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I. PATORIS (the South Country, Upper Egypt). 1st Nome. Capital: AB (Elephantiné).

Deities: Khnum and Sopet (Sothis).

2nd Nome. Capital: TEB (Apollinopolis Magna).

Deities: Hor (Apollo) of Hut, and
Hathor (Aphrodité).

3rd Nome. Capital: NEKHEB (Eileithyiapolis).

Deity: The goddess Nekheb.

4th Nome. Capital: NI or NI-AMON (Diospolis Magna).

Deities: Amon-ra (Zeus) and the goddess Mut.

5th Nome. Capital: QOBTI (Coptos). Deity: Khim (Pan). 6th Nome. Capital: TANTERER (Tentyra).

Deities: Hathor and Hor-samta.

7th Nome. Capital: HA (Arab. Hou, Diospolis Parva). Deities: Nebtha (Nephthys) and Noferhotep.

8th Nome. Capital: ABDU (Abydus).

9th Nome.

10th Nome.

11th Nome.

12th Nome.

Deity: Anhur (Mars).

Capital: APU (Panopolis). Deity: Khim (Pan).
Capital: TEBU (Aphroditopolis).

Deity: Hor-mati.

Capital: SHAS-HOTEP (Hypselé). Deity: Khnum.
Capital: NI-ENT-BAK (Antæopolis).

Deities: Hor and Mati (Isis).

13th Nome. Capital: SIAUT (Lycopolis).

Deities: Ap-maten (Anubis) of the
South,' and Ha.

14th Nome. Capital: QORS, Qos (Cusæ).

Deity: Mat (Themis).

15th Nome. Capital: KHIMUNU (Hermopolis).

Deity: Thut (Hermes).

16th Nome. Capital: HIBONU (Hipponon). God: Hor. 17th Nome. Capital: QA SA (Cynônpolis).

God: Anup (Anubis).

18th Nome. Capital: HA-SUTEN (Alabastrônpolis).

God: Anup.

19th Nome. Capital: PI-MAZA (Oxyrhynchus).

God: Set (Typhon).

20th Nome. Capital: KHINENSU (Heracleopolis Magna). God: Khnum called Her-shaf.

21st Nome. Capital: SMEN-HOR (Ptolemais?). God: Khnum. 22nd Nome. Capital: TEP-AH (Aphroditopolis).

Deity: Hathor.

II. PATOMHIT (the North Country, Lower Egypt). 1st Nome. Capital: MEN-NOFER (Memphis).


Deities Ptah (Hephæstus) and

2nd Nome. Capital: SOKHEM (Letopolis). God: Hor(-uër).
3rd Nome. Capital: NI-ENT-HAPI (Apis).

Goddess: Senti (Hathor-Nub).

4th Nome. Capital: Zoq's (Canopus).

Deities: Amon-ra and Neit

5th Nome. Capital: SA (Saïs). Goddess: Neit.

6th Nome. Capital: KHESUU (Xoïs). God: Amon-ra. Capital: SONTI-NOFER (Metelis).

7th Nome.

Deities: He, Lord of the West,' and Isis.

8th Nome. Capital: THUкOT (Sethroë).

Deities: Tum (Helios) and Hathor.

9th Nome. Capital: PI-USIR (Busiris). God: Osiris.
10th Nome. Capital: HA-TA-HIR-AB (Athribis).

Deities: Hor-khont-khethi, and the
goddess Khut.

11th Nome. Capital: QA-HEBES (Cabasus). Deity: Isis. 12th Nome. Capital: THEB-NUTER (Sebennytus).

God: Anhur (Mars).

13th Nome. Capital: ANU (On, Heliopolis).

Deities: Hormakhu (Helios) and the goddess Iusas.

14th Nome. Capital: Zo'AN (Tanis).

Deities: Hor and the goddess

15th Nome. Capital: PI-THUT (Hermopolis).

Deities: Thut and the goddess Nohem-aui.

16th Nome. Capital: PI-BI-NEB-DAD (Mendes).

Deities Bi-neb-dad (Mendes) and the goddess Ha-mehit.

17th Nome. Capital: PI-KHUN-EN-AMON (Diospolis).

18th Nome.

[blocks in formation]

Capital: PI-BAST (Bubastus). Goddess: Bast. 19th Nome. Capital: PI-UTO (Buto). Goddess: Uto (Isis). 20th Nome. Capital: QOSEM (Phacussa).

God: Sapt, the Lord of the East.'

With regard to the geographical position of the respective Nomes, as they are determined, with a very few exceptions, in the order and arrangement denoted above, on the monuments alike of older and later times, I refer to the Maps appended to this work. These will also enable the reader to identify a number of cities and places in the old empire of the Pharaohs, which have been passed over in the above list of the Nomes and their capitals.




Those of my readers who may wish to undertake the task of comparing the numerous Egyptian names occurring in the foregoing work with the corresponding names in non-Egyptian sources of history, will perhaps thank me for placing before them a list of the characters of the Old Egyptian alphabet, representing their proper value and our mode of transcribing them. I must add the remark, that, for the sake of simplicity in printing, I have as much as possible avoided the method of expressing the particular force of the letters by those dots and marks, which now-a-days form part of the scientific apparatus of orthographical transcription. Even the professed scholar and student will find this no disadvantage, when he understands that I cite all names according to the values assigned in the following list.

[The English reader will find some variations in our text from Dr. Brugsch's mode of representing the characters. These are added to the list in brackets (). The only cases requiring special notice are:-(1) The German sch is replaced by our simpler notation of the sound, sh. (2) The hard ch (x) is changed to kh, a notation more usual with English Egyptologers, and avoiding the confusion with our common ch, a confusion, it is true, which ought not to be made, were GREEK retained in its proper place as the most essential part of a liberal education.—ED.]

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1 As a convenient distinction, and in accordance with custom, we use the pure u in ancient names, as Usurtasen, but the ou for the same sound in modern names, as Abou, Assouan, &c.-ED.

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