies granted for the fervice of the year 1776, with the ways ana means

Summary of the trial of Elizabeth, filing herself Dutchess of Kingston, for bigamy, before the House of Lords of Great-Britain, in Weftminster-Hall, on Monday the 15th of April, and the feveral fucceeding days. A short reviews of Mr. Garrick's theatrical reign, with fome particulars of the former part of bis life, &c.

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for raifing them.



Supplies of 1775 and 1776 compared.

His majesty's meage to the House of Commons, for a vote of credit.

[251 [251




Petition of the City of London, prefented, Separately, to both Houses of Parliament, at the opening of the fecond jeffion of the fourteenth parliament of Great-Britain. [252 Proteft of feveral of the Lords against their House's Addrefs, in answer to the King's Speech, at the opening of the aforesaid Jeffion of parliament. [252 Letter from Commodore Sir Henry Parker, to W. Tryon, Elq; Governor of New York. Proclamation by General Carleton for the relief of fugitive Provincials, after they had been driven from before Quebec. [255 Subftance of the Speech made by Sir Fletcher Norton, Speaker of the House of Commons, to his Maj fty, previous to that, by which his Majefty, on the 23d of May, put an end to the fecond feffion of the 14th parliament of Great-Britain.

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[256 The King's most gracious Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the 23d of May, when his Majefty put an end to the forefaid feffion of parliament. [256 Circular Letter written by Lord Howe to the Governors of the American provinces, and an enclofed aeclaration, addreflex to the inhabitants; with the refolutions and proceedings of the Continental Congress relative to both. (257 Singular Refolutions agreed to, in the Council of Safety, at Savannah, in Georgia, to defiroy their Loufes and shipping rather than let them fall into the hands of their enemies. Decree of his most faithful Majesty the King of Portugal, relative to the revolt of the British North American colonies. Subftance of a Letter, written by the Marquis De Grimaldi, to the Governor of Bilboa, relative to an American Corfair, which had taken five English hips, and had been detained thereupon at that port, at the request of the English Vice-Conful. → [261 Reafons affigned by the Continental Congress, for the American colonies and provinces withdrawing their Allegiance to the King of Great Britain.




Articles of confideration and perpetual union between the united States of America



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Picture of the condition and manners of the people of Rome, when firft pillaged by the Barbarians; collected from different cotemporary writers. Curious particulars relating to the ancient Academy and Philofophers of Athens; with Jome account of the manners, customs, &c. of the modern inhabitants of that city and its territory.


Sketch of the manners and cufcms of the old Mexicans; with fome account of their remaining genuine difcendants.



Some Account of the late inhabitants of Acadia, in North America, called by fome authors Neutral French, but confulered as rebels by the Britifl


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Singular Adventures of a German Princefs, confort of Alexis, the unfortunate fon of the Czar Peter the Great.

A Sketch of the character of the late George Lord Lyttelton.
New Anecdotes of Sir Ifaac Newton.





An Account of the life and writings of the late David Hume, Efq.
Tranflation of a letter from M. de Voltaire to the King of Pruffia, dated,
March 30, 1776.

Anecdotes of the late Edward Wortley Montague, Efq.


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Anecdotes of the late Rev. George Stubbs and John Straight, authors of feveral ingenious pieces in profe and verse.

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Memoirs of the Life of the late Rev. Dr. John Hoadly.
Recent Account of the perfon filed in England the Pretender, and in Rome
Il Re, or The King.

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Brief Account of that excellent critic, the late Mr. Jerry Markland. 45
Some Account of the life and writings of the late Mr. Benjamin Stilling-
Memoirs of the late Mr. Peter Collinfon, F. R. S. and S. A.
Some Account of the late celebrated Mr. Fergufon.
Memoirs of the late Mr. George Edwards, F. R. S.
Some Account of the death, &c. of the Abbé Laurence Rieci, General of the
Jefuits at the time of their diffolution; with an authentic copy of a declara-
tion left by him concerning the crimes imputed to himself and his order. 60
Picture of London and its Inhabitants; by the Abbé Raynal




An account of various experiments, lately made in France, to afcertain the truth of Sir Ifaac Newton's doctrine, concerning the difference in the gravitation of bodies towards the earth, at different diftances, both above and below her furface.




65 Subftance of two curions articles in the Philofophical Tranfactions for 1775; being "A propofal for measuring the Attraction of fame Hills in this "Kingdom by Aftronomical Obfervations;" and "An Account of Obfervations made on the Mountain of Schehallien in Scotland, for finding "its Attraction;" by the Rev. Nevil Mafkelyne, D. D. F. R. S. Parallel between the Old and New Worlds, with regard to extent, fituation, climate, foil, inhabitants, &c. by the Abbe Raynal Experiments on water obtained from the melted ice of fea-water; also Experiments to find the degree of cold in which fea-water begins to freeze. 76 A Comparison of the heat of London and Edinburgh. An Account of fome curious experiments tried lately, with very great degrees of heat and cold, on animal and vegetable bodies. Two cafes of great fatnefs and fomnolency, treated by Dr. Fothergill. Some account of a very remarkable medical cafe, in which all the bones, particulary thofe of the thighs and legs, loft their folidity.

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Some account of a new species of mortification, and of the extraordinary effi cacy of opium in the cure of it.


- 99

98 An account of fome experiments tried on the urine of a man about thirty-three, labouring under a confirmed diabetes, with the very extraordinary`refult thereof. Singular inftances of a revived, or newly discovered, property in carrots, grated and reduced to a poultice, to fubdue the intolerable french,' and abate the great pain, attending cancerous ulcers; and of wort, or the infufion of malt, to cure the faid defperate complaints. Phyfical obfervations on the furprising efficacy of falt, in feeding, fattening, and multiplying cattle, and, of course, improving land. The highest exertions of human art in Mofaic work, compared with the Mofaic work of the wing of a butterfly.


- 100



On the air propereft for perfons labouring under confumptions, or chronic difcafes of the lungs, in the feveral feafons of the year, particularly in the neighbourhood of London; and on the ufe and abufe of exercife, milk, and Spirits, in the fame complaints.


A relation of fome of the moft fimple, though efficacious means, by which Captain James Cook preferved himself and his fhip's company, in his laft voyage round the world in his Majefty's fhip Refolution.

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A fummary of the difcovery of the great antifcorbutic virtues of wort; with an account of two other vegetable preparations for the fame purpose, one of them ufed by the Ruffians with amazing fuccefs, and the other by the Captain of an English man of war.




- 122


Obfervations on the method of burying the parish poor in London, and on the manner in which fome of the capital buildings in it are conftructed and kept; as two great fources of the extraordinary fickness and mortality fo fenfibly felt in that capital. Eafy method of effectually preferving dead bodies, as practifed by the Capuchins of Palermo in Italy. Some account of Mr Braidwood's Academy in Edinburgh, for teaching perfons born deaf and dumb, to speak, write, and read, with understanding. The rural induftry and economy of the Chinese proposed as an example to all the nations of the universe; by the Abbé Raynal. Rules for the conftructing of wine cellars, particularly thofe intended for the keeping of wines of a delicate texture and flavour. An account of feveral trials made on a boat, or floop, fit for inland navigation, coafting voyages, c. which is not liable to be overset or junk by winds, waves, water spouts, or too heavy a load. 130 The effects of rifled gun-barrels and feathered arrows, afcertained, and accounted for.

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An eafy and effectual remedy for the head-ach, and alleviative for the



General ftate of the Roman empire in the height of its profperity, with regard to the number and greatness of its cities, and the eafy communication between them by fea and land. 134 A general review of the rife, progress, and amount of the Roman revenues.



An account of the Fall of Palmyra under Zenobia, and of that accomplished Princefs herself, and her Secretary Longinus. History and prefent ftate of the celebrated Mount St. Michael, near Granville in France, one of the most celebrated fate prifons of that kingdom. 148 An account of fome very ingenious poems, attributed to Thomas Rowley, of Bristol, in the fifteenth century, and others his fellow-citizens and cotemporaries; and of the very extraordinary person who firft produced them. 155 A fhort account of William Cannings, the perfon fo often mentioned in the preceding article, Founder of St. Mary Redcliffe's Church, Bristol. 162 Some account of the prerogatives, &c. of Sarum, especially of the Epifcopus puerorum, a very fingular inftitution, in memory of St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, in Lycia, furnamed the Child Bishop.





Valour, patriotism, and friendship, weighed in the balance of Chriftianity; from the "View of the internal Evidence of the Chriftian Religion, by Soame Jenyns, Efq;" 166 Slavery abfolutely inconfiftent with, and even contrary to, found policy, bumanity, reafon, and juftice; with fome hints to those who are not to be moved by fuch arguments, for the better treatment of flaves during their pallage from Africa to America; and on the plantations of the latter, greatly to the advantage of their owners as well as themselves. the Abbé Raynal's Hiftorical and Political Survey, &c. The rights of the brute creation to tenderness from man deduced from the twofold confideration of their being fufceptible of pain and pleafure as well as man himself, though not fufceptible of a just compenfation for any evils man may inflict on them. From the Rev. Dr. Primatt's Differtation on the Duty of Mercy and Sin of Cruelty to Brute Animals 176 Thoughts on education, particularly that of boys; by Father Ganganelli, afterwards Cardinal Ganganelli, and laftly Clement XIV. the late Pope. 180 Tranflation of a Letter from M. de Voltaire, concerning the collection of letters from which the preceding article is taken

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On the connection between mufic, prophecy and poetry, particularly under the
Fervish difpenfation from "The General History of Mufic, by Charles
Burney, Efq; Muf. D. F. R.S."
Tranflation of a letter from M. de Voltaire to M. d'Argenteuil, concerning
Shakespeare's Works, and the tranflation of them into Fren b.



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