ne; and I w of the world ects you there map. I will en you can g ich, I will ast Ou will then be Fram-mar; and it. But first m-mon noun? it is prop-er, cu-lar per-son where-as, bog pli-ed to a-ny n you tell me are? Name ar is to teach ere-fore, how now-ledge of ng of o-the beau-ti-ful k; and he ate, al-most rit-ten the and -mar; I in-tend to read a Nar-ra-tive from Walk-er's Theme Book to him short-ly; and with the aid of the Out-lines,* I ex-pect he will be a-ble to per-form it ea-si-ly. And as o-ri-gi-nal com-po-sition is of the ut-most im-por-tance in ed-u-ca-tion, he writes a let-ter, once a week, to some real or sup-pos-ed friend or ac-quaint-ance; and some of his let-ters are re-al-ly cap-i-tal.-Now George, show me the map you have just fin-ish-ed painting. You do right not to lay on the co-lours too hea-vi-ly; but mere-ly to give the dif-fer-ent countries a faint tint. You should dot the di-vi-sions with a pen and In-di-an ink, now that the map is paint-ed; but make them like the co-py, small and reg-u-lar. You have now, also, to put in the moun-tains and riv-ers; and then to print the names. Bring me your En-glish Gram-mar, ‡ George. I wish to ex-am-ine you in it.-You have an-swer-ed my ques-tions cor-rect-ly. Now parse these senten-ces. Very well! You say you have writ-ten all the ex-er-ci-ses in the Gram-mar. I will, therefore, now put in-to your hands the two lit-tle works *See Guy's Outlines to Walker's Themes and Essays. Price 1s. + A few words of more than two syllables have been anticipated in this Lesson; but it could hardly be avoided. The pupils should therefore study carefully the Spelling Task, which precedes it; or they may first read the easy Scripture Lessons that come next, at page 61. See Guy's English School Grammar. Price 1s. 6d. that should suc-ceed them, to per-fect you rules of Syn-tax* and Spell-ing. And as y now nearly eight years of age, it is time you be-gin to learn the Lat-in Gram-mar.‡ ] there-fore bought this one for you, which has ex-er-ci-ses on the nouns, verbs, and o-ther P speech: thus you will be the bet-ter pre-par go to a pri-vate or a pub-lic school, as m de-ter-min-ed on, when you are a lit-tle There you will be taught Greek and Lat-in, wi to-ry, an-cient ge-og-ra-phy, and o-ther bra of use-ful know-ledge. One or more of the m tongues you will al-so take les-sons in, as and Ger-man. There are be-sides, the ad plish-ments of Dan-cing, Draw-ing, Mu-sic, cing, and the Gym-nas-tic ex-er-ci-ses, from to se-lect, as your taste and in-cli-na-tion di-rect you. These stud-ies and pur-suits will sant-ly and prof-i-ta-bly oc-cu-py your time, ti go to the u-ni-ver-si-ty, and be-come a col-le Such care-ful train-ing-as well re-li-gi-o mo-ral-and so much stud-y and at-ten-tio re-quir-ed to form the gen-tle-man from the an |