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(3) Preapplications from applicants not invited to participate in the comprehensive program will automatically be rated and ranked in accordance with the procedures for the Basic Grant Program. Such applicants will be invited to submit full applications for specific project or projects included in their preapplications that receive ratings in the competitive range under $571.303.

(4) Activities contained in Comprehensive Grant applications that are not included in invitations to submit full applications for Comprehensive Grants will not be considered for fundng under the Basic Grant Program.

(e) Notification to Applicants—(1) Applicants Invited to Submit Full Applications. HUD shall notify applicants as to which of the activities proposed in the preapplication for the Comprehensive Program should be inluded in the full application and shall pecify any conditions being placed on he acceptance of a full application ursuant to § 571.307.

(2) Applicants Not Invited to Submit ull Applications. HUD shall notify pplicants that have not been selected o participate in the Comprehensive rogram that their applications will ot be considered for comprehensive ngle or multi-year assistance, specify he reasons for rejection, and inform ich applicants that their applications ill be considered for funding under e Basic Grant Program.

$71.404 Letter to proceed.

The provisions of § 571.304 apply to ▪plication" invited under this section.

71.405 Full application requirements. Full applications for Comprehensive -ants shall contain the following in a mat prescribed by HUD:

a) Community Development Plan mmary. This document shall consist

1) General Needs Assessment. The plication shall contain a list and a ef description of the applicant's ■st pressing community development eds. Only the needs that the applint plans to address during the next -ee years must be identified.

(2) Specific Needs Identification. The application should be specifically described in detail the nature and magnitude of the needs that will be addressed with funds requested under this subpart.

(3) Community Development Objectives Identification. The application should specifically identify and describe the objectives for meeting the needs identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The specific needs and objectives identified must be based on the comprehensive plan required pursuant to § 571.402(b)(6).

(b) Comprehensive Strategy. Applications for assistance under this subpart shall contain a general description of the applicant's comprehensive strategy for meeting the housing, community, and economic development needs identified under paragraph (a) of this section, including a description of the applicant's strategy for resource coordination. Strategy statement shall, at a minimum, consist of the following:

(1) A reference to the general needs assessment identifying the major needs to be addressed;

(2) A statement, in quantifiable and terms where possible, of the objectives to be served by activities to be assisted under this subpart;

(3) A description of the types and sequence of actions and programs required to achieve the objectives, the coordination and timing of activities funded under this subpart with other local actions and program resources, opportunities for project linkages and leveraging of other resources;

(4) A list and description of the activities designed to meet those needs or objectives, their estimated costs, and proposed funding sources.

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(c) Comprehensive Schedule. Appli- f cants shall include a three-year schedule outlining generally the sequences in which the activities in all elements of the strategy will take place. This schedule is not intended to be a detailed implementation schedule but rather a brief chart or overall narrative showing which activities must be logically completed before others can be initiated. It would be logical, for example, in a comprehensive housing re



, to install the
rehabilitate the
the roads.

y Summary. The
t the activities to
g the current pro-
ds provided under
ummary shall con-

he project;
nd BIA-designated

low- and moderate-
r individuals to be

and the needs of those who are living
within the BIA defined service area of
the applicant and have formally ex-
pressed a desire to move to the appli-
cant's jurisdiction if adequate housing
were available. This assessment shall
indicate the numbers of dwelling units
which must be provided by new con-
struction or rehabilitation (excluding
those for which there is a firm finan-
cial commitment indicated under para-
graph (e)(1) of this section, and the
number which must be repaired on an
interim basis). Supporting documenta-
tion and its sources shall be provided.

of the kind and im-
quence of activities

tal review status;
mary by functional

s to be provided.

ssistance Plan. Appliance under this Sub

d to submit a Housing

(3) The applicant shall establish re-
alistic three-year goals for providing
the housing assistance for low- and
moderate-income families and individ-
uals as indicated under paragraph
(e)(2) of this section, taking into con-
sideration and describing the impedi-
ments to providing the needed assist-
ance, and specifying the number, by
funding source, to be provided by new

which shall include or by the following inforformation provided in of a Housing Assistance quantified as much as all data provided shall andards set forth in

construction, rehabilitation, or interim
repair. Units that can only be repaired
on an interim basis shall not be includ-
ed as standard units in estimating
housing assistance goals because the
long-term housing needs of families
living in such units will not have been
met by interim repairs;

(4) In addition to the general hous-
ing strategy required under paragraph
(b) of this section, applications must
include a detailed description of the
strategy for meeting three-year goals
included in paragraph (e)(3) of this
section. This presentation shall in-

licant shall provide a de-
xisting housing, based on
survey, by tenure type,
wner-occupied, or mutual-
licating whether HUD-as-
ssisted, FmHA-assisted, or
description shall, at a
ontain information regard-
ibers of standard and sub-
its; numbers of units that
e repaired on an interim
must be replaced within the
years; and the number of
which the applicant has re-
firm financial commitment
), BIA, IHS, and/or other
State agencies, for new con-
rehabilitation, or interim

(i) A statement of the types of units to be provided;

applicant shall include an asof the housing assistance low- and moderate-income dicapped families or individo are living in overcrowded in units that are substandard

(ii) The method and source of funding, if known;

(iii) An indication of the locations as specifically as possible of the proposed housing;

(iv) A description of how the locations will be coordinated with existing or proposed facilities (roads, water and sanitation, recreational, health, shopping, and educational facilities);

(v) Maps showing the locations of proposed housing and existing or proposed facilities as necessary or appropriate to explain the housing assistance strategy;

(vi) Proposed source of funding for any proposed facilities in paragraph (e)(4) (iv) or (v) of this section.

Also, in addition to the information required in paragraph (e)(4) (i) through (vi) of this section, it would be desirable for the Tribe to identify those forms of cooperation and assistance which the Tribal government itself or any of its agencies will provide, includng funding or financial assistance when appropriate (for example, sites, clearance of land titles, repair or rehapilitation, allocation of roads money nade available by BIA programs, and ny other forms of cooperation which may be needed in accordance with the ooperation provisions of the Tribal rdinance establishing the Tribal _ousing authority).

(5) Documentation that the planing of the strategy included review of xisting local, regional, and tribal lans, existing community developent and governmental service sysems;

(f) Certifications. The applications all contain the certification required nder § 571.305.

(g) Annual Application Requireents. Applicants applying for the cond or third year of a comprehenwe program need only submit the folwing:

(1) Community Development Proam Summary. This shall describe e community development activities

be carried out with block grant nds during the program year. Such tivities shall be generally consistent th the Community Development eds and Conditions Summary subtted with the initial application. It all include the following:

i) Name of project or activity;
ii) Location and service area;
iii) Number of low- and moderate-
ome families or individuals who will
served by the activity;

v) Description of the kind or seence of activities comprising the ⚫ject;

) Environmental review status; vi) Cost summary by functional

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carry out the Housing Assistance Plan, in accordance with § 571.405(e).

(3) Schedule. Beginning and ending dates of all activities to be undertaken during the program year shall be indicated.

(4) Certifications. The applicant shall submit the certifications required under § 571.305 (certify its compliance with applicable statutory and other requirements in accordance with this part).

8571.406 HUD review and approval of applications.

The provisions of § 571.306 regarding HUD review and approval of applications apply to applications submitted pursuant to this subpart.

§ 571.407 Program amendments.

The provisions of § 571.307 regarding program amendments apply to grants made under this subpart.

Subpart F-Grant Administration

§ 571.500 Designation of public agency.

One or more Tribal departments or authorities may be designated by the chief executive officer of an Indian Tribe as the operating agency to undertake activities assisted under this part. The Indian Tribe itself, however, shall be the applicant. Designation of an operating agency does not relieve the Indian Tribe of its responsibility in assuring that the program will be administered in accordance with all HUD requirements, including these regulations.

§ 571.501 Grant agreement and conditions.

(a) Upon approval of the application submitted for funding, the Secretary will authorize the execution of a grant agreement. These regulations become part of the grant agreement.

(b) The Secretary may condition grant agreements for any of the reasons set forth in § 571.306(e).

§ 571.502 Method of payment.

(a) Advance Payment. Advance payments will be made either by Letter of Credit (the preferred method) or by

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nay spend funds for
ing environmental
o 8571.602 (Environ-
Requirements) only
1 to HUD that the re-
at section have been
at to this certification
rized the expenditure
ose projects. Certifica-
all consist of the sub-
e HUD administering
form prescribed in 24

$571.505 Program income.

(a) Indian Tribes shall be required to return to the Federal Government interest (except for interest described in paragraph (c) of this section) earned on grant funds pending their disbursement for program purposes in accordance with Attachment E of OMB Circular A-102. It is important to note that this differs from the provisions of the regulations for the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450) found at 25 CFR 276.6 (Program Income) under which Act such remittance is not required.

ts may spend funds for
ibed in §§ 571.201(e) and
only after notification
t the requirements of
civities for which other
s must be sought) have
d, pursuant to this notifi-
has authorized the recipi-
funds for the affected ac-
fication to HUD shall con-
ter from the chief execu-
of the Tribe containing the
required by § 571.605.

recipients receive funds
Letter of Credit, the Letter
at the time of approval of
ation, shall be in the amount
nt funds approved in the ap-
including those portions for
ects subject to the environ-
review requirements


(b) Proceeds from the sale of personal property shall be handled in accordance with Attachment N of OMB Circular A-102, "Property Management Standards".

and those projects subject to irements of 8571.605 regardvities for which other Federal

(c) All other program income earned during any period under which the recipient is assisted under this part shall be retained by the recipient and shall be used for activities with respect to which the unconditional obligation and utilization of funds made available under this part have been approved. Included in the category of other program income are proceeds from the disposition of real property, payments of principal and interest on rehabilita

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