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Caufes of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Republic. Death of Mithridates. Conquests of Pompey. Catiline's Confpiracy.

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ANY caufes contributed to this important event. M The unlimited extent of conquests prepared the way for a revolution in the government. The communication of the freedom of the city to the nations of Italy accelerated its approach. The progrefs of luxury among the people who did not apply to arts and manufactures, forwarded this change. The example of Sylla, who, by making changes in the Commonwealth at the head of legions, fhewed that authority had now paffed into the army, and pointed out the path to every General that afpired to be mafter of Rome. *

But, although a dictator had reigned at Rome, and the legions had given the law, various caufes contributed to protract the fate of the Commonwealth, and prevent a citizen from attaining the fovereignty of the Roman world. 1. The ancient conftitution ftill fubfifted in the imagination and the opinion of the citizens, who felt themfelves interested in its prefervation. 2. As Rome was a Republic, the perfon who was to ufurp the fovereignty muft have been a citizen originally on a level with other citizens. 3. The number of illuftrious candidates, who now afpired to dominion, prolonged the ftruggle of parties, namely, Pompey and Cæfar, Antony and Octavius.

Whilft Sylla was exercifing tyranny at Rome, the war with Mithridates broke out afrefh. That prince headed a numerous army, from different nations; with which he conquered 'all Bithynia, a part of Afia, lately bequeathed to the Romans, by Nicomedes, king of that country. Mithridates alfo gained great advantage over the Romans in other parts of Afia. Upon this fuccefs of the enemy, the two confuls Cotta and Lucullus, were appointed to carry on the war against him, and he was defeated by Lucullus. He afterwards withdrew to Pontus, and entered into a fecond alliance with his fonin-law Tigranes. The united forces of thefe princes were, two years after, again overpowered by Lucullus. But this great commander, being forfaken by his foldiers, was obliged to give up the fruit of his toil and victories to Pompey, who was appointed to command the army in Afia, and entirely

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defeated Mithridates. This prince was a fecond Hannibal, in his enmity to Rome. He continued his oppofition, even tho' he found his own family confederating against him. Although he was betrayed by his fon Macharis, and his life was attempted by Pharnaces, yet he still aimed at great defigns, and, even in the heart of Afia, projected the invafion of the Roman empire: This he intended to effect by marching into Europe, and, after being joined there by the fierce nations that inhabited Germany and Gaul, he refolved to cross the Alps into Italy, as Hannibal had done before him. But his timid Afiatic foldiers were ill difpofed to fecond the great views of their leader. Upon being apprized of his intentions, a mutiny enfued, which was promoted by his fon Pharnaces, who had been long defirous of gaining the favour of Pompey by parricide.

Mithridates, being thus obliged to take refuge in his palace to escape the fury of the army, fent to his fon for leave to depart, offering the free poffeffion of all that remained of his wretched fortunes, and his title to thofe dominions, of which he had been deprived by the Romans. To this the unnatural fon made no direct reply, confcious that he was offered only what could not be taken away. But, turning to the flave that brought him the meffage, he defired him, with aftern countenance, to tell his father, that death was all that now remained for him. Such an horrid inftance of filial impiety added new poignance to the wretched monarch's affliction. He could not refrain from venting his imprecations, and from withing that fuch an unnatural child might one day, meet with the like ingratitude from his own children. Then leaving his own apartment, where he had been for fome time alone, he entered that particularly affigned to his wives, children, and domeftics, where he bade all thofe prepare for death, who did not choose to undergo the horror of a Roman captivity. They all readily confented to die with their monarch, and chearfully taking the poifon, which he had in readiness, expired before him. As to himself, having ufed his body much to antidotes, the poifon had but little effect, upon which he attempted to difpatch himfelf with his fword; but that also failing, a Gaulifh foldier, whofe name was Bitous, performed this friendly office. Thus died Mithridates, betrayed by his fon, and forfaken by the army that feemed terrified at the greatness of his enterprizes. His fortune was various; his courage always the fame. He had for twenty-five years oppofed Rome; and, though he was often betrayed by his captains, his children, and wives, yet he continually found re


fources against his enemies, and was formidable to the very laft.

Lucullus and Pompey had both great intereft in the affections of the people; but the late fuccefs of the latter general, both by fea and land, prevailed over the party of the former: Pompey was declared general of the Roman armies, and governed with an unlimited authority. Nothing was able to check the progrefs of his arms. He marched over the vast mountains of Taurus, fetting up and depofing kings at his pleasure. Darius, king of Media, and Antiochus, king of Syria, were compelled to fubmit to his clemency. Phraates, king of Parthia, was obliged to retire, and fend to entreat a peace. From thence, extending his conquefts over the Thuræans and Arabians, he reduced all Syria and Pontus into Roman provinces.

Pompey then turned towards Judea, and fummoned Ariftobulus, who had ufurped the priesthood from his elder brother Hyrcanus, to appear before him; but Ariftobulus had fortified the temple of Jerufalem against him, and refused to anfwer. This venerable place, which was thus converted into a garrifon, being very ftrong from its fituation, held out for three months, but was at laft taken, and twelve thousand of its defenders were flain. Pompey entered this great fanctuary with a mixture of refolution and fear; he fhewed an eager curiofity to enter into the Holy of Holies; where he gazed for fome time upon those things which it was unlawful for any but the pricfts themfeives to behold. Nevertheless he fhewed fo much veneration for the place, that he forbore touching any of the vaft treasures depofited there. After reftoring Hyrcanus to the priesthood and government, he took Ariftobulus with him, to grace his triumph upon his return. This triumph, which lafted two days, was the most splendid that had ever entered the gates of Rome. In it were expofed the names of fifteen conquered kingdoms, eight hundred cities taken, twenty-nine repeopled, and a thousand caf tles brought to acknowledge the empire of Rome. Among the prifoners led in triumph, appeared the fon of Tigranes; Ariftobulus, king of Judea; the fifter of Mithridates; toge ther with the hoftages of the Albanians, Iberians, and the king of Comagena. The treasures that were brought home, amounted to near four millions of our money; and the trophies and other fplendors of the proceffion were fuch that the fpectators feemed loft in magnificent profufion. All these victories, however, rather ferved to heighten the glory than to increase the power of Rome; they only made it a more


glaring object of ambition, and expofed its liberties to greater danger*. Those liberties, indeed, feemed devoted to ruin on every fide; for, even while Pompey was purfuing his conqueft abroad, Rome was at the verge of ruin from a confpiracy at home.

This confpiracy was projected and carried on by Sergius Catiline, a patrician by birth, who refolved to build his own power on the downfal of his country. His high extraction had raised him to the principal employments in the state. He was fingularly formed, both by art and nature, to conduct a confpiracy. He was poffeffed of courage equal to the most defperate attempts, and eloquence to give a colour to his ambition. Ruined in his fortunes, profligate in his manners, and vigilant in purfuing his aims, he was infatiable after wealth, only with a view to lavish it in guilty pleasures. In fhort, as Salluft defcribes him, he was a compound of oppofite paffions; intemperate to excefs, yet patient of labour to a wonder; fevere with the virtuous, debauched with the gay; fo that he had all the vicious for his friends by inclination; and he attached even some of the good, by the fpecious fhew of pretended virtue. However, his real character was at Jength very well known at Rome; he had been accused of debauching a veftal virgin; he was fufpected of murdering his fon, to gratify a criminal paffion; and it was notorious, that in the profcription of Sylla, he had killed his own brother, to make his court to that tyrant.

Lentulus, Cethegus, and Pifo were confederates with him. They agreed to fet fire to the city, to murder Cicero the conful, and all who had at any time oppofed their ambitious views. The Confpirators were chiefly perfons of the first rank; but by riot and excess they had debased their families, and were become defperate.

Cicero greatly diftinguifhed himself by the fuppreffion of this confpiracy. Fulvia, a woman of ill fame, and who held a criminal correfpondence with Quintus Curius, one of the confpirators, firft disclosed it to him; and he, in the prefence of Catiline, declared the whole defign to the fenate. By his vigilance alfo, he entirely difconcerted the measures of the confpirators, and obliged them to confefs their crime in full affembly of the fenate. Catiline fled with a few followers to to the army of Marius; Lentulus, Cethegus, and other principal confpirators, were foon after put to death by order of the fenate. Catiline afterwards collected a fmall body of forces, but he was engaged by Peterius the lieutenant of Antony the conful, and flain in the battle 4.


+ Salluft.


The greater part of the world was now fubdued, and the Roman empire had arrived to fuch grandeur, that it could scarce extend itself farther. No outward force was fufficient to fubdue the power of the Romans; but the ftate at length fell by its own weight, and the ambition of the leading men. Julius Cæfar at this time began to make a confiderable figure in Rome. He had before enjoyed many public offices, and was now prætor and governor of Sparta, where he greatly extended the frontiers of the Roman province, and on his return home was received with the general acclamations of the people.

This celebrated man was nephew to Marius, by the female line, and defcended from one of the moft illuftrious families in Rome. He had already mounted by the regular gradations of office; having been quæftor, ædile, and grand pontiff, and prætor in Spain. Being defcended from popular ancestors, he warmly efpoufed the fide of the people, and fhortly after the death of Sylla procured those whom he had banifhed to be recalled. He had conftantly declared for the populace against the fenate, and confequently became their favourite magiftrate. He had received proper intelligence during his adminiftration in Spain, of what was tranfancting at Rome, and refolved to return to improve occurrences in his favour. His fervices in Spain had deferved a triumph, and his ambition afpired to the confulfhip. However, it was contrary to law for that he fhould enjoy both; for to obtain the confulfhip, he muft come into the city, and by entering the city, he was difqualified for a triumph. In this dilemma, he preferred folid power to empty parade, and determined to ftand for the confulfhip, at the fame time refolving to attach the two most powerful men in the ftate to him, by effecting their reconciliation. He accordingly began, by offering his fervices to Pompey, promifing to affift him in getting all his acts paffed, notwithstanding the oppofition of the fenate. Pompey, pleafed with the acquifition of a person of such merit readily granted him his confidence and protection. He next applied to Craffus, who, from former connections, was difpofed to become ftill more nearly his friend. At length, finding them not averfe to an union of interefts, he took an opportunity of bringing them together; and remonftrating to them on the advantage, as well as the neceffity of a reconciliation, had art enough to perfuade them to forget former animofities. A combination was thus formed, by which they agreed, that nothing fhould be done in the commonwealth, but what


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