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Dar net total 561,430 tons or 20,051,071 bushels of feed grain surplus within Camiles of Sioux City.

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hean processing capacity within 75 miles of Sioux City, predicated

on 365 days yearly operation_---

Produced in 75-mile area (1958 crop).

Net total____--

Bushels 7,785, 450 20, 156, 000

12,370, 550

Nors-Surplus to be shipped from this territory. That figures 6,185 freight cars or

171.117 toas

Bummary of feed grain, soybeans, and wheat situation within 75 miles of Sioux City,

tal, net surplus..

1958 crop

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ures are taken from State Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation es of Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota and are current as of December

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Assuming an average value per bushel of $1 and figuring interest as 5 percent annum, the cost of carrying this 67 million bushels figures $3,350,000 per ar just in interest. To be even more realistic, one should add to this the cost land for their bins and also the cost of the bins themselves.




(1) To the total livestock population within 75 miles of Sioux City were consumption factors for corn and oats.

(2) Milo raised in the area was converted to corn equivalent for computing.

(3) The amount of feed grains (corn, oats, milo) used in the local feed has not been subtracted, but realistically would be insignificant as to its the total supply-demand picture.

(4) That amount of grain retained for seed has likewise not been su for same reason as in (3) above.

(5) Grain supply figures are those of the 1958 crop as reported by St. statisticians in spring of 1959.

NOTE. Statitics used in this study are those of the following:

(1) C. C. Glen, administrative officer, Iowa State ASC office as repo Harold W. Brightwell.

(2) Honor M. Ochsner, chairman, Nebraska ASC State Committee. (3) Olaf J. Jacobson, administrative officer, South Dakota State ASC 0


Country elevator operators located within 75 miles of Sioux City were in January 1960, concerning their attitudes toward barge transporta the Missouri River.

The availability of barge transportation on the Missouri River as a res 9-foot channel from Sioux City southward will

(a) Increase the volume of grain shipped to Sioux City :

(b) Reduce overall marketing costs to the farmer and elevator :

(c) Result in higher net prices for grain to the farmer and elevator.

The above results were obtained through a survey of 31 country ele Twenty-five firms responded to the questionnaires-22 supported the conclusions.

The following firms replied to the questionnaire.

Farmers Elevator Co., Elk Point, S. Dak.
Farmers Elevator Co., Jefferson, S. Dak.
Holmquist Elevator Co., Oakland, Nebr.
Akron Feed Mills, Akron, Iowa
Sands Seed Service, Marcus, Iowa
Quaker Oats, Sloan, Iowa
Langren Grain, Onawa, Iowa
Whiting Coop, Whiting, Iowa

Beerman Bros, Dehy, Dakota City, Nebr.
Good Morning Mills, LeMars, Iowa
Farmers Coop Elevator Co., Hornick,

Wraybill Dehy. Co., Sloan, Iowa
Farmers Cereal Co., Sloan, Iowa

Rodney Grain Co., Rodney, Iowa
Cherokee Grain & Feed Co., Ch

Farmers Elevator, Bancroft, Neb.
Langren Seed Co., Whiting, Iowa
Wayne Grain & Feed Co., Wayne,
Hartog Elevator, Sanborn, Iowa
Maurice Elevator, Maurice, Iowa
Farmers Coop Elevator, Onawa. I
Owego Grain & Equipment Co.

Castana Grain Co., Castana, Iowa
Laurel Grain & Feed, Laurel, Neb
Riley Co., Irene, S. Dak.

The map on the following page locates these firms in the Siouxland a

STATEMENT OF THE OMAHA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, OMAHA, NEBR. Ever since the inauguration of the Pick-Sloan plan the Omaha Cham Commerce has always been an advocate for full development of the Mi River potentials and has energetically worked to develop this plan in multiple phases. Year after year members of our river development and control committee have appeared before congressional appropriations su

1 Survey questionnaires are available from Sioux City Chamber of Commerce upon r

rees seeking allocation of adequate funds considered to be necessary for ressing the multiple features of the Pick-Sloan program. We again in 1960 pear before you to urge that adequate funds be made available to the Corps Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation to continue this program and see ritis completed as scheduled.

is highly important to the economy and progress of the Middlewest that ition along the Missouri River continue to develop and this can only be plished by early completion of the 9-foot channel from Sioux City to the rh as authorized by Congress. We deplore the restrictive language in approrions bills that have limited the depth of any portion of the authorized ration channel to less than the 9-foot depth.

In addition to providing a navigation channel, the bank stabilization project prevent the loss of thousands of acres of this area's most productive bottom nd through uncontrolled bank erosion.

Regalar service of navigation to and from the port of Omaha on the Missouri ver was inaugurated in 1953 and tonnage gradually increased with the excepon of the past three seasons when the tonnage increased by far traffic over seasons. Comparison of the past 4 years' tonnage in and out of port fia is as follows:

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In Omaha's trade territory there exists the Gering Valley flood control proj the Sat Creek and its tributaries project and also the Ainsworth irrigation project.

Eastern Nebraska is now suffering the effects of a most extensive flood condition and particularly the town of Ashland, near Omaha, is affected by the fact flood protection has not been provided for Salt Creek and its tributaries.

We rady urge that consideration be given to appropriation of the funds described in the President's budget for those projects.

We anestly ask this committee to give favorable consideration to the re

quests outlined herein.

STATEMENT BY THE YANKTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, YANKTON, S. DAK. Gentlemen of the committee, the residents of the city of Yankton and those people in the surrounding trade area are vitally interested in the proposed propriations for river and reclamation projects in the State of South Dakota; be of which is the proposed development and control of the Missouri River. It is of specific interest of the residents of Yankton and farmers along the ri River from Gavins Point Dam south to Sioux City, Iowa, that the y of bank stabilization requirements be completed as quickly as possible. current melting of snow and ice in the above mentioned area and subsequent ff has raised the Missouri River and its tributaries to flood stage in many thus creating serious erosion damages of river banks. The Corps of eers had been authorized to make bank stabilization studies some time ad initial appropriations made for the study during 1959. The fact remains, however, that extensive erosion damage continues in this ent of the river, resulting in the loss of valuable farmland to the owners ared along the channel. There is no need for a possible delay of the comtion of this bank stabilization survey due to lack of sufficient appropriations, the Yankton Chamber of Commerce urges the Appropriation Committee to

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favorably consider an increase of $50,000 over the previously budgeted of $30,000 bringing to $80,000 the amount recommended to be appropri continuing study of bank stabilization and channel erosion between Sio Iowa, and the Gavins Point Dam at Yankton, S. Dak.

In addition, Yankton realizes the tremendous value of a completed na program as proposed under the Pick-Sloan plan or Flood Control Act Aside from the advantages of irrigation, power, recreation and conserv wildlife, the completion of a navigable channel to Gavins Point Dam is of significance in the overall development of the Missouri Basin. The trer contribution that navigation will make to the people of the Missouri ] unmeasureable. We, therefore, request from the Appropriations Comm increase from $5.6 million to $7.6 million for the bank stabilization between Sioux City, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebr., plus continuing appropria that level so as to permit completion of the 9-foot channel within 6 ye We believe the availability of water transportation will result in bette for our area's grain producers. Our farmers' income needs as much as: as we can economically give. We feel that by having water transp available, freight rates will be reduced sufficiently to reflect a higher price per bushel to our farmers. In addition, it will also remove a seri pediment to industrial development of our region.

We thank you for the opportunity of entering this testimony in the of your hearing.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Kansas City, Kans., April



U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

On behalf of the Kansas City, Kansas, Chamber of Commerce, we wou to reaffirm our policy of urging early completion of the water control at servation program in the Missouri and Arkansas River Basins.

The last part of March and the first part of April there was alarm an concern by many businessmen and families here in our city and county unrest was caused by the serious threat of flood waters topping our especially on the Kansas River. Precautions were taken and the regular e of business was interrupted.

These experiences firmly convince us that delays result in unsettling people and do not save the Government-actually cost it more money long run. We are therefore very much concerned that the authorized and mended flood control projects in the Kansas Basin be completed at the e possible time.

We believe it is imperative that funds be appropriated to complete Creek Dam at the very earliest date in order that it can function as it signed to do. We further believe Milford Dam is extremely important i flood control standpoint. This dam has not yet been started. It was the F River which both Milford and Tuttle Creek feed into that caused our On the Missouri River, with its big dams functioning properly, the thres negligible.

Therefore, the Kansas City, Kansas, Chamber of Commerce goes on before the Senate and House Subcommittees on Appropriations, endorsin requests for appropriations for fiscal year 1961 submitted by representati the Mo-Ark and Mississippi Valley Associations for this area.


KEITH E. MEADE, Manager, Industrial and Resear


Whereas our area suffered severe financial losses in the devastating flo 1951; and

Whereas we are still exposed to a similar flood catastrophe until the au ized and recommended flood control projects in the Kansas basin are structed; and

Whereas the melting of the heavy snow fall has created a flood threat at his writing: Therefore be it

Resolved, That the Armourdale Industry, Business, and Home Association in eeting Monday, March 28 do hereby unanimously endorse the requests which be submitted to the House and Senate Public Works Subcommittees on propriations by the Mo-Ark representatives in Washington, D.C., Monday 14, 1960; and be it further

olved, That a copy of this resolution be delivered to the clerk of the Approptions Committees and asked to be inserted in the record.


Kos City Area, Manager,
Hippi Valley Association,
Washington, D.C.

April 1, 1960.

DE ME. PARAMORE: It is regretted that a special program of work we are engaged in makes it impossible for a representative of the Chamber of Commerce of sas City to be present at the hearing on appropriations for the Missouri River Basin.

If the procedure will permit it, we ask that you state for the record this pher's support of requests made by the Mississippi Valley Association. It is partelarly important that the increased appropriation for the Tuttle Creek Reservoir, and other projects in the Kansas River Basin be approved, since the Kansas City area and the Missouri River from Kansas City to its mouth still are vulnerable to a flood originating in the Kansas River Basin as it did in 1951. The moneys spent in completing the upper Missouri River reservoirs have at this moment paid off. The runoff from melting snows along the Missouri River has raised the level at Kansas City to within a few feet of flood stage, but as of today it is receding. There will be no flood because the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers used the upstream reservoirs to hold back the spring release of water which had been scheduled for a couple of weeks ago.

We approval of the requested appropriations.

Yours sincerely,

HERBERT M. WIGGS, President.

Mr. PARAMORE. We thank you very much for your consideration and the courtesies extended to us today. We are sorry we overextended our time.

CANNON. The time was profitably spent.

Mr. Paramore, I notice that you have submitted testimony here today on 14 unbudgeted items and on 11 items for which you ask an ingrease in excess of the budget.

When your transcript comes to you the committee would appreciate if you will arrange these in the order of their priority, those which to be most urgent and the circumstances leading to their being at the top of the list.

The information requested was later submitted to the committee.)



Mr. CANNON. We will now hear from the gentleman from Kansas, Mr. Breeding.

Mr. BREEDING. My district is in the western half of the State of Kansas. We do not get quite as much rainfall as the north and northast, but we still have a flood problem.

Today from the great city of Great Bend, Kans., we have the mayor ad members of his governing body who would like to present


First I would like to make some remarks about these floods at Great Bend, Kans., since it lies at the intersection of wet and dry Walnut Creek, and the Arkansas River.

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