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Washington, D. C., keep his oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution of these United States.

Cordially yours,

(MRS.) JOHN H. BROWN, President.

COLWYN, PA., April 7, 1943.

Mr. CHAIRMAN AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS: In the interests of the mothers of Pennsylvania I wish to place on record our unalterable opposition to the bill S. 666 which is claimed to provide for the successful prosecution of the war. It will not bring that result, but it will create a dictatorship. It will destroy all our freedoms we are supposed to be fighting for. Therefor, we request, that the bill be dropped in its entirety, and that Congress strictly investigate all persons responsible for bringing this bill before your committee.

We are deeply interested in knowing who is seeking to destroy our Republic and its Constitution. It would seem that one such person is a Mr. Grenville Clark, lawyer (Wall Street), of the Elihu Root law firm of New York City (a member of the law firm of Root Clark, Buckner & Ballantine of New York). Mr. Clark is reported to have written this war-service bill, as well as the Selective Service Act now in operation. In the Congressional Record of the Seventy-Sixth Congress, third session, volume 86, No. 142, of August 6, 1940, on page 15166, we learn that Mr. Grenville Clark by means of a clever arrangement of trust funds avoided the payment of $90,000 in taxes. Senator Holt, while addressing the Senate on this mattter, stated that the conscription drive started in the Harvard Club in New York City, and gave a list of names for the Congresisonal Record, known as exhibit A, which will be accessible to you. It would seem from this quotation that Mr. Clark and his friends are the sort of patriots who want the men and women legally enslaved to fight for them while they evade taxation or the costs of war, and still continue to enjoy the benefits of power while imposing their demands upon Congress.

What we urgently want to know is: Who are the persons, or interests, who gave Mr. Clark and his friends their instructions concerning the conscription of all men and women? We ask Congress to find out, and to publish the truth far and wide so that our citizens will know what to do in the circumstances. It will not be sufficient to say that our President is responsible. We want to know who is placing pressure upon our administration to enslave our people either for a short or long duration of the war.

The bill S. 666 claims that the drafting of the whole population is for the successful prosecution of the war. If that is granted for the time being, we then have the absolute right to know "For what are we fighting, and for whom we are fighting? We expect a truthful explanation from Congress. It is certainly not for freedom and liberty, because we already enjoy these things as handed down to us by Gen. George Washington, our first President. This is to say, we did, until the New Dealers and their Brain Trust got hold of our Government, and Messrs. Grenville Clark and Wadsworth, had the citizens committee, started to act in behalf of their powerful friends. We want those friends indentified and investigated, and we want to know definitely what the connection is with the international banking fraternity. We want to know if they are the same people who seek to destroy our Republic, who are agitating throughout our country that we drop our national ideals or ideas, our high standard of living, and our general well-being in behalf of some 180,000,000 Russians, 400,000,000 Chinese, 350,000,000 Indians, the millions in Africa, the Near East, etc., in order to bring about or establish a world government, a world bank, a world court, a world police force, all under a supreme ruler as a result of a successful global war? Is this what we are fighting for? If so, Congress will have to answer to our soldier boys who are fortunate enough to return to our homes--they will have their own ideas about world federation, etc., and about the shoddy people they have been forced to mingle with. They will want to know what has happened to Congress and its constitutional powers. Some few people in our country seem to think it is all right to be a puppet nation in a family of nations.

We have been told we must learn to hate so as to fight efficiently. That of course, was mainly intended for our soldier boys. We mothers have always thought that love was the basis of Christianity, of our Constitution, and of our homes. Whether it is officially recognized or not, this is still a Christian country, and when it becomes necessary, our people will stand up and be counted as Christians, and we will protect our homes in spite of the enslaving provisions of this bill, or any bill infringing upon our constitutionally guaranteed liberties.

We cannot for very long run our private homes on a debt system. We must pay our debts, buy our rationed food, and so forth. The fact that Hitler discarded the money-debt system and ordered the private bankers out of Germany does provide an explanation for the hate propaganda. Therefor, if this is true, we are fighting for the privilege of the bankers to continue their private control over the issue of our national money, and also it would seem they seek control of the money of the world, through a central world government, and so forth, and now they must have the women to help them, and conscript everybody for their purposes.

After reading Secretary Morgenthau's announcement of the United States to return the world to the gold standard, we ask this question: Is our armed forces fighting for international government with the international control of gold, or are they fighting for this Republic, its flag, and our Constitution? We demand an investigation of these international brigands, the original "brain trust," taken from the late Louis T. McFadden's record of May 2, 1934: "Mr. Bernard Baruch, the power behind the throne? Secretary Henry Morgenthau, of the Treasury? Prof. Felix Frankfurter, organizer of the foreign policy association of New York, and his close connection with the planning group of England, headed by Israel Moses Sieff? Mr. A. A. Berle, who had definite ideas regarding a Jewish state?

We must also include in the investigation, Henry A. Wallace, Vice President of the United States, also Harry L. Hopkins. This Congressional Record of May 2, 1934, speaks of the plan of a Jewish world state. If this manpower bill becomes a law, we become slaves to the powers of these international brigands.

We respectfully and urgently request our Congress to insist upon a thorough investigation to find out the truth, and to explain it in plain words to our citizens so that they will know exactly what they are fighting for. We strenuously oppose secret diplomacy or the welfare of our Nation put in the hands of the few who carry out the wishes of the internationalists.

In the meantime, we, the mothers, oppose this bill S. 666 in every particular, and demand that our women and their homes be protected, and that our administration must be satisfied with voluntary services for proper constitutional purposes as determined by our Congress, and ordered to stop any further attempts at encroachment upon the liberties of American citizens.

I want to state at this time that when the national head of the American Legion goes on record as in favor of bill S. 666, I want you to understand he is not speaking for me or my family of Legionnaires. I have learned from many of the members of the Legion that they are opposed to this bill to enslave our people and destroy our sovereignty.

(Mrs.) CATHARINE P. BROWN, President, Crusading Mothers of Pennsylvania.


Chairman, Military Affairs Committee,

New York, April 21, 1943.

House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. MY DEAR MR. MAY: I am very much interested in the bill introduced by Representative Smith of Virginia (H. R. 2239), which, if passed, will exclude and prohibit the unionization of supervisory, professional, administrative, and executive forces from becoming members of unions for the purpose of collective bargaining.

I can think of nothing that would cripple and handicap business more than to permit the unionization of this class of employees. We would not

be able to control our employees, or enforce our rules and regulations, particularly in dangerous industries such as the mining industry.

I am particularly interested in preventing the unionization of these employees, and I sincerely hope that you will see the wisdom of supporting any bill that contemplates covering this point.

Very truly yours,




VIVIAN, W. Va., April 21, 1943.

Chairman, Military Affairs Committee,

House of Representatives, Washington, D. C.:

I understand that H. R. 2239 is soon to be considered by your committee. This bill amending the Selective Service Act by bringing about a more complete utilization of manpower is we believe a vital contribution to our war manpower situation. Of particular importance in the successful prosecution of the war effort is the provision in the bill prohibiting supervisory professional, administrative, and executive personnel from becoming members of unions for purposes of collective bargaining. These people are representatives of management and have management powers in their own fields or departments and in the coal industry they are directly responsible for carrying out a strict code of safety standards prescribed by State law. To have them in the same union as the employees under their supervision would destroy their management status, make efficient and economical operation impossible and, in the coal mines, in particular, would constitute a grave problem of maintaining the safety of the men underground which is a duty imposed upon them by law as well as by management. These conditions would be the direct result of the absolute unworkability of having this personnel serving two masters-namely, management and labor. The final result of this unionization of management personnel which is being pushed now by certain labor leaders, would be the impossibility of meeting production schedules vital to the war effort and thus to our Nation's very existence. I earnestly hope you will bring this wire to the attention of the members of your committee and that you will give this bill your full and complete consideration to the end that for the good of our Nation in our all-out war production program you will report it favorably to the House. PEERLESS COAL & COKE Co., By ROLAND C. LUTHER,

Vice President.

Cresson, Pa., April 21, 1943.

Chairman, House of Representatives, Military Affairs Committee,

Washington, D. C.

DEAR CONGRESSMAN: I write you regarding H. R. 2239, introduced by Representative Smith of Virginia. This bill places a tremendous responsibility on management to produce the essentials for war. Therefore, management should not be interfered with in obtaining maximum production. I particularly wish to emphasize that portion of the bill which would prohibit supervisory, professional, administrative, and executive forces from becoming members of unions for the purposes of collective bargaining. If supervisors are permitted to join or create unions we will lose considerable control over production, supervision, and safety in the coal mines.

The supervisory forces in bituminous coal mines in Pennsylvania are composed of men who have been mining students at night and have successfully passed the rigid written and oral examinations given by the Pennsylvania Department of Mines and given certificates by that department. The State law outlines certain duties which the fire boss, assistant foreman, and mine foreman must perform in order that the health and safety of the workmen may not be endangered. They direct the working forces in the mine, keep records of hours

worked, measure yardage, make allowances, and have the right to hire and fire. Management relies on their judgment for the successful operation of the mine, and they are called into conference repeatedly to give their views on mining methods, transportation, ventilation, and drainage problems. They have been paid for many years annual salaries far in excess of the highest paid mine labor. I wish you would support bill H. R. 2239. I am quite sincere and familiar with that phase of the bill which I have discussed at least in its application to coal mining because I have been previously employed as a miner, assistant foreman, mine foreman, general superintendent, bituminous State mine inspector, and Federal senior coal mine inspector.

Yours very truly,

General Manager.



Washington, D. C.

The committee met at 10 a. m., Hon. Andrew J. May (chairman) presiding.

The CHAIRMAN. The committee will please be in order. The committee members will please be seated in their places.

There are continued hearings this morning, gentlemen, on what is known as the Austin-Wadsworth bill and connected measures on the manpower subject in particular.

When we recessed the other day the committee requested that I have Governor McNutt here this morning for the purpose of giving us some additional information, particularly with reference to the supply of available manpower in the different areas and sections of the country, different activities, and so forth and so forth. The Governor is here. He is an extremely busy man, and I will ask him to make a statement, if he has one, and give us the facts as he has them. I hope the committee will permit him to go forward without interruption until he gets through. Mr. McNutt.


Mr. McNUTT. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee: I should like to review with your committee the manpower situation in this country and the action which we have taken to meet our manpower requirements as well as the action now under way to meet the requirements during the coming year. If we are accurately to appraise our manpower situation and are to undertake the action which is likely to yield the most successful results, it is of primary importance that we currently be informed regarding our manpower requirements and resources.

The first step in our manpower program is to ascertain the facts. I should like, therefore, to briefly outline to you the character of our labor-market information upon which our manpower policy and program is based. The War Manpower Commission through its 1,500 full-time local employment offices and over 3,000 part-time offices has developed a labor market reporting system such as has never before existed in this country. Indeed, I might say with pardonable satisfaction that the labor-market information available to us in this country excels any comparable data available even in Germany or Great Britain where extensive labor-market controls have been in effect for some time.

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