REORGANIZATION PLAN NO. 2 OF 1953 JUN 1 1953 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON REORGANIZATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE EIGHTY-THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953 AND S. Res. 100-Disapproving Reorganization 33461 MAY 12, 13, AND 18, 1953 Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Operations UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1953 KARL E. MUNDT, South Dakota JOHN MARSHALL BUTLER, Maryland JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, Arkansas WALTER L. REYNOLDS, Chief Clerk and Staff Director SUBCOMMITTEE ON REORGANIZATION MARGARET CHASE SMITH, Maine, Chairman HENRY C. DWORSHAK, Idaho II CLYDE R. HOEY, North Carolina CONTENTS Message from the President of the United States, transmitting Reorganiza- tion Plan No. 2 of 1953, prepared in accordance with the Reorganization Act of 1949, as amended, and providing for reorganizations in the De- partment of Agriculture (H. Doc. No. 111, 83d Cong., 1st sess.) Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953. Senate Resolution 100, disapproving Plan No. 2 of 1953- Senate Committee on Government Operations staff memorandum No. Letter from Hon. Herbert Hoover, former President of the United States, and former Chairman of the Commission on Organization of the Execu- tive Branch of the Government, to Senator Margaret Chase Smith, May Statement of Hon. Herbert Hoover, in compliance with the request of Senate Committee on Government Operations, upon the President's Plan No. 2 of 1953 for the Department of Agriculture.. Letter from Senator Lester C. Hunt to Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Letter from Senator A. Willis Robertson to Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Public Law 109 (81st Cong.), Reorganization Act of 1949- Public Law 3 (83d Cong.), amendment to Reorganization Act of 1949- 356 67896 2 337 Aiken, Hon. George D., a United States Senator from the State of 107 Anderson, Hon. Clinton P., a United States Senator from the State of Benson, Hon. Ezra Taft, Secretary of Agriculture; accompanied by Ralph S. Roberts, Director of Finance; Karl D. Loos, Solicitor; Reed Frishknecht, Office of the Secretary; and John Thurston, Office Brinkley, Homer L., executive vice president, National Council of Dodge, Joseph M., Director, Bureau of the Budget (as read by William Holter, Edward F., member, agricultural committee of the Citizens Hope, Hon. Clifford R., a Representative in Congress from the State Johnston, Hon. Olin D., a United States Senator from the State of 139 92 196 133 57 Kline, Allan B., president, American Farm Bureau Federation; ac- companied by Frank Woolley, legislative counsel, American Farm McKerrow, Gavin W., National Milk Producers Federation__ Meek, J. H., director, division of markets, Virginia Department of Opsahl, Paul W., president, South Dakota Farmers Union, Huron, Pollock, Dr. James K., former member, Hoover Commission__ Rusk, Dr. H. P., dean and director emeritus, College of Agriculture, 190 194 192 Sanders, J. T., legislative counsel, the National Grange......... Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by- Anderson, Hon. Clinton P., a United States Senator from the State of Excerpt from statement before the National Reorganization Conference of the Citizens Committee for the Hoover Report, Washington, D. C., December 13, 1949. Appendix A-Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953-Department of Agriculture (authority similar to that in effective plans for Excerpt from Reorganization Act of 1949. 151 Excerpts from Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953. 150 Excerpts from Studies of Administrative Management in the 152 Except from talk before the Graduate School of the Department 155 147 140 142 Excerpts from the Hoover Commission's Report on General Man- Memorandum No. 1320, Supplement 1-Revised administrative grouping of department agencies, March 10, 1953......... Chart Organization of the United States Department of Agriculture, revised March 10, 1953. Memorandum No. 1320-Administrative grouping of Depart- Chart-Organization of the United States Department of Dirksen, Hon. Everett M., a United States Senator from the State of Ellis, Clyde T., executive manager, National Rural Electric Coopera- Excerpts from Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953. 104 88, 90 88 Resolution opposing Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953 by 87 11 Hoover, Hon. Herbert, letter to Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Excerpt from statement of former Secretary of Agriculture Excerpt from statement of Senator Edward J. Thye, re Reorgani- 127 Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by-Continued Humphrey, Hon, Hubert H., a United States Seuator from the State Excerpts from the Congressional Record (81st Cong., 2d sess.) re Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1950. Table United States Department of Agriculture, legal basis of Johnston, Hon. Olin D., a United States Senator from the State of Excerpt from Louisville Courier-Journal, April 23, 1953.. Excerpts from Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1950- Letter from E. H. Agnew, president, South Carolina Farm Bureau, Inc., to Senator John L. McClellan, April 29, 1950--- Letter from Ezra T. Benson, Secretary of Agriculture, to Senator Olin D. Johnston, April 20, 1953- Letter from Senator Olin D. Johnston to Hon. Ezra T. Benson, Letter from Senator Olin D. Johnston, to Hon. Ezra Taft Benson, Kerr, Hon. Robert S., a United States Senator from the State of Kline, Allan B., president, American Farm Bureau Federation; accompanied by Frank Woolley, legislative counsel, American Farm Excerpts from Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953- Meek, J. H., director, division of markets, Virginia Department of Quotations from Food Crisis, published in 1943 by Roy F. Hendrickson, Director, United States Food Distribution Murray, Hon. James E., a United States Senator from the State of Excerpt from a United Press dispatch, reporting a meeting of Excerpt from Notice General-101, placed in the Congressional Excerpt from the Louisville Courier-Journal, April 23, 1953--- Rusk, Dr. H. P., dean and director emeritus, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois, and member of the Agricultural Task Force of the (Hoover) Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch Excerpt from committee report presented to National Conference of PMA, held in St. Louis, Mo., December 6-9, 1948- Suggested addition to Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1950- Russell, Hon. Richard B., a United States Senator from the State of Excerpts from Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1950 and Reorgani- 20-22 Excerpt from Senate Report 1566 (81st Cong., 2d sess.), on Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1950-- Excerpts from the Reorganization Act of 1949- Smith, Hon. Margaret Chase, a United States Senator from the State Chart Organization of the United States Department of Agri- Excerpt from Public Law 109 (81st Cong.). 37 Facing 50 |