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Admiral CORRADI. The area cost factor for Rota, Spain, is ninetenths of the 1 which is standard for Washington, D.C.

Senator INOUYE. Please proceed, sir.

Admiral HULL. The next three line items are repetitive-photographic laboratory, aircraft maintenance hangar, and barracks.

Senator CANNON. Mr. Chairman. Did we authorize a hangar last year, Admiral Corradi?

Admiral CORRADI. It was not authorized, sir, but it was submitted by the Navy.

Senator CANNON. We took it out last year?

Admiral CORRADI. Yes, sir.

Senator CANNON. What do you have there now?


You have one big

Admiral CORRADI. There is one hangar there that is inadequate. Mr. Hanabury may be able to

Mr. HANABURY. We have one which you probably saw on a visit, plus two nose hangars, sir. That is the extent of the hangar facilities at Rota.

Senator CANNON. Is this one you are requesting about the size of the big hangar that you have there now?

Mr. HANABURY. Approximately, sir.

Senator CANNON. This is the same request that we denied last year. Admiral CORRADI. Yes, sir. This request has been made by the Navy for several years and has not yet achieved success.

Senator ÎNOUYE. I notice that this station is subjected to storm and winds of 35 to 60 miles per hour. Is there any other location in Spain that is suited for your mission?

Admiral CORRADI. I do not believe so, sir. The location of this naval station was determined after several years of investigation, and we believe it to be the location that best meets the overall requirements for a seaport and maritime air station.

Senator CANNON. We have a pretty expensive harbor there now. Admiral. CORRADI. Yes, sir. It is a harbor which we have created. Senator CANNON. Is the project to provide that breakwater protection finished now?

Admiral CORRADI. Sir, it is under construction.

Senator CANNON. Where you had the high winds?

Admiral CORRADI. Yes, sir. The southeast breakwater is under construction. I visited it within the last month, and it is proceeding nicely, sir; on schedule. As a matter of fact, it is a little ahead of schedule.

Senator INOUYE. Please proceed.

Admiral HULL. "MATS transient personnel facilities,” $553,000.

The seventh item is for construction of MATS transient personnel facilities at the estimated cost of $353,000. This station provides support to passengers carried by Military Air Transport Service (MATS). On the basis of experience, we have determined that a berthing faciliity to accommodate an average of 160 transient personnel for an average 4-day layover time is required. The station barracks and BOQ are already overcrowded. A new facility is needed for this purpose. This item will provide barracks spaces for 116 enlisted men and 22 BOQ spaces for 44 officers.

Senator INOUYE. I note that this item is described as being a semipermanent type of construction. What would be the estimated life of this construction?

Admiral CORRADI. With reasonable maintenance, Mr. Chairman, I would say that a 15-year life can be expected, and probably more. I believe it is described as semipermanent construction primarily because we are utilizing a type of construction which is economical in this area-hollow tile exterior walls which the Spanish use for temporary structures but which are pretty substantial. It is not unlike our concrete block.

Senator INOUYE. You mean semipermanent will stand for 15 years but a quonset will last for 25 years?

Admiral CORRADI. This is all relative with the amount you are willing to invest in maintaining it. With normal maintenance I would consider that this building would have a 15-year semipermanent life.

Senator INOUYE. How long would a permanent structure stand?

Admiral CORRADI. There again a permanent structure would be different, primarily from the standpoint of the cost of its maintenance. I think it would cost less to maintain for an equal length of time than this building. A permanent structure is designed for a 25year life, but it can be economically maintained for much longer than that. This building is designed for a 15-year life but would be expensive to maintain beyond that period.

Senator INOUYE. And in your determination of requests, do you consider these factors that you just described?

Admiral CORRADI. Yes, sir. We try to evaluate all of the factors. We have here an oversea base for which we do not have a 99-year lease or other permanent tenure of the land. Consequently we try to build to the requirement rather than build the best building we can.

Senator INOUYE. Please proceed, sir.

Senator Cannon?

Senator CANNON. Admiral, with respect to the need for this, why do you have this large a flow of MATS personnel through there? This is not a normal MATS stop, it is?

Admiral CORRADI. Yes, sir, it is.

Admiral HULL. Yes, sir; and this is one which has really been generated by experience. I do not believe that this would have been foreseen, but what has happened is that quite often for one reason or another people arrive at Rota. They have had to wait for another plane to continue their voyage or there has been some difficulty with the plane more often the first rather than the second-and there has been a scramble to find places for them to sleep at night. Over a period of years we have come to the realization that this is the only sensible way to handle this problem.

Senator CANNON. With the change in our reflex posture, would Torrejon not have quite an unused capability up there?

Admiral CORRADI. This particular facility is not really in competition, so to speak, with Torrejon. It supplements it. It meets a different requirement. The MÅTS flights go from Rota to Torrejon, but many of the passengers are generated on these flights due to the presence of the Navy deployed submarine squadrons.

Senator CANNON. In other words, this is a rotation point for some of your people that are involved in ship-type duty?

Admiral CORRADI. Rotation for the military personnel and their families, sometimes.

Senator CANNON. And that is where some of this MATS load comes from?

Admiral CORRADI. Yes, sir.

Admiral HULL. Yes, sir; this is the oversea terminal for MATS at the eastern end of the Atlantic. Some will go to Torrejon from here, some may go to Naples, some may go to Frankfurt. That last is probably unlikely.

Senator CANNON. This is fairly new, serving as a terminal point. so far as MATS is concerned.

Admiral HULL. This has been going on for about 2 years, and the same of course is true the other way. People come into Rota from different places in Europe to get a ride back to the States and have to wait there for their transatlantic flight.

Senator CANNON. All right, sir.

Admiral HULL. Dependent schools, $770,000.

The eighth item is for construction of dependent schools at the estimated cost of $770,000.

Mr. Chairman, we have a reduction in that amount to $525,000. The number of children has gotten a little bit ahead of us, and an urgent minor construction project has been approved for building a wing onto the existing school to take care of the situation next fall. Otherwise, we would find ourselves with 100 percent overcrowding. The total project remains the same. We simply decrease this line item to compensate for the minor construction project.

The existing elementary and secondary school buildings have a normal capacity of 750 students. The 1,066 dependent students on this station in 1964 were accommodated by utilizing substandard facilities and by eliminating shop subjects and certain economics courses. The estimated student population of the station will increase to 1,500 in fiscal year 1966 and will make the classroom shortage even more acute. This item will provide elementary and secondard school buildings to accommodate 750 additional students to eliminate the deficiency. Senator INOUYE. In your construction of school buildings, do you confer with school authorities here at HEW?

Admiral CORRADI. Indirectly, sir. There is a Department of Defense office that does this, and prescribes our standards and our criteria for us. This is all coordinated at the Secretary of Defense level.

Senator INOUYE. How will your school building compare with, say the average school building in this?

Admiral CORRADI. I would say that they would compare with space allocations and instructional aids. The nature of the construction might not be quite as permanent or as elaborate. We try to use pre

fabricated buildings, for example, or modular buildings that can be easily readjusted if necessary.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Jackson, any questions?
Senator JACKSON. No, Mr. Chairman. Thank you.

Senator INOUYE. Please proceed, Admiral.

Admiral HULL. Water storage tank, $100,000.

The final item is for construction of a water storage tank at the estimated cost of $100,000. The existing water storage capacity is 2.5 million gallons which is marginal to meet a 1-day peak demand.

The station water source is distantly located and is not under U.S. control. A reserve water supply to last at least 2 days should be kept in storage to meet normal domestic and industrial demands and provide an adequate firefighting capability. This item will provide a 2million-gallon tank and necessary pumping equipment.

Senator INOUYE. Admiral, I note that all your construction has been semipermanent because of the uncertainty of tenure, but this one is permanent. How do you explain that?

Admiral CORRADI. This is an underground concrete tank, and it is just hard to make it temporary, Mr. Chairman.

Senator INOUYE. I just wanted that for the record.

Please proceed, Admiral.

Admiral HULL. Our next group, Mr. Chairman, is supply facilities outside the United States.




Supply facilities outside the United States consist of a single line item for $120,000.

Senator INOUYE. What is the building cost index in this area?

Admiral CORRADI. 1.0, sir.

Admiral HULL. This item, at the naval supply depot, Subic Bay, Republic of the Philippines, is for air conditioning the entire administration building. The air conditioning is required to provide proper temperature and humidity control and dust-free spaces for the electronic accounting machines (EAM) utilized by the administrative department of the depot.

Unlike many administrative buildings of its size, this two-story modified Butler-type structure has no open court which will provide cross ventilation. Room temperatures range from 80° F to 92° F., with relative humidities ranging up to 87 percent. Under these conditions the cards fed to the electronic accounting machines swell and jam the machines. To insure the proper atmosphere for the efficient operation of the EAM machines, room temperatures and humidity should not exceed 80° and 50 percent, respectively.

With the installation of air conditioning, proper temperature, humidity and dust control can be maintained with a resultant increase in the productivity of the EAM machines and efficiency of operating


The value of the equipment to be protected by this

construction is $325,000.

Senator INOUYE. Please proceed, sir.

Admiral HULL. The Marines are next.


Senator INOUYE. We are delighted to have you back again, sir.
General TYLER. Thank you, sir.



The one oversea ground Marine Corps project is outlined on pages 124 and 124(a) of the program book. It consists of 11 line items, totaling $1 million, located in four camps on Okinawa. This construction is a continuation of a program to replace typhoon-ravaged quonset huts and Butler-type buildings, many of which were erected by the Army soon after World War II and to provide necessary operational supporting type facilities at Camp Courtney, Camp Hansen, Camp Schwab, and Camp Sukiran. These facilities are urgently required in support of a combat-ready Fleet Marine Force Division.



The first line item in this project, at an estimated cost of $128,000, is required to provide a 25-meter combat training tank at Camp Courtney. There are no training tanks at Camp Courtney to serve the military population of 1,219 enlisted marines and 200 officers. An adequate water survival program conducted under proper supervision is a continuing requirement throughout the Marine Corps.

During recruit training, marines are taught swimming, lifesaving techniques, and emergency evacuation procedures. Periodically, marines are required to demonstrate their continued proficiency in these skills. Training tanks are especially designed to accommodate emergency evacuation training which requires a greater depth of water than recreational type pools provide. Marines at Camp McTureous and the Seabee alert battalion in Hague-Kinser could also be given limited water survival instruction in the proposed facility.

Senator INOUYE. General, before proceeding, a few moments ago the House of Representatives passed the request of the President by an overwhelming vote, 407 to 7, and I would asssume that some time today or early tomorrow the Senate will do likewise. My question is, will the $700 million appropriation in any way affect these items in Okinawa?

General TYLER. No, sir.

Admiral CORRADI. There are no Okinawa items on the list.

Senator INOUYE. We were told that some of the moneys will be spent there.

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