дод LITTLE GEORGE AND HIS FIRST BOO George, you are five years old this day. there-fore bought you a birth-day pres-ent. new Spell-ing Book. From it, you will learn and to spell; and I in-tend you shall ha first les-son in it to-day: so that by the t are six years of age, you may be a-ble to re lit-tle sto-ry book that I may pur-chase f You must be-gin with the A, B, C; and peat the cap-i-tals or large let-ters, till yo T BOOKS day. I hav ent. It is the 1 learn to read all have your the time you to read aase for you and first re you know them well; and then pro-ceed to the small ones. But I see you want to have the book in your own hands: so, go now, and look at the pret-ty pictures. Do you not wish you could read all a-bout them? Well, in time, I hope, that will be the case. George is now six years old; he reads and spells ve-ry well. I have bought him a slate and pencil; and I will now give him his first les-son in wri-ting. Come hith-er, my good lit-tle fel-low! and sit by me; sit tow-ard my left hand. This is the slate I prom-is-ed to buy for you. I have ru-led some lines on it, and have set you a co-py of strokes. Hold your pen-cil thus: well done! Now fin-ish the line; and mind, not to be-gin the stroke a-bove, nor car-ry it be-low the lines. In a twelve-month or less, you will be a-ble, I hope, to write a let-ter to your un-cle. I have al-so bought a Ge-og-ra-phy and a Gram-mar for you, which, as you read so well, you can learn in at times. Now, that you can write join-hand in a cop-y book, and make fig-ures, you must be-gin to do sums on your slate. Co-py these first six sums from the New Plan; and I will show you how to add them up; and as you have learnt the Ad-di-ti-on Ta-ble at the end of the Plan, you will soon be a-ble to do them with ease. Bring your "Ge-og ra-phy for Young Chil-dren" to me; and show you how to stud-y the map of the Find the four-teenth page. It di-rects yo to point out cer-tain pla-ces on the map. 1 first, help you to find them, and then you o-ver them by your-self. After which, I you them a-gain; and, no doubt, you will a-ble to show them to me rea-di-ly. Learn a les-son in your En-glish Gram-ma I will ask you the ques-ti-ons up-on it. B tell me, is George a prop-er or a com-mon A prop-er one: you are right; and it is I be-cause it re-fers to some par-ti-cu-lar on-ly; as, for in-stance, to your-self; whereis a com-mou noun, as it may be ap-pli-ed or ev-e-ry boy, as well as to you. Can you how ma-ny parts of speech there are? them: all right! The art of Gram-mar is to us to write and speak cor-rect-ly; there-for prop-er it is to know it! And a know-le our own lan-guage ren-ders the learn-ing of tongues more ea-sy. George can say by heart, ma-ny beau pie-ces of po-e-try from the Task Book; a can al-so write from dic-ta-tion on his slate, al with-out an er-ror. He has al-rea-dy writ-te Fa-bles at page 111 of the School Gram-mar |