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Diego, and Roosevelt Roads. The proposed items at Newport and San Diego will replace deteriorated, temporary facilities. At Roosevelt Roads the proposed item will relieve a shortage of BOQ facilities. The three line items will provide a total of 260 spaces for bachelor officers.


The next group consists of two line items for a commissioned officers' mess (closed) at the Naval Stations, Long Beach and Newport. These facilities provide meal service to officers who live in the adjacent BOQ's and are comparable to the messhalls for enlisted men. At both locations the proposed items will replace the present deteriorated, temporary facilities at Long Beach by construction of an addition to the existing BOQ, and at Newport by construction of a separate building.


The 45th group of repetitive line items is for construction of a fire station at the Naval Station, Roosevelt Roads and at the Camp Schwab area of the main Marine Corps Base of Camp Butler. The proposed facilities will replace the temporary facilities now in use. They will be centrally located to permit rapid response to alarms of fires in station buildings. They include space for garaging fire trucks, for drying hose, and for berthing and messing the fire crews.


The next group also includes two line items. They are for construction of a chapel and an annex for Sunday school for the Air Station at Fallon and the Radio Station at Sabana Seca. Both locations are isolated and require chapel facilities onstation to provide religious services to the assigned military personnel and their dependents. The Fallon chapel will have 150 seats and will replace the remotely sited, deteriorated, temporary building now used for the purpose. The Sabana Seca chapel will have 200 seats. The present facility, a converted ammunition facility, will be used for Sunday school services.

Senator INOUYE. Will these items include educational buildings?
Admiral HULL. The Sunday school; yes, sir.
Senator INOUYE. Next group, please.


Admiral HULL. The next group consists of three line items for construction of a recreation building. These will be at the Horno area and the San Mateo area of the Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, and at the Naval Construction Battalion Center, Davisville. These facilities include gameroom, TV room, lounge, and snack bar and, at the two Camp Pendleton areas, library rooms. The three activities now utilize spaces in barracks for these purposes which will be restored to their designed use for berthing enlisting men. At each of the Horno and San Mateo areas three recreation buildings will be constructed. At Davisville space in a warehouse will be converted to a recreation facility.

Senator INOUYE. On my inspection tours I have seen that most of these barracks do have facilities such as TV room lounge. Do these new barracks provide for these facilities?

Admiral CORRADI. Our standard plan for a new barracks building does provide a room where the occupants can sit and watch TV or just sit and read, so we are providing this in the new buildings; yes,

Senator INOUYE. But this will not be adequate.

Admiral CORRADI. Where we have a new barracks construction program, small lounges will be provided in the buildings. Through the construction of these three recreation buildings, we are attempting to take care of an existing deficiency where we do not have the space for this type of recreation available.

Senator INOUYE. Proceed to group 48, please.


Admiral HULL. The next group of repetitive line items is for construction of theaters, 1 with 1,500 seats, in the division area of the MCB, Camp Pendleton, and the other, at the MCBC, Davisville, with 500 seats. A theater is desirable at these isolated installations to provide entertainment in the form of movies and stage shows for the large number of assigned military personnel and their dependents. The theaters are also needed for indoor ceremonies, lectures, and presentations. Camp Pendleton now has four small theaters. They are in deteriorated, temporary wood-frame buildings which will be demolished upon completion of the proposed consolidated new structure. There is no theater in the Davisville-Quonset Point Naval Complex. The nearest commercial theater is in East Greenwich, 4 miles distant, but limited bus service restricts patronage to those with access to private transportation.

Senator INOUYE. What sort of utilization will you have of these theaters from your past experience? I ask this because I note that many of our commercial moviehouses are now suffering from lack of business. I notice you have a 1,500-seat movie house here.

Admiral HULL. If I may take the next one first, sir, Admiral Corradi is also the sponsor of it. May I ask him to answer that, and then I can ask Colonel Low to talk about his at Cape Pendleton.

Admiral CORRADI. With respect to most of these service theaters, I believe we get very good patronage at places like Pendleton or Davisville which are training bases. Many of the men aboard are not there with their families. The opportunity for their getting off the base and having wholesome recreation is limited, and they do patronize these base theaters. We are providing this theater at Davisville primarily because the use of a gymnasium at Quonset Point to show films has proven to be unsatisfactory because we can't take care of the crowd. With respect to Camp Pendleton, I am sure that they have a similar situation.

Colonel Low. Yes, sir. At Camp Pendleton, by virtue of the great distances. Right now there are 11 theaters of temporary construction, some of them quite badly deteriorated. In fact, the theater that we are requesting will replace four. These theaters receive a tremendous amount of patronage because most of the men that are stationed there do not have vehicles, cannot go to other areas.

We are requesting a theater of this size because by virtue of our location close to Los Angeles, we would be able to get better shows on station by having a theater of this size with the stage there. This does not satisfy our complete deficiency at Pendleton, but it will provide an adequate facility.

Also, this gives Pendleton one large area for command ceremonies in inclement weather-large unit presentations and so forth.

Senator INOUYE. Would this request also include the necessary equipment such as projectors and what have you, or is that coming under

Admiral CORRADI. Built-in equipment is provided, but projectors would not be. They would be provided from other sources.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Brewster?

Senator BREWSTER. Admiral, are these theaters used for training purposes either with film or lecture-type training?

Admiral CORRADI. Yes, sir, and I am happy that you asked the question. I neglected to mention this in describing the need for the theater. As I mentioned, both of these areas are training areas, and the availability of a theater on the base permits its use during the day to assemble large groups of trainees and to give them indoctrination talks, addresses by their unit commanders.

Senator BREWSTER. For instance, at Davisville is there a very similar auditorium or a hall where the commanding officer or lecturer could assemble his people under cover and carry on instruction?

Admiral CORRADI. No, sir. He has done this at times in a drill hall but I know of no place that is available where he could gather 300 or 400 enlisted personnel and seat them.

Senator BREWSTER. So as well as recreational use, the theaters provide a very useful training aid and facility?

Admiral CORRADI. Yes, sir.

Senator INOUYE. Thank you very much. Group 49, please.


Admiral HULL. The 49th group of repetitive line items is for construction of commissioned officers mess (open) at two oversea activities-the Naval Air Station, Cubi Point, in the Philippines, and the Naval Station, Roosevelt Roads. These facilities, comparable to enlisted men's clubs, are needed to provide space for officers to dine and relax during off-duty hours at reasonable costs in these isolated locations. They will be patronized by officers from inport ships and by station officers and their families. At both locations improvised facilities are in use to meet the needs at Cubi Point, quonset huts and a pipe-frame structure; and at Roosevelt Roads, a former enlisted men's barracks. At both places, the facilities are too small and unsuitable for the requirements.

Senator INOUYE. How many people will these open messes accomodate?

Admiral CORRADI. I had occasion recently to visit Cubi Point. One evening I dropped into the present facility, and there were about 250 officers there in an extremely overcrowded, almost an unhealthy environment. The pie-frame shelter that Admiral Hull described is quite low. The ceiling is a very flammable material.

I was a little bit shocked at the fire hazard involved. So I think that the replacement of this facility for the recreation of officers, not only those who are stationed at Cubi Point but those who are in the deployed ships and aircraft from the 7th Fleet, will be a very desirable and necessary product for them.

The proposed officers mess at Cubi would accommodate about 500 officers.

Senator INOUYE. Senator Brewster.

Senator BREWSTER. Admiral, in many bases I have visited, the commanding officers pointed with pride to the officers mess and stated it was built entirely with nonappropriated funds What is the policy between appropriating for officers messes and building them out of nonappropriated funds that are accumulated through activities that are carried on in some existing structure?

Admiral HULL. The Secretary of the Navy has recently spoken on this particular subject, sir. It is his policy, and the policy of the Department of Defense, that recreation facilities, the construction of facilities for recreation and the maintenance of these facilities should come from appropriated funds.

Now the funds that are generated inside the activities pay for the staffing and the operation of them. But basically it is the responsibility of the Government to provide the funds to build and maintain these buildings.

We do have access to nonappropriated funds, and in the past we have used them for this purpose. The Secretary has made clear that this should not be done except where it is abundantly clear that other priority requirements would not permit the use of appropriated funds for the purpose.

If I may expand on this a bit, sir, our funds are particularly limited now in this area, because within the last few years we have been required to support our motion picture program for the ships at sea entirely from our nonappropriated funds This takes around half of our available money.

We feel that recreation at sea for the sailor is principally the evening movie, as I am sure you know if you have been to sea with us, and we just don't think that we should charge them a dime or a quarter or anything for this. And we don't.

Up until quite recently these were paid for fro mappropriated funds. This source is no longer available to us, and so this is where at least half of our nonappropriated income goes.

Senator BREWSTER. Are nonappropriated funds in the Navy collected centrally or are they held at the base where they are accumulated and utilized at that base?

Admiral HULL. Both. They are of course accumulated locally from the profits of exchanges and so on. There is a formula which provides that a certain percentage will go to the local command recreation fund, and the remainder goes to the central recreation fund in the Bureau of Naval Personnel.

Senator BREWSTER. Thank you.

Senator INOUYE. Shall we go to the last repetitive item?


Admiral HULL. The final group of repetitive-type items consists of two items for construction of a "chief petty officers mess (open)" at the Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, and the Naval Station, Roosevelt Roads. The purpose of these items is similar to that of the preceding group, to provide space for the wholesome recreation during offduty hours at reasonable costs to the CPO's from inport ships and from the station and their dependents. The Quonset Point CPO's now use improvised, too-small small space in a wing of a mess hall at the NCBC at Davisville, 5 miles distant. The Roosevelt Roads CPO's also use improvised space for their club facilities in two small, sub

standard former Army barracks buildings which will be demolished upon completion of the proposed item.

Senator INOUYE. The chairman has requested that these repetitive items be listed for the record in order of priority, if we may have that for the record, sir.

Admiral HULL. Does that mean within each group, sir?

Senator INOUYE. Yes, sir.

(The addition submitted follows:)

Navy's fiscal year 1966 military construction program repetitive type line items priority list for each category

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