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who have none but borrowed Party-opinions, but of the Candid and Honeft. [Mottos] London: Printed for the Author [Major John Cartwright] by H. S. Woodfall. Sold by J. Wilkie. No. 71, St. Paul's Church-Yard. M. DCC. LXXIV. xvi. iv. 72 pp. 8vo.

AMERICAN Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain; containing Arguments which prove, that not only in Taxation, but in Trade, Manufactures, and Government, the Colonies are entitled to an entire Independency on the British Legislature; and that it can only be by a formal Declaration of these Rights, and forming thereupon a friendly League with them, that the true and lafting Welfare of both Countries can be promoted. In a Series of Letters to the Legislature. [Mottos] Philadelphia, Printed and Sold by Robert Bell, in Third Street. MDCCLXXVI. 125 pp. and 1 leaf. 8vo.

AMERICAN QUERIST (The): or some Questions proposed relative to the present disputes between Great Britain and her American Colonies. By a North-American. [Motto] Boston: Re-printed by Mills and Hicks, and Sold at their Printing-Office in School Street, 1774. 32 pp. 8vo.

AMERICAN (The) Songster: being a select collection of the most celebrated American, English, Scotch and Irish Songs. [Motto] New-York: Printed for Samuel Campbell, No. 44, Hanover-Square, and Thomas Allen, No. 16, QueenStreet. M,DCC,LXXXVIII. xii+204 pp. Small 8vo.

AMERICAN Tears upon the Ruines of the Greek Churches./ A Compendious, but Entertaining/ History/ of the/ Darkness come upon the/ Greek Churches,/ in/ Europe and Asia./ Composed by an American./ And Published,/ Partly to bespeak a more frequent Remem-/brance of those (once) Famous Churches,/ in the Prayers of the Faithful afar off/ And, Partly, to Suggest unto Other Churches,/ the Advice and Warning to be thence/ taken, that their CandleStick, may not be/ Removed out of its Place./ With, An Appendix containing a Relation/ of the Conversion of a Jew,/ Named, Shalome Ben Shalomoh./ Bofton in N. E. Printed by B. Green, & J. Allen,/ for, & Sold by Samuel Sewall Junior. 1701./ 80 pp. 8vo.


AMERICAN (The) Traveller or Observations on the Present State, Culture and Commerce of the British Colonies in America, and the further Improvement of which they are capable; with an Account of the Exports, Imports and Returns of each Colony respectively, and of the Numbers of British Ships and Seamen, Merchants, Traders and Manufacturers employed by all collectively: Together with the Amount of the Revenue arising to Great Britain therefrom. In a Series of Letters, written originally to the Right Honourable the Earl of ********* By an Old and Experienced Trader. London: Printed for E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry, and J. Almon, Piccadilly. MDCCLXIX. 4 prel. leaves and 122 pp., with frontispiece and large map. 4to.

AMERICANS against Liberty: or an Essay on the Nature and Principles of True Freedom, shewing that the designs and conduct of the Americans tend only to Tyranny and Slavery. [Mottos] London: Sold by J. Mathews, No. 18, in the Strand. MDCCLXXV. 64 pp. 8vo.

ANDERSON (James). The Interest of Great-Britain with regard to her American Colonies, considered. To which is added an Appendix, containing the outlines of a Plan for a general pacification. By James Anderson, M. A. Author of Observations on the means of exciting a Spirit of National Industry, &c. London London Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand. M. DCC.LXXXII. vii, 136, 36 pp. 8vo.

ANDRÉ (Major). The Cow Chace: an Heroick Poem, in Three Cantos. Written at New York, 1780, By the late Major André, With Explanatory Notes, by the Editor. [Motto] London: Printed for John Fielding, No. 23 PaterNofter-Row, 1781. 32 pp. 4to.

ANSON (Lord). Des Herrn Admirals, Lord Ansons Reise um die Welt, . . . in den Jahren 1740, 41, 42, 43, zusammengetragen von M. Richard Waltern . Leipzig und Göttingen, Verlegts Abraham Vanednhoeck. 1749. 4to.


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ANSWER (An) to the Declaration of the American Congrefs. [Mottos] London: Printed for T. Cadell in the Strand; J. Walter, Charing-cross, and T. Sewell, near the Royal Exchange. MDCCLXXVI. 132 pp. 8vo.

ANSWER (An) to the Declaration of the American Congrefs. [Mottos] The Fourth Edition. London: Printed for T. Cadell in the Strand; J. Walter, Charing-cross; and T. Sewell, near the Royal Exchange. MDCCLXXVI. 132 pp. 8vo.

ANSWER (An) to the Declaration of the American Congrefs. [Mottos] The Fifth Edition. London: Printed for T. Cadell in the Strand; J. Walter, Charing-cross: and T. Sewell, near the Royal Exchange. MDCCLXXVI. 132 pp. 8vo.

ANTEQUERA Y CASTRO (Don Joseph de). Coleccion General de Documentos, que contiene los sucesos tocantes á la segunda época de las conmociones de los Regulares de la Compañía en el Paraguay, y señaladamente la persecucion, que hicieron a don Josef de Antequera y Castro. Vá añadido en esta edicion el Informe de Don Mathias Angles y Gortari. Tomo Tercero. Con Licencia del Consejo en el Extraordinario. En Madrid: En la Imprenta Real de la Gazeta. Año de M. DCC. LXIX. xiv, 239, 374, 64 pp. and 2 fequent leaves. 4to.

APIANO (Pedro). So Libro dela/ Cosmographia/ De Pedro Apiano, el qual trata la defcripcion del Mun-/do, y fus partes, por muy claro y lindo artificio, augmeta-/do por el doctiffimo varon Gemma Frifio, doctor en Me/decina, y Mathematico excellentiffimo: con otros/ dos libros del dicho Gemma, de la materia mesma./ Agora nueuamete traduzidos en Romãce Caftellano./ [Vignette]/ M. D. XLVIII. Vendefe en Enveres en cafa de Gregorio Bontio enel/ escudo de Bafilea. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio. 2 prelim. and 70 folioed leaves. Signature K is a folding wood-cut map, between pp. 34 and 35. Revolving diagrams on folios 8. 9. 11. 31. and 53. 4to.

APIANUS (Petrus). Cosmographia/ Petri Apiani, per · Gemmam Frisivm/ apud Louanienfes Medicum & Mathematicum infignem,/ iam demum ab omnibus vindicata mendis, ac non-/nullis quoque locis aucta. Additis eiufdemar-/ gumenti libellis ipfius Gemma Frifij. [Vignette] Væneunt Antuerpiæ fub fcuto Bafilienfi, Gregorio Bontio./ M. D. L./ 2 prelim. and 66 leaves. Wood-cut map at fol. 31. 4to.


APIANUS (Petrus). Cosmographia/ Petri Apiani, per Gemmam Fri-/sivm apvd Lovanienses Medicvm et Mathe/ maticvm insignem, iam demvm ab omnibvs vindi-/cata mendis, ac nonnullis quoque locis aucta, & annotationi-/bus marginalibus illuftrata. Additis eiufdem argumen-/ti libellis ipfius Gemma Frisij./ [Vignette, a Globe] Coloniae Agrippinae,/ Apud Hæredes Arnoldi Birckmanni. clɔ lɔ LXXIV. 2 prelim. and 58 folioed leaves, with revolving diagrams on folios 8. 9. 11. 28. and 49. 4to.

APIANUS (Petrus). La Cosmographia/ de Pedro Apiano, corregida y añadida por Gemma Frifio,/ Medico y Mathematico. La manera de defcriuir y fituar los Lugares, conel Vso del Anillo Aftronomico, del/ mifmo Auctor Gemma Frifio. El Sitio y Defcripcion delas Indias y Mudo Nueuo, facada dela Hiftoria de Francifco/ Lopez de Gomara, y dela Cofmographia de Ieronymo Giraua Tarragonez./ [Vignette] M. D. LXXV./ En Anvers./ Por Iuan Bellero al Aguila de Oro. Con Priuilegio de fu M. 2 prelim. 68 folioed, and 14 not numbered leaves. Wood-cut map at fol. 34. 4to.

APIANUS (Petrus). Cosmographia,/ sive/ Descriptio/ Vniversi Orbis,/ avctoribvs/ Petro Apiano, et Gemma Frisio,/ Mathematicorvm Insignivm./ Cuius huic editioni additus eft de Aftrolabo Catholico libellus,/ nunc primum à Martino Euerartho in Epitomen contractus./ Cætera vide pagina quinta. [Vignette] Antverpiae,/ Ex officina Arnoldi Coninx./ M. D. LXXXIIII./ 8 prelim. ll. and 480 pp. A folding wood-cut map (K) fupplies the place of 73-81 in the pagination.


APOLLONIUS (Levinius). Levini Apol-/lonii, Gandobrv-/gani, Mittelbvrgensis,/ de Peruuiæ, Regionis, inter Noui Orbis prouincias/ celeberrimæ, inuentione : & rebus in/ eadem geftis,/ Libri V./ Ad Iacobvm Clarovtivm Mal-/deghemmae ac Pitte-/miae Dominvm./ Breuis, exactaque Noui Orbis, & Peruuiæ/ regionis chorographia./ [Vignette]/ Antverpiae,/ Apud Ioannem Bellerum fub/ Aquila aurea./ M. D. LXVI./ 8 prelim. leaves; Text folioed 9 to 236. followed by index, errata and colophon, 8 leaves. Wood-cut map. 8vo.

APOLLONIUS (Levinius). Levini Apol-/lonii, Gandobrv-/gani, Mittelbvrgensis,/ de Peruuiæ, Regionis, inter

Noui Orbis prouincias/ celeberrimæ, inuentione : & rebus in/ eadem geftis,/ Libri V. Ad Iacobvm Clarovtivm Mal-/ deghemmae ac Pitte-/miae Dominvm./ Breuis exactaque Noui Orbis, & Peruuia/ regionis chorographia. [Vignette] Antverpiae,/ Apud Ioannem Bellerum fub/ Aquila aurea./ M. D. LXVII. 8 prel. leaves; wood-cut map; text folioed 9-236; Index and errata 7 leaves followed by a Colophon leaf. 8vo.

APOLLONIUS (Levinius). Dritte Theil/ der Newen Welt/ Des Peru:/uifchen Königreichs, welches das/ Mechtigste und Fruchtbareste ist, vnder allen anderen Landte:/ Schafften oder Prouintzen des Indianischen Nidergängischen Reichs/ wie vnd durch welche Perfonen daffelbig zum erften erfunden, vnd was fich/ von der ersten Erfindung an, bifz auff vnfere jetzige zeit, für schröckliche Krieg/ vnd Blutuergiessungen, eyns thiels gegen den Peruuifchen Einwohnern, an:/der theils zwischen den Spanischen Landtpflägern vnd Vögten, allein von/ wegen Ehrgeytzes vnd Eygennutzes verloffen vnd zugetragen haben. Auch/ von derfelbige Völckern Sitten, Regiment, Aberglauben, Ceremonien, Got:/tesdienst, Gebräuch in Effen vnd Trincken, Handthierungen, Ge:/werbschafften vnd vnerschöpfflichen Goldtgruben/ vnd Reichthumben, so in diesem Kö-/nigreich gefunden werden./ Item,/ Von der Frantzofen Schiffarth in die Landtschafft/ Floridam, vnd jhrer Schröcklichen Niderlag die fie von den Spa:/niern im Jar M.D.LXV. darinn erlitten. Mit angehenckter/ Supplication an König Carol den Ix. in Franckreich, der Erschlagnen Frantzofen/ Witwen, Waysen, Verwandten vnd Einwohnern in der Landtschafft Florida,/ darinn sie jhr VnSchuld gegen den Spaniern vor Königlicher/ May. gründtlich erkläret vnd geoffenbaret./ Alles/ Durch Glaubwürdige Perfonen, vnd fürnemblich durch den Hoch:/berhümbten Geschichtschreiber Levinvm Appollonivm Gandobrv-/ganvm, in Lateinischer Sprach wahrhafftig beschrieben, und zum theil/ felbs Persönlich erfahren./ Erft jetz aber/ Ausz dem Latein, zu Nutz allen Regenten vnd Oberherren, Ehrgeytz vnd/ Eygennutz zuuermeiden: Auch Liebhabern der Historien, mit höchstem/ Fleifz vnd Mühe verteutschet,/ Durch/ Nicolaum Höniger von Tauber Königshofen./ Getruckt zu Bafel./ [Colophon] Getruckt,/ zu Bafel, durch Sebastian Henricpetri,/ im Jar nach Vnser Erlösung,/ M.D.LXXXIII./ im Hertzen./ 6 prelim. ll. and text ccccvj pp. followed by the colophon leaf. Folio.

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