THE LAW OF COLLISIONS AT SEA, WITH An Appendix, CONTAINING THE INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISIONS AT ALSO THE REGULATIONS APPROVED AT THE WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL MARITIME CONFERENCE. THIRD EDITION BY REGINALD G. MARSDEN, OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, ASSISTED BY THE HON. JOHN MANSFIELD, OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW. "Si navis tua impacta in meam scapham damnum mihi dederit quæsitum est LONDON: STEVENS AND SONS, LIMITED, 119 & 120, CHANCERY LANE, Law Publishers and Booksellers. PREFACE. In the present Edition Chapters III., IV., and V. of the second edition have been sub-divided; the cases upon Practice are collected in Chapter XII.; those upon Costs follow in Chapter XIII. Additional matter representing the decisions of the past five years has been embodied, mainly in Chapters XII. and XIV. The history of the rule as to division of loss has been removed from its former place in the text to the foot (Note 1) of Chapter VI. To the Appendix have been added the Regulations approved by the representatives of the maritime nations at the Conference held at Washington in 1889-1890. It is anticipated that this Code will, possibly with some modifications, supersede the Regulations (of 1884) now in force. But some time must elapse before the change in the law is effected, and it has been thought best not to further delay the publication of the present edition. The attention of the reader is called to |