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ation of the grant may be inn the Overall Program Design; brief description of the prcategory's key issues, problems ortunities: and

brief statement of program - goals.

ogram subcategories. Each probcategory, which represents a objective, shall include:

title and reference number of ram subcategory, for example, nd Use or 201.0 Policy and Development;

prief statement of the specific
urable program objective to
ieved in addressing issues,
= and opportunities; and
brief identification of major
ments to be conducted in the
x year of the Overall Program
or achieving the objective. (It
ude end products and antici-
pacts of work.)

ted data. The following shall ed with each Overall Proign;

ar chart identifying a time for completing subcategories time period covered by the rogram Design;

brief statement which deow the applicant will coordiork elements with related aceing performed by other or other levels of govern

ef description of how the ap11 meet the citizen involveirements of § 600.80.

status and future actions reired by §§ 600.70 and 600.72.

-State Procedures for Subanning and Management ce and Services


opart sets forth procedural
nts by which States submit
Ogram Designs for statewide
and planning and manage-
tance and services for sub-

Eate Overall Program Design.
OPD shall include the fol-

(a) A statewide planning and management program in the format prescribed by § 600.105.

(b) A statewide planning and management services section that identifies State services to be provided to substate units of government and areawide planning organizations.

(c) A State monitoring and evaluation section that identifies the procedures to be followed by the State in monitoring and evaluating its subgrantees and for insuring that recipients comply with all program requirements.

(d) A section for each category of substate applican" (whether such applicants apply to the State or directly to HUD), developed in consultation with an advisory group as described in § 600.120(b). Each section shall address the following:

(1) State strategies and objectives which are responsive to identified State and substate needs;

(2) Identification of the responsibilities of State, areawide planning organization, large city, urban county and locality for land use and housing planning and implementation activities; coordination mechanisms to avoid conflicts and duplication of effort; and relationships between land use and housing activities and other related activities;

(3) Coordination mechanisms to be employed to foster common or related planning and management programs, data and forecasts;

(4) Coordination arrangements with other local, State or Federally funded planning efforts (e.g., coastal zones management, air and water quality, transportation and solid waste planning);

(5) Mandatory work elements, if any, in addition to any required by this Part, that the State will require of substate jurisdictions applying to it for comprehensive planning assistance funds; and

(6) State allocation system to be used in determining grant awards to substate applicants applying to the State which, at a minimum, shall include all the factors of § 600.10(d).

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anning comment on the State policies shall be proce- designated by the State in consultation with its advisory group.

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(e) OPD section copies. States shall provide each substate applicant eligible to apply directly to HUD a copy of the section of the State OPD applicable to it. (Substate applicants required by law to apply to the State shall be provided copies at the time they make inquiry for assistance.)

(f) Consultation records. The State shall maintain a record of all its actions taken pursuant to the consultation requirement and of the comments received from elected officials.

(g) Application submission. After the HUD Office has identified bench mark grant figures, the State may submit an application, based upon which lump sum amounts of assistance for substate categories will be negotiated with HUD.

ss. States ategies, adnd require iministering arrying out er the A-95 ding overall è applicants. developed in Ivisory group ate applicant all undertake prior to the tion. nposition. The e composed of the State and ate representa


(h) Annual grant budget. The grant amounts for substate categories will be included in the State annual grant and will appear as sub-totals in the annual grant budget (Form HUD 7026.3). Funds budgeted for assistance and services to localities may not be utilized by States or areawide planning organizations to provide services through their own staff exclusively. Reasonable opportunities shall be provided to localities to use local staff or to obtain the professional services of public or private consultants.

urban counties; eawide planning

n areawide plan

(i) Substate timing. Eligible substate applicants for which the State has responsibility shall request comprehensive planning and management assistance from the State at times and in the manner established by the State.

(j) Voluntary agreements. Substate applicants who are eligible to apply directly to HUD may decide voluntarily to enter into agreements with States providing for State administration of 701 grant funds. The Substate applicant's decision must be communicated to the State in writing and be endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer, or in the case of an areawide planning organization, the highest policy officer. Once a substate applicant has committed itself in the manner indicated above, it may not change its decision during the Federal fiscal year in

s review. Elected ve of the categoagraph (c) of this rded an opportuninment on the polideveloped by the n with its advisory nents shall be cone prior to the inclues in the applicable ate Overall Program d officials to be pronity to review and

n. The State shall accept or substate requests for State adation and notify HUD by the nnually established by HUD. -ate notification to HUD must the appucants to be assisted State and include copies of the e applicant requests.

=terstate voluntary agreements. ■te recipients may voluntarily o administration by a single rovided that all affected States ree to such an arrangement. from the Governors of the afStates must accompany the ad-ing State's notification to

ong with the interstate's rer State administration. reement duration. State adtion shall be on an annual nd substate applicants must their intentions to the State


penditure of funds. The grant vailable to the State only for tion of the project period. nmitment of funds. After rerom HUD the formal notificagrant approval, the State nay commit and/or expend Eective with the beginning of ct period and without further ncurrence. However, in the grants to counties having a n of 50,000 or more located etropolitan areas, prior HUD nce is required.

te notification. Each State fy its State central informa⇒tion agency of each subgrant wards within (7) days of the Ing Standard Form 240 (Notiof

Grant-in-Aid Action), which can be obtained from ree copies of the notification ubmitted to HUD along with I the annual work program and the organizational char

statement for areawide organizations, urban counarge cities, and a copy of the n of work or scope of serocalities. The Standard Form =) should indicate the Feder(HUD) and the State grant13, 14 and 15 need not be - The State shall also indie 16 (Remarks) the county

within which the subgrantee is located and, for areawide planning organizations, the counties of jurisdiction, and the population of the jurisdiction or organization being assisted.

8 600.128 [Reserved]

§ 600.130 Negotiations with HUD. Negotiations with HUD will focus


(a) Relevance of the proposed program to the requirements of this Part and to specific statewide objectives and critical problems of substate applicants;

(b) Past State performance in managing the programı, and achieving objectives;

(c) Substate applicant performance and progress; and

(d) State capability for providing a variety of planning assistance and services.

§ 600.135 State review and evaluation.

The State shall review the planning activities of recipients on a continuing basis. The following specific items shall be reviewed:

(a) The quality of the planning work performed;

(b) The timeliness of the work performance;

(c) The recipient's coordination efforts:

(d) The quality of citizen involvement;

(e) The value of the planning work in improving the chief executive's management capability;

(f) The recipient's compliance with Equal Opportunity requirements; and (g) The recipient's progress toward meeting the housing and land use ele ments required in § 600.67.

Subpart E-Evaluation and Coordination Procedures

§ 600.140 Purpose.

This Subpart sets forth the procedures for evaluation of programs and the coordination of assisted planning among agencies and governmental levels which may enhance or be affected by such planning.

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