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provement programs, regulatory ms and other means of impletion. In cases where such doci!have been previously submitted Ɔ, they need only be cited. Notifications. The notifications ed below shall be carried out by licants:

egislative notification. Where a r local government chief execuFicer or other designated official acy intends to submit proposals lement the land use and/or g elements to the legislative uch intentions should be indin the summary statement. In e of areawide planning organithe summary statement shall cially transmitted to member tions and shall cite all docuwhich constitute the 701 land /or housing elements. Member cions shall have all documents the summary statement availthem upon request to the e planning organization. The tal letter shall identify areas tial municipal or county legisother action and indicate that mary statement and docure being submitted to HUD in ion of HUD's land use and/or element requirements. -aringhouse notification. The statement shall be submitted w and comment to the state onal or metropolitan clearinghaving jurisdiction simultawith submittal to HUD. Each ouse has a maximum of 45 provide HUD with comments. nments shall take into ace subject matter of clearingomments and recommendaiscussed in paragraph 5, Part ment A of OMB Circular No. FR 2052). The clearinghouse est any documents cited by cant in the summary statet the clearinghouse deems to complete its review.

iew Criteria. HUD review ased on whether the applimet the requirements appline land use and housing eleound in:

general requirements applicable to the requisite elements;

(2) Section 600.70-Required housing element describing the components of the housing element:

(3) Section 600.72-Required land use element describing the components of the land use element;

(4) Section 600.65-Environmental requirements describing the environmental assessment required for developmental plans or policies including land use and housing plans and policies. The assessment must encompass the entire element including any por-1 tions developed with other Federal or local funds.

(5) Section 600.66-Historic preservation requirements describing the historic preservation assessment required for plans or policies for development which may impact National Register 1 properties including land use and housing plans and policies. The assessments must encompass the entire element including any portions developed with other Federal or local funds.

(g) Approval and Disapproval. Approvals and disapprovals shall be made by the Regional Administrator or the Assistant Regional Administrator for Community Planning and Development.

(1) Approvals. Approvals shall be made in writing and be based upon a finding that all of the requirements applicable to the land use and housing elements required of recipients have been met. Such approval extends only to compliance with the land use and/ or housing element requirements and not to the appropriateness of the policies and plans submitted for the jurisdiction.

(2) Disapprovals. A disapproval action shall be made in writing and clearly delineate the reasons for disapproval and specify what corrective actions shall be necessary to obtain approval.

(h) Timing of Approvals. Requests for approval may be submitted at the convenience of the applicant. In order to insure continuity in on-going programs, requests for approval after August 22, 1977 should be submitted to HUD at least 75 days prior to the

Eion 600.67(b)-Comprehenrequirements establishing

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(2) A description of any changes in
the goals or objectives of the plan.
[42 FR 6095, Feb. 1, 1977]

rdination pursu

h all applicable art;

8600.75 Equal opportunity requirements.
(a) General. All planning assisted
under the Comprehensive Planning
Assistance Program is subject to the
provisions of:

nt of the reasons and

cord of all actions

(1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which provides that no person on the grounds of race, color or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

(2) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which provides that it is the policy of the United States to provide, within constitutional limitations, fair housing throughout the United States, and requires the Secretary of HUD to administer the Department's programs and activities in a manner affirmatively to further the policies of Title VIII.

State approvals of (1) HUD shall n all State actions using elements for ng to the State on sis pursuant to te may not award 1 an applicant after xcept as provided in (2), until HUD conen obtained on the the applicant's land lement. When mututween HUD and the eview and approval established to faciliof land use and hous

(3) The equal opportunity clause included in Part IV of the Grant Document, Terms and Conditions Governing Grants for Comprehensive Planning Assistance.

(4) Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 and the regulations and requirements issued by HUD pursuant thereto (24 CFR Part 135). For purposes of this section the Section 3 project area is defined as follows:

(i) For State agencies where work programs will be accomplished by the

provement programs, regulatory ams and other means of impletion. In cases where such docuhave been previously submitted D, they need only be cited. Notifications. The notifications ed below shall be carried out by licants:

egislative notification. Where a r local government chief execuFicer or other designated official cy intends to submit proposals plement the land use and/or 3 elements to the legislative uch intentions should be indin the summary statement. In e of areawide planning organithe summary statement shall cially transmitted to member tions and shall cite all docuwhich constitute the 701 land /or housing elements. Member Eions shall have all documents the summary statement availthem upon request to the e planning organization. The tal letter shall identify areas ■tial municipal or county legisother action and indicate that mmary statement and docure being submitted to HUD in ion of HUD's land use and/or element requirements. earinghouse notification. The statement shall be submitted w and comment to the state Ɔnal or metropolitan clearinghaving jurisdiction simultawith submittal to HUD. Each house has a maximum of 45 provide HUD with comments. mments shall take into ace subject matter of clearingomments and recommendaliscussed in paragraph 5, Part ment A of OMB Circular No. FR 2052). The clearinghouse est any documents cited by cant in the summary stateat the clearinghouse deems to complete its review. -iew Criteria. HUD review based on whether the applimet the requirements applihe land use and housing eleound in: tion 600.67(b)-Comprehenrequirements establishing

general requirements applicable to the requisite elements;

(2) Section 600.70-Required housing element describing the components of the housing element:

(3) Section 600.72-Required land use element describing the components of the land use element;

(4) Section 600.65-Environmental requirements describing the environmental assessment required for developmental plans or policies including land use and housing plans and policies. The assessment must encompass the entire element including any portions developed with other Federal or local funds.

(5) Section 600.66-Historic preservation requirements describing the historic preservation assessment required for plans or policies for development which may impact National Register properties including land use and housing plans and policies. The assessments must encompass the entire element including any portions developed with other Federal or local funds.

(g) Approval and Disapproval. Approvals and disapprovals shall be made by the Regional Administrator or the Assistant Regional Administrator for Community Planning and Development.

(1) Approvals. Approvals shall be made in writing and be based upon a finding that all of the requirements applicable to the land use and housing elements required of recipients have been met. Such approval extends only to compliance with the land use and/ or housing element requirements and not to the appropriateness of the policies and plans submitted for the jurisdiction.

(2) Disapprovals. A disapproval action shall be made in writing and clearly delineate the reasons for disapproval and specify what corrective actions shall be necessary to obtain approval.

(h) Timing of Approvals. Requests for approval may be submitted at the convenience of the applicant. In order to insure continuity in on-going programs, requests for approval after August 22, 1977 should be submitted to HUD at least 75 days prior to the

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proval procing substate applying to ements idenvals and disy the official the governor grants. Such ly to complind/or housing nd not to the = policies and e jurisdiction. e process shall

(1) An evaluation of the progress made by it during the previous two years in meeting objectives set forth in its plan, and

oval by the ape officer in acheral provisions

eview and com

(2) A description of any changes in
the goals or objectives of the plan.
[42 FR 6095, Feb. 1, 1977]

rdination pursu

8600.75 Equal opportunity requirements.
(a) General. All planning assisted
under the Comprehensive Planning
Assistance Program is subject to the
provisions of:

(1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, which provides that no person
on the grounds of race, color or na-
tional origin shall be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits
of, or be subjected to discrimination
under any program or activity receiv-
ing Federal financial assistance.

(2) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act th all applicable of 1968, which provides that it is the part;

ent of the reasons and

ecord of all actions

State approvals of

policy of the United States to provide, within constitutional limitations, fair housing throughout the United States, and requires the Secretary of HUD to administer the Department's programs and activities in a manner affirmatively to further the policies of Title VIII.

(1) HUD shall in all State actions ousing elements for ing to the State on sis pursuant to te may not award h an applicant after except as provided in 1(2), until HUD conen obtained on the f the applicant's land element. When mutuetween HUD and the review and approval established to faciliof land use and hous

(3) The equal opportunity clause included in Part IV of the Grant Document, Terms and Conditions Governing Grants for Comprehensive Planning Assistance.

(4) Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 and the regulations and requirements issued by HUD pursuant thereto (24 CFR Part 135). For purposes of this section the Section 3 project area is defined as follows:

(i) For State agencies where work programs will be accomplished by the

the location of the project area ■e the smallest political jurisdicithin which the agency mairEs office. If the anticipated work m will generate employment e to the grant in any political ction other than the one where ency office is located, such jurisshall be considered to be the n of a project area for work perthere.

or areawide planning organizametropolitan and nonmetropolime location of the project area e the smallest political jurisdicwhich the agency maintains its If the anticipated work proill generate employment relache grant in any political jurisother than the one where the office is located, such jurisdic11 be considered to be the locaa project area for work perchere.

or large cities, counties and lothe location of the project all be the recipient's political ion.

equirements. Each applicant

mit in its application package of Form HUD-7026.4, Assurd

icate in the Overall Program
hose work activities which will
e to correcting the effects of
-imination and the manner in
ey will do so, and describe
se work activities that relate
-ovision of opportunities, ser-
I facilities will benefit resi-
the planning area on a non-
atory basis.

aluation. States providing
and management assistance
ices to substate applicants
ain from such applicants an
of compliance with all equal
ty requirements; and on a
as provided in
E), the States shall evaluate
ate applicants' performance
ining the scope of equal op-
activities and programs and
g the obligations of such as-

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§ 600.80 Citizen involvement.

(a) Requirement. The ongoing comprehensive planning process required by § 600.67 shall make provision for citizen involvement where major

plans, policies, priorities, or objectives are being determined.

(b) Criteria. The following criteria will be used to measure compliance with the citizen involvement requirement.

(1) Extent of interaction and involvement. Citizens in addition to being informed should have the opportunity to help initiate as well as react to proposals.

(2) Access to the decision making process. The applicant should provide citizens with access to the decision making process. The requirements of this section do not include concurrence by any person or group involved in the citizen involvement activities in making final determinations. Such determinations shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant.

(3) Communication techniques. Information should be provided sufficiently in advance of public decisions to give citizens an adequate opportunity to review and to react to proposals. Applicants should seek to relate technical data and other professional material to the affected citizens so that they understand the impact of public programs, available options, and alternative decisions.

(c) Statement of citizen involvement. Each applicant must include a statement of citizen involvement in its progress report. Such statement shall identify specific activities undertaken to meet the criteria in paragraph (b) of this section.

Subpart C-Procedural Requirements $600.85 Purpose.

This Subpart sets forth the procedures for requesting a Comprehensive Planning Assistance grant.

§ 600.90 Steps for application submission, negotiation and approval.

Applications may be submitted in accordance with an administrative schedule established by HUD, annual

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