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deral investment. I strongly support the appropriation requested for this


Malheur River.-For years I have urged appropriations for levee and channel aring to protect the town of Vale and vicinity. I am pleased to observe that npletion of this very important flood control project is now in sight.

The appropriation of $112,000, as requested in this year's budget, will enable corps to finish this highly desirable project.

Multnomah County Drainage District No. 1.-The Portland International Airet, of great significance to the entire Nation, is located within Multnomah unty Drainage District No. 1. The levees of this project protect property lued at millions of dollars from flood damage in high water seasons. The $590,000 requested in the budget for fiscal 1961 will enable the corps to nplete construction of this project. I urge approval of the budget request. Navigation projects under construction

Rogue River at Gold Beach.-Southwestern Oregon can be proud of the fact it the excellent Rogue River Harbor at Gold Beach, as envisaged by the Corps Engineers' project, will be completed during fiscal 1961 with an appropriation the budget request of $2,018,000.

Rogue River Harbor will constitute a fine port for ocean shipments of lumber, nber products and other commodities, and will contribute to the fishery of > area. It will serve as a refuge harbor for small craft.

Projects such as this benefit the United States, the State of Oregon, and Oregon nmunities in many respects. Vast sources of untapped wealth lie in the nearby ests. The availability of a port for the shipment of lumber will enhance the ue of stumpage, thereby bringing increased revenues to the Federal Treasury, aber shipments through Oregon ports, and also foster the economies of the t areas.

Appropriation of the full budget request of $2,018,000 for the Rogue River rbor project will constitute a sound business investment for the Government. Rehabilitation of major Oregon projects

Siuslaw River Harbor, Umpqua River Harbor and Coos Bay-Three highly portant harbors on the coast of Oregon require immediate jetty rehabilitation ork. The harbors to which I refer are Siuslaw River, Umpqua River, and os Bay. At these locations the south jetties have deteriorated.

At Coos Bay and Siuslaw River Harbors jetties in excellent condition will ist scouring action which will substantially reduce annual maintenance dging.

At Umpqua River Harbor rehabilitation of the south jetty will make safer vigation and will allow restoration of traffic lost through the sunken nature the jetty.

Money spent in rehabilitating jetties saves many times over the cost of mainance operations. The initial outlay by way of rehabilitation may be subntial, but in the long run an overall savings is effected for the Government. addition, these improvements will save lives, reduce property losses, and store the fishery industry in some cases.

For fiscal year 1961 the budget includes $50,000 in planning funds for Coos y jetty rehabilitation, $30,000 in planning funds for the Siuslaw Harbor south ty project, and nothing for the Umpqua Harbor south jetty rehabilitation. wever, the Corps of Engineers advises me it would be engineeringly feasible spend $200,000 on each of these projects during the coming fiscal year. This uld mean that $150,000 could be devoted to initial construction work on the os Bay jetty and $170,000 for such work on the Siuslaw south jetty. Although · budget requests nothing for the Umpqua south jetty rehabilitation the corps orms me that it could use $30,000 in planning money and $170,000 in construcn money during fiscal 1961.

In view of the ultimate net savings to the Federal Government through reduced ›ration and maintenance costs to result from rehabilitation of these south ties, I strongly recommend approval of $200,000 by way of appropriations for h of the three projects during the coming fiscal year.

Small authorized projects

Under the small authorized projects law the Corps of Engineers has authority proceed with the construction of projects having a total cost of not in excess $400,000. This year the budget request for carrying on work under the small thorized projects law is $2 million. The corps tells me it could use $3 million

effectively and efficiently under this program. I urge the committee to approve the full amount usable.

The small authorized projects program is of special significance to the State of Oregon because by fiscal 1961, the preconstruction planning of the highly desirable Hood River small boat basin project will have been completed. This project has strong local support, evidenced by substantial sums already invested by local interests.

The corps estimates that the boat basin could be completed upon an expend iture of $361,000. It is eligible as a small authorized project in the tentative program set up under the small authorized projects law. It will constitute a highly feasible, completely meritorious and extremely desirable project for this area of the Columbia River Basin. Specific approval of an appropriation of $361,000 for the Hood River small boat basin project out of the funds to be made available for small authorized projects, would be in the public interest 5. Fisheries-conservation

This year's budget includes an item of $1,400,000 for the Columbia River fishery development program. This program is designed to counteract dans to fisheries resulting from dam construction and other obstructions in the lover Columbia River. The program has been developed by the Fish and Wi Service with funds appropriated to the Corps of Engineers. The Fish and W life Service has coordinated its activities with the Fisheries Departmens d Oregon and Washington.

There is an urgent need for an intensified study of the program of fish pas sage around high dams, particularly in the Snake River area. This typed study is strongly endorsed by the Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Commite Time is of the essence because normal resource development of our great Pr cific Northwest rivers cannot be realized fully until the fish passage proble is solved.

The budget also includes an item of $500,000 for fish and wildlife studies to determine the effects on fish and wildlife resources of water-control projects of the Corps of Engineers. I urge the committee to include an additional $500,000 for this item to enable a crash study program to proceed on the high dam-fish passage problem. Therefore, I urge the appropriation of $1 million for fiscal 1961 under the caption, "Fish and Wildlife Studies."


1. Flood control and/or power projects not under construction

Green Peter Reservoir.-This year a major breakthrough in our fight agains the administration's indefensible "no new starts" policy came with the budge request of $1,400,000 for Green Peter Dam on the middle Santiam River. The Green Peter project was found highly feasible and was authorized ser eral years ago. The planning was completed during fiscal 1959 but failure & the Administration to ask construction funds for fiscal 1960 delayed the proje for a year. Green Peter Dam is the type of self-liquidating project that ** pay for its entire cost, including interest on the Federal investment, long befort the useful life of the project has ceased. It will provide great flood contra and electric power benefits as well as other benefits in the general public interez The corps has reported to me that it could use, effectively and efficien"? $2,500,000 with which to begin construction on Green Peter in the coming fisa year. Appropriation of the full amount usable would be in the public intere Fall Creek Reservoir.-Fall Creek Dam, on a tributary of the Middle Fes Willamette River would, upon completion, provide flood control, navigation, and downstream power benefits for the Willamette River Basin.

The planning on the project has been completed. It has been found highly feasible, but the administration has asked not one cent in the budget for the project this year.

The Corps of Engineers advised me that it would be engineeringly feasible to use $1,500,000 with which to begin construction of Fall Creek Dam in the coming fiscal year. I urge that this amount be approved.

Blue River Reservoir.-The proposed Blue River project, to be located ap proximately 38 miles east of Eugene, Oreg., would constitute a major flood control facility for the McKenzie River area.

The budget request for Blue River this year is $136,000. This is the full amount usable by the corps. Appropriation of the amount requested in the budget would enable the corps to complete the planning and would place Blue

er in position for initial construction during fiscal 1962. Approval of an propriation of $136,000 is clearly warranted.

Other Oregon flood protection works not under construction.-There are many as along the navigable rivers of Oregon, and their tributaries, which are gently in need of flood control works. Some of these projects are in the nning stage, others are ready for construction. These projects are completely rranted in that they will prevent heavy flood loss damage. They are listed page 2 of the chart appended to this statement.

With the exception of the lower Columbia River bank protection project, for ich $400,000 has been requested, these important flood control projects have t been included in the budget. In the chart just mentioned I have indicated e amounts usable by the Corps of Engineers during fiscal 1961 on each flood trol project. I ask the committee's serious consideration to the inclusion these items in its action upon the budget request.

Oregon navigation projects not under construction

Coos and Millicoma Rivers.-This project is designed to serve as an important terway for the transportation of lumber from tributary forest areas.

The budget request of $23,000 would enable the corps to complete the planning the project. I urge the committee to give favorable consideration to the adget request. If approved, it will enable actual construction work to be ndertaken in fiscal 1962.

Siuslaw River and Bar modification.—The Siuslaw Harbor at Florence, Oreg. an important port of the Oregon coast area. When fully developed, the iuslaw Harbor will provide port facilities for a number of industries, including shing. The major requirement of the Siuslaw Harbor is the repair of the kisting south jetty, but planning funds for further development of the harbor re also of importance.

The Corps of Engineers informs me that $21,000 could be used efficiently and fectively for Siuslaw Harbor planning during fiscal 1961. I ask that the full mount usable be appropriated.

Yaquina Harbor modification.-The Yaquina Harbor modification project has ad my strong support over a number of years. In 1956, my office made a trong presentation before the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors in apport of the modification project and this, in turn, enabled the proponents f the project to present to the Board strong evidence of the feasibility of the odification.

Tremendous economic good would result from the improvement of this fine regon coastal harbor. I am pleased that this year the budget request conins an item of $300,000 with which to continue planning on the project. I rge the appropriation of that amount because it will bring this extremely nportant project much closer to the construction stage.


!. (a) Oregon flood control investigations

The budget for the coming fiscal year contains requests for investigation funds elative to the Grande Ronde, Rogue River, and Umpqua River flood control rojects. I endorse the budget request for $16.700 for the Grande Ronde inestigation. This sum will complete the planning of this worthwhile project. The Rogue River and Umpqua River budget requests for investigation funds re inadequate; $30.000 is requested for the Rogue River survey, whereas 75.500 could be used by the corps: the request for the Umpqua River survey s $25,000 whereas $50.600 could be used. Both projects are of great imporance in their relationship to the prevention of substantial flood losses. They hould be completed at the earliest possible date and I ask the committee to onsider seriously the appropriation of the full amount usable on both of the ast-mentioned projects.

On page 3 of the attached chart are listed a number of other deserving flood control investigation studies. These should be implemented at the earliest possible date.

(b) Oregon navigation investigation projects

On pages 3 and 4 of the attached chart are listed a number of Oregon navigation projects upon which investigations should be undertaken at an early date. A budget request of $31,900 has been made with respect to the project for investigation of increased width and depth of the Columbia River from the

mouth to Portland-Vancouver. This deserves prompt approval because it v ezable the corps to complete this highly important study.

Also included in this year's budget is $11.300 for the Umpqua River mang tion project. Approval of this amount will permit the study to overca 2 is of great significance to the area and deserves approval

The Corps of Engineers has advised me that $9,000 could be used by fscal 1961 for a study of the Port Orford Harbor project. This sy A È great urgency because Port Orford suffered severe storm damage as we The facilities of the port was constructed by local authorities and that tive in itself presents a strong argument for Federal works in this beny Although the budget requests nothing for the study, I believe that i and fairness the full $9,000 should be approved for the Port Orford Ente Lavigation study.

The Tillamook Bay project should have navigation studies in the imme future because the repair of Bay Ocean Spit pat the bay in condition to sa its status as a major port area of the Oregon coast. Nothing has been m in this year's budget for an investigation of the Tillamook Bay project $10.00) could be used by the Corps of Engineers for that parse. Iake consideration to the inclusion of the amount usable in fiscal 1961 on tha The Chetco River project at Brookings was not included for investe far is in this year's budget. $100 cond be used by the corps for that. This investigation should be made in the near future and I ask indav that sun. for this purpose.


1. Food control and 'or power

The budget for the coming fiscal year includes nine items for which operat and maintenance funds have been asked for existing flood control or t pose projects. There are instances in which the budget request is less amount nsable by the agency operating the project. The apolkad maximum amount usable for maintenance of each project results in and e nomy. Therefore, I ask that the committee consider seriously propriation of the full amounts usable for operation and maintenance cr flood control and power projects.

2. Navigation

The budget request for fiscal 1961 for operation and maintenance of tion projects includes 13 Oregon projects. In some cases the budget is less than the amount usable by the Corps of Engineers. In the inter longrun economy. I urge that the full amounts usable be appropriated fr eration and maintenance on these navigation projects.



On page 5 of the chart attached to this statement is a list of four reclamation projects for which substantial construction funds have be quested in the budget. All of these projects are meritorious and ap the full requested appropriations is clearly justifiable. I ask that a regarded favorably by the committee.

The Dailes project (western division)

Although the Dalles reclamation project has not been authorized ?? Congress, I have every reason to believe that favorable action will be i the authorization bill I introduced in the Senate or on the bill introduced 17 House side by Congressman Ullman. A favorable report has been subming the Secretary of the Interior by the regional office of the Bureau of Be tion with the approval of the Commissioner of Reclamation. The Secret turn. has indicated that he favors the project and the matter has been rem to the Governors of the various States and to interested Government for their comments. No objections are anticipated.

The Dalles project (western division) is of an extremely urgent m that the water table of the project area has fallen rapidly. The State have declared the area to be one of critical water supply. The re project would restore the water table and prevent depletion of sources of vit for the city of The Dalles.

Total cost of the project is slightly over $5 million and the Bureau of Reclaman has indicated that under an accelerated 3-year construction program, $500,0 could be used during fiscal 1961. In recognition of the urgency of the oject, I ask the committee's approval of this initial appropriation.


alla Walla project, Oregon and Washington

Residents of the area of the Milton-Freewater area have communicated with e for the past 2 years expressing their deep concern over the falling water ble of the Walla Walla Basin. Strong local interest in a feasibility study for reclamation project in this area has been demonstrated. I was pleased to obrve that a budget request of $45,000 for the first year of a proposed 5-year asibility study has been made. It is with enthusiasm that I endorse this budget quest. Its importance to the farmers of the area cannot be overestimated.

her Oregon reclamation investigations

On page 6 of the chart attached to this statement are listed 11 additional clamation investigation projects. They are backed up by strong indications local support and are thoroughly justified. I urge approval of these budget -quests.

onneville Power Administration

A total of $31,195,000 is requested by the Bonneville Power Administration or construction and operation and maintenance purposes. Listed below are a umber of important Oregon projects for which BPA seeks funds. Approval of hese items would be in the public interest.

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The attention of the committee is directed to the item of $1,152,000 to be applied o the Harney Electric Cooperative Service line. It gave me a great deal of leasure to support an appropriation for the transmission line with which to ing long-overdue Bonneville power to farmers and ranchers in the area of Oregon and Nevada to be serviced by the Harney Electric Cooperative.


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