The London Water Supply

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Longmans, Green, and Company, 1899 - Electronic books - 272 pages

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Page 24 - Works by the Rev. JG WOOD. HOMES WITHOUT HANDS : a Description of the Habitation of Animals, classed according to the Principle of Construction. With 140 Illustrations. 8vo. , -js. net. INSECTS AT HOME : a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits and Transformations.
Page 15 - THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Classified and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and assist in Literary Composition. By PETER MARK ROGET, MD, FRS Recomposed throughout, enlarged and improved, partly from the Author's Notes, and with a full Index, by the Author's Son, JOHN LEWIS ROGET. Crown 8vo., IDS.
Page 21 - Farrar (FW, DEAN OF CANTERBURY). DARKNESS AND DAWN: or, Scenes in the Days of Nero.
Page 27 - ALERTE': the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With 2 Maps and 23 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., y.
Page 241 - means the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled " An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales, with respect to summary convictions and orders...
Page 11 - DEAD SHOT (THE): or, Sportsman's Complete Guide. Being a Treatise on the Use of the Gun, with Rudimentary and Finishing Lessons on the Art of Shooting Game of all kinds.
Page 24 - HOME : a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits and Transformations. With 700 Illustrations.
Page 17 - Abbott.— HELLENICA. A Collection of Essays on Greek Poetry, Philosophy, History, and Religion. Edited by EVELYN ABBOTT, MA, LL.D.
Page 8 - THE GLACIERS OF THE ALPS : being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents. An Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers, and an Exposition of the Physical Principles to which they are related. With 61 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 6s.

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