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apparent proportions, and the likeness is not taxed with incorrectness, though a man in the foreground should be represented larger than a mountain in the distance. So it is to a spectator of the heavenly bodies pictured, projected, or mapped down on that imaginary sphere we call the sky or heaven. Thus, we may easily conceive that the moon, which appears to us as large as the sun, though less bright, may owe that apparent equality to its greater proximity, and may be really much less; while both the moon and sun may only appear larger and brighter than the stars, on account of the remoteness of the latter.

(50.) A spectator on the earth's surface is prevented, by the great mass on which he stands, from seeing into all that portion of space which is below him, or to see which he must look in any degree downwards. It is true that, if his place of observation be at a great elevation, the dip of the horizon will bring within the scope of vision a little more than a hemisphere, and refraction, wherever he may be situated, will enable him to look, as it were, a little round the corner; but the zone thus added to his visual range can hardly ever, unless in very extraordinary circumstances exceed a couple of degrees in breadth, and is always ill seen on account of the vapours near the horizon. Unless, then, by a change of his geographical situation, he should shift his horizon (which is always a plane touching the spherical convexity of the earth at his station); or unless, by some movements proper to the heavenly bodies, they should of themselves come above his horizon; or, lastly, unless, by some rotation of the earth itself on its centre, the point of its surface


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*Such as the following, for instance:-The late Mr. Sadler, the celebrated aëronaut, ascended in a balloon from Dublin at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and was wafted across the channel. About sunset he approached the English coast, when the balloon descended near the surface of the sea. By this time the sun was set, and the shades of evening began to close in. He threw out nearly all his ballast, and suddenly sprung upwards to a great height, and by so doing witnessed the whole phenomenon of a western sunrise. He subsequently descended in Wales, and witnessed a second sunset on the same evening. I have this anecdote from Dr. Lardner, who was present at his ascent, and read his own account of the voyage.- Author.




which he occupies should be carried round, and presented towards a different region of space; he would never obtain a sight of almost one half the objects external to our atmosphere. But if any of these cases be supposed, more, or all, may come into view according to the circumstances.

(51.) A traveller, for example, shifting his locality on our globe, will obtain a view of celestial objects invisible from his original station, in a way which may be not inaptly illustrated by comparing him to a person standing in a park close to a large tree. The massive obstacle presented by its trunk cuts off his view of all those parts of the landscape which it occupies as an object; but by walking round it a complete successive view of the whole panorama may be obtained. Just in the same way, if we set off from any station, as London, and travel southwards, we shall not fail to notice that many celestial objects which are never seen from London come successively into view, as if rising up above the horizon, night after night, from the south, although it is in reality our horizon, which, travelling with us southwards round the sphere, sinks in succession beneath them. The novelty and splendour of fresh

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constellations thus gradually brought into view in the clear calm nights of tropical climates, in long voyages to

the south, is dwelt upon by all who have enjoyed this spectacle, and never fails to impress itself on the recollection among the most delightful and interesting of the associations connected with extensive travel. A glance at the accompanying figure, exhibiting three successive stations of a traveller, A, B, C, with the horizon corresponding to each, will place this process in clearer evidence than any description.

(52.) Again: suppose the earth itself to have a motion of rotation on its centre. It is evident that a spectator at rest (as it appears to him) on any part of it will, unperceived by himself, be carried round with it: unperceived, we say, because his horizon will constantly contain, and be limited by, the same terrestrial objects. He will have the same landscape constantly before his eyes, in which all the familiar objects in it, which serve him for landmarks and directions, retain, with respect to himself or to each other, the same invariable situations. The perfect smoothness and equality of the motion of so vast a mass, in which every object he sees around him participates alike, will (art. 15.) prevent his entertaining any suspicion of his actual change of place. Yet, with respect to external objects, that is to say, all celestial ones which do not participate in the supposed rotation of the earth,—his horizon will have been all the while shifting in its relation to them, precisely as in the case of our traveller in the foregoing article. Recurring to the figure of that article, it is evidently the same thing, so far as their visibility is concerned, whether he has been carried by the earth's rotation successively into the situations A, B, C ; or whether, the earth remaining at rest, he has transferred himself personally along its surface to those stations. Our spectator in the park will obtain precisely the same view of the landscape, whether he walk round the tree, or whether we suppose it sawed off, and made to turn on an upright pivot, while he stands on a projecting step attached to it, and allows himself to be carried round by its motion. The only difference will be in his view



of the tree itself, of which, in the former case, he will see every part, but, in the latter, only that portion of it which remains constantly opposite to him, and immediately under his eye.

(53.) By such a rotation of the earth, then, as we have supposed, the horizon of a stationary spectator will be constantly depressing itself below those objects which lie in that region of space towards which the rotation is carrying him, and elevating itself above those in the opposite quarter; admitting into view the former, and successively hiding the latter. As the horizon of every such spectator, however, appears to him motionless, all such changes will be referred by him to a motion in the objects themselves so successively disclosed and concealed. In place of his horizon approaching the stars, therefore, he will judge the stars to approach his horizon; and when it passes over and hides any of them, he will consider them as having sunk below it, or set; while those it has just disclosed, and from which it is receding, will seem to be rising above it.

(54.) If we suppose this rotation of the earth to continue in one and the same direction,—that is to say, to be performed round one and the same axis, till it has completed an entire revolution, and come back to the position from which it set out when the spectator began his observations,—it is manifest that every thing will then be in precisely the same relative position as at the outset all the heavenly bodies will appear to occupy the same places in the concave of the sky which they did at that instant, except such as may have actually moved in the interim; and if the rotation still continue, the same phenomena of their successive rising and setting, and return to the same places, will continue to be repeated in the same order, and (if the velocity of rotation be uniform) in equal intervals of time, ad infinitum.

(55.) Now, in this we have a lively picture of that grand phenomenon, the most important beyond all comparison which nature presents, the daily rising and

setting of the sun and stars, their progress through the vault of the heavens, and their return to the same apparent places at the same hours of the day and night. The accomplishment of this restoration in the regular interval of twenty-four hours is the first instance we encounter of that great law of periodicity*, which, as we shall see, pervades all astronomy; by which expression we understand the continual reproduction of the same phenomena, in the same order, at equal intervals of time.

(56.) A free rotation of the earth round its centre, if it exist and be performed in consonance with the same mechanical laws which obtain in the motions of masses of matter under our immediate control, and within our ordinary experience, must be such as to satisfy two essential conditions. It must be invariable in its direction with respect to the sphere itself, and uniform in its velocity. The rotation must be performed round an axis or diameter of the sphere, whose poles or extremities, where it meets the surface, correspond always to the same points on the sphere. Modes of rotation of a solid body under the influence of external agency are conceivable, in which the poles of the imaginary line or axis about which it is at any moment revolving shall hold no fixed places on the surface, but shift upon it every moment. Such changes, however, are inconsistent with the idea of a rotation of a body of regular figure about its axis of symmetry, performed in free space, and without resistance or obstruction from any surrounding medium. The complete absence of such obstructions draws with it, of necessity, the strict fulfilment of the two conditions above mentioned.

(57.) Now, these conditions are in perfect accordance with what we observe, and what recorded observation teaches us, in respect of the diurnal motions of the heavenly bodies. We have no reason to believe, from history, that any sensible change has taken place since the earliest ages in the interval of time elapsing between two successive returns of the same star to the same

* Пegíodos, a going round, a circulation or revolution.

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