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Senate, 401; of investigation, 360,
432; of State legislature, ii. 19;
school, Boston and Massachusetts, 90
Commission, on constitution, France,

1848, i. 231; interstate commerce,
500; ii. 418; Boston police, 3, 29,
98; Massachusetts highway, 31;
Metropolitan park, 32; rapid transit,
33; Metropolitan Water Board, 36;
Metropolitan District, 63
Commissions, i. 46; ii. 87; Royal, of in-
quiry, i. 88; executive in Massachu-
setts, 329; ii. 26; lists of, 29; gov-
ernment by, 418; submitted to, 427
Commons, Professor John R., ii. 163-
187, 197

Commune, Paris, i. 153, 158, 159, 248,
328, 347

Comparison, convention of 1787 with
National Assembly, 1789, i. 136, 140;
English and French modern history,
116, 131; Church, treatment of,
Henry VIII. and National Assem-
bly, 141; religious persecution, Louis
XIV. and National Assembly, 142;
French and English revolution, 179;
assignats and greenbacks, 143; am-
bition of Congress and National
Assembly, 145; England with
France, 1830, 188; in 1848, 212, 215;
conventions, France, 1848, and
Philadelphia, 1787; civil service,
France, England, and United States,
352; financial procedure, English
and American, 466; government
with orchestra and army, 498; abo-
lition of slavery, United States, with
English parliamentary reform, 455;
Republican and Democratic parties
in United States, 501; a committee
with one man, 293; Congress com-
mittees and French bureaus, 394;
finances, English, French, and
United States, 388; whips and lob-
byists, 388; Speaker, English and
American, and Moderator, town-
meeting, 395; State governor with
U. S. senator, 399; federal and
State legislation, ii. 26; domestic
and public finance, 46; public men,
Paris and American cities, 109;
jealousy of, with Great Britain, 116;
British national and local govern-

ment, 116; Birmingham and Boston,
118; referendum with executive
veto, 199; English and American
government, 382

Compulsory voting, ii. 187; office-
holding, 187

Concentration of power, ii. 41, 374;
danger diminished, 144; and diffu-
sion, 529

Condition of England, 1830, i. 100
Confederation, i. 5, 52; German, of
1815, ii. 218; ancient Swiss, 231
Confirmation of executive appoint-
ments, ii. 86, 431

Conflict of powers inevitable, ii. 203;
in Belgium, 208; in Prussia, 218,
222; in German Empire, 228; in
Switzerland, 233; not discussed by
Mr. Lecky, 242

Congress, Continental, could not tax,
only call for money or troops, i.
51; possessed only advisory power,
powerless to enforce treaty, 53
Congress, i. 21, 35, 55; fifty-first, 397;
fifty-second, 501; fifty-third, 406,
501; fifty-fourth, 391, 405, 406, 502;
fifty-fifth, 404; Senate in extra ses-
sion, 404; grasp of power shown in
government salaries, 358; analysis
of, 385; no leaders, 386; members
represent only districts, 389; origin
of committees, 390; to pass neces-
sary laws, i. 481; ii. 393; require-
ments in members, i. 409; want of
leadership, 499; what it is becoming,
508; cause of incompetency, ii. 382;
and executive drifting apart, 413;
did nothing in five months, 1897,
502; sought refuge in foreign war,
502; gives President $50,000,000 at
discretion, 508; resolutions of April
19, 1898, 511; does not represent the
people, 515; Laybach and Verona,
i. 177

Congressman, career examined, i. 410,
413; voters do not select, 415
Connecticut, i. 53, 54; ii. 40; franchise
till 1845, i. 9
Conquest, without incorporation, i. 10;
with, 11

Conscription, militia precedes, in
France, i. 126; in France, 169;
United States, ii. 536

Constituent Assembly, France, 1848, | Court, Supreme, of Massachusetts,

i. 230
Constitution, British, i. 66, 382; eigh-
teenth century, ii. 246; 1832-67,
248; French, of 1791, i. 49, 147; of
1795, 163; of 1799, 168; of 1848, 231;
revision of, 246; of 1875, 312, 316;
Polish, 1791, 146; Prussia, 1850, ii.
219; Italy, 1848, i. 7; ii. 212; Bel-
gium, 1831, i. 8; ii. 204; 1893, i. 8;
ii. 210; Spain, 1812, 1869, i. 6; Hol-
land, 1815, 1848, Denmark, 1848,
1866, Norway, 1814, Sweden, 1809,
1866, 8; Switzerland, 1848, ii. 231;
revision of 1874, 231; Greece, 1864,
1877, i. 9; United States, federal, 1,
9, 20, 21, 50, 54, 56, 66, 79, 136; only
a framework, 382; does not define
powers, 382; Congress to pass all nec-
essary laws, 481, ii. 393; cannot and
need not be changed, ii. 322; re-
straining power, 387, 400; three ways
of amending, 389; versus legislature
and people, 409; New York, 1777, i.
9; John T. Hoffman on, ii. 41;
Massachusetts, 1780, i. 9; ii. 9
Consulate, 1789, i. 167
Convention of 1787, i. 46, 56, 66, 135,
353; French National, 154, 155, 158,
160, 162, 163; Spain, 6; Republican,
ii. 439; 1896, 494

Corn laws, i. 29, 107

decisions, ii. 3

Croker, Richard, ii. 43, 144, 438
Cromwell, i. 60, 97, 146, 162, 167; ii.
438; Richard, i. 61

Crown, i. 65, 67, 70, 73, 75, 78, 83-85,
87,92, 162

Cuba, President Cleveland on, 1896,
ii. 493; not mentioned by McKinley,

Currency, importance of, i. 469; the-
ory of, 470; relation to bank de-
posits, 471; affected by rapidity of
circulation, 473; only means of
determining amount required, 475;
means of securing this, 476; legis-
lation in United States, 1837-62,
480; greenbacks a necessity, 481;
New England colonial, 483; of old
American confederation, 483; dan-
gerous expansion, 489; danger from
weakness of handling, 490; English
treatment of, 477; McKinley and,
ii. 500

DANTON, i. 155, 156, 165, 269
Darmesteter, James, as to Thiers,
i. 292

Debate, in Parliament, i. 81; impos-
sible in House of Representatives,
393; except finance, and this attracts
no attention, 393

Corrupt Practices Act, i. 3, 30; bill to Debt, national, British, treatment of,

prevent, 69

Corruption, i. 4, 44; ii. 494; opportu-
nity for, in Congress, i. 396; forces
making for, in State, ii. 18
Cortes, i. 6; ii. 284, 289

Council, of Ancients, i. 164; of five
hundred, 164; Paris, ii. 105; Grand,
Switzerland, i. 5; National, 5; ii.
236; of States, 236; federal, 234;
English county, London, 128; fourth
election, 1898, 128; county, Great
Britain, renewed by thirds, 120; in
Massachusetts, i. 352; city of Boston,
ii. 88; one branch or two, 189; in
plan of charter, 458
County government, in Southern

States, ii. 78; Massachusetts, 79;
Dedham Court-House, 80
Coup d'état, Augereau, 1797, i. 165;
1851, alternatives, 247, 248

[blocks in formation]

i. 106; American, 461; renewed in-
crease of funded, 467; increase in
Boston and Massachusetts, ii. 93;
percentage of valuation, 94
Declaration, of Right, i. 62; of Inde-
pendence, 50

Dedham Court-House, Mass., ii. 80
Delaware, i. 9, 53
Delegates, i. 6, 511
Deliberation, i. 46

Delpit, report on Paris insurrection,
1871, i. 276, 279
Democracy, i. 10, 18, 22, 23, 34, 152;
Athens type of, 1; charged with
extravagance, ii. 268; must have
strong executive, 280; government of
law, 370; Congress and not, object of
alarm, 380; whether it desired war,
512; can it be guided? 328; concen-
tration and diffusion of power, 529;

best results from single executive |
head, 531; when would need no
defence, 543; not condemned in any
event, 545

Democrats, in United States, i. 386,
434, 441, 501; ii. 49, 339, 515, 534;
in cities, 95; party, 52; Chicago con-
vention, 1896, 496; platform, 498
Demombynes, "European Constitu-
tions," i. 7

Department, i. 46, 48, 360, 384, ii. 332;
Issue, of Bank of England, i, 477; in
plan of city charter, ii. 461
Deposits, bank, theory and impor-
tance of, i. 471
Derby, Earl of, i. 89

Despot, result of anarchy, i. 148; ii. 522
Despotism, i. 5, 33, 56, 72; ii. 438; and
anarchy in France, 351; averted by
responsibility, 530

Dewey, Commodore, ii. 521, 524
Dictator, i. 48, 72; ii. 544

Diet, Austria, 1860, i. 6; German, 5
Directory, French, i. 163
Discipline, i. 32, 46, 72

Dissolution, i. 72, 90, 317; power of,
ineffective in France, 318; in Bel-
gium, ii. 208

District of Columbia, i. 519; ii. 427
Divine right, i. 34, 73; ii. 230, 531
Drake and Raleigh, ii. 311
Dreyfus, i. 345

Dupliex and Labourdonnais, ii. 304, 306
Dupriez, L., ii. 232-268

Dutch Republic, i. 7; ii. 299

French, ii. 304; English, 313
Eaton, Dorman B., 444-451
Edict of Nantes, i. 31, 130; ii. 303
Education, i. 12, 26, 37; English, Act
of, 1870, 27; what it can do, 44;
Board of, ii. 27; in Massachusetts,
89; in Brooklyn, N. Y., 139; depart-
ment in plan of charter, 463, 481
Egypt, English government of, ii. 315
Election, general, England, 1830, i.
102; of a single head, 46; of sub-
ordinates, 47; France, 1871, 288;
presidential, unique in the world,
376; value of, in effect upon people,
378; of United States senators by
popular vote, ii. 45; renewed by

fractions, 110, 158; London County
Council, 128; in Greater New York,
1897, 143; reflections upon, 148; sin-
gle district, 167; by general ticket,
108, 168; presidential, 1896, 499
Elections, i. 3, 4, 6; disputed, 30;
plurality in, ii. 4; illustrated from
New York City, 50; motive power
needs frequent, 54; long terms in
European cities, 110; in plan of city
charter, 456; department of, 466,
491; figures of, i. 168, 245, 250, 268,
290, 297-302, 354, ii. 51, 57, 128, 499
Electoral law, Greece, 1877, i. 9;
France, 1848, 233

Electoral reform, France, i. 187
Electors, i. 3, 4, 8; 200,000 to 8,000,000,
France, 233; see Voters

Elizabeth, i. 26, 58; 117, 129; ii. 205
Empire, Second, i. 233, 238; character
of, 251

Encroachment of Assembly in Third
Republic, France, i. 294, 302-310, 325,


England, political methods, i. 11; ad-
vantage of situation, 350; freedom
from Roman Catholic Church, 350;
domestic history from Henry VIII.,
ii. 308; maritime enterprise, 311;
compared with U. S., 382

Enthusiasm, moral, i. 40; personal, 41
Equality, i. 17, 25, 34; not passion of
democracy, ii. 265

Estimate and Apportionment, Board
of, ii. 134, 141, 143
Executive, i. 43, 46; responsible for
administration, 49; to submit laws,
49; should be in contact with legis-
lature, 50; none in France in 1789,
140; nominal and impotent, 64; in
Paris, ii. 104; subject to legislature,
203; guidance of legislation, 333,
351, 434; Congress and, drifting
apart, 413

Executive power, in the United States,
i. 352; responsible, needed, 408; ex-
cessive, 349; swept away in France,
351; in Paris, ii. 104; necessity of
strong, 160; protection against, 160;
in Belgium, 204; preponderant in
Prussia, 219; in United States
unique, 243; must come in one of
two ways, 280; problem of, 320;

how far dangerous, 438; neutralized
by ambition of legislature, 532
Expediency, i. 41; ii. 244, 254
Expenditure separate from income, ii.
46, 92

FAILURE of government not owing to
universal suffrage, i. 4, 35; ii. 545
Favre, Jules, i. 32; Chap. XIII., 288
Federal Council, Swiss, i. 312; ii. 234
Federal government, i. 49; ii. 2; and
State relations, 432; absorbing States,
443, 534, 537
Federation, i. 11

Ferdinand and Isabella, i. 58; ii. 292
Ferdinand VII., i. 6, 32, 178
Ferrières, i. 262

Feudalism, i. 57, 152, 349
Filibustering, i. 397

Finance, public, British, i. 81, 105;
entirely in hands of ministry, 82;
challenge of, means overthrow of
ministry, 90; control of local, ii.
120; National Assembly, France, i.
142; government, a question of, 459;
national, like individual, 459; loose-
ness of appropriations, Congress, 406;
expenditure separate from revenue,
407; ii. 46; effect of, i. 466; treat-
ment of public debt, 461; effect of
high tariff on revenue, 463; pension
list to relieve surplus, 464; depart-
ment in plan of city charter, ii. 462,

Finances, French, Third Republic, i.
330; of the several States, ii. 45;
city of Boston, 90; State of Massa-
chusetts, 429; in plan of city charter,
462, 479

351; not fitted for parliamentary
institutions, 332; government of
cities and communes, ii. 111; high
character of early explorers, 301,
304; causes of colonial failure in
North America, 302; in India, 306
Franchise, European States, i. 2-8;
United States, 9; soldiers not vot-
ing, 6; France, 1848, 233
Franco-German War, i. 255
Frederic II., i. 253, 291; ii. 218
Free press, i. 23, 27, 34, 102; in France,
341, 347

Free speech, i. 23, 27, 34, 102

Free trade, i. 29, 107, 439; ii. 270
French monarchy, Sir Henry Maine
upon, i. 19; people, how far con-
demned, 244, 251; progress in politi-
cal freedom, 299; like centralized
government, 332; not proved, 337;
high individual character, 333; take
no interest in public life, 333; why
like despotism, 340; French scare
of 1875, 256

GALLERIES, applause in Congress, ii.
414, 508, 516

Gambetta, i. 177; Chap. XIII., 301, 303
Garfield, James A., i. 354, 356
General ticket system, modifications
of, ii. 182

George I., i. 20, 26, 74; ii. 205; II., i.
25; III., 66, 69, 74, 99; IV., 99
George, Henry, ii. 147
German Empire, i. 33; conflict of
powers, ii. 218, 228; constitution
same as Prussia, 225; results of
government, 227; Federal Council,
226; Reichstag, 229

Financial expedients, old France, i. Germany, before French Revolution,

[blocks in formation]

i. 5, 19, 350; Thirty Years' War,
58; city government, ii. 114
Gerrymander, ii. 171, 468
Girondists, i. 152-155; ii. 502
Gladstone, W. E., i. 29, 51, 75, 85, 90,
94, 109
Gneist, "English Constitution," i. 113
Godkin, E. L., i. 21

Gohier on Napoleon, i. 168
Government, popular, never till this

century, i. 9; comparative progress
in, 34; three branches of, 43;
1781 and 1864, 51; principles not

easily changed, 338; only defence
within and without, 151; not car-
ried on by negatives, 367; by com-
missions, ii. 27; government of
cities, 73; theory of city, 82; rela-
tive improvement, Great Britain
and United States, 265; hopeless
if fails through people, 323; effect
upon peoples, 316; upper classes
favor impersonal, 533

Governors, position of, in State, ii. 10;
high character of, in Massachusetts,
13; messages of several, 67; should
have admission to legislature, 430;
confirmation of appointments, 431;
objection to giving power, 438
Grant, U. S., i. 35, 41, 283, 356
Great Britain, i. 2, 22-24, 29, 31,
53, 114; national and local govern-
ment, ii. 116; Municipal Reform Act,
1835, 117; national government con-
trols local budgets, 120, 242, 281
Greater New York, ii. 141; election,
1897, 143; comments upon, 148
Greece, electoral law, i. 9
Greenbacks, under conditions harm-
less and beneficial, i. 482; how far
superior to national bank notes, 485;
Supreme Court upon, ii. 191
Grévy, M., elected President, i. 300
Grey, Lord, i. 27, 97, 102
Guizot, i. 180, 184, 186, 192; refused
electoral reform, 187; strong in
power, 1845, 190; ready to resign,
196; resignation, 205
Gully, Mr., elected Speaker, i. 95

mittance to Congress, i. 145, 296;
ii. 336, 404; letter from Fisher
Ames, 406

Hanna, M. A., ii. 494; appointment
and election as senator, 502
Hanover, i. 68; dominion of, 69
Harley, Earl of Oxford, i. 69
Hawaii, annexation of, ii. 317, 522,
523, 536

Health department, in plan of city
charter, ii. 465, 487

Henry IV., France, i. 129; V., England,
ii. 310; VI., 1, 2; VII., i. 58, 117;
VIII., 58, 117, 141; ii. 310
Highway, Massachusetts State Com-

mission, ii. 31; department, in plan
of city charter, 465, 488
Hill, David B., i. 399; ii. 44
Hill, Sir Rowland, i. 26
Hoffman, John T., on city and State,
ii. 41; commissions, 87
Holland, constitution, i. 7; domestic
history, ii. 296; dates of colonial
establishment, 299; weakness, in-
ternal and external, 299
Holy Alliance, i. 177
Home office, i. 102

Home rule in Ireland, i. 30; ii. 260
Hotel de Ville, i. 154, 180, 221, 228,
235, 238, 277

House of Commons, i. 59, 63, 79, 83,
88-93, 102, 103, 109; ii. 205; became
supreme power in State, i. 63; be-
yond control, 64; did not have cabi-
net system, 66; 1693, unmanageable,
1695, in good order, 68; responsible
to people, 69; conflict with printers,
71; committee of, governs, 72; min-
isters responsible to, 78; may apply
to government to incur expenditure,
82; check on, ii. 251, 349

House of Lords, i. 24, 59, 67, 88, 103,
104; ii. 266

House of Representatives, i. 9, 93,

359; analysis of, 385; members
represent only districts, 389; do
not represent administration, 389;
standing committees, 390, 392; initi-
ative of revenue bills, 402
Howard, John, i. 25

Huguenots, i. 45, 129, 130; ii. 304,


Human nature, i. 10; ii. 150; science
in study of, 262

IMMIGRATION, i. 35; ii. 101, 323
Imperialism, ii. 521

Income tax, English, i. 106
Independence, Declaration of, i. 50;
War of, 51, 67

Independents, Great Britain, i. 60; in
United States, 503

India, i. 18, 30; English government
of, ii. 315

Initiative of legislation by ministers,
i. 448; popular, ii. 201, 239; of
finance, i. 82, 90, 460; reckless, 406;-
ii. 251, 383

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