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Artibal, Jean. L'assurance ouvrière à l'étranger.

Paris: Société d'éditions scientifiques, 1901. 111, i, (1) pp.


CONTENTS.-1. ptie. Assurance ouvrière en Allemagne; 2. ptie.
L'assurance ouvrière en Angleterre, Autriche, Belgique,
Danemark, Hongrie, Italie, Norvège, Russie, Suède, Suisse;
3. ptie. Assurance contre le chômage.

Bellom, Maurice. Les lois d'assurance ouvrière à l'étranger. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1892-1906. 3 vols. in 9. Tables. 4°. CONTENTS.-Vol. 1. Assurance contre la maladie; Introduction; Allemagne; Autriche; Danemark; Hongrie; Norvège; Pays-Bas; Russie; Suède; Suisse; Annexes; Supplêment; Allemagne; Vol. 2. Assurance contre les accidents; 1. ptie. Introduction: Généralités sur l'assurance contre les accidents; Allemagne: Législation, Statistique; 2. ptie. Autriche; Belgique; Danemark; Espagne; Finlande; GrandeBretagne; Hongrie; Italie; Norvège; Pays-Bas; Portugal; Russie; Suède; Suisse; États-Unis; 3. ptie. Annexes; 4. ptie. Supplément. Allemagne; Autriche; Belgique; Danemark; Espagne; Finlande; Grande-Bretagne; Italie; Luxembourg; Norvège; Pays-Bas; Russie; Suède; Suisse; Annexes du Supplément; 5. ptie. Supplément (suite). Allemagne; Autriche; Belgique; Danemark; Espagne; Finlande; Grande-Bretagne; Grèce; Italie; Luxembourg; Norvège; Pays-Bas; Russie; Suède; États-Unis; 6. ptie. Annexes de la suite du supplément. Vol. 3. Assurance contre l'invalidité; 1. ptie. Allemagne: Législation, Statistique; 2. ptie. Autriche; Belgique; Danemark; Espagne; Grande-Bretagne; Italie; Norvège; Pays-Bas; Roumanie; Russie; Suède; Suisse; Annexes.

Cagninacci, Hyacinthe. Le chômage et les moyens d'y remédier, particulièrement par l'assurance.

Paris: A. Rousseau, 1903. xii, 372 pp. 8°.

"Bibliographie," pp. vii-xii.

CONTENTS.-Ptie. 1. Le chômage; Son intensité; Divers moyens de le combattre en dehors de l'assurance; Ptie. 2. L'assurance contre le chômage en Allemagne; Autriche; Angleterre ; États-Unis; Belgique; Italie; Norvège et Pays-Bas; Suisse; France.

Dubourg, Maurice. Les retraites ouvrières.

Paris: Au Sillon, [1904]. 78 pp. 16°.

"Bibliographie"; pp. 73-75.

Haynes, Thornwell. Insurance for workmen in foreign countries. (In U. S. Consular reports, no. 295, April, 1905, pp. 123–129.) Workingmen's insurance "is in operation, obligatory or voluntary, in England, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Germany."

Heiss, Clemens. Die Arbeiterversicherung im Auslande.

(In Kritische Blaetter fuer die gesamten Sozialwissenschaften, 2. Jahrg., April, 1906, pp. 175-180.)

"A review and summary of the series of monographs edited by Zacher."

Henderson, Charles Richmond. Summary of European laws on industrial insurance.

(In Charities and the Commons, vol. 19, Dec. 7, 1907, pp. 1191-

Lefort, Joseph Jean. Les caisses de retraites ouvrières.
Paris: A. Fontemoing, 1906. 2 vols. 8°.

CONTENTS.-I. Première partie: La question des retraites ouvières en France et à l'étranger.-II. Deuxième partie: Les caisses de retraite de l'industrie privée en France. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. The insurance of workingmen.

(In its Thirty-first annual report, 1900, pp. 65-247. Boston, 1901. 8°.)

Provident institutions. General principles of plans for the retirement and insurance of railway employees and workmen.

(In International railway congress. Bulletin, vol. 21, Jan.,
1907, pp. 67-120. Brussels, 1907. 8°.)
Countries using the English language.-M. Riebenack; Other
countries, Marcel Lemercier. Appendix I. Second supple-
ment to report no. 1, by M. Riebenack, pp. 108-112; Ap-
pendix II. Note on the provident institutions of the South
Australian state railways by John Pickering, pp. 113-120.

Riebenack, Max. Railway provident institutions in English-speak-
ing countries; being a consolidation of reports submitted
to the Permanent international commission of the Inter-
national railway congress at Brussels, Belgium, Europe,
under date of July 1st and October 22d, 1904, respectively,
conformably with appointment in April, 1902 (while
holding the office of assistant comptroller of the Pennsyl-
vania railroad company), as “reporter for countries using
the English language," in connection with the seventh ses-
sion of the International railway congress, to be held in
Washington, D. C., U. S. A., in May 3-13, 1905.
[Philadelphia?] 1905. (8), 357, (2), 31, [30] pp. 8°.

(In American academy of political and social science. Annals,

vol. 24, Sept., 1904, pp. 331–342.)

Advocates compulsory state insurance and discusses the Ger-
man law.

Labor insurance.

(In Journal of political economy, vol. 12, June, 1904, pp. 362-

"Deals mainly with the economic principles."

United States. Bureau of labor.
Bureau of labor. Compulsory insurance in Ger-

many, including an appendix relating to compulsory in-

surance in other countries in Europe. Prepared under

the direction of Carroll D. Wright, commissioner of labor,

by John Graham Brooks.

Washington: Government printing office, 1893. 370 pp.

8°. (Fourth special report of the commissioner of labor.)

CONTENTS. Origin and development of compulsory insurance;

The law of compulsory insurance against sickness; The

law of compulsory insurance against accidents; The law of

compulsory insurance against old age and invalidity; Atti-

tude of public opinion toward state insurance; Relation of

state insurance to wages; Playing sick under the insurance

laws; Relation of the insurance laws to public charity;

General description and results; Appendix: Compulsory in-

surance in other countries in Europe: Austria; Hungary;

France; Italy; England; Belgium; Holland; Sweden; Nor-

way; Denmark; Switzerland.

Weber, A. Les retraites ouvrières en Italie et en France. Étude
comparative de l'état actuel de la question et des résultats
acquis à ce jour dans les deux pays.

Paris: R. Veneziani, 1905. 101, (2) pp. 4°.

1ère partie: Les caisses nationales françaises et italiennes de

retraite pour la vieillesse; 2ème partie: Les sociétés de

secours mutuels.

“L'objet de ce Rapport est donc d'exposer brièvement d'abord

les différents moyens qui s'offrent aujourd'hui à l'homme

laborieux et prévoyant pour assurer le pain de ses vieux

jours, ensuite les résultats obtenus, enfin les enseignements

qui peuvent se dégager pour l'avenir de ce premier état de

choses." Page 7.

Weber, Adna F. Workingmen's compensation acts of foreign coun-

Systems of accident insurance.

Willoughby, William Franklin. Workingmen's insurance. New York, Boston: T. Y. Crowell & Company, [1898]. (2), xii, 386 pp. 12°. (Library of economics and politics, ed. by R. T. Ely [no. 14])

Bibliographical note, pp. 379–386.

CONTENTS. The problem of workingmen's insurance; Workingmen's insurance in Germany; Workingmen's insurance in Austria; in France; in Belgium; in Italy; in other countries of Continental Europe: Switzerland, Scandinavian countries; Other countries; in England; in the United States.

Workingmen's insurance abroad.

(In Iron and coal trades review, vol. 73, Aug. 24, 1906, pp. 754755.)

Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande. Berlin: Verlag der Arbeiter-Versorgung, A. Troschel, 1900– 1907. 12 parts in 1 vol. and 5 parts. 4°.

CONTENTS.-Heft 1. Dänemark; 2. Schweden; 3. Norwegen; 4. Frankreich; 5. England; 6. Italien; 7. Oesterreich: 8. Ungarn; 9. Russland; 10. Finland; 11. Schweiz; 12. Belgien; 13. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in den Niederlanden; 14. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Luxemburg; 15. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Spanien; 16. Rückblick und Ausblick auf die Entwickelung der Arbeiter-Versicherung in Europa; 17. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in den Vereinigten Staatenvon Nord-Amerika. Each part has special t.-p. and short


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