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of the ecliptic, performing one rotation in a period of 25 days and in the same direction with the diurnal rotation of the earth, i. e. from west to east. Here, then, we have an analogy with our own globe; the slower and more majestic movement only corresponding with the greater dimensions of the machinery, and impressing us with the prevalence of similar mechanical laws, and of, at least, such a community of nature as the existence of inertia and obedience to force may argue. Now, in the exact proportion in which we invest our idea of this immense bulk with the attribute of inertia, or weight, it becomes difficult to conceive its circulation round so comparatively small a body as the earth, without, on the one hand, dragging it along, and displacing it, if bound to it by some invisible tie; or, on the other hand, if not so held to it, pursuing its course alone in space, and leaving the earth behind. If we tie two stones together by a string, and fling them aloft, we see them circulate about a point between them, which is their common centre of gravity; but if one of them be greatly more ponderous than the other, this common centre will be proportionally nearer to that one, and even within its surface, so that the smaller one will circulate, in fact, about the larger, which will be comparatively but little disturbed from its place.

(307.) Whether the earth move round the sun, the sun round the earth, or both round their common centre of gravity, will make no difference, so far as appearances are concerned, provided the stars be supposed sufficiently distant to undergo no sensible apparent parallactic displacement by the motion so attributed to the earth. Whether they are so or not must still be a matter of enquiry; and from the absence of any measureable amount of such displacement, we can conclude nothing but this, that the scale of the sidereal universe is so great, that the mutual orbit of the earth and sun may be regarded as an imperceptible point in its comparison. Admitting, then, in conformity with the laws of dynamics, that two bodies connected with and

revolving about each other in free space do, in fact, revolve about their common centre of gravity, which remains immoveable by their mutual action, it becomes a matter of further enquiry, whereabouts between them this centre is situated. Mechanics teaches us that its place will divide their mutual distance in the inverse . ratio of their weights or masses*; and calculations grounded on phenomena, of which an account will be given further on, inform us that this ratio, in the case of the sun and earth, is actually that of 354,936 to 1, the sun being, in that proportion, more ponderous than the earth. From this it will follow that the common point about which they both circulate is only 267 miles from the sun's centre, or about 30th part of its own diameter.

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(308.) Henceforward, then, in conformity with the above statements, and with the Copernican view of our system, we must learn to look upon the sun as the comparatively motionless centre about which the earth performs an annual elliptic orbit of the dimensions and excentricity, and with a velocity regulated according to the law above assigned; the sun occupying one of the foci of the ellipse, and from that station quietly disseminating on all sides its light and heat; while the earth, travelling round it, and presenting itself differently to it at different times of the year and day, passes through the varieties of day and night, summer and winter, which we enjoy.




* See Cab. Cyc. MECHANICS, Centre of Gravity.





(309.) In this annual motion of the earth, its axis preserves, at all times, the same direction as if the orbitual movement had no existence; and is carried round parallel to itself, and pointing always to the same vanishing point in the sphere of the fixed stars. This it is which gives rise to the variety of seasons, as we shall now explain. In so doing, we shall neglect (for a reason which will be presently explained) the ellipticity of the orbit, and suppose it a circle, with the sun in the centre.

(310.) Let, then, S represent the sun, and A, B, C, D, four positions of the earth in its orbit 90° apart, viz. A that which it has on the 21st of March, or at the time of the vernal equinox; B that of the 21st of June, or the summer solstice; C that of the 21st of September, or the autumnal equinox; and D that of the 21st of December, or the winter solstice. In each of these positions let PQ represent the axis of the earth, about which its diurnal rotation is performed without interfering with its annual motion in its orbit. Then, since the sun can only enlighten one half of the surface at once, viz. that turned towards it, the shaded portions of the globe in its several positions will represent the dark, and the bright, the enlightened halves of the earth's surface in these positions. Now, 1st, in the position A, the sun is vertically over the intersection of the equinoctial F E and the ecliptic H G. It is, therefore, in the equinox; and in this position the poles P, Q, both fall on the extreme confines of the enlightened side. In this position, therefore, it is day over half the northern and half the southern hemisphere at once; and as the earth revolves on its axis, every point of its surface describes half its diurnal course in light, and half in darkness; in other words, the duration of day and night is here equal over the whole globe: hence the term equinox. The same holds good at the autumnal equinox on the position C.

(311.) B is the position of the earth at the time of

the northern, summer solstice. Here the north pole P, and a considerable portion of the earth's surface in its neighbourhood, as far as B, are situated within the enlightened half. As the earth turns on its axis in this position, therefore, the whole of that part remains constantly enlightened; therefore, at this point of its orbit, or at this season of the year, it is continual day at the north pole, and in all that region of the earth which encircles this pole as far as B—that is, to the distance of 23° 28′ from the pole, or within what is called, in geography, the arctic circle. On the other hand, the opposite or south pole Q, with all the region comprised within the antarctic circle, as far as 23° 28′ from the south pole, are immersed at this season in darkness, during the entire diurnal rotation, so that it is here continual night.

(312.) With regard to that portion of the surface comprehended between the arctic and antarctic circles, it is no less evident that the nearer any point is to the north pole, the larger will be the portion of its diurnal course comprised within the bright, and the smaller within the dark hemisphere; that is to say, the longer will be its day, and the shorter its night. Every station north of the equator will have a day of more and a night of less than twelve hours' duration, and vice versâ. All these phenomena are exactly inverted when the earth comes to the opposite point D of its orbit.

(313.) Now, the temperature of any part of the earth's surface depends mainly, if not entirely, on its exposure to the sun's rays. Whenever the sun is above the horizon of any place, that place is receiving heat; when below, parting with it, by the process called radiation; and the whole quantities received and parted with in the year must balance each other at every station, or the equilibrium of temperature would not be supported. Whenever, then, the sun remains more than twelve hours above the horizon of any place, and less beneath, the general temperature of that place will be above the average; when the reverse, below.

As the earth, then,



moves from A to B, the days growing longer, and the nights shorter, in the northern hemisphere, the temperature of every part of that hemisphere increases, and we pass from spring to summer; while, at the same time, the reverse obtains in the southern hemisphere. As the earth passes from B to C, the days and nights again approach to equality-the excess of temperature in the northern hemisphere above the mean state grows less, as well as its defect in the southern; and at the autumnal equinox C, the mean state is once more attained. From thence to D, and, finally, round again to A, all the same phenomena, it is obvious, must again occur, but reversed, it being now winter in the northern, and summer in the southern hemisphere.

(314.) All this is exactly consonant to observed fact. The continual day within the polar circles in summer, and night in winter, the general increase of temperature and length of day as the sun approaches the elevated pole, and the reversal of the seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres, are all facts too well known to require further comment. The positions A, C of the earth correspond, as we have said, to the equinoxes; those at B, D to the solstices. This term must be explained. If, at any point, X, of the orbit, we draw X P the earth's axis, and X S to the sun, it is evident that the angle P X S will be the sun's polar distance. Now, this angle is at its maximum in the position D, and at its minimum at B; being in the former case =90° +23° 28'=163° 28′, and in the latter 90°— 23° 28' 66° 32'. At these points the sun ceases to approach to or to recede from the pole, and hence the name solstice.

(315.) The elliptic form of the earth's orbit has but a very trifling share in producing the variation of temperature corresponding to the difference of seasons. This assertion may at first sight seem incompatible with what we know of the laws of the communication of heat from a luminary placed at a variable distance. Heat, like light, being equally dispersed from the sun in all

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