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2801. Restriction of immigration from insular possessions.

2802. Production of one gram of radium by Mines Bureau.

2803. To change name of B street nw., in District of Columbia.*

2804. Independent offices appropriation bill, 1932.

2805. Eastern or Emigrant and Western or Old Settler Cherokee Indian claims.

2806. Sale of land devised under will of Sophie Chanquet.

2807. Per capita payments to Indians of Cheyenne River Reservation.

2808. Legal reserve on life-insurance policies in District of Columbia.

2809. Closing of barber shops on Sunday in District of Columbia,

2810. Prohibit gambling in Canal Zone.

2811. Suppression of lotteries in Canal Zone.

2812. Punishment for promoting fights between bulls, dogs, etc., in Canal Zone.

2813. To prevent in Canal Zone fire-hunting at night.

2814. To regulate carrying and keeping of arms in Canal Zone,

2815. Enticing laborers from Isthmian Canal Commission or Panama Railroad.

2816. Extradition of fugitives from Panama who seek refuge in Canal Zone.

2817. To provide for protection of birds and their nests in Canal Zone.

2818. To repeal market regulations for Canal Zone.

2819. Regulate radio equipment on ocean vessels using ports of Canal Zone.

2820. Inspection of vessels navigating Canal Zone waters.

2821. Authorize certain officials of Canal Zone to administer oaths, etc.

2822. Punish persons deported from Canal Zone who return thereto.

2823. Regulate operation of street-railway cars at crossings in Canal Zone.

2824. To amend section 5 of Panama Canal act rel. to operation of canal.

2825. Establishment of customs service in Canal Zone.

2826. Keeping and impounding domestic animals in Canal Zone,

2827. Transportation of liquors under seal through Canal Zone.

2828. To amend penal code of Canal Zone.

2829. Rules and regulations for Canal Zone affecting health, etc.

2830. Appointment of public defender for Canal Zone.

2831. Canal Zone postal service.

• Corrected print

• Corrected print

[blocks in formation]

Naval Service:

Direct appropriations..

Naval supply account fund..

Total, naval service
Grand total..

$4,205,000.00 $4, 295, 780.00 $4, 283, 940. 00
912, 840.00
907,000.00 897,000.00

5, 117, 840.00 5,202, 780.00 5,180, 940.00

+$78, 940.00
-15, 840.00

-$11,840.00 -10,000.00

+63, 100.00 -21, 840.00

375, 535, 803. 26 342, 591, 468.00 339, 162, 012.00-36,373,791.26-3, 429, 456.00

377, 535, 803. 26 342, 591, 468. 00 339, 162, 012. 00-38,373,791.26-3, 429, 456. 00 -------- 382, 653, 643. 26 347, 794, 248. 00 344, 342, 952. 00-38,310,691.26-3, 451, 296.00

Grand total, direct appro-

380, 653, 643. 26 347, 794, 248. 00 344, 342, 952. 00-36,310,691.26-3, 451, 296.00

The foregoing summation excludes permanent annual appropriations, which are enumerated on the last two pages of this report. The Budget estimates for such items for 1932 aggregate $1,839,470, or $12,080 less than estimated for the present fiscal year. The committee has deducted $960, intended for promotions, from the item for the Naval Home. Otherwise the permanent annual appropriations remain in the Budget figures.

A wide disparity ($32,859,395.26) is indicated in the foregoing table between the estimates for 1932 and the total of the appropriations for 1931. This grows out of a substantially lesser amount required for ship construction, because of large unexpended balances that will be available at the end of the present fiscal year, the omission of funds for continuing modernization of capital ships, appropriations for which are current with authorizations to date, and to the curtailed and modified operating force program already effective, which also will reflect sizeable savings in appropriations now cur


While lesser amounts are estimated for in a few instances, the occasions are rare where the reductions are not either in consequence of the reduced number of ships that will be in operation or because of the omission of appropriations for nonrecurring needs. Neither in directions nor amounts should they occasion any impairment of the efficiency of the establishment afloat or ashore, but, rather, in a number of instances, look to a better degree of maintenance, equipment, and repair.

A statement that includes the vessels that it is planned to have in commission during the fiscal year 1932 under the Budget for such year appears on page 84 of the hearings. Similar information is contained in the table appearing on page 118 of the hearings, the latter also showing distribution of personnel, commissioned and enlisted. A comparison of the vessels in commission on July 1, 1930, with those which it is proposed to have in commission during the fiscal year 1932, shows the following differences:

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