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miles in a single day. The camel is fur-nish-ed with ad-di-tion-al stomach, which serves as a res-er-voir, to hold greater quan-ti-ty of water than is needful for a present supp

In the e-ven-ing, when they arrive at some verdant sp they are per-mit-ted to feed at lib-er-ty, and will then eat much in one hour, as will supply them for twenty-four hou They are par-ti-cu-lar-ly fond of the thistle, the nettle, cassia, and other prickly ve-ge-ta-bles; and even prefer the to the most lux-u-riant pas-tur-age. The patience and cil-i-ty of the camel are very re-mark-a-ble. At the slight signal it bends its knees, and lies upon its belly, sufferi itself to be loaded in this po-si-tion; at a-no-ther sign, it ri with its load, and the driver being seated upon its ba en cou-rag-es it to proceed.


Or this an-i-mal there are three dif-fer-ent kinds, the bro bear of the Alps, the black bear of North A-mer-i-ca, a the great Greenland, or white bear. They have all the sa hab-i-tudes, and are all e-qual-ly car-niv-o-rous, treach-e-ro and cruel.

The brown bear is a savage and sol-i-ta-ry an-i-mal, quent-ly choosing for his abode some horrid chasm, or hollow of some e-nor-mous tree, in the most se-ques-ter part of the forest. There it retires alone, and passes so months of the winter without pro-vi-sions, or without e stirring abroad, seeming to subsist upon the ex-u-ber-ance its former flesh, and only feeling the calls of ap-pe-tite wh the fat it had ac-quir-ed in summer begins to be wasted aw

In Can-a-da, where the black bears are very common, a where their dens are made in trees that are hollow tow the top, they are taken by setting fire to their retreats, wh are often above thirty feet from the ground.

The white bear grows to above three times the size of more southern kindred, and remains un-dis-pu-ted master the icy mountains in Greenland and Spitz-ber-gen. It subs prin-ci-pal-ly upon fish, seals, and dead whales.

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ac ces sa ry

ac cu ra cy

ac cu rate ly ac ri mo ny ac tu al ly ad di to ry ad e quate ly

[blocks in formation]

ad mi ra ble ad mi ral ty

cat er pil lar
cel i ba cy
cen su ra ble

ad ver sa ry
ag gra va ted
ag ri cul ture
al a bas ter
a li en ate

al le go ry
al ter a tive
a mi a ble
am i ca ble
am o rous ly

an i ma ted an nu al ly an swer a ble an te cham ber

an ti mo ny an ti qua ry ap o plex y ap o plec tic ap pli ca ble ar bi tra ry

[blocks in formation]


i nent ly ex cel len cy

ex o ra ble
ex qui site ly
Feb ru a ry
fig u ra tive
fluc tu a ting
for mi da ble
frau du lent ly
friv o lous ly

Gen er al ly
gen er ous ly
gil li flow er
go vern a ble
Hab er dash er
hab i ta ble
hon our a ble
hos pit a ble
hu mour ous ly
In no cen cy

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