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Fear God and honour the Queen.

Be obedient to

to your Parents.

The acquisition of knowledge is the most honourable occupation of youth.

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camel; it is cov-er-ed with plumage more like hair th feathers. It is gen-er-al-ly seven feet high, from the top the head to the ground, but from the back it is only for One of the wings, when stretched out, is about three fe The plumage is much alike in all; that is, gen-er-alblack and white; though some of them are said to grey. The greatest feathers are at the ex-trem-i-ties of t wings and tail, and the largest are gen-er-al-ly white. T next row is black and white; and of the small feathers, the back and belly, some are white, and others black.

These an-i-mals seem formed to live among the san and arid deserts of the torrid zone; and in these for-mi-d ble re-gi-ons, they are seen in large flocks, which, to t distant spec-ta-tor, appear like a re-gi-ment of cav-al-ry, a have often a-larm-ed a whole car-a-van.

It has been gen-er-al-ly im-a-gin-ed that the female de-p sits her eggs in the sand, and, cov-er-ing them up, leav them to be hatched by the heat of the climate. It is know how-e-ver, that they sit on their eggs like other birds, and th the male and female take this office al-ter-nate-ly.

When hunted, the ostrich uses his wings like two arm and in this sit-u-a-ti-on somewhat re-sem-bles a man runnin His speed would soon carry him beyond the reach of pur-su-ers, though mounted on the fleetest horses, were not that he takes his course in circles. At length, findi it im-pos-si-ble to escape, he en-dea-vours to hide himself fro those en-e-mies he cannot avoid, and covers his head in t sand, or in the first thicket he meets. The in-hab-it-ants Libya breed up whole flocks of these an-i-mals; and in the do-mes-tic state, they are often ridden upon, and used horses; and will, at times, go faster than the best Engli


Those in con-fine-ment subsist prin-ci-pal-ly upon barle greens, and raw meat; in their native deserts, however, the are sup-po-sed to live prin-ci-pal-ly on ve-ge-ta-bles. Thous the most gentle an-i-mal in nature, when driven to des-pertion, he defends himself with his beak, his wings, and h feet.

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THE Golden Eagle is about three feet in length; and the extent of its wings exceeds seven feet. This fierce an-i-mal may be con-sid-er-ed among birds, as the lion among quad-rupeds; and in many respects they ex-hib-it a strong si-mil-itude. Equally mag-nan-i-mous, they contemn petty plunder, and only pursue an an-i-mal worthy the conquest: the eagle also disdains to share the plunder of a-no-ther bird: nor does he ever stoop to car-ri-on, but leaves it for an-i-mals more rapa-ci-ous and less del-i-cate than himself.

Of all creatures, the eagle flies highest. He is gen-er-al-ly found in moun-tain-ous countries, where he not only feeds on the wild game of the forests, but fre-quent-ly carries off hares, lambs, and kids; and often destroys fawns and calves to regale upon their blood.

The nest of this bird is u-su-al-ly built in the most in-ac-ces-si-ble cliff of a rock, and gen-er-al-ly shielded from the weather by some jutting crag that hangs over it.


pe-ri-od of in-cu-ba-tion is said to be thirty days; and when the young are hatched, both the male and female exert all their in-dus-try to provide for their wants. They are e-qual-ly re-mark-a-ble for their lon-gev-i-ty, and for their power of sus-tain-ing a long ab-sti-nence from food.

The Bearded Eagle of the Alps is a bird of immense size, mea-sur-ing sometimes nearly ten feet from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other. Below the throat is a beard-like ap-pen-dage, con-sist-ing of very narrow feathers; and the legs are fea-ther-ed down to the toes.


THIS bird is somewhat larger than a common pigeon. Its dis-po-si-tion is bold and cou-rage-ous, and its de-pre-dations among young poultry are sometimes very con-sid-er-a-ble.

In a do-mes-tic state, how-e-ver, the sparrow-hawk is very docile and ca-pa-ble of great at-tach-ment.

"When a boy," says a re-spect-a-ble writer, "I had one of these birds, which used to ac-com-pa-ny me through the

fields, catch his game, devour it at his leisure, and af-ter-war find me out wher-e-ver I went: nor was I at all afraid aft the first or second ad-ven-ture of this kind, of losing hin One day, how-e-ver, to my great mor-ti-fi-ca-tion, a peasa shot him, for having made too free with some of his poultr Though he was only about the size of a wood-pigeon, I hav seen him fly at a turkey-cock, and, when beaten, return 1 the charge with un-daunt-ed in-tre-pid-i-ty."


ALL birds of the owl kind may be con-sid-er-ed as no tur-nal robbers, who, un-fit-ted for taking their prey while is light, surprise it at those hours of rest when the tribes Nature are least in ex-pec-ta-tion of an en-e-my. It is no how-e-ver, in the darkest nights, but in the dusk of e-ven-ing or the dawn of morning, that they are best fitted for seeing It is then they come abroad in quest of plunder, and the care-ful-ly return to their retreats before the broad dayligh begins to dazzle them with its splendour.

The larger an-i-mals of this tribe are called horned onl from the cir-cum-stance of two or three feathers standing u on each side of the head over the ear, and re-sem-bling horn

The largest of these birds, without horns, is the owle with dusky plumes and black eyes: to which may be adde the screech owl, with blue eyes, and plumage of an iron grey the white owl, with yellow eyes, and about as large as th former; the brown owl, so called from the colour of i beak and plumage; and the little brown owl, with yel-lov ish eyes, and an orange co-lour-ed bill.

The cavern of a rock, the darkest part of a hollow tre the bat-tle-ments of a di-lap-i-dat-ed castle, or some obscu hole in a farmer's outhouse, are the places where thes an-i-mals are u-su-al-ly found.

The ap-pear-ance of an owl by daylight is enough to s the whole grove into a kind of uproar: all the small birds, co scious of their own se-cu-ri-ty, pursue him without ceasing, ti he has taken refuge in his ivy-mantled tower, or other retrea

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