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wet wood will do, when it is cast into the fire. Thence are we said, in pursuance of the same metaphor, avalwπvpeīv, to stir up with new fire' the gifts that are in us. The Holy Ghost is striving with us, acting in us, moving variously for our growth in grace, and bringing forth fruit meet for the principle he hath endued us withal. Take heed, saith the apostle, lest by the power of your lusts and temptations, you attend not to his workings, but hinder him in his goodwill towards you; that is, what in you lieth.


This then is the second general rule for our communion with the Holy Ghost. It respects his gracious operations in us, and by us. There are several and various ways whereby the Holy Ghost is said to act, exert, and put forth his power in us; partly by moving upon and stirring up the grace we have received; partly by new supplies of grace from Jesus Christ, falling in with occasions for their exercise, raising good motions immediately, or occasionally within us, all tending to our furtherance in obedience, and walking with God. All these are we carefully to observe and take notice of. Consider the fountain, whence they come, and the end which they lead us unto; hence have we communion with the Holy Ghost, when we can consider him by faith as the immediate author of all supplies, assistances, and the whole relief we have by grace, of all good actings, risings, motions in our hearts, of all strivings and contendings against sin. When we consider, I say, all these his actings and workings in their tendency to our consolation, and on that account are careful and watchful to improve them all to the end aimed at, as coming from him, who is so loving, and kind, and tender to us, we have communion with him.

This is that which is intended. Every gracious acting of the blessed Spirit in and towards our souls, is constantly by faith to be considered as coming from him in a peculiar manner; his mind, his good-will, is to be observed therein. Hence care and diligence for the improvement of every motion of his will arise, thence reverence of his presence with us, with due spiritual regard to his holiness doth ensue, and our souls are wonted to intercourse with him.

(3.) The third caution concerns him, and his work, in the dispensation of that great ordinance of the word. Stephen

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tells the Jews, Acts vii. 51. that they resisted the Holy Ghost.' How did they do it? Why as their fathers did it. 'As your fathers did, so do ye.' How did their fathers resist the Holy Ghost? ver. 52. 'They persecuted the prophets and slew them;' their opposition to the prophets in preaching the gospel, or their shewing of the coming of the Just One, was their resisting of the Holy Ghost. Now the Holy Ghost is said to be resisted in the contempt of the preaching of the word, because the gift of preaching of it is from him. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to profit.' Hence, when our Saviour promiseth the Spirit to his disciples, to be present with them for the conviction of the world, he tells them he will give them a mouth and wisdom, which their adversaries shall not be able to gainsay, nor resist; Luke xx. 16. concerning which in the accomplishment of it in Stephen, it is said that they were not able to resist the Spirit by which he spake;' Acts vi. 10. The Holy Ghost then setting up a ministry in the church, separating men thereto, furnishing them with gifts and abilities for the dispensation of the word; the not obeying of that word, opposing of it, not falling down before it, is called resisting of the Holy Ghost. This, in the examples of the wickedness of others, are we cautioned against. And this inwraps the third general rule of our communion with the Holy Ghost; in the dispensation of the word of the gospel, the authority, wisdom, and goodness of the Holy Ghost, in furnishing men with gifts for that end and purpose, and his presence with them, as to the virtue thereof, is to be eyed; and subjection given unto it on that account. On this reason, I say, on this ground, is obedience to be yielded to the word, in the ministerial dispensation thereof; because the Holy Ghost, and he alone, doth furnish with gifts to that end and purpose. When this consideration causeth us to fall low before the word, then have we communion with the Holy Ghost in that ordinance. But this is commonly spoken


1 Cor. xii. 7.


Particular directions for communion with the Holy Ghost.

BEFORE I name particular directions for our communion with the Holy Ghost, I must premise some cautions, as far as the directions to be given concerning his worship.

First, The Divine Nature is the reason and cause of all worship; so that it is impossible to worship any one person, and not worship the whole Trinity. It is, and that not without ground, denied by the schoolmen, that the formal reason and object of divine worship, is in the persons precisely considered; that is under the formally constitutive reason of their personality, which is their relation to each other. But this belongs to the divine nature and essence, and to their distinct persons as they are identified with the essence itself. Hence is that way of praying to the Trinity, by the repetition of the same petition to the several persons (as in the Litany) groundless, if not impious. It supposeth that one person is worshipped and not another, when each person is worshipped as God, and each person is so. As though we first should desire one thing of the Father, and be heard and granted by him, then ask the same thing of the Son, and so of the Holy Ghost; and so act as to the same thing three distinct acts of worship, and expect to be heard and have the same thing granted three times distinctly, when all the works of the Trinity ad extra, are indivisible.

The proper and peculiar object of divine worship and invocation, is the essence of God in its infinite excellency, dignity, majesty, and its causality as the first sovereign cause of all things. Now this is common to all the three persons, and is proper to each of them; not formally, as a person, but as God blessed for ever. All adoration respects that which is common to all: so that in each act of adoration and worship, all are adored and worshipped. The creatures worship their Creator; and a man, him in whose image he was created, viz. him from whom descendeth every good and perfect gift;' all this describing God, as God. Hence,

Secondly, When we begin our prayers to God the Father, and end them in the name of Jesus Christ; yet the

Son is no less invocated and worshipped in the beginning than the Father, though he be peculiarly mentioned as mediator in the close; not as Son to himself, but as mediator to the whole Trinity, or God in Trinity. But in the invocation of God the Father, we invocate every person, because we invocate the Father as God, every person being so.

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Thirdly, In that heavenly directory which we have, Eph. ii. 18. this whole business is declared: our access in our worship is said to be to the Father ;' and this through Christ, or his mediation by the Spirit, or his assistance. Here is a distinction of the persons, as to their operations; but not at all as to their being the object of our worship. For the Son and the Holy Ghost are no less worshipped in our access to God, than the Father himself. Only the grace of the Father, which we obtain by the mediation of the Son, and the assistance of the Spirit, is that which we draw nigh to God for. So that when by the distinct dispensation of the Trinity, and every person, we are led to worship, that is, to act faith on, or invocate any person, we do herein worship the whole Trinity, and every person, by what name soever, of Father, Son, or Holy Ghost, we invocate him. So that this is to be observed in this whole matter; that when any work of the Holy Ghost (or any other person), which is appropriated to him (we never exclude the concurrence of other persons), draws us to the worship of him; yet he is not worshipped exclusively, but the whole Godhead is worshipped.

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Fourthly, These cautions being premised, I say, that we are distinctly to worship the Holy Ghost. As it is in the case of faith, in respect of the Father and the Son, John xiv. 1. Believe in God, believe also in me.' This extends itself no less to the Holy Ghost. Christ called the disciples for the acting of faith on him, he being upon the accomplishment of the great work of his mediation; and the Holy Ghost, now carrying on the work of his delegation, requireth the same. And to the same purpose are their distinct operations mentioned. My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.' Now as the formal reason of the worship of the Son, is not his mediation, but his being God, his mediation being a powerful motive thereto; so the formal reason of our worshipping the Holy Ghost, is not his being our comforter, but

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his being God, yet his being our comforter is a powerful motive thereunto.

This is the sum of the first direction. The grace, actings, love, effects of the Holy Ghost, as he is our comforter, ought to stir us up, and provoke us to love, worship, believe in, and invocate him: though all this being directed to him as God, is no less directed, on that account, to the other persons than to him; only by the fruits of his love towards us, are we stirred up unto it.

These things being presupposed, let the saints learn to act faith distinctly on the Holy Ghost, as the immediate efficient cause of all the good things mentioned. Faith, I say, to believe in him; and faith in all things to believe him, and to yield obedience to him. Faith, not imagination. The distinction of the persons in the Trinity is not to be fancied, but believed. So then, the Scripture so fully, frequently, clearly, distinctly ascribing the things we have been speaking of, to the immediate efficiency of the Holy Ghost, faith closeth with him, in the truth revealed, and peculiarly regards him, worships him, serves him, waits for him, prayeth to him, praiseth him; all these things, I say, the saints do in faith. The person of the Holy Ghost, revealing itself in these operations and effects, is the peculiar object of our worship. Therefore, when he ought to be peculiarly honoured, and is not, he is peculiarly sinned against; Acts v. 2. Ananias is said to lie the Holy Ghost; not to God; which being taken essentially, would denote the whole Trinity; but peculiarly to the Holy Ghost. Him he was to have honoured peculiarly, in that especial gift of his, which he made profession of: not doing it, he sinned peculiarly against him. But this must be a little farther branched into particulars.

1. Let us then lay weight on every effect of the Holy Ghost, in any of the particulars before-mentioned, on this account, that they are acts of his love and power towards us. This faith will do that takes notice of his kindness in all things. Frequently he performs, in sundry particulars, the office of a comforter towards us, and we are not thoroughly comforted; we take no notice at all of what he doth. Then is he grieved. Of those who do receive and own the consolation he tenders and administers, how few are there that

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