PLAYS OF William Shakspeare, ACCURATELY PRINTED FROM The Text of the Corrected Copy left by the late GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. WITH GLOSSARIAL NOTES, AND A SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF SHAKSPEARE. IN EIGHT VOLUMES. VOL. IV. CONTAINING KING JOHN....KING RICHARD II....KING HENRY IV. PART 1.... KING HENRY IV. PART II....KING HENRY V. Stereotyped by J. Howe.....N. York. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY H. C. CAREY, AND I. LEA, AND M'CARTY & DAVIS. ... 1 King John. Prince Henry, his son; afterward King Henry III. William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke. ary of England. William Longsword, Earl of Salisbury. Hubert de Burgh, chamberlain to the king. Robert Faulconbridge, son of Sir Robert Faul conbridge. Philip Faulconbridge, his half-brother, bastard son to King Richard the First. James Gurney, servant to Lady Faulconbridge. Peter of Pomfret, a prophet. Philip, King of France. Lewis, the dauphin. Cardinal Pandulph, the pope's legate. Melun, a French lord. Chatillon, ambassador from France to King John. Elinor, the widow of King Henry II. and mother of King John. Constance, mother to Arthur. Blanch, daughter to Alphonso, King of Castile, and niece to King John. Lady Faulconbridge, mother to the bastard, and Robert Faulconbridge. Lords, ladies, citizens of Angiers, sheriff, heralds, officers, soldiers, messengers, and other attend ants. Scene, sometimes in England, and sometimes in France. |