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The flow chart, or planning chart, shown in figure 11-1, illustrates the various steps which must be taken in order to integrate a facilities planning system, and indicates who is responsible for the accomplishment of each step. A careful study of the chart will enable the student to comprehend the main features of the Shore Facilities Planning System. However, this chart may undergo changes because of modifications currently being made by the Office of the CNO. An up-to-date copy of this chart must be available for the PWO, since directives relating to the planning system will probably refer (as in the chart shown here) to the various components of the program by step numbers. That is, a reference to step 7 will indicate the determination of item surpluses and deficiencies; a reference to step 13 will indicate the review of line-items in a 5-year plan; and so forth.

The primary flow of data, forms, and maps should follow, as closely as possible, the solid lines shown in the chart in figure 11-1. When copies are furnished other commands or agencies, it is desirable that the latter initiate appropriate comment, recommendation, or other action. This procedure should be followed even when the recipient commands are not those through whom the documents are being forwarded.

It is permissible for Fleet Commanders in Chief, and for the Chief of Naval Air Training, to require their subordinate activities to submit planning system data and forms via their headquarters.


Effective planning for the Navy shore facilities involves the compilation, tabulation, and review of an enormous amount of data. Some of these data must be processed by means of business machines. It is highly desirable that most of the tabular data, and even some of the narrative information, be recorded on standard forms. This helps to ensure that desired information will not be overlooked, and that all entries under a given heading are comparable.

At the bottom of figure 11-1, Part 1, you will notice a line entitled "Applicable Standard Forms." Three of the forms specified there (those for steps 6, 7, and 9) are reproduced here

in figures 11-2, 11-3, and 11-4. The actual forms are of different proportions, to coincide with machine runs; but the order of columns, and the headings, are as indicated here.

The first two forms shown are prepared by the appropriate District Public Works Officer, and require concurrence by the activity commanding officer. Services of local activity personnel may be required to assist the DPWO, as in other similar planning tasks.

The form shown in figure 11-4 serves a fourfold purpose:

1. It is for the use of activity commanding officers, for reporting line-item summaries of pre-M Day facilities construction requirements, to sponsors and other cognizant authority.

2. It is for the use of activity commanding officers, for providing information on mobilization line-item construction requirements, to sponsors and other cognizant authority.

3. It is for the use of sponsors, for providing information on pre-M Day line-items, for inclusion in the 5-Year Shore Facilities Plan.

4. It is for the use of sponsors, for submitting items for the Mobilization Shore Facilities Construction Plan.

REVISION of the original entries made on forms may become necessary as a result of subsequent developments or administrative decisions. If substantial changes must be made, the appropriate sheets of the filled-in forms should be retyped to show the changes, and should be labeled "Revision.”

CHANGES that are minor in nature should be handled as numbered changes. A copy of the form is prepared, to show specific changes; the changes may be made to an original or to a revised sheet, and should be serially numbered. Grouping the changes under the headings, "Additions," "Deletions," "Modifications,"

dicates at once whether the relevant material is added to, subtracted from, or a modification of, the data previously prepared.

A FILE of Shore Facilities Planning Documents, with a separate file folder for each activity, is established at each command and office, to facilitate the arrangement of the various forms and letters. The activity file folder constitutes a portfolio of the facilities planning data; the overall file constitutes the principal source data for sponsors' submissions for the 5-Year Shore Facilities Plan, and for the annual military construction program.

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Figure 11-1.-Shore Facilities Planning Chart: 1, Sequence of Basic Steps: 2, Flow Chart.

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Maps and other data compiled in past years for the planning system then in use will satisfy the reference purposes of the Shore Facilities Planning System, and should be revised or replaced only as a real need for revision arises. Future revisions will be entitled General Development Maps. At large installations, these General Development Maps will be amplified by the addition of an "Existing Conditions" map, a real estate map, and a land-use map. At the discretion of the cognizant District Public Works Officer, topography maps, traffic flow maps, and similar data may be prepared.

Detailed instructions concerning the preparation and distribution of General Development and related maps will originate with the Chief, Bureau of Yards and Docks. The activity

commanding officer will provide guidance to the DPWO on military and operational matters af fecting the preparation of the General Develop ment Map, and must sign the map, or revision thereto, to signify his concurrence.

Maps are reviewed and approved concur rently by the cognizant sponsor and by BuDocks Approval constitutes approval of area alloca tions, and provides guidance for final determina tions of siting. Final site approval is made by BuDocks, in coordination with appropriate bu reaus and offices; and this site approval is requisite for all facilities before construction can be started.


Development of the complete planning system must necessarily be a gradual process, and it is

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pected that there will be instructions issued om time to time by the Chief of Naval Operaons. At the time of publication of this text, e basic planning steps by which the orderly nplementation of the system is to be effected ave already been established.

ixing Navy Objectives

Determination of the facilities necessary to upport Navy programs and operating forces, ad providing these facilities with maximum ficiency and economy, is largely the responbility of the components of the Office of Naval perations. Nevertheless, it is important, for e orderly and efficient development of the lanning system, that everyone concerned in it hould understand the general scope of Navy bjectives, and the methods by which they are elineated.

The decisions as to requirements for peacetime facilities are based upon data contained in the Navy Objectives Plan (NOP) and the Projected Program Objectives (PPO). Instructions for the preparation of the PPO originate in the Office of Naval Operations. Sponsors are then expected to study the PPO, to determine if the programs contained therein imply requirements not specifically stated; in such cases, the sponsor requests clarification from the appropriate office in OPNAV. The determination of mobilization facilities requirements are based upon the Navy Logistic Plan Code (NCL).

Issuance of Planning Guidance

Planning guidance and policies come either from the Secretary of the Navy or from the Chief of Naval Operations. For example, the

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Figure 11-4.-Facility construction requirements, line-item summary.

planning guidance with reference to requirements for direct support of fleet operations, and items required in readiness for mobilization missions and tasks in the continental United States, emanate from the Office of the Secretary (NAVEXOS). Direct support of fleet operations includes not only the determination of items needed for meeting strategic requirements and operational dates, but also the development of activities to full operational status, the correction of deficiencies, the replacement (when necessary) of existing facilities, and the improvement of personnel habitability.

The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower, Personnel, and Reserve) issues the guiding instructions, standards, and procedures for personnel requirements in Reserve components. Facilities are planned on the basis of projected requirements, but no facilities may be

constructed at Federal expense for a single Reserve component at a location where authorized strength for paid drill status is less than 55 persons.

Planning guidance in reference to authorized level for ships, aircraft, and personnel, together with predicted base loadings or required base capacity, and guidance in reference to weapons systems priorities, are issued by the Chief of Naval Operations.

Determination of Needs

It is the responsibility of each sponsor to maintain a continuing surveillance of the shore activities under his management control; to initiate action to establish new activities; and to recommend curtailment or disestablishmen of activities when the need for them lessens or ceases to exist.

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