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Mertisen, artists of the family of, i.

143; his pedigree, 205, 206
Merur, i. 74. See Mnevis
Mesha, young soldiers, i. 64
Mesket (Meskenet), 'treasure,' or
rather 'temple' cities, ii. 102, 308
Mesopotamia, monumental records of
foreign wars in, i. 15, &c.; Arab
conquest of, 367. See Naharain
Mesori, the month, i. 247, 296, 527;
ii. 156, 227, 295
Mesphres, king, i. 450

Metelis (Sonti-Nofer), capital of
Nome VII. (L. Eg.), ii. 348
Miamun, 'friend of Amun.' See Ram-
ses II.; Setnakht; Ramses IV., V.;
Meritum; Ramses VI., IX., XI.,
XII., XIII.; Shashanq I., II.; Usar-
kon I., II.; Thakelath I., II.;

Miamun Nut, successor to Piankhi, ii.
257; his dream and campaign
against Lower Egypt, 257; official
designation, 258; memorial stone,
258; sisters, 258; inscription, 259-
263; his success not lasting, 264
Miamun-ra, name of Darius II., ii. 333
Migdol the tower' (Tel-es-Samout),
the northernmost point of Egypt,
i. 237, 238; ii. 12, 381, 382, 389, 390,
421, 426, 431; its position the key
to the question of the Exodus, 427;
naval engagement at, 153, 154
Mineptah I., ii. 10. See Seti I.
-II. (Menephthes), hereditary prince

in his father's lifetime, ii. 120,
413; mean character of his archi-
tectural works, 120; his inscrip-
tion in the temple of Amon, 121-
128; corrections in, 413; invasion
by and defeat of the Libyans, 121;
battle of Prosopis, 126; relations
with the Khita, 130; despatches,
131; the Pharaoh of the Exodus,
133; his court at Zoan-Ramses,
134; troubles of his reign, 135;
men of letters, 137; his end un-
recorded, 135 n.; his dirge, 136 n.


Mineptah Siptah, anti-king to Set-
nakht, ii. 140; inscription of his
supporter, Seti, at Ibsamboul, 141
Minerals, i. 201

Misraim, Muzur, Mudraya, Asiatic
names for Egypt, derived probably
from Mazor (q. v.), i. 18, 231
Mit-Rahineh (Mitrahenne), ruins of
Memphis at, i. 56; prostrate co-
lossus of Ramses II., ii. 90; re-
mains of a house, 292

Mitum (Meidoum), ii. 240, 248
Mnevis, the sacred bull of Heliopolis,
i. 39, 74; ii. 293

Mob, the, or lowest classes, i. 26
Moris, lake (She, She-uer, Mi-uer),
constructed by Amenemhat III., i.
187; derivation of name, 190; dis-
covery of the site, 190; different
names, 192

Mokattam, hills of, quarries in, i. 91;

new quarries opened, 476
Mont, Monthu (Mars), i. 34, et passim
Month-em-ha, ally and friend of

Taharaqa, ii. 278

Moses, his name preserved in I-en-
Moshé, ii. 117

Mushanath, ii. 47

Mut-em-ua (Mother in the boat '),
queen of Thutmes IV., i. 468
Mut-Nofer-t, daughter of Thutmes I.,
her statue, i. 433

Mut-ut-ankhes, wife of Usarkon, ii. 224
Muzur, Lower Egypt, under the As-
syrians, ii. 237

Mycerinus, i. 101. See Mencheres

NA-AMON or PI-AMON, 'the city

of Amon' (No and No-Amon, SS.;
Diospolis Parva, q.v.), a second
Thebes in Lower Egypt, called by
all the same titles, also Na-mehit
'the city of the North,' on the
Phatnitic mouth of the Nile, at or
near Damietta; magnificent build-
ings of Ramses III. at, ii. 418-9
Nabu-Sezibanni, son of Necho, ii. 272,


Naharain, or Naharina (Aram, Meso-
potamia), i. 338; memorial tablet
set up by Thutmes III., 378; booty
from, 381; prisoners, 385; tribute,
404; &c.

Nahasi Negroes, the, i. 12; language
of, 258; race,
Nahi, Egyptian governor of the south
country, i. 343, 387; his inscription
at Ellesieh, 387, 438
Nahr-el-Kelb, river, Egyptian monu-
ments at the mouth of, ii. 276
Naifaurot (Nepherites) I. and II., ii.
287, 335

Nakht-hor-hib (Nectarebes, Nectanebo
I.), king, ii. 287, 308, 317, 336
Nakht-Khim, priest of Khim, in time
of king Ai, ii. 408

Nahkt-neb-ef (Nectanebo II.), the last
Pharaoh, his pair of lions, ii. 287,
292; a famous magician, 294; burial
of an Apis-bull, 302, 317, 338
Nahkt-neb-ef, chief captain, sarco-
phagus of, ii. 317

Nakhtu, viceroy of Kush, ii. 81
Nap, or Napata, at Mt. Barkal, i. 329;
the capital of the new kingdom of
Ethiopia, ii. 235, 236; inscriptions
of Ethiopian kings at, see Barkal
Na-pa-to-mehi, or Na-pa-athu (Naph-
tuhim, SS.), buildings of Ramses
III. at, ii. 419

Naph, or Noph (Napata), the princes
of, in Scripture, ii. 237
Naphtuhim, origin of name, i. 327;

ii. 419

Na-ris, 'the city of the South,' a name
of Thebes (q. v.), ii. 418
Naromath, ii. 207. See Nimrod
-son of Usarkon II., chief priest of
Amon, &c., ii. 224; his descendants
hereditary priests of Khnum, 225
Nasruna, river, i. 399

Nathu, Natho, the marsh-land of the

Delta, i. 520; on the Phatnitic arm
of the Nile and the sea-board, ii.
316. Comp. Athu
Navigation, i. 139


Neb-aiu, high-priest, i. 445; inscrip-
tion of, 446

Neb-ankh ('the coffin mountain '), i.
347; ii. 161-2

Neb-kher-ra, i. 131. See Mentuhotep I.
Neb-pehuti-ra. See Aahmes I.
Nebuchadnezzar, ii. 322-8
Neb-unon-f, chief priest of Amon,
in time of Ramses II., inscription
of, ii. 410

Necherophes, king, i. 69, 77
Necho. See Neku

Negeb, the land S. of Palestine, i. 392,
398; ii. 13

Negro peoples, list of, conquered by
Amenhotep III., i. 471, 472; tri-
butes of, 509, 510; their excellent
workmanship, 511, 512

Negroes, the, in Pepi's army, i. 119; raz-
zias on, 184, ii. 78; song of, i. 335,523
Nehera, i. 171

Nehi, the first 'king's son of Kush,'
i. 332-3. Comp. Nahi
Nekheb, ii. 347. See Eileithyia
Nekht, son of Khnumhotep, governor
of Cynopolis, i. 179, 180
Neku (Nikuu, Neco, Nechao, Necho)
-I., king of Memphis and Saïs, father
of Psamethik I., ii. 270, 272, 273;
carried prisoner to Nineveh and
pardoned, 277

-II., son of Psamethik I., Apis-tablet


of, ii. 296, 297; his reign, 322, 323
Nentef, kings, i. 131. See Anentef
Nephercheres, king, i. 69, 76, 84, 107
Nepherites I. and II. See Naifaurot
Neshi (Ptolemaïs), Ramses
temple of Sebek at, ii. 416
Nes-ro-an, lake, i. 377
Nes-su-Amon, royal councillor, ii.
187, 190

Ni, in Mesopotamia, stêlé set up by
Thutmes III., i. 379; not Nineveh,
400; taken by Amenhotep II., 456
Ni-'a, Ni', Ni (the great city;' Ni-

Amon, Thebes), i. 435; ii. 236, 270,
271, 275, 278, 272, 347. See Thebes
Ni-ent-bak. See Antæopolis


Ni-ent-Hapi, ii. 348. See Apis
Nikuu. See Neku

Nile, the (Nil, Nahar, Nahal), mean-
ing of the word, i. 20; its course
changed by Mena, 52; inunda-
tions of, 188; height recorded in
the reigns of Amenemhat III., 189;
and Sebekhotep III., 219

Nimrod leads a branch of Cushites
from Pun to the Euphrates, con-
firmed by Babylonian tradition, ii.

Nimrod, king of Assyria, invades

Egypt, ii. 203; his death and burial
at Abydus, 206; statue of, at Flo-
rence, 212; meaning of the name,
284. See Naromath

Nineveh, i. 400; ii. 7, 202, 267, 268,

271, 274, 275
Nitocris (Nitaker), queen, Dyn. VI.,
tradition of, i. 127, 128; enlarges
the pyramid of Menkara, 129
-princess of XXVIth Dynasty, her
Babylonian marriage, ii. 326
No (the city'), Noa ('the great city'),
in SS. No-Amon ('city of Amun '),
capital of Patoris, i. 278, 282, 288;
necropolis of, 289. See Thebes
Nobles, the ancient Egyptian, i. 28
Nofer (good,' 'beautiful '), pyramid,
i. 110

Noferabra, prophet, i. 99

Nofer-ar-ka-ra, king, his pyramid,
i. 107; officers, 108; several kings
of the name, 131
Noferhotep, physician, i. 73
-wife of Ti, i. 110

-surname of the god Khonsu, ii. 410
Nofer-i-Thi, wife of Amenhotep IV.,

i. 501; her address to the sun, 502
Nofer-ka-ra, king, i. 76; his pyramid,
126; several kings of the name, 131
-See Ramses IX.

Noferkara-em-piamon, secretary and
councillor, ii. 187, 190
Nofer-ka-Sokari, king, i. 69, 70
Nofer-kheper-ra. See Amenhotep IV.
Nofer-setu, pyramid, i. 113


Nofert, wife of Rahotep, i. 83
Nofert, queen of Amenemhat II., her
life-size statue at Tanis, i. 167-8
Nofert-ari Aahmes, queen, i. 323-
325; deified as the ancestress of
the Eighteenth Dynasty, 324
Nofer-tum-khu-ra. See Taharaqa
Noferu-Ra, daughter of the king of
Bakhatana, wife of Ramses XII., ii.


Nofre-Ma, tomb of, at Meidoum, i.83 n.
Nofrus, fortress, ii. 241
Nokheb, god, i. 440
Nomes, the ancient, of Egypt, i. 21;
number of, 21; their capitals, 22;
governors, temples, &c., 22; boun-
dary stones, 22; lists of, 22, ii. 347
Noph, ii. 260. See Naph

Notem, queen-mother of Dyn. XXI.,
ii. 421

Notem-mut, wife of king Horemhib,

her statue, i. 507, 514, 515; ii. 409
Nthariush (-uth). See Darius
Nub ('gold'), surname of the god
Set, i. 244, 271; ii. 125, 255
Nub, Nubti, Hyksos king, i. 273; era
of, 231, 246, 296, 297; ii. 99
Nubia, gold from, i. 160; riches of,

333; the works of Ramses II. in, ii.
94; (Ta-Khont) a division of Ethio-
pia, 264; temple of Amon by
Ramses III., 415

Nubkas, queen, i. 218

Nubkaura. See Amenemhat II.
Nubti, ii. 415. See Ombos
Nukheb, prince of, i. 461

Nu-ta-maten, priest of Amon of
Ramses II.' at Tanis, ii. 412
Nuter ('god'). See Ramses III., VI.,
XIII., Thakeloth I.
Nuter-setu, pyramid, i. 110

[blocks in formation]


queen Hashop, 362; of Thutmes
III. at Thebes, 448, 449; at Helio-
polis, 450-1

Ochus, king, ii. 287, 338, 339; disas-
ter to his army at Lake Sirbonis,
392, 395

Ollaqi, valley of, i. 145

Ombos (Nubti), i. 440; temple of
Ramses III., ii. 415

On, i. 74, et passim. See Heliopolis
Onka (Anka), Phoenician goddess, i. 245
Onnos (Unas), king, i. 84, 113
Onuris, ii. 416. See Anhur
Ophir, the, of the Egyptians, i. 136
Oppert, M., his comments on the
record of Assurbanipal, ii. 272
Orbiney papyrus, the, i. 309-311
Orontes, river, i. 337, 398; ii. 46
Osiris (Bacchus), son of Seb, i. 37;
his temple at Abydus, 196; two arms
of the Nile regarded as his legs,
235, 236; chief seat of his worship
in Lower Egypt, Busiris, 441; in
Upper Egypt, Abydus, 441
Osiris and Isis, statues of, ii. 292
Osorkhon, king, ii. 233

Ossiout, rock-tomb near, i. 223
Ostracene (-cine), i. 239; tower of Seti
I. at, the boundary of Egypt and
Zahi, ii. 13; tower of Mineptah II.,
132. See Aanekht
Othoës, king, i. 115. See Teta
Overseers, i. 63

Oxyrhynchus (Pi-maza, Sapt-moru),

capital of Nome XVIII. (Up. Eg.),
the city of Typhon, i. 180, 515;
ii. 348, 417

[blocks in formation]


Pa-Kereh (city of the electric fish '),
ii. 422, 423. See Phagroriopolis
Panbesa, the scribe, his letter de-

scribing the city of Ramses, ii. 100
Panofer, artist, under Ramses II., ii. 412
Panopolis (Apu, Khemmis), capital of
Nome IX. (Up. Eg.), ii. 347, 408;
temple of Horus and Isis built by
Ramses III., 416

Panrshns, Assyrian king, ii. 202
Paoni, the month, i. 186, 438, 527
Paophi, the month, i. 134, 157, 331,

346, 390, 401, 527

Papyrus, the Abbot, i. 282; record of
Aahmes, 283-287

-Anastasi III., letter of Panbesa,

describing the city of Ramses, ii.
100; records of despatches, 131, 132
-the Harris, i. 249; summary of the
reign of Setnakht, ii. 143, 144; ac-
count of the reign of Ramses III.,
145; list of Ramessea, 161, 415, f.
-the Lee and Rollin, account of the

harem conspiracy, ii. 170; use of
magic, 170-172

-the medical, discovered at Mem-
phis, i. 73

-the Orbiney, parallel to the story
of Joseph, i. 309-311

of Patah Hotep, i. 111, 112
-the Sallier, historical, in British
Museum, i. 274-279

-the Turin, i. 39, 47, 48; list of
kings, 214-216

-probable autograph letter of Ram-
ses XIII., ii. 197

-with the geography of Lake Moris,
i. 192

-rolls of the Nineteenth Dynasty, i.

Parihu, prince of Punt, i. 355
Pa-Sahura, i. 107

Pastophorus of the Vatican, the, ii.
291, 304 n. See Uzahoren piris
Patah (Vulcan), the god of Memphis,
i. 35, 36; worship of, 54, 58, 145
Patah-hotep, papyrus of, i. 111, 112
Patah-shepses, tomb of, i.103; steward


of the provision stores, like Joseph,
104; prophet of the pyramids of
Unas and Teta, 116
Patomhit (Pa-to-me-hit, 'the country
of the North'), the Delta, i. 317, ii.

Pa-to-ris (the country of the South,'
Pathros, Patrosim, SS., the The-
baïd), i. 278, 316, ii. 419; a province
under the Ethiopians, 237
Patumos, ii. 422, 423

Pauër, governor of Thebes, under Seti
I. and Ramses II.; his tomb at
Thebes, ii. 31, 81, 409

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Pehenuka, officer of Nofer-ar-ka-ra,
i. 108

Pehuu, a Diospolis in the Fayoum, ii.

Pelusiac branch of the Nile, i. 229,
232, 236, 270, 336; bridge over, at
Etham, ii. 12, 387-8, 426; crossing
of, not mentioned in Exodus,' ex-
plained, 425-6

Penni, Adon of Wawa, tomb at Anibe,
ii. 183, 184

Pentaur, the priest, heroic poem of, i.

277, 416; ii. 47, 56-65, 410
Pepi Merira, king, i. 116, 126; in-
scriptions at Wady-Magharah and
elsewhere, 117; his servant, Una,
117; monolith, 118; wars, 118, 119;
pyramid, 120; plan of a temple, on
leather, found in his time, 447
Pepi-na, guardian of Pepi's pyramid,
i. 121

Pepi-nakht, functionary under Pepi,
i. 121

Peraara, cartouche of, i. 61 n.
Peraɔ, i. 61. See Pharaoh


Persians, the, in Egypt, ii. 303,329,339
Pet-baal, i. 292

Petise, high-priest and satrap, ii. 231,
251, 253

Petubastes, king, ii. 233

Phacoussa (-æ, -an), chief city of the
Arabian nome, the Gosem (Guesem,
Goshen) of the monuments, ii. 369
Phagroriopolis, ii. 422, 423
Phamenoth, the month, i. 175, 363,
442, 527; ii. 297

Pharaoh, his titles, i. 61; wife, daugh-
ters, harem, children, 62; court,
62; officials, 63; ii. 133. Comp Pir'ao
Pharaohs, visits of, to Nubia, i. 335;

causes of the fall of, ii. 289; the
last, 316; fall of the kingdom of, 319
Pharmuthi, the month, i. 186, 363, 368
Phathmetic (Phatnitic) branch of the
Nile (pa-to-mehit), origin of the
name, ii. 419

Philæ, I., i. 35, 133, 218, 469, 472; ii.
141, 283

Philip Arrhidæus, ii. 339
Philistia. See Zaha

Philistines, land of, its boundary to-
wards Egypt, ii. 13:-road of,' i.
239, 336, ii. 12, 397, 430
Philosophers, Egyptian, i. 25, 26
Phoenicia, i. 460. See Khar
Phoenician usurper in Egypt, i. 257,
ii. 142

Phoenicians, Cushite emigrants from
Arabia, ii. 402; Caphtor their
fatherland, 403; their maritime
commerce, i. 254, 255, 403; articles
imported by, 403, 404; high style
of art in their works, 510, 511; lan-
guage, 257. See Fenekh, Kefa, and

especially Khar
Pi-Amon, the city of Amon,' ii.

415,418. See Thebes and Na-Amon
Piankhi, king, his offering at On, i.
150; conquest of Egypt recorded in
his great inscription at Mount Bar-
kal, ii. 239-257, 421

Piaoi, sculptor of the images of
Ramses II., ii. 412

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