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character of, 1020.

precedence of, 1.

House may adhere in first instance, 129.

motion to insist, takes precedence of, 1021.

insist, and ask conference, takes precedence, 1329.
motion to recede has priority of, 1330.
when vote to, may be reconsidered, 2048.


conferences before, 2.

upon first conference, 3.

never delivered at free conference, 4.

conference after vote of, 5, 6.

conference refused after, 8.

usual to accede to request for conference, 8.

vote to adhere, may be reconsidered, 9.

to disagreement, 10.

to disagreement, bill or resolution shall be lost, 11.

by one House, other may recede, 133.


when in order, 12, 1656.

irregular, 1251.

made to avoid decision on question, 24.
Speaker is absent, 1624.

adjournment terminates proceedings under call of House, 343,

has precedence when less than a quorum is present, 12.

not in order while member is speaking, 13, 1251.

pending question on seconding demand for the previous
question, 17.

to reconsider a vote on, 29.

to fix the day, 12.

precedence of, 12.

may be repeated the same day, 16.

cannot be received after question put, and pending vote, 14.

succeed itself, 23.

ADJOURN-MOTION TO (continued):

in order after, and before announcement of vote, to particular day, 15.
pending question of order, 18.

in order pending call of House, 342.

must be put as a distinct question, not by way of amendment, 19, 1312.
will not take precedence of question pending if made to a particular day
unless moved as an amendment, 20.

yeas and nays on, sine die, 22.

debate on, how made, 24.

previous question may be, 1657.

not regular on question that order of the day be read, 25.

House may, during pleasure, 26.

of Commons, adjournment of, 31.

adjournment must be pronounced by Speaker, 28.

terminate imprisonment, 1336.

to a particular day when made in order, 20.

to a future day, 33.

cannot be made as an amendment to motion for
recess, 37.

to be excused from voting on, not in order, 34.

to a later period of time than fixed will require two-thirds vote, 40.
independent motion, if made pending any question not susceptible of
amendment, 21.

consent of House must be bad for adjournment, 28.

King cannot adjourn Parliament, 32.

opens Parliament until House should to a future day, 33.

resolution to, when a privileged question, 35, 1918, 1919.

takes precedence of motion for recess, 36, 1324.

made before regular hour for recess, if evening sessions are ordered,
carries the House to next sitting day, 39.

where yeas and nays are ordered on, made before regular hour, roll call
must be completed and vote announced, though hour for recess has
arrived, and if adjournment is carried, it is to the next sitting day,


proceedings between adjournment constitute a legislative day, 43.
pending question on rejection of bill, 186.

if upon fact reported, no quorum answer in Committee of Whole, 523.
Speaker may adjourn House in absence of quorum, 1994.

Clerk may adjourn House upon death of Speaker, 1626.

may supersede "orders of the day" and previous question, 1656.


precedence of question in, 52.

must be seconded as an original motion, 54.

amendment to, 57.

substitute as an, how admitted, 57, 493.

when made to, of other branch, its status, 58.

priority over substitute, 59.

how made, 60, 61, 416, 418.

time for moving, 62.

by striking out, question on, 63, 67, 589.

AMENDMENT (continued):

when question on, divided, how put, and effect on, of motions "to strike
out," "insert," and to "strike out and insert," 63, 64.

manner of stating the question to strike out and insert, how taken, 65.
moved, pending previous question, 68.

floor yielded to offer, 69.

no subject different admitted under color of, 70.

reported with clauses, motion to reconsider reaches all, 71.

when inconsistent, may be rejected, 73, 417.

members may speak to, 74.

by way of rider, 76, 264, 265.

from Committee of Whole, when indivisible, 77.

of Senate indivisible, 77.

when in order as a different question, 78.

where proposition to, adopted, cannot be withdrawn, 79.

how may be modified, 79, 92.

member cannot accept, how accepted to bill reported from Committee,

question upon, from Committee of the Whole, 81, 582, 589.

House may close debate on, 82.

when main question open on, 85.
may totally change proposition, 86.

blanks may be filled in bills as, 87.

withdrawn, when may be renewed, 88.

made by Committee of the Whole, 89, 559.

incorrectly engrossed, how rectified, 90.

new bill by way of, 91.

different times and sums not offered as amendments of one another,

but as original motions, 94.

speaking to, must make all objections at one time, 95.

exceptions taken to, 96.

disagreement by House to, or amendment of Senate amendments, 97.
cannot be made to first part, where latter part of question has been
amended, unless first amendment withdrawn, 98.

must be offered in order in which it would stand in amended question,

irregular to propose, to words adopted, 99, 101, 414.

must assume place of original question, before additional amendment in
order, 102.

to question proposed to be omitted by another, how done, 103.

in Committee of Whole, to strike out, how done, 104, 589.

in nature of private claims, not in order to general appropriation bill,

objections to, for consideration of House, 106.

to main question, question on amendment, 108.

to amendment, giving bill different direction, not in order, 109.

cannot be moved as substitute for two resolutions after separate vote
demanded, 111.

offered by committee must first be disposed of, 114, 423.

[blocks in formation]

AMENDMENT (continued):

mover of, cannot modify, after previous question ordered, 115, (this rule
applies to other motions,) may be made to clauses, 200, 416, 420.
made in committee, must be consistent with title, and instructions, 228,

to bill must be considered seriatim, 247.

pending to section, motion to strike out, not in order, 248.
when admitted on third reading, 260.

lost, copy may be requested, 298.

every description of, made in committee, 416.

in nature of previous question, not in order in committee, 418.
when may be offered to title of bill, 418, 419.

adoption of, in committee, 422, 582.

may be read by Chairman, with coherence in bill, 424.
motion to recommit when put as an, 465.

report of conference not subject of, 601.

agreed to, when report of conference adopted with, 670.

debate on bill, not precluded by pending, 681.

motion to disagree to, or reject, negatived, equivalent to agreement to,

member may vote, not speak against his own, 1291.
of Senate has priority of motion to concur, 1328.
to instructions, not cut off by previous question, 1651.
previous question cannot be put upon, 1659.

to admit, previous question may be withdrawn, 1662.

cannot be modified after main question ordered, 1678.

when may be withdrawn, from operation of previous question, 1678.
when may be admitted to main question, 1679.

how main question may recur on, 1661, 1680, 1681, 1682.

separate vote may be had on, 2190.

paragraphs, 2190.

member cannot make second speech to move, 1930.

when proposition referred to committee for, 1881.

when made by action of House, 1882.

postponement of main question, subject to, 1899.

motion to commit, subject to, 1900.

amendment, subject to, 1901, 1902, 1903.

amendment to amendment, not subject to, 1901, 1902.

motion for, to be put before vote on striking out or agreeing to para-
graph, 1910.


mode of proceeding on, 116, 120, 127, 133.

effect of adherence to disagreement, 116.

reasons should be assigned for disagreement, 117

appointment of committee to draw up reasons for disagreement, 118.
House cannot recede from, or insist on its own amendment, with an
amendment, 124.

how amendment from other House may be modified, 124.

where one House adheres to, and the other agrees with an amendment,
first House cannot depart from form fixed by adherence, 125.

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