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Now, the $1,000 increase on line item 7-17, rather, for Senate policy committees, is $500 for each of these committees for that top man, $22,945 for the full year.


Senator MONRONEY. All right. Now, automobiles, maintenance.
Do you have a list of the automobiles that we are supplying?
Mr. BRENKWORTH. No, sir; I do not.

Senator MONRONEY. Let us put that in the record.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. The Sergeant at Arms handles that. I am sure Mr. Cheatham can get that information.

Mr. CHEATHAM. I will be glad to, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. There is a lot of discussion about how many cars we are furnishing. This is $42,540 a year.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. That is not for that, sir. The automobile maintenance, $42,540 is for the Vice President, the President pro tem, and two majority leaders. There are four vehicles involved in that.

Senator MONRONEY. That is $42,540? Where does the other come in?


Mr. CHEATHAM. Under mail transportation, which is administered by the Sergeant at Arms.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. $16,560.

Senator MONRONEY. Where are the drivers for these listed, then? The $42,540-let us get this on the record-the $42,540 includes automobiles and maintenance. Does it include the chauffeurs?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. Yes, sir; it does.

Senator MONRONEY. That is complete.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. Four chauffeurs involved here.

Senator MONRONEY. That is for the two majority leaders.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. And the President pro tem, and the Vice President. Each of the cars has a chauffeur, and the salaries are paid from this appropriation.

Senator MONRONEY. Then we want a complete listing of all the cars furnished by the Senate to other officers of the Senate.

Mr. CHEATHAM. Under the mail transportation only?

Senator MONRONEY. All cars furnished-if they are under some other account, I want those. Is there another account where some cars are charged?

Mr. CHEATHAM. No, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. Well, I want the whole thing.


Mr. BRENKWORTH. There are only two appropriations involving automobiles-line 18, automobiles and maintenance for the four officers of the Senate, the second is item 22, mail transportation, $16,560. There are no chauffeurs involved in that. No drivers at all.


Senator MONRONEY. Are there any genuine mailtrucks that are involved in this one?

Mr. CHEATHAM. Yes, sir; there are. There are three passenger vehicles used only for mail and trucks which haul mail. We will list those, too.

Senator MONRONEY. And those are exclusive-those will be the ones that are exclusively

Mr. CHEATHAM. The trucks are not exclusively for mail. Many other Senate items are hauled such as supplies, equipment and furni


Senator MONRONEY. I am trying to get the difference between the trucks and the passenger cars.

Mr. CHEATHAM. The list will explain the body type, size, and the capacity.

(The information requested follows:)


Financed from the appropriation entitled "Automobiles and Maintenance"

Vice President: 1 Lincoln limousine and chauffeur, leased.

President pro tempore: 1 Lincoln limousine and chauffeur, leased.
Majority leader: 1 Cadillac limousine and chauffeur, leased.

Minority leader: 1 Cadillac limousine and chauffeur, leased.


Office of the Secretary: 1 Lincoln and chauffeur, leased; 1 Chevrolet, purchased.

Disbursing Office: 1 Mercury, leased.

Office of the Sergeant at Arms: 1 Cadillac limousine and chauffeur, purchased; 1 Lincoln without driver, leased.

Deputy Sergeant at Arms: 1 Mercury without driver, leased.

Office of the Secretary to the Majority: 1 Mercury without driver, leased.
Office of the Secretary to the Minority: 1 Mercury without driver, leased.
Office of Attending Physician: 1 Lincoln and chauffeur, leased.

Senate Post Office, (exclusively for mail): 3 Chevrolet Tudor sedans, purchased.

Office of the Sergeant at Arms: 1 1-ton van truck; 1 2-ton pickup truck; 1 1⁄2-ton pickup truck.

(The one 1-ton truck has a driver and helper, financed from another appropriation but the other two trucks are not manned except with a janitor to drive when actually in use.)


Senator SALTONSTALL. Mr. Brenkworth, how many cars are leased today?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. A number of them are.

Senator SALTONSTALL. You pay $600, do you not?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. For Mercuries, $600. For Continentals, I think it is $750.

Senator SALTONSTALL. The cars of the Vice President, the President pro tem, and the two leaders-those four cars are leased?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. That is right.

Senator SALTONSTALL. Are there any others leased?

Senator PROXMIRE. Do the two whips have cars or not?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. No sir; they do not. Just four vehicles.

Senator SALTONSTALL. What is that?

Senator PROXMIRE. I thought the two whips-I thought the majority and minority whips had their own limousines. But I am wrong. Mr. Humphrey had one when he was a whip.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. I would not know anything about that, sir. Senator SALTONSTALL. In addition, Dr. Calver has an automobile, has he not?

Mr. BRENK WORTH. I am not familiar with that, Senator.

Mr. CHEATHAM. That will be on the Sergeant at Arms' list.
Senator SALTONSTALL. Is that car owned or leased?

Mr. CHEATHAM. I will have to check that, Senator. I am not sure.

I think it is leased.

Senator MONRONEY. As I recall, it is a leased vehicle.

Senator SALTONSTALL. Is that lease situation working out satisfactorily?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. Yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. All right. You may proceed.


Mr. BRENKWORTH. The next item is expenses for inquiries and investigations.

Senator MONRONEY. What is that, 23?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. Twenty, Senator. The $100,000 increase here is the restoration of the reduction made last year. This represents the full year need.

Senator MONRONEY. This is the special money that is voted at the start of the year to the committees, expenses for special investigations and so on.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. Yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. This should probably be converted to a permanent staffing pattern of the committees, because these special investigations have become rather permanent institutions around here. Mr. BRENKWORTH. I am afraid that is true, Senator.


The next item we have is a minus item on folding documents. We have a full year increase of $325 for the pay bill, which was effective by the order of the Sergeant at Arms on August 16. The pay bill itself increased the limitation. Mr. Duke put these increases into effect. This is less than a full year. So our 1965 need was less than a full year need. However we are now operating on a full year basis, for an increase of $325. This is offset by the 1965 deficiency of $8,000 that was granted, 1 year only, to a net reduction in this appropriation of $7,675.


The next item is line item 23-decrease-$4,660.

Senator MONRONEY. What is this miscellaneous? Let us have a breakdown on that.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. All right, sir.

The breakdown on miscellaneous items appropriation, which is a general appropriation, is resolution payroll

Senator MONRONEY. I thought the resolution payroll was just expenses in inquiries and investigations, $4,777,000.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. No, sir. Those are general investigations authorized. These are positions authorized for the majority leader, the minority leader, for standing committees, in addition to the ones authorized by the reorganization act.

Senator MONRONEY. What is the difference between 20 and 23, then? Expenses, inquiries, and investigations, $4,777,000.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. That appropriation is to cover the investigations ordered by the Senate by resolution, where the Senate authorizes a certain committee to conduct an investigation

Senator MONRONEY. That is No. 20. That is what comes about at the beginning of every session. The chairmen go down in the well and they receive a $200,000 request and so on. Those are voted.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. That is right.

Senator MONRONEY. That is No. 20. But I do not see where the miscellaneous items come in.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. Under item 23, the resolution payroll, authorized by Senate resolutions, a research assistant to the majority leader and one for the minority leader, a clerk to the majority leader and one to the minority leader, permanently authorized for standing committees, three professional


Senator MONRONEY. How much permanently authorized for standing committees?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. Without time limitation. In other words, the resolution, when it was agreed to by the Senate, authorized them to employ these people from now on.

Senator SALTONSTALL. That would be the Appropriations Committee, the Armed Services Committee, and so on?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. No, sir, Foreign Relations, Government Operations, Judiciary, Labor and Public Welfare, and Rules.

Senator MONRONEY. These are additional employees-how many? Mr. BRENKWORTH. We have three professional staff members and three clerical assistants for the Committee on Foreign Relations; one professional staff member for the Committee on Government Operations.

Senator MONRONEY. That is in addition to the three professional staff members above.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. That is correct.

Senator BARTLETT. Is this an item of $2,600,000?

Senator MONRONEY. $2,779,000.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. $2,779,015. The Judiciary Committee has two professional staff members, three clerical assistants authorized.

Senator MONRONEY. I think it would be better, to make the record complete, to have the charges that go into line item 20 by the title of the jobs.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. All right, sir.
(The information requested follows:)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

PSM, S. Res. 30, Feb. 2, 1959.
PSM, S. Res. 30, Feb. 2, 1959-
PSM, S. Res. 247, Feb. 7, 1962-
CA, S. Res. 30, Feb. 2, 1959.
CA, S. Res. 30, Feb. 2, 1959.
CA, S. Res. 30, Feb. 2, 1959
PSM, S. Res. 355, Aug. 18, 1958-
PSM, S. Res. 66, Feb. 17, 1949-
PSM, S. Res. 66, Feb. 17, 1949.
CA, S. Res. 66, Feb. 17, 1949.
CA, S. Res. 66, Feb. 17, 1949.
CA, S. Res. 66, Feb. 17, 1949.
PSM, S. Res. 253, Feb. 10, 1964.
PSM, S. Res. 342, July 28, 1958.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

PSM, S. Res. 60 Feb. 8, 1965

L. & P.W.

NTE 8,040

ACC, S. Res. 60 Feb. 8 1965.

L. & P.W.

NTE 8,040

20, 852.89

CA, S. Res. 60

Feb. 8, 1965_

L. & P.W.

NTE 3,720


CA, S. Res. 60

Feb. 8, 1965.

L. & P.W.

NTE 3,720


CA, S. Res. 60

Feb. 8, 1965_

L. & P.W.

NTE 3,720


CA, S. Res. 60

Feb. 8, 1965_

L. & P.W.

NTE 3,720


[blocks in formation]

NTE 3,720


L. & P.W

NTE 3,720


L. & P.W.

NTE 3,720


L. & P.W

NTE 3,720


L. & P.W.

NTE 3,720


P.O. & C.S.

NTE 3,720



Senator MONRONEY. And the same thing for line item 23, the titles of the jobs. Sooner or later we are going to have to convert this haphazard, multiple-account system into straight compensation and acknowledge that it cost more to pay these men at $22,945 than it did at $8,000 a year when the Reorganization Act was passed.

Senator PROXMIRE. Why do you have the separation? Why do you have part of the staff

Mr. BRENKWORTH. These are authorized by resolution to be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate.


Senator MONRONEY. It does not have to be that way. It is just the way it has been done, and I do not think it is the proper way of handling it. To keep the books to reflect exactly what has happenedboth of these accounts, as I understand it, 20 and 23, actually are subsidiary accounts.

Mr. BRENKWORTH. Yes, sir.

Senator MONRONEY. And they ought to be incorporated under one account, because it does not do any good to have three accounts to relate to one type of work.

Senator PROXMIRE. Eight, twenty, and twenty-three are all the same category?

Mr. BRENKWORTH. With this exception, Senator. Item eight represents certain salaries only. It is part of a salary only appropriation.

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